Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Monday 29 April 1901, page 5


The Hon. William Mulock, PostmasterGeneral of Canada, arrived at Adelaide on Saturday en route to Melbourne to represent Canada in connection with the open

ing of the Commonwealth Parliament. He left New York on March 9, but unfortunately in crossing the Atlantic 'contracted rheumatism in the right shoulder and arm, ?which did not improve during 'the long sea Toyage. The ship's surgeon has recommended his resting at Adelaide for a few days, and accordingly he ami his party, consisting of Mrs. Mulock; hi.4 son (Mr. Cawthra Mulock), Mr. Loschinger (private secretary), and sen-ants, arc staying at the South Australian Hotel. Mr. Mulock is under the treatment of a local medical man, who advtfes his patient to retain xns roam for a few days. The doctor nopes he will have sufficiently rei-overcd to be Bible to proceed to Melbourne. Messrs. J. W. Castiim (chairman), W. Copley, J. Miller, and W. 0. Archibald, M.P.'s, members, and the Hon. E. Ward, secretary of the Wine and Produce Royul Commission, returned from their trip to the eastern States on Sunday. .During :i fortnight's traveEing they covered over 4,000 mi!es. Mr. C. E. Owen Smyth, the Superintendent of PubKc Buildings, wlro went to Melbourne on Thursday on Government business, returned to Adelaide bv train on Sunday. Mr. Joseph Crompton, of Stonyfell, died suddenly at his resident e on Saturday, April 27. While on his way to business in the city on the previous day Mr. Crompton was taken ill, but the medical adviser of the family did not fear serious results. Shortly after midday on Saturday, however, the deceased gentleman was seized with a fainting fit, and died within a few minutes. Mr. Crompton came to South Australia in 1860 at the age of 20 years, and in 1863, in partnership with Mr. Henry Clark, began the planting uf the Stonyfell vineyard. He took np his residence in the neighbourhood at the foot of the hills, and had lived there ever since. In 1878 he began the export of skins on his own account, and took his son, Mr. H. W. Crompton, into partnership in 1890. This business is still kept going by tne firm. The Bunyip Soap Company, with a factory at Southwark, is another industry started by Mr. Crompton, and carried on by himself and family, .from 1889 to 1891 he was seriously ill, and it was a recurrence of the old attack— a kind of paralysis— which ended fatally. Mr. Crompton, who was a brother-in-law to Mr. John Howard Clark, a former pro-prietor of 'The Register,' has left a widow, three daughters, and seven sons, all of whom, with the exception of Mr. H. W. Crompton, live at Stonyfell. Mr. Washington Mborhouse, second son of late Dr. Matthew Moorhousc, of Waverley, Glen Osmond, died on Saturday at the age of 53. The deceased gentleman, ?who for many years had been a sufferer from heart disease, started business with the late Mr. Oliver Ilorner as miller and wbeatbuycr in Riverton. He then moved to Port Pine, when the northern area3 were first opened, and built a mill. Subsequently he laid out the township of Gladstone, where he was an auctioneer and estate agent. After leaving Gladstone, he secured the contract with Mr: Jesser to build the railway line from Farina to Hercott. He was in a serious railway accident near Quorn when he was building this line. For the fiaat 18 years he had resided at Glen Osmond. Mr. MoorhouK; was a brother of Mr. James Moorhouse, sacretary of Tattcrsall's Club. He married Miss Swinden, of Kiverton, and has left two daughters and a son, Mr. Loftus Moorhouse. Mr. James Cummin!; died at the residence of his son, Bridge street, Kensington, on Sunday evening. The deceased gentleman, who was 75 years of ace and succumbed to paralysis, was an architect by profession, but owing to failine health had not besn in practice during the past few years. At one time he was a frequent contributor to the open columns of 'The Register/' esperiaDv upon the question of taxation. The Rev. Canon Samwell has been appointed honorary chaplain to the South Australian Military Contingent, and will proceed to Melbourne with the troops for the federal celebrations by the special train on Tuesday afternoon. During the stay in the sister capital Canon Samwell will go into camp with the unmounted section at Koyal Park. He addressed the contingent on Sunday morning at a church parade in St. Peter's Cathedral. The funeral of the late Mr. Charles Henry Leresche, Adela'de manager of the A.U.S.N. Company, took place on Sunday. Ihere was a hrge and representative attendance. Wreaths were sent from the branch offices of the A.U.S.N. Company in each of the other capitals, and a floral anchor by the Australian Steamship Owners' Federation. By the mail steamer Himalaya, which left the Semaphore on Saturday for the eastern States, the Rev. E. Iliff Robson, M.A., proceeded to Melbourne, whence he leaves for England by the Australasian on Wednesday. Two years ago 2-Ir. Rlobaon came to Jjonth Australia as assistant master in St. Peter's College, and during the past 12 months he has been rector of St. Cuthbert's Church, Prospect, and St. Ninian's, Islington. He is a B.A. of Cambridge University and M.A. of Melbourne University, and to such a degree has he dovoted his attention to educational work in his parish that it has been described as 'the gem of the diocese.' Complete loss of voice has compelled Mr. Rcbstm to take a trin to England, in the hope that he will regain his health. Some of bis friend3 accompanied him to the steamer, and an earnest wish was expressed for his safe and sound return to South Australia. The roaay friends of the Rev. J. Stuart Wayland will regret to hear that he i3 still unable owing to illness to carry out his duties in connection with the Church of England at Mount Pleasant Mr. J. B. Allen, B.Sc., who has acted for two years as lecturer on physics and mathematics at the University, ia leaving for Perth next week; he has been appointed lecturer on physics and raaiiiematics at the Technical College, Perth, and hk place at the University has been fiHed by the appointment of Mr. J. P. V. Madsen, B.Sc, B.E., of Sydney. Mr. Madsen took firstclass honours in mathematics and physics at the Sydney University, and was awarded the University medal for mathematics Mr. Madsen has also studied engineering, and was placed in the first class in the examinations for civil engineering, and gained the University medal in this subject also. Mr. Madsen acted as assistant demonstrator for one year in the physical laboratory under Professor Pollack, and for one year as assistant instructor in mechanical drawing under Professor Warren. Mr. Madsen will begin his duties at the University at once From the 'Church News.'— The Ven. Archdeacon Dove left London on April 18 on his return to Adelaide. The Rev. L. P. Crawfurd is accompanying the archdeacon. They hope to arrive about May 20.

Mr. R S. Smythe, who arrived from Melbourne last week, returned by the Himalaya on Saturday. The object of the visit of the veteran manager was to meet Misa Nora McKay, a young violinist of remarkable talent, who arrived with an elder sistsr by the Himalaya; She has been studying in the conservuforiums of Brussels and Liege. One of her masters in the latter institution was M. Ovidci Musin, who knows Australia, and who predicts a Silendid career for the young ai'titte, wbo was most enttiusislically received in a tour she inude after leaving the Lie^e ? Conservnroice. .Miss, Nora McKay, who . i* only 17, is a native of Queensland, and .flic has already lreen engaced to sing at the Shite Concert in Hneibanc during tlie Duke of Cornwall's visit. Mr. P. Hack, the retiring Coneral Manager of the 'liLeiiiaaiau Railways, had a send-off in Hcbavt on .Saturday night from die railway employes, .and was presented with an address and a complete dinner service of plate and cutlery. The Rev. W. U. Marsh, Australasian representative to the lio?ton Y.M.C.A. Jubilee Conference, was given a send-off by the board of management of the Ycung Men's Christian Association on Thursday at the rooms. lliis°eU afireet. A congratulatory resolution was passed, and there were many expressions of pleasure at the appointment. Mr. D. Mont/jomerie Paton, president, oirjupied the chair. Mr. H. A. Wheeler, the newly appointed general secretary of Adelaide Y.MiC.A., and the Hcv. R. M. Fergus, M.A., a new member of the Melbourne bi-ard, were also present, and received a cordial welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh and daughter left by the Sydney express yesterday. Mr. Melton Prior has been commissioned by the 'Illustrate:! London News' to represent that journal as artist at Melbourne during the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall. He will arrive in Melbourne by the next mail steamer. Mr. John Mathieaon, the Victorian Commissioner of Railways, was entertained at the Australian C1U), Melbourne, on Friday night by about 30 of his personal friends by way of a farewell prior to Ms departure from Victoria. Admiral Renney, of the United States cruiser Brooklyn, on Saturday officially visited the Military Commandant of New South Wales, Mjr.-Gen. French, who subsequently returned the visit. This is the first occasion an .American admiral has paid an official visit to an Australdan Military Commandant. Mr. L. J. Ii-hr, the advance agent for the Charles Arnold company, was a passenger to Adelaide by the Melbourne express on Sunday. He has come to make arrangements to enable the Adelaide people to find oat 'Why Smith left home.' The Hon. R. Reid, of Victoria, who has been on a visit to Adelaide, returned to Melbourne by the express on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. C. C. Kingston and Master Kingston were passenger's by the same train. Mr. Fred Hunt, a well-known racing cyclist, who proposes residing permanently in Adelaide, arrived by the Melbourne express on Saturday. The Revs. T. A. James, President of the Western Australian Methodist Conference, and GJ. E. Vvheatley, of Fremantle, and Dr. F. W. Wilkinson were travellers from Western Australia by the R.M.S. Himalaya. They landed to proceed overland to, Melbourne, where they will attend the opening of the Federal Parliament. After that they will represent Western Australia at the General Methodist Conference to be held in Brisbane. Amongst the passengers by the mail steamer which arrived on Saturday were Lady Ranfurly, wife of the Governor of New Zealand, and Ladies C. and E. Knox, who are returning after a visit tci England. The Rev. Dr. James Ivcrach, Professor of Apologetics and Christian Ethics of the United Free Church College, Aberdeen, is proceeding to Melbourne by the mail steamer Himalaya. He will remain about four months in Victoria, where he will occupy the pulpit of the Moderator of the Presbyterian Assembly, the Rev. G. Tait, who w engaged in doing twentieth century fund work. Herr Buri, until recently the German Consul-General at Basle a city in the north of Switzerland, is a passenger by the Himalaya. ' He is proceeding to Melbourne to attend the celebrations in connection with the opening of the Federal Parliament, after which he will go on to Sydney to take up his new position a3 Consul-General for Germany. The Right Rev. Dr. Gibney, Roman Catholic Bishop qf Perth, is a traveller to the eastern States on the Himalaya. On his arrival at the Semaphore he was suffering from a slight attack of pneumonia, but the acting health officer expected that he would recover in two or three days. George Macdonald, LL.D., poet and novelist/was bojn at Huntly, Aberdeenshire, in 1S'24. He was educated at the parish school ami at King's College. After graduating at the Atttrdeen University he oegan a course of theological study with a view to entering the ministry of the Independent Church. Subsequently, however, ! the project was abandoned, and he settled in London, where he scpn began to attract attention as an author. His first work, i dramatic poem, entitled 'Within and i Without,' was published m 1856. This was j followed by several minor works, and in ' 1888 ''Robert Falconer' made the young author's name famous. In 1877 Dr. Macdanald received a civil list pension of £100, in consideration of hfe contributions to Jite- 1 raturc. His latest work, 'Rampolli,' was puDiished in 1897. For several years past Dr. Macdonald has resided at Bordighera, [ but he usually visits England once a year.