South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 11 April 1900, page 7



Mr. Malcolm Murray, a son of Mr. A. B. Murray, of Adelaide, Manager of the Wirrabara Station, left home yesterday about noon, and did not return by evening. The sta-

tion hands, friends, and relations being anxious about him, instituted a search. This morning his body was found in a water hole near the station. An inquest was held to-day at the Wir-rabara Station by Mr. W. Wilson, Coroner, and Jury, Mr. J. Milhinch being Foreman, on the body of Malcolm Murray. From the evidence it appears that Mr. Murray arrived home yesterday morning, after being away for some days. He had a shave and went out into the lucerne paddock to have a shot with one of the station men. He re-turned home, and stayed about the house as usual. He had his dinner and then dis-appeared. A search was immediately in-stituted and kept up all night unsuccessfully by all hands on the station. About 11.30 this morning George Mackie found a coat, vest, and tie near the dam about a mile from the station. The body was in the dam in about 4 ft of water, only the crown of the head being visible. Mackie brought it to the bank, and it was afterward removed to the station residence. M.C. Pethick and

Dr. Cook, from Laura, were sent for. Dr. Cook examined the body, and found that the carotid artery on the right side of the neck had been severed, causing death in a few seconds. It is supposed that deceas-ed walked into the water before committing the deed. The Jury found that deceased came to his death by a deep wound in the throat, self-inflicted. Much sympathy is expressed on all sides for the relatives of the deceased. The funeral will take place to-morrow at the Wirrabara Cemetery.