Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Friday 14 March 1919, page 6



_,_ .. _ under this headlntr must be oatt» an ti ra I r>d by the name and adilrea» of the sender, and are inserted at a charge of Two Shillings and Slarptnce each' when not cxceedins Ora Bee»; over flve line» Sixpence per line,

advertisements hi «bien a Funeral an Desama ia made are tí*ac*-cd for aa if the

,Death and Funeral were separate a-nnonncarment»,

iiasaly:-The mir« mum char-re of 2/6 ia each


la Mnanriai-a and laa-arth advertt«erncoU eot-Ulnlng , ifjeieaca to atore than one deceased are charged

S/6 each far each vW-eased aieotiorrod, aa it they ajar« distinct end separate snittunccmenta,


LOWER.-On the 25th February, at William street, Broken Hill, the wife of Rupert Lower,

cneniMt--« ana.

KaUEUK.-On the atti Xarcli, at "Moora,* CJeare.. to Mr. end Mrs. E. Kraebe-a daughte-r.

CONNELLY.-On the 1.1t!i Mardi, at Quambi Sitming Jtt-ajae, Xorth Adelaide, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Connolly, «f *u*Un«t*-n-rontl, KUkeony-a djuan. ter. «ota wen.

.. SffAPPfSflgg

GUNDERSEN--HANCOCK.- On the 14th Feb

ruary, at the Congregational Church, Mount Lofty,

by the Rev. A. W, Gordon, assisted by the Rev. T. P. Willason, Thor, second son of Mrs. Gunder-

sen, ''Matlock Bank," Christchurch, New Zealand, to Mary Maynard, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lipson Hancock, "Kennedya," Wallaroo Mines.

BAKER-FRASER.-On the 4th March, at «Hat Caneca, Kadina, Lesley John, third son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Baker, of Kangarilla, to ' Beaate Psalina, secacd tlaiatfiter of Mr. and Mrs.

J. .nain, Ijgnhicl. Fntcot address, Sntnrtoavn.

AGETT-LEDWITT.-On the 6th February, at

the Pro-Catlhederal, B.H.. bv tua LortMtip Jrr.

Warder,Arthur, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Agett, Iron Knob. S.A.. to Catherine, f-Hlest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ledwitt, BJW


IURBB-ÎVi'J.VKK.-On tît* 11th .Varch, UM, at tee bride*» parena, by the Bear. J. II. Tre \*qnow. James, only »on of the late Janies Harris, Hawker's Creel-, Kapunda, to Martha, fifth daush ' ter of Adam Wcnltc, Bethel, near Kapunda. Pre-

sent »gYlreo--Spring Farm, Kapunda,

V BH*r-VAX DAMME.-On the 14th March,

?( ISM, at St. OeorseV. Woodforde, by the new A.

; Ist-Ñser, John B_ fourth »on of the late Francis Wiley, Oa-a'cr, to Gertrude? M., ^oungmt (laugh ter of the late V. I., van Damme, of Melbourne. tVaaia* aeoTexx, "Yeîkie,"! Cldaml-o-renuc, Dai-ries.'


. HfXM-HnXBIZll>.-Hie en^rEmcnt is an nooncsit of Ida Isobel Mary, aacond dau_trter of at. and lira. Sidney Roarc, of Adelaide, Ute of Wendooree*. Ballarat, Victoria, to Lieut. Jack H. .as^cbell (Sith BattaTJon, JUJ.). second son of /Shs. and the late Alexander Mitchell, late of the

, Odian OMI Service. . 73E74s74

itAWraUt-aUItSBAUi.-The enjraa-cmeot ia . *.M»ear M1 at Baby OUdys, second daughter of Mr.

«ad Mr«. James Sanford, of May-sta-cet, Sandwdl. , .sear Birt ashs» I. «ad Brace, third »on of Mr. and

tia*. W. IfJ-rabalL of Murry Bridge.


' * -tU.4aC.-On the -JOth July. 101S rprearlowly re

" felted a-aasinc Mr*- reported killel .n action),

5s. «SA. Private K. A. Clark, Kith Battalion, nearly beloved husband of Hil.ia Clark-, ol Nail* .worth, leaving: ara little children. Hi» duty 'nobly »lone. t_


;; B»B«VIXX--On the *12th" March, at his tate, ¿fasei-e». Glendore, Joan Borlacc, relict of Elizv . VVíth nena», leaving four sons, one, Jim, still .' -*e>?» service, and two daughters, age 80

.'*».».. Bast after weerta*».

A'VKKOOE.-On the'13th March, at hi» resi Iteece, "MmAtook," lln-rbasstreet, Miie-Entl, Wil "* nan».'tan beloved husband of Lavinia Vcrooe, aged

tf yens.

t.VUi&OS.-On the 7tl; Slarcli. at Lincoln Cot - tate. Hoe; Bar, Sxtcy, beloved daughter oí Tilomas - anti Mary Wlllaon, tind elliott grand-daugbtor of

Mrs. B-tJderick, Ga» 1er, aged 10 .tears and 3 , ttlPTrtha,

' JOSBS.-OB the 7th March, at Gumeracha, Bur

aard. atys»; second dearb-lowtl -nu of B. au J ..; Wallssa Jones, aged 1 year 10 mouths.

' HYDet-On the 10th March, at his san-in

ItVs (A. C. Xorris) residence, Port Clinton, laTean Hyde, aged SS years and 7 mouths. A corsaist of 72 jean. At rest.

KKUtAWAY.-On the 13th March, at his re.-i deaoc, Miller-street, Xorth Unley, Joseph, the be lovad anaband of Mary Jane KeUaatay, aged X


MACASA,-On the l«h Varch, at Ad*!aide, William Alexander Macara, husband of the late» Ade'aid» Clayton Macara.

.J^EBCCSOX.-On the 10th March, of pernicious SSa.mli.- Charles James, dearlv loved husband oXF. B. Fer-rusou (nee alaaaslip). Flinders View, Çryctal Brook. A most patient sufferer at rest. AjeVl 471.

STAXTON".-On ,bo 13th Slarcli, at the resi-dence of his daatrhter (Mrs. G. IL Ka now). Ed-ward Stanton, ag-.-d SO years, 7 children, SI'grandchildren, and IS grcat-irruodcliLldrcti.


ÏLlTOTBa.-In loving- memorj* of our dear »on apa- brother. Homard Sidnrv, killed in a.t.on, Jfarch U 1S17.

So* the heroes are returning-, dear Howard,

And victory is won:

\ Ko one ttuoas hotv onr hctrt« are achiuj,

" To think you trill never r tnic.

-lu-ttrtrd bv his mrroaint; parent«, idstcrs and li-others. A, and K. Ilat-chcr ami fxiuly, "\.r B'iua.