Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954), Saturday 18 October 1947, page 10

How to Make . A Movie For £610,000


A film called "Pursued" has just arrived in Australia. Selznick's "Duel in the Sun."

Comportd with Auttrol ion -mode movies, if cost tix ? t»m«» of much ot Harry Wott't 'Ovtrfonderi,' 76 time* a* . much ot Ken G. Holl'i 'On Our Selection.'

FILMED 10 fe»« mo tor £1400, ttM Dad 'n' D»vt anlmated caricature ha« earned 10 Uims Mj initial cort, and to ?till making monty for OlfMwotmd ?tudfo». But to return to 'Punned': lf» one of the few modern movie* if or which cost* have been publicly Itemtaed. It U alao described at 'a

standard campromine between the Idta that mtnttf to no object and th* td«a that *u«fity U no ot--jwt.' A« numi flhnt are mao- thto war. 'fntwrtrr cot* the* ffrn a working Idea of where movie WMwi^y cocf ? «£°J?*ln 51111' one-third of lt« £010.000 went to a little item called overhead— in this cue to itudio charges at Warner Brot., where ?Pursued' was produced. Next blggert item wai 'cart and extra*,' £94000 to cut, £10,000 to extra*. /The four principal*, Teresa Wright, Robert Mltchum, Dean Jagger, and Australia's own Judith Anderson, collected £56,000 for 55 days' work. Breaking this down further, we find that £20,000 each went to Teresa and Mitchum (who not so ling ago was a mere gun-toter in minor horse opera), £8,000 each to Miss Anderson and Mr. Jagger. Other Major Items.— Sets and properties, £52,000; director and assistant, £36,000; location ex* penses, £35,000; story and treatment, £34,000; wages and wage taxes, £30,000; electricians, £19,000; producer, £17,000; wardrobe, wigs, and make-up, £13,000; film, developing, and printing, £8,000; cameraman and assistants, £7,000; tricks and miniature sets, £6,000. On, through 41 different categories, goes the list; £66 for meals; £9,000 for 'miscellaneous'; £33 for renting a camera; £5,000 for hiring cars; £2,000 to publicise the film; £2,000 to cut it; until the grand ~ total of £610,000 is reached.

On the 'Mourning Become* Electro' set, producer-director Dudley Nichols (left), Rosalind Russell, and Raymond Money obliged with a 'three wise monkeys' act. R.K.O. studio officials hope thetfre right, for the O'Neill drama Is a film expert' merit thai Involves much real moneu.

On the 'Mourning Become* Electro' set, producer-director Dudley Nichols (left), Rosalind Russell, and Raymond Money obliged with a 'three wise monkeys' act. R.K.O. studio officials hope thetfre right, for the O'Neill drama Is a film expert' merit thai Involves much real moneu.