Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Thursday 25 September 1902, page 2

FUNERAL NOTICES THE Friends of the late THOMAS EBENEZER HARRISON are respectfully informed that his REMAINS will be Removed from his late Resi-dence, Ruthven street, North Kensington, THIS DAY (Thursday), at 3 p.m., for Interment in the Payneham Cemetery. No flowers. GEO. DOWNS & SON, Undertakers. THE Friends of the late Mrs. MARY RYAN, relict of the late John Cooper Ryan, are re-spectfully informed that her FUNERAL will Leave the Residence of her Son-in-law (Mr. J. A. Brae-den), Alberga, Whitmore square, on THURSDAY, at 3.45 p.m., for the Catholic Cemetery, West terrace. J. B. SIEBERT & SONS, Telephone 862. Undertakers and Embalmers.

M1NINQ TVANHOE JUNCTION GOLDMINING COMPANY. A ? NO LIABILITY. NOTICE-ii hereby given that the FOURTEENTH ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of Shareholders in the above Company will be held at the Office ot the Company, Plrie Chambers, Pirie street, Ade laide, on THURSDAY, September 25. 1902, at 12 noon. Business. To receive the Directors' and Mine Manager's Reports and Balance Sheet. To elect Three Directors, in the place of Messrs. A. D. Handyside. M.P., A. McDonald, M.I',, and E. G. S. Uren, wlio retire in accordance with the Articles of Association, and who, being eligible, offer themselves for reelec tion. To elect Two Auditors, in the place ol Messrs Wm. Keill and E. S. Hushes, who, beinft eligible, offer themselves for re-election. And for the transaction of any other ordinary business. WALTER D. REED, Secretary. 26 Pirie Chambers, Pirie street, Adelaide, September 17, 1002. ? a261,S. rpARCOOLA NORTH OOLDMININR SYN'bf X CATE, NO LIABILITY. ' NOTICE is hereby Riven that a CALL, the Fifth (oth) of ONE PENNY (Id.) per Shore, lias been made upon all Shares in the abovenamed Com pany, numbered from 1 to 60000, and is payable at the Bolstered Office of the Company, No. 2 Mutual Life Chambers, Grenfell street, Adelaide, on Wednesday, the 8th day of October, 1902. By order of the Board, JAMES COUNSELL, Secretary. Adelaide. September 24, 1902. ? 568,81 THE TARCOOLA ENTERPRISE GOLDMINING CO.. N.L. NOTICE is hereby given that all SHARES for-feited for non-payment of the FIRST CALL of Threepence (3d.) per Share, due September 10, 1902, will be offered for sale at public auction bv E. S. Hughes in the Vestibule of the Stock Exchange of Adelaide, on FRIDAY, 3rd day of October, 1902, at 2.30 p.m. By order of the Board, JOHN MOULE, Secretary. Adelaide, September 24, 1902. Shares may be redeemed up to 4 p.m. on the day preceding the Sale. N.B.— The Vestibub of the Stock Exchange is open to the Public for the purposes of this Sale. mHE TASMANIA* SHALE AND OIL COMPANY, 1 NO LIABUJTY. . NOTICE is hereby given that all SHARES for feited for non-payment of 2ND CALL of 5/ per Share on all Contributing Shares issued, to provide for the completion of the purchase of the S'rcchold I.and from Bank of Van Diemen's Land, Limited, such Shares being comprised in those numbered from 8181 to 10000 inclusive, due August 13, 1902, -will be offered for sale at public auction tt the Registered Office of the Company, on MONDAY, October 0, 1902, at 12.30 p.m. By order of the Board, J. S. SCOTT, Secretary. Universal' Buildings, Grehrcll street, Adelaide, .September 24, 1002.' 268,70 PRINCESS .ROYAL GOLDMIN1NG COMPANY^ .; '' NO LIABILITY. NOTICE OF DIVIDEND. ' .'. NOTICE is hereby given that a DIVIDEND (the 16th) of ONE SHILLING per Share has been de clared,- Cue anil payable at the Bank of Adelaide, Adelaide, on WEDNESDAY, October 15, 1902. 'TRANSFER BOOKS Close for the purpose of such Dividend from the Gtli to 11th October, both days inclusive. Dated at Adelaide this 10th day of September, 1P92. ' By order of the Board, 254,61,8,81,8 . ? A. II. SCARFE, Secretary. THE OUTALPA PROPRIETARY GOLDMINING SYNDICATE, NO LIABILITY (IN LIQUIDA- . C T1ON). CREDITORS of the abovenamed Company are required, on or before ths.lSth day of October, 1802, to SEND.tlieir Names and Addresses and PARTICULARS of r their DEBTS . or , CLAIMS .to me, the undersigned, -Liquidator*, of. the Company, and if so required 'by notice in. writing from me are to come in and prove their Debts or Claims, at aicli time aud place as shall be specified by such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded, from .the benclit or any distribution made before such Debts are proved.. Dated the 17th day of September, 1902. » ... JOHN S. SCOTT, Liquidator. f Universal Buildings, Grenfell street, Adelaide. THE OUTALPA PROPRIETARY GOLDMINING SYNDICATE, NO LIABILITY (IN LIQUIDATION). : TENDERS will be received up to and including October 11 next for the PURCHASE of the GOLD LfcASBS (about 135 Acres) of the above Company, situated near Olary, with all Mining Plant, Mate mis, Stores, &c, now thereon. Inventory with conditions and forms of Tender forwarded on application. No Tender necessarily accented. ' „ ,„ ' -T. S. SCOTT, Liquidator. Grenfell street, Adelaide, September 17, 1902. - ? 261,8 ^pHE BAST MEXICAN GOLDMINING COMPANY. The 10,000 unissued Shares in this Company, nominally paid up to 10 shillings, are offered pro rata— that is, one for each- live Shares now held to present Shareholders on payment of (y, a Bnarc for application and allotment, and a further lia bility of 9 shillings and 6 paicc a Share, which may be called up as required from time to time. APPLICATIONS, with Application and Allotment Fee, must be in by October 7, 1902, and when Scrip 'held in not in the holder's name it should also accompany the application, and be put in for transfer. By order of the Board, , ? N. S. GUNNERSEN, Legal Manager. Adelaide, September 17, 1002. 261h75 REEDY CREEK MINE (OR KJTTICOOLA), PALMER. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up till noon of OCTOBER 15, 1902, for the PUR CHASE of the above MINE and MACHINERY. The Lease comprises 531 Acres, held wider very favourable conditions. Full reports on the Mine and workings are available. The Machinery, which will be sold either as a whole orin lots to suit purchasers, consists of 20 head Battery, with driv ing Engine, Boiler, Pumps, 4c, complete. Con centrati o Plant. ,lig, Uockbreaker, Rolls. Wilfley Table, and Vanner complete, with Pulleys, &c. Winding and Pumping Engine and Boiler, Cornish Pnmp, Steam Winch, Tools, Sheds, kc. Full par ticulars with reports on the Property can be seen by applying to .Mr. Cullingworth, at tiie Mine, who will Ire pleased to show Intending purchasers the. property, or to the undersigned. ? No Tender necessarily accepted. C. R. ANNELLS, Howard Smith Chambers, King William street; or C. A. RING, Royal Exchange. . Adelaide, September 15, 190*. ? ? 258mh68,7S,9,82 OOMPANIE8 AND SOCIETIES D&iW. MURRAY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that the TRANS FER ;BOOKS of the Company, will be closed from the i 1st to the 15th October, 1902 (both days inclusive) preparatory topayment of Dividend on the 15th. 268,70,3 A. M. PETTINGER, Secretary. rriHE NORTH QUEENSLAND BREWING COM 11 PANY, LIMITED. ? NOTICE is hereby given that the REGISTERED OFFICE of THE NORTH QUEENSLAND BREW ING COMPANY, LIMITED, has been Removed to the Office of Mr. F. E. ANDREWS, CLIFTON CHAMBERS, No. 22 CURRIE STREET, ADE LAIDE, and that such Office is open to and acces sible to the Public on every day of the week (excepting Sundays and Public Holidays) from 10 o'clock a.m. to 4 o'clock p.m., eictpt on Satur days, when the hours will be from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Dated this twenty-fourth day of September 1902. ' ? F. E. ANDREWS, Secretary. TVSE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN FARMERS' CO .i-' ' OPERATIVE UNION, LIMITED. -NOTICE is hereby- given that a CALL of ONE SHILLING (1/) per Share on all issued Shares not fully paid up in the above Company was made on the 10th day of September, 1902, and is pay able at the Registered Office of the Company, Franklin street, Adelaide, on or before the 7th day of October, 1902. By order of the Board, For the S.A. Farmers' Co-operative Union, Ltd., E. GRAHAM, Secretary. Adelaide, September . 15, 1902. 259'0Sv77 MEDICAL AWAKE MAN. AWAKE WOMAN. PROFESSOR L. F..C0SKY, the greatest Magnetic Healer ot modern times, from Philadelphia, U.S. of America, has come to show the Public of Australia what Man, Mind, and Body can do. I cure all- kind of diseases without use of medicine. Long standing diseases or diseases given up by doctors preferred. Con sultation free! One trial will convince you. Diseases cured in the shortest possible time. Office hours, 9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. 177'268 No. 42 East terrace, ''off Pirie street ilDlAT AfflVVf ITBBuirecKWBomAcmS ~~ M. ? SUSUOi. Ttnrti h ws cawwaBTm cpmb JL- ? DYBBCTBBT. f^OBtt^rsCULUUUDkllt CUBES ? . ? . . com. Tounaus-s GBUwbrttaUfctTini ? ? ? ? PBVML MiiiuifRciuMHwnaDocraS ? I! ? PraoilMlb TOMEMAS-B CULOBODfrWBlWTtt ? - ? Bt witkeut it jTEHMAN'S CHMBODYNE^~SXVKD~ J* ? _________ CeanHan Li»_t yUMIUXS -WJMbto-Tl!liKMMCUO}-B~ flLnaiilhi -MjmiiAil^^^ 2KSSM— HV:(l_M_US93nt TUX / ? . . ? ? :?? --a — 'rL,

?DUOATION PRINCE ALFKI COLLEGE, KENT TOWN, NBAB ADELAIDE, Head Mtfter FREDERIC CHAPPLE..B.A., B.Sc. (London). Prospectus and all information can be obtained from the Head Master at the College, or from ti, S. COTTON, Hon. See., 23Hhscv Queen's Chambers, Pirie street. TC. HA YWARD, - Leading Coacli for Exams., East terrace, will Reopen 29th. Passes 100 per cent, last Pharmacy and Police Exams, 268'70 Semaphore Collegiate School. (until recently conducted by Mr. Caterer and the late Mr. Macklin). Principal— JOnN F. HILLS, M.A. Assisted by Mrs. Alice Hills, B.Sc., for some time Inspector of State Schools and Instructor of Domestic Economy for S. Australia, who will per sonally superintend the Boarding Establishment. Next Quarter Begins October 1. Evening Classes formed on application. For Prospectus, &c, apply Mrs. Hills, New man street, Semaphore. 266ths31 st. john's grammar school, Halifax street east; Miss A. H. LOESSEL. having taken over this School, will Begin the New Term OctobcY 1. , . ?' ' 267'8,70,3'* Methodist Ladies' College, Malm PRESENT TERM, July 13 to September 26. HEAD MISTRESS, .Miss E. G. EDESON, M.A., and an efficient Teaching Staff. Send to the Secretary (28 Waymouth street, Adelaide) for Illustrated Booklet, containing com plete information about the College. Over 100 per cent, increase in Pupils this term. Pupils enrolled at any date by arrangement with the .Head Mistress. 219hl0,49,56,01,3,6,8,70,3 MISS AYLIFFE'S CLASSES 91 GUILDERS STREET, N. ADELAIDE. Fourth Term Begins Tuesday, October 7, 1902. Only a limited number of Pupils received. Students may attend for Single Subjects. All preparation done under supervision. Flrysical Culture daily. Special coaching undertaken. Jliss Ayliffe at home, mornings, till September 26 and after October i. 2_7thsc MU1RDEN COLLEGE CURRIE CHAMBERS, CUBRIE STREET. 1\VMUIRDEK,/Priticipal. Day and evening Instruction in Shorthand; Book keeping, Accountancy, Typewriting, Arithmetic, English, fco. ? Candidates coached in Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Commercial 'Arithmetic, Geogdphy, and Correspondence Tor the University Commercial Exam. :- ' ?' ' ' ' . Country students taught by correspondence. , Classes for ladies in all business subjects daily, . College is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Quarter begins at any time. 2i2ths*0.« mHE SEW SHORTHAND.-Our Examiners and ?-*?- Tutors are in attendance daily from 8 a.m. to S p.m., at the Studio, or at any School, Office, or Town by appointment. A ten minutes' lesson is sufficient. Terms— 21 Lessons for 21/ to report ing completion; !-/ the flnt lesson (or 2/C the first and 2/6 the second), and 1/ nor lesson till 21/ be paid. No books to buy. We prefer to re turn the money if pupil cannot write perfect Shorthand after the second lesson. Studio— Oppo-site the Savings Bank, Adelaide. 239c p 0 V N T It Y . P U P I L ,S. Distance is ho object, as the New Shorthand is as easy as A B C, and may be TAUQUt BY POST. v, A Lessen Book accompanies each Lesson, and postage must be paid by Pupil both ways. Letter, of enquiry will not be answered unless the post age be prepaid. The New Shorthand is the simplest yet invented, and the great beauty of it is its legibility to be read when written. 241'70 'VT1HE NEW SHORTHAND' is so very easy to -*- learn, and is totally different from the OLD-FASHIONED SYSTEMS, which tike yeajs to master,- and necessitate costly books. Owing to applications from all parts of Aus tralasia and N.Z., NEW SHORTHAND STUDIOS will be opened out forthwith at Melbourne, Syd ney. Brisbane, and Perth. the Staff will be selected from the most pro mising Pupils, and intending applicants should register at once. 267'S9 Xjrr a Y CO L h e o E. ..The Next Term Commences October 7, 1902, Boarders will return op. Monday, October 6. Day Pupils on Tuesday, .October 7, at 9 o'clock. Parents of Pupils may'liitcrview the Principal at the College 'it ahJr'Hfln'6' on Monday, Octo ber C. . . : Pupils are prepared for the University, Schoel of Mines, Civil Service, and other Examinations. Prospectus from the Principal, Way College, Wayville. 265'0iv ST. PETEffS COLLEGE. Head Master-Rey. HENRY GIRDLESTONE, M.A. ? Prospectus and all information relating to Feet, numerous Scholarships, &c, may be obtained from the Head Master, at the School, or from the Secre tary, National Mutual Buildings, King William street, Adelaide. A. E. II. EVANS, Secretary and Bursar. ? 204W1C INSURANCE NOTICES NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY. (Established 1707), With which is amalgamated the Fire Insurance Business or the SOOTH AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. Losses by Lightning, whether Property be set on Fire thereby or not, ate covered. office-national mutual buildings, next bank of adelaide, 89 king William street, Adelaide. Board of Advice— Francta U. Snow, Esq.,' J.P. (Chairman), William Shierlaw, Esq., J.P., f. W. Bullock, Esq., J.P., and A. G. Downer, Esq. Lowest current ntes on ill descriptions of pro perty. Claims settled promptly and liberally 85thsc * B. A. PAXTON, Local Manager. THE VICTOEIA INSUEANCE COMPANY, LTD. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BRANCH. OFFICES-GRENFELL BUILDINGS, GRENFELL STREET (near corner Freeman street). LOCAL DIRECTOBa HENRY RVMILL, laq. PETER WOOD, fUq. FIRE, MARINE, and GUARANTEE RISKS ac cepted at Lowest Current Etta. Lobs or Damage by Lightning covered. WILLIAM CAMraiLL, lOflthsc . Beridsnt Secretary. ThelndepenW Onlir of Foresters Fraternal Life Assurance Society. HEAD OFFICE-TORONTO, CANADA. THE BEST SOCIETY IN EXISTENCE FOR LIFE ASSURANCE, DISABILITY, OLD AGE, AND SOCIAL BENEFITS. Established 1SK. DR. onONYATEKHA, M.D., General Manager. Membership over 200,000. Benefits Ptid, over £2,300,000. ? Accumulated Funds, ever £1,162,000. , Policies from £100 to £1,000 issued to Men and Women at the sane ntes. l.O.F. Policies (premiums as below) secure (1) Assurance payable at death; (2) Payment to the Member on Total rrmiwl Disablement of halt the sum assured, with (3)' Other half paid to bete -m death of the Men. ber, and (4) Exemption from pmsfasa ptyiig after neh difltblexnent; (5) Termination of prcain pajiif, in air emt, 1 at 70 years of age, aid (6) A Member disabled wfctiljr ea secant of Oil Age has the right to xcdre, lo long as Una disabled, a, tenth of to* (Ban assured, aasaally. till exhausted (in case of earlier dnto any balance is paid to the heirs), with (7) The option of converting this benefit Into tie 'Old Age Pension and Burial Benefit' Total Monthly Payments on' a Policy for £200 at the following ages:— Age. 6. d. Aee. si d.. Age. b. d. IS .,4 5 28 *. 5 8 45 „ on 23 .. 4 10 35 .. 7 0 61 .. n fl And at all other aget up to M at correspond ing rates. Fullest information etn be obtained on asslkaw. tion to D. H. GRIFFIN, '^ MANAGER FOR SOOTH AUSTRALIA 29 GRENFELL ST.. ADELAIDE. Telephone UK 182thsc the south British' FIRE AND MARIIIE INSURANCE (Ml SUR80RIMD OAftTAL, II.NMH PAID-UP CAPITAL AND RKMRVIt, ADELAIDE DMECTORS. H. C. E. MUECKE, Esq., Cfeainnmn. ' W..R. CAVE, Esq. A.E.pALL»E»q. iTk UPTON, Mtaager. ^ prtimv&mL cHAHBjEiiL.jainRLii

PfMOMt WANTIO fwrteen words in 'The Register' and 'The Even ing Journal' SIXPENCE, prepaid. (A' lady Companion for evenings; engaged,' ???*? or partly so, during day; comfortable home in pleasant suburb, close to City. Address, Home, Post Office, Norwood. ? a2C7'-9 AGENCY.— Clerk (youth), familiar with east ern suburbs preferred; references. . Colli vcr Bros., Norwood. Telephone 112. 267c BUTCHERS' FAT.— Carter wanted to collect, with good connection amongst butchers. R. C. A., Register Office. 268'9 . GOVERNESS, over 20, teach English, Music, help Ecwinj. Apply W, A. Long, Clair vale, Undalya. GOVERNESS, R.C. (country), General, Nuree (west), Cooks, Generals (wash), Lady Helps. Mim Judge, Grenfell street. ?RESPECTABLE Housekeeper, able cook . and -tw wash for family. Apply W. A. Long, Clairvale, Undalya. STENOGRAPHER and Typewriter for Remington wanted; must be «£; none other flced apply. Brevity, this office, jlX7 ANTED, a person by the da), Pew ing; ''» one wlio is able to make Children's Dresses. Apply Mrs. Howell, Canadian House, Watsou avenue, Rose Park. ' TT7ANTED, a Housemaid, for the country; refe ;TT; rences required, Apply to Mrs. Charles An gas, Brougham place, North Adelaide. , .ax WANTED at once, Office tioy witli previous ex perience in Solicitor's Office. Apply by letter only to Iiakcwell, Stow, & Piper, Solicitors, ' Ade laide. ? 287'8P WANTED, Four Shearers, must be good and fast; an average of o\er 2,000 sneep per man; pay, 14/ hundred and keep. Apply Free Trade. Wolscley. ' 268'8 V\7iE can give Tea. Commission to Traveller re »' presenting other lines, Soiith-Easl or else where. t!5 .Cornish's Auction Rooms. SITUATIONS WANTED Fourteen words in 'The Register' and ''The Even ing Journal' SIXPENCE, prepaid. GOOD Cook, Generals, Domesticated Help, Lady Helps, young Housemaids. North Adelaide House Agency. Telephone I'M. WANTED, by respectable girl, Situation, West ern Australia, private family, or hotel. S.. L., Post Office, Rundlc street. a268.70 MIBOf LLANEOU8 WANTED Eighteen words in the Register and The Even ing Journal Is.; three insertions, 2s. Gd., prepaid. AT VICTORIA DYE WORKS, RL'NDLE STREET AND STEPHENS PLACE. Suits, Dresses, Feathers, Hsts, &c, Cleaned or Dyed. Gloves Cleaned. Good work. charges Moderate. 2&3,6,8-F. 3. SGEL0RS ft CO., \ LACE OVERS AND FRENCH CLEANERS. It'ITS CLEANED AMU DYED Vi A FEW HOUBa. THE 8TEA1H DYB WOBK8, Telephone 150. GAWLER PLACE. 205'77 By Special Appointment to their Excellencies Lord and Lady Tennyson. JNO R HUBBARD & SON, GENERAL DYERS, CLEANERS, AND FEATHER MANUFACTURERS. Hats, Lace, Gloves, Costumes, Curtains, Wool Rugs, Gents' Suits, Ostrich Feathers, Feather Boas, Fans, 4'e. No travellers employed. 189, 191 BUNDLE STREET EAST. ___i__^ ? 256tte3la WANTED TO BUY Eighteen words in The Register and The Ere* Ing Journal Is.; three insertions, 2s. Gd., prepaid. ANY QUANTITY OF SCRAP BRASS, liighesi price given. F. METTEKS, Galvanizer, Cop 4-crsmitb, kc, 142 Rundlc strtet. 226thsc A SPIDI8TRA PLANTS.— Persons having ol'l, *jl strong Clumps to sell or exchange please communicate with Gardener, Uarhpson's Adver tising Agency. 266,8,70 LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S LEFT-OFF CLOTHING Bouzht: hiehest prices given; letters attended to. Mrs. S. RosenRarten, 241 Bundle street east. 260ths77 OLD ZINC BOUGHT; highest price given. A. Simpson & Sou, Galvanizer^ Gawler place. . ? . : ... 150c WAITED TO BUT, good strong Common CA , NARIES at once. J. Foglia, Bundle street east. ..,268,70,2 WANTED, Secondhand, OIL-ENGINE, goo:l order. State.makcr, ptiyreT, price, R. A. H., G.P.O., Adelaide. ? a267'3 WANTED TO SELL Eighteen words is The Register and The Eras ing Journal 1& ; three insertions, 2s. 6d., prepaid. ALL Pianos specially made and designed to our order. Kuhnel's, Rundle street 124thsczva AN Attractive Display of Bargains in Boots and Shoes at our Sale. HUNTER'S BOOT PALACE, Rundle ptrect, next Arcade. 251cz A Perfect FaradiBe of Pianos at Kuluiel's, Run dle street. 124thsczra ? A LL Visitore to the Show should Visit our Sale A- of Boots, and secure some of the many Bar gains. HUNTER'S BOOT PALACE. 251ci ASK OUR AGEKIS lor . BEST BUTT LEATHER CUT HALF-SOLES, branded thus— F.B.C. ? Sold Everywhere. ? 223c: AN Indispensable Instrument is the Wonderful Gors & Kallman Piano at Kuhnel's, Bun dle street. 124tbtczra' BEEKEEPERS.— J. J. DRAGE & SON, First avenue, St. Peters, Manufacturers and Apiarian Supply Dealers. All Implements required in Bee Culture kept in stock. Bees and Beeswax bought. ? 2Uc. TIE UP TO DATE AND GET SELF-PLAY INCOME PIANO. You CAN PLAY IT OR IT WILL PLAY FOE YOU. ALEX. COLLINS, ARCADE AND MILE-END. 207tbac BIG REDUCTION in HEALY'S BOOTS. Must make room for Spring Good*. 12 Brown sc; 3 Bundle St. a225c BRASS BAND Instruments, Brass Band Music, School Piccolos, Flutes, Violins; wonderful value. B. Correll, Importer, Flinders street. ? lSathsc /CANADIAN Wonder Beans, MAIZE; also, Nine \J ty-Days Maize. E. & W. Hackett, Bundle St., Adelaide. a2€7'9 CHEAP COOKING. The Most Economical Gas Store on aarth, THE DOUGLAS GAS SAVER STOVE. It will Cook a M«l tor One Penay. COME AND SEE IT. F £ -WR IV &, GOikS, ' M PULTENEY STREET. ISSthao CHEAP M EAT. Hind-qr., 3Jd.; Fore-qr., 3d.; Side Lamb, 4/6. At STAKEB & JACKSON'S, 270 Pirie, 340 Car rington stoatta. Shops east. Coupons given. CHEAP MEAT.— Prime Mutton— Hindquarter, 3d,; Porcquarter, 2J&; Chops, 4d. A. W. Iran, Wayjnmrth street. 20370 /*1OME in out of the cold and Bur our Ladies' KJ Felt Slippere, Felt Soles, price 1/11. Ad dress F.B.O., 78 Bundle street 116c _'1UT this out and send to us with 1/, and yea \J will receive by return of post a pair of White Felt Balmorals or 1 Bar Shoes, sixes 0. 1, 2, S. Adtets F.B.C., 78 Bundle street. 110a TIBOCGHT-BESISTING LUCERNE SEED, speci U ally selected, choice quality. Plant now en sure suraer fodder. Norman, Bank street. ? ? ? 2S7'fl, ?TkBUMMOND'S Coffee for quality and price dial JL/lenje comparison, 1/ and upwards. Gawler pi ? ? gJStbac D I A MO N D (Brand) TOBACCO, QD. PLUG; Q/ LB. Otacapot and Best yet ' Produced. States Agents-^ WM. CORNELL & CO.. BUNDLE 3TKEET. 224thK DRCKMOND'S PlavOOrfBg Tws are unsurpassed, 1/9, if, aiKi 2/3 per ft. Gawler place. , ? S42thac XVCTBA Choice Flowery Orange Pekoe, 7/6 V-. El Drwnmn-H. flawte1 place, Adelaide. ? ? ? ____so_ FOR SALE, GENTLEMAN'S TURNOUT, fine, strong, upstanding Dart Bay Gelding, 6 years, trot 14 miles hour; and Buggy, by Barlow Bros.; to be offered John Bull, To-morrow iTsALE, IRON SAFE, 24 in. 'high; cheap; good as new. Malcolm Reid, Franklin street. ? , 268,70,3 TJV)R Streagth and Timor try our 1/6 Cocoa. J Dp— wd, Qareter place. t»2thao IVDHV Au in uni»waaBy acecptrt at InstmnMb unequalled for wnartnfu. a_4 MM)^:^ea^J(aW:|.ar« Joie inportaav

WANTED TO HLi Eighteen words in The Bcgifter aai Tb« 2wa* ing Journal Is. ; three ioRrtlOBi, 2s.' ti.\ prepaid. FIRE, FIBE^FIREWOOD. J. THOMAS, S3 BROWN STREET, CITY. FUEL MERCHANT, having NO CONNECTION with any CLUB OB SO CIETY for the purpose of keeping high prices, is determined to Sell his Goods at' any price be de sires on and after this date, June 2, 1902. Per ton. 1 ton. i ton. cwt Cut Malice or Roots .. .. 18/ 9/S 4/0 1/ Sheaoak ? 15/ 8/ 4/3 J/ Gum and Sheaoak .. .. 13/ 6/9 3/9 lid Household Coal ,. .. „ 30/ 16/ 0/ 2/ ' - Bag. Cas Coke ? 25/ 13/ 0/9 1/8 CHARCOAL, BY BAG .. - - - 1/6 One Shilling per Ton less by taking delivery at the Yard. One Shilling per Ton extra for Wood CARRIED or WHEELED from the Dray in de livering. North Adelaide and near Suburbs 1/ per Ton extra, quantities not less than half-ton. These prices must be Cash to the driver on de livery in all cases. Postal and Telephoned Orders promptly attended to. Address J. THOMAS, Fuel Merchant, 63 Brown street, City. Telephone No. 1101. 162c FIREWOOD. S. tt O~O R E, NORTH UNLEY. Malice and Roots, 10/ per ton, 0/9 per. half-ton. AH Dry Peppermint (better than sheaoak), 14/ per ton, 7/6 per half-ton. « Ehcbak,* Peppermint, and Gum mixed, 14/ per ton, 7/3 r*r half-ton. These prices are for cash only. Telephone 432. Bhnwfc 'pi O II SALE, CHEAP. C'ROSSLEY OIL ENGINE, 12J h.p. 'JL\RSEY,' 'BUCKEYE,' 'FABMERS' FA VOURITE' DRILLS. VERTICAL BOILEB nnd ENGINE, I and 6 h.p. 'HORNSBY' BINDER. All Secondhand in good order. * THE AUSTRALASIAN IMPLEMENT CO., North terrace. 220mwfc GALVANIZED CORRUGATED STEEL TANKS, CHEAPEST IN ADLEAH)E, AT T. D A WSON'S, PLUMBER, 128 WAYMOUTH STREET. Hade of 24-gauge Steel, Double Riveted, and Soldered inside and out, with Taps. Guaranteed. 200 gallons, £1 17/; 400 gallons, £2 12/;, SCO trsllons, £3 12/0; S00 gallons, £4 2/0; 1,000 gallons, £4 17/6. 73tbsa3 KOKORJL, a delicious Cocoa, 1/ 1b. Drum mond, Gawler place, Adelaide. 242thsc 'Lawes' Superphosphate. Seduced price, £4 2/6 per ton. Delivery at PORT ADELAIDE, PORT PIRIE, or PORT WALLAROO early next year. ' ELDEE, SMITH, k CO., LTD., Sole Agents. 210c NATUAALIN&— NATURE'S Great Remedy tor Colouring Grey Hair. No. 1, Light Brown1;, No. 2, Dark Brown and Black Hair; 5/0; post, C/3. E. HOLLAND, 147c , Hair Specialist, Melbourne. OUR Frank Coffee is delicious. 1/10 box. Drum mond, Gawler place, Adelaide. 242thsc 1 It A S E li E Cures all Skin Diseases, Eczema, Ringworm, on head and face, and makes Hair Grow on Bald Patches; 5/; post, 0/; E. HOLLAND, 147c Hair Specialist, Melbourne. PEDIGREE JAPANESE PUPS for Sale, from 5 guineas each. , Apply Mrs, J. U. Tjthill, Koonowla, Auburn. ' $ ? 268'70 PIANOS and OrgajJ^carners, £5 to £10 6/, £10 to -15&/T £15 to £20 10/; Stutt gart Models, Uapsburg, Rolling, £1 monthly, £34 to £36 cash. Sse Christmas Number Chronicle and Observer. Academy of Music, Kensington terrace. . , . 361thso . PIANOS or Organs. ' The makes we represent i lead the world.. Kuhnel's, Bundle strtei. ? ? ? ' ' ' ? mthscCTi PIANOS! For a humble dwelling or a mansion, . Try Kuhnel's. ' ,}24thscm piANO, ALSO VIOLIN-Great Saerinee.llind -L some Upright Grand Pianoforte, quite new, Overstrung, Iron Framed, Tricord, 7J Ootaver, superior quality of tone. Also, very fine Violin, with Case and Bow complete. Great Bargains. Owner has no, further use for same, owing to re linquishing housekeeping. Both instruments are left on view at KUHNEL'S MUSIC PALACE, UUNDLE STREET, nest Plough and Harrow Hotel. ? , ? 247theczra 5piANOS (Scconahahd), £S, £10, £15, £25, i Cash, or upon Easy Terms; small deposit. Kuhnd'g Piano Palace, Bundle st. 124thsezva '/~_UEEN BEE,' of The AUSTRALASIAN, says |V» that to promote growth there is nothing more reliable than HOLLAND'S HAIR RE STORER. ? E. HOLLAND, 147c Hair Specialist, Melbourne. RAILWAY METALS For Sale, for Bolting-up Houses. Apply John Bogers, Mary street, Unlcy. ax RAZORS.— Eropp, C/6; Johnson'l,' 1/ to 7/8; Rodgers, 3/6; Bengal, 2/9; Hair Clippers, c/C Flint's, Hindley street ? 182Uucs 'E'_ HYGIENIC TANK. OVEBFLOW WASTE WATEB CLEANS YOUR ? ' TANK. No Labour required. MADE OF BEST 24-GAUGE GALVANIZED. IRON OR STEEL. H 1,000 £5 15 'O T U £00 £5 0 0 A E 600 £4 10 0 N I ? ?- 600- £3 17 0 ? l! C _ 400 £3, 7 0 -S Can quote f of rail carriage to any station in tha 6Ute-. ? J. StMONS, ' PLUMBER AND GASFITTEB, P1BD3 STREET, ? Three doors cast Pulteney street 228mhzhvl SAIOP1R 18 A CARBOLIC SAND SOAP used for scrubbing floors, tables, and woodwork of any Un it disinfects while it deanatt, No home should be without it. / AU Grocers and Storekeeper!. ? E. \ E N S, a9 KING WILLIAM STREET. AGENT. 'SSftnwfa THE Favourite Afternoon Tea, Glcnorchy Orange Pekoe, 2/6 St. Druinmond. Gawler place. 242thsD rY our 1/6 Cocoa, Flavour, Strength, and Economy. Drunimond, Gawler place. ' *242thsc TOBACCO, TOBACCO. ENTERPBISE TWIST .; .. „..„_, 3/3 1b. ENTEBPBISE NA1LR0D .. ,. .. M M 3/ lb. ENTERPBISE BLOCKS. ? _, — 4/8 lb. ENTERPRISE GOLD BAB ..««.... 6/4 lb. I.X.L. TWIST .. ? ~ .. ~ ?? 3/ lb. IX.L. NA1LROD .. ..? ,. .. .... .. .. 2/9 lb. CONFIDENCE CABLE TWIST, ' Aromatic 3/6 lb. CONFIDENCE POCKET PIECES, Aromatic 3/8 lb. nat solomons &;ca's, THE WELL-KNOWN TOBACCONISTS, * 41 and 43 ABCADE.; . . Send for Price Lists for all other Goods. ? ; 254Uisi3 THE People still say Eubnel's for High-clasa Pianos. ? 12^thacm rpHE 'Feurich' Piano is a triumph ot Piano X building. Sole Agents, Kuhnel's. ? 124thscm mo PBINTEBS.— Type Cases, trebles, uppers, and X. lowers. W. T. Bednall, Tha Begisler, Ade Hide. ? 133ct WO STOBEKEEPERS.-A clear profit of & l-3rd J- per cent, can be made on tbe sale of the F.B.O. Cut Half Soles, guaranteed Butt Leather. Write to-day. F.B.C, Gawler place. Ufc W' .A. WOOD SIDE-DELIVERY REAPER, in ? working order; very low price, Norman, Bank street. ? 267^ WANTED TO SELL, oot Dp-to-date 'BLACK-STONE' PORTABLE and STATIONARY Oli ENGINES. Clutterbuck Bros., 61-63 ' Hindley Hreet, Adelaide. ? 847c W' OKDERPUL VALUE in BOOTS at HEALT'S just now; such ridiculously low pricea. 12 Brown st; S Bundle »t. aSSc LOST AND FOUND Fourtten words in 'The Begisler' and 'The Even ing Journil' SIXPENCE, preptii LOST, Bunch Keys, Victoria squire, Kinf Wil liam street; reward. Dr. Smith, Ourr street, Goodwood. LOST, fromWalfcerrfUe, Fat Cowr reddish colour, tar braiid on wither; reward. I* Goorad. 20iic BOARD AND LODGING Fourteen words in 'The Register' and 'The Even, ing Journal' SIXPENCE, prepaid. GOOD Accommodation for Bomfcn aad VU' ton. Mrs. Wu King's Bead HoW, King WiFBrnm street. ? 2ffi,«,8 PRIVATE Sitting Boom, one. or two Bedrooms.. Mias BirryrfBrac«ta^ri»ce_-Jrortt-A-lald*. _fc_______T__o_- -i- — ??- -??»-?— srffl.

A MAMMOTH DISPLAY OF VEHIGLEg ? ? IS ON VIEW AT ' .?;?' v '? '??:':' r-rT ' R. SPENCER'S NEW SHOWROOMS, including €%RIAGE8 and BUGGIES of Every Description, also WAGONS, DRfrS, TJBOLLIES, and WHEELS. 'Jfote.'— The Prices are Right and the Tehicles are Good,, I V^N. THE EASY PERFECT n^____H_^_____SI____________f are no longer an- experiment in this _________________f___||^_______________f State. They'-haVe been thoroughly tried ^^^^^^^^fl^^H^^Bj and stood the severest tests. Can bi ^^^^^^B^^^^^Km fitted to any vehicle. ' . r. spTncer, CARRIAGE, TROLLY, AND WAGON BUILDER, STEAM WORKS AND SHOWROOMS, UNION STREET (OFF RUNDLE STREET EAST). ESTIMATES GIVE!* FOR BBPAIES. ' 259tbsE0 .? - ' Tel. 1217 MAS SWIIT & 00.3 CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS . ? IN THE STATE, CORNER -ARCADE^ AND RUNDLE STREET, AND . 61 .AND 63,^ AlNDLEY STREET. CASH OR~ TERMS. . » ^ — : — o ? We are sure we can please you, we always have pleased our Customers, and are determined to spare no pains or efforts to continue to do so. It mil be to your interest to call upon us and see for yourselves what we have to offer yon. COUNTRY CLIENTS, SEND FOR OUR LATEST HANDSOME 100 PAGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, POST FREE. . ? o ? . MAX SWIFT & 00. 262o CROOKS & BROOKER, HARDWARE MERCHANTS AND | DIRECT IMPORTERS, handling Goods of : every variety in ? J-LsltCLvusltg and Furxilture. . HOUSES FURNISHED FKOM --EXetll to Klltclien. ^WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ADELAIDE AND PORT ADELAIDE. ,. . ? 203thaac- .,;.-LIOIT TlMBEl TAIVEv' ??ntham street, Adelaide; HEAD OFFIOE, PORT ADELAIDE. B..ICH ABD. HO NlS'^ ?team Saw, Moulriln., Joinery, and Turnery Mills. GALVANIZED iRON- ««*» BM^SfoBor W1'-t \ 21 GAUGE, V POSSIBLE Coachbuilden*. Whedwrigbia', and OaUatt AE0T Allil IT_* I -.._._ inakera1 Timbers receire our Bpedal atteitioa. . m DEO I (lUALIIY. J ''CM. Well-seasoned Lot alwa/i on hanl Country Orders receive Prompt Attention. 8end for Prico-liats thacr ? ' MONEY, TIME, AND TEMPER SAVED BEST FITTING, O'O BEST WEARING, BEST VALUE, \J?S/ BEST MAKE BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS. im« am A ^ T? BUILDING MATERIALS OF EVEllf Jj y Xi sfil DESCRIPTION. ? ? «ar«u r* Boxes and Cases made np or packed Timber Mills Co. ? \ ta 8hook& Ii&rffest Stocks of well-seasoned (SIMON HARVEY). Tinib«r of ?«' mA* FlinAws St., Adtlaide, and New Dock, Port Adalaitto. ir ? , ?, r . i PURE full Nourishment, partly predigested.,aaifeKd% S^^^^^^B^_______i^ -B^^^--l _BW -A _BW ^ - J r ^E BEST FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS ;IN ALL CUMATESJ ffeST ' IN POWDER* FORM. lL CHPa. s-***TJ*l* KEEPS o^2E|^i ^theworld-i IWQEFmiTELY. ^stores. ; OROSSLEY^ jfo ENGINES! , Orer- 60,000 Ottos ia me. *Ch!^^S~'«P-* Nearly 600 in AddaHe «nd tidBi^ The meet economical and but form or motive power. Tbe ONLY 'Grand Prix'' Pull Bl-hibiUon,,I9W,i and 'First Priw,' Cardiff, 1901. . . - ^ ELECTRTO MOTOBS and LAMPS, SPLIT STEEL PULLEYS (fit Hry shafting), BAWE5 SCBEWCUTTINQ IiATHES, WOODWORKmQ HACHIKERT, &t, LEATHEE BEOKSQ, to.&e, ' 'KELBOOM' (whol«le only) CTCLE MOTORS, BI0YOLE SUNDRIES «™1 AffgaWTBT-^, HW^BM3 and AMMD5HI0H, Sc, tc. ' ' ' ?-INDEKTS EXECUTED FOR ALL CLASSES OF GOODS. JAMES HILL & SONS, ? General Wholeaale Herchantt, 68, Qrenfell treat. idetahfa. v tWu . L^pinTo ,GV€_RALU8 ntnuULtO OLOTHIW1 NOTIO ro« THDK 8TIKMTM AMD DURABt.lTY,