Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954), Saturday 21 July 1951, page 11


lhe story first; Stars worried

TT0LLYW00D, Fri.: 'The story will be the thing from ?' now on,' said production chief Darryl F. Zanuck, of 20th Century-Fox. The announcement has left many stars of lofty prestige rather worried.

Several other studios have taken up this theme, and the star system, whereby names of big stars are stressed rather than the stories themselves, may come to an end. Proof of success in the 'play's the thing' project, may be the films starring beginners such as Marlon Brando and Jean Peters ('Viva Zapata'), Mitzie Gaynor and Dale Robertson ('The Golden Girl'), and Anne Francis ('Lydia Bailey'). ? ? ? JANE Wyman ages 30 years before the camera In 'The Blue Veil.' People who've seen her with her make-up say it is one of the best ageing jobs done yet by the cosmetic experts. ? ? 'rpHE Thing' is the first -1- film since 'Confessions of a Nazi Spy' to be shot behind locked doors. It deals with a visit to garth of a strange being from another planet, discovered by a group of scientists in the Arctic. To get the effect of extreme cold, such as clouding of the actors' breaths, producer Howard Hawks hired a Los Angeles cold storage plant and fitted it sut like the Arctic wastes, rhe Californian tempera

ture was in the eighties outside, and in the twenties inside. ? * ? gETTY Grable and Dan Dailey seem like a permanent song-and-dance team. After playing in many Technicolor musicals together, they are co-starred again in 'Father Does a Strip.' ? ? ? PRIENDS of Tony Curtis, x star of 'The Prinee Who Was a Thief,' can't get used to his sudden rise to stardom. He received a telephone call from an old friend in New York: 'What's happened, Tony? All of a sudden I read you're a star, and still you've got no swimming pool.' ? ? ? LYNN Bari and her first husband, Walter Kane, are seen together a great deal, while Judy Garland is getting lots of attention from Lynn's estranged husband, Sid Luft, who is Judy's personal manager. ?k -k * rpiNY Yoshiko Yama-*- guchi, Japan's top film star, has made her American debut in 'East isTSast'. Her name has been halfAnglicised to Shirley Yamaguchi.

yASU Pitts returns to the £J screen in 'The Denver and Rio Grande.' She plays a woman who runs a counter lunch travelling with a railroad construction camp.? ? ? ? A FTER seeing Kim Hun'^ ter's performance in 'A Streetcar Named Desire,' producer William Perlberg chose her to costar with Jose Ferrer in 'Anything Can Happen.' ? ? ? A NNA Marie Alberg^ hetti, 14-year- o 1 d Italian soprano, will star in 'The Goddess.' She was praised for her work in Bing Crosby's 'Here Comes the Groom.'

Hollywood lures U.K. film men LONDON, Sat.: Hollywood has attracted more British talent — top producer-directors John and Roy Boultinsr.

The trwins will go to Ame#ica this year, under contract to make six pictures. Hollywood has been trying to snare this pair ever since they made 'Thunder Rock' in 1942. The Boutlings held out, but have now decided the battle to make good pictures in Britain is too tough. They will be away about two years, during which they will probably earn more than £300,000. ? ? npWO Continental films A Shown in London recently— 'Pattes Blanches' and 'L'Ingenue Libertine' — have, made many filmgoers wonder about the danger of Britain being flooded with unsavory Continental sex films. Both are 'camp followers' of the army of good French, Italian, and Swiss films of pronounced artistic merit, which hi the past few years have done much to improve the general standards of moviegoing. What British distributors want to know is why the censor clamps down on the tamest piece of naughtiness in British films, yet allows these 'sex-soaked French dramas' to go through unscathed. * * rpRADER Faulkner, 24-1- year-old Sydney actor, has won his first part in British films. He has begun work as a gipsy in 'Mr. Denning Drives North.' He came to England last

year alter scoring a success in the plav 'The Lady's Not For Burning' in New York. He has been regularly broadcast ing with the BBC.