Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Saturday 27 July 1918, page 7



With spirits raised by the improving war situation and sentiment keyed up to the highest pitch of loyalty, the patriotic people of Adelaide entered with splendid enthusiasm on Friday morning upon the fourth, and in some ways the greatest, cele-bration of Australia Day. The appeal was for money to establish an insurance fund for the widows and orphans of those who have laid down their lives in glorious hero-ism, for the continuance of Australia as a free nation, on which the enemy shall never lay his covetous and cruel hands. The Commonwealth is making provision to recognise what has been done by the gal-lant fellows who are repatriated after dis-charging their duty at the front, but what can be done in the way of practical recom-pense for the sacrifice of the noble dead, except to honor their memory and see that their loved ones, de-prived of the breadwinner, are properly cared for? The community was asked, through the medium of the insurance scheme, to enable the pensions to be libe-rally supplemented by grants, and in doing this South Australia is setting a fine example of prac-tical patriotism to the rest of the Com-monwealth. Though the fulfilment 0f so solemn a duty to the men who have gone away never to return was the governing motive of the great effort, superficially at least the sadder side of the war was for this one day forgotten. There was about the whole celebration a tone of optimism concerning the future, and of exaltant pride in the world-

renowned achievements of the Common-wealth fighting forces wherever they have been tested under the exacting conditions of the most terrible of wars.

Australia Day of 1918 was the culmina-tion of weeks of painstaking organisation and enthusiastic preparation, based on the experiences of the three preceding years. The only thing, therefore, that seemed necessary to make the carnival an un-qualified success, was that the weather should favor it in the rather capri-cious month of July. As it hap-pened, a better day could not have been chosen. It was ushered in by a roseate dawn, the prelude to delightfully fine con-ditions, which lasted throughout the pro-ceedings. The sunshine, in spite of a keen morning breeze from the s0uth, greatly cheered the members of the organising committees and other

workers, many of whom were up with the lark in order to be at their posts early; and it was exceedingly welcome to the general public, young and old, who had looked forward

to the occasion with expectancy for weeks. The white and fleecy clouds fleck-ing the azure of the shining sky en-hanced the charm of the environment of the Queen City of the South, whose at-tractions responded gratefully to the beams of a merry sun. |

By 9 a.m. the sightseers had begun to pour into the city from the suburbs in thousands. Every incoming tram and train was densely crammed with people. The main streets were ablaze with patriotic colors, and long before the time fixed for the passing of the great pageant were thronged with people. All day long there was such a congestion of folks in-terested in one attraction after another, listening to the concert parties, and clus-tered around the stalls, selling goods of all descriptions, that it was difficult to get along. Everything but patriotic business was suspended nearly all day, and with a holiday for the schools, it was a famous event for the young people, who took a tremendous interest in all that was going on. Never before had there been so many temptations for the citizen to empty purse or pocket in a good cause. In the variety of buttons alone, and other appropriate souvenirs, the day easily established a re-cord. Many of the leading firms, besides releasing their assistants who desired to help in various ways, issued novel buttons of their own design, which the young ladies sold in the shops and streets. The Aus-tralia Day workers made an important fea-ture of providing refreshments for the mul-titude. The Town Hall fete, the Exhibi-tion carnival and band concert, the no-velty sports on the Jubilee Oval, and the Australian buffet on North-terrace had an appreciable share in the success of a me-

morable celebration, which demonstrated in a signal manner how much can lie ac-complished by the united effort of all sec-tions of the communitv. The whole of the takings went to the South Australian Sol-diers' Insurance Fund, and in the aggre-gate will make a striking figure. It was a day that will be hard to eclipse for patrio-tic achievement while the war lasts.

Mr. A. A. Simpson (chairman of the fund) stated late in the day that the sub-scriptions sent in amounted to considerably more than last year's. Those to whom the appeal was addressed had responded most generously. It would be gratifying to all who helped in the pageant and afterwards to know that the street collection had been good. The "Home for a Bob" tickets were having a splendid sale, some people buying 50 at a time. "If the country districts," Mr. Simpson remarked, "re-spond as liberally as last year we may hope to obtain the £120,000 at which we aim. This sum should enable us to give grants averaging £100 to dependant widows with children and dependant mothers. The dif-ference between our scheme and that in the other States is that theirs has been [only] to encourage recruiting, and ours is retrospective. The object is to benefit the dependant widows, children, and mothers of those who have fallen since the begin-ning of the war."

(Continued on page 8.)


(Continued from page 7.)



The pageant was a feast of color and music. Along the route the crowd was

dense, and the sightseers were full of enthusiasm. The stands erected in the street were fully occupied long before the procession began, nearly every balcony, every window, and the parapet of nearly every building were alive with spectators. It was a memorable spectacle. The procession occupied an hour to pass a given point— an hour of enjoyment for everyone. The children were driven to town in large numbers, and the sight will live long in their recollection. This year there was more music than ever before, as all the local and visiting bands engaged in the competitions of the South Australian Band Association took part. In all there were nearly a score of bands, and they were the great feature of the march. They gave life to the occa-sion and kept up the enthusiasm of the people. The pageant had a particularly martial aspect, for the soldiers alone took nearly half an hour to pass. His Excel-

lency the Governor (Sir Henry Galway) took the salute at a base in front of the Town Hall, where he was accompanied by

Lady Galway, the Commissioner of Public Works (Hon. J. G. Rice), the Chief Jus-tice (Sir George Murray), the Military Commandant (Brigadier General Antill, C.B., C.M.G.), the Naval Commandant (Captain Burford), and the Mayor and Mayoress of Adelaide (Mr. and Mrs. Glover). The guard of honor was under the command of Captain R. G. Wilton.

A Punctual Start.

The marshalling was excellent, for the

head of the procession moved off within a few minutes of the prearranged time, and each section linked up in perfect harmony. The grand marshals were Messrs. Her-bert Myers and Bert Sayers, and the sec-tion marshals Major H. W. Pendlebury (D.A.A.G), Messrs. W. C. Melbourne, A Munn, T. B. Merry, H. C. Richards, M. Finkelstein, L. J. Powell, F B H Vin-cent, and J. O. Buttrose. Much of the beauty of the procession was provided by scores of motor cars, and the charmingly-arranged conveyances of between 30 and 40 escort parties. The western part of the city was a wonderfully animated and pic-turesque scene in the early morning, when the great procession was being assembled. Fifteenth century armor-clad soldiers

rubbed shoulders with the Australian abori-

gine, and two old Buffalo manoeuvred for

position amongst modern motor cars. It

was a strange and an impressive scene, and the most amazing thing was the way order was rapidly established out of apparent chaos. The procession moved off with the Naval Band, Naval Brigade, and soldiers appropriately in the van. Returned sol-

diers, some on foot, some too lame, alas, to walk, took their places in the line, fol-lowed by long columns of cadets and Citi-zen Forces, with Army Service units and


Pioneer Days Recalled.

Pride of place in the second section, which introduced the general pageant, was given to Glenelg's display, illustrating in a series of admirable tableaux how the State has progressed since 1836. First there came capital models of H.M.S. Buffalo and the historic Old Gum Tree to show "the ship in which we landed," and where South Australia was proclaimed a free Bri-tish province. Close In attendance and brandishing spears and waddies were a score of young men representing the aborig-ines, to whom Governor Hindmarsh ex-tended the promise of just and fair dealing.

A rough bark hut showed the conditions under which the early settlers lived, a wag-gon, drawn by bullocks, how they travel-led, a lorry laden with children how the population grew, and motor cars how the people make journeys to-day. Young sailors in charge of a model yacht indicated "Our future navy," and a trade display the results of the pioneers' labors. It was a thoroughly appropriate scheme for Aus-ralia Day, and was carried out with such attention to detail as to make it most effective. The display well merited the

champion prize bestowed upon it. A score of registered jockeys in full racing regalia, mounted on pony can-didates for the Australia Day Cup gave a bright color note, which was varied by the appearance of John Martin & Co.'s em-ployees in ten decorated cars, each repre-senting a portion of the British Domin-

ions or an Allied Power. One was occu-pied by Big Store returned men "out to help." Next came a fine trade display from Hindmarsh, depicting the

wool-scouring and malting industries. At the head of the third section was a

huge cannon, with the paraphrase of the inscription on an historic gun in Scot-

land:—"Load me well, and keep me clean,

and I'll carry a shell into Berlin." "Bri-

tannia's children were a pretty concert party, and the Boy Scouts turned out in

large numbers. One troop had a repre-sentation of a Turkish sniper in fez cap, and properly "camouflaged" with leafy boughs. Messrs. Clutterbuck Brothers prorided an amusing burlesque, "Billy and

Joe," representing the Prime Minister and

Mr. Cook calling on President Wilson.

"Joan, the Soul of France."

While the fourth section was still at a

distance the spectators descried a magnifi-cent tableau of Joan of Arc, entered by

employes of the Gas Company. "Joan, the Soul of France." clad in shining

armor, was mounted upon a dapple-

grey steed. She had a guard of honor

of French cavaliers of the fifteenth century in the picturesque garb of

the time. Joan, on her elevated mount,

towered above all the rest of the proces-sion at this stage, not only in a physi-cal sense, but in the estimation of the spectators. The living statue, drawn by horses, with postillions, evoked many ex-pressions of admiration, and was warmly cheered along the entire route. The

mounted ladies' troupe, organised by Miss Pearl Smart, was again a popular feature and a valued auxiliary for the gathering-

in of money. Another conspicuous exhibit was a motor lorry lavishly adorned in honor of the Fighting 10th Battalion. There was also a splendid model of Nelson's old ''Victory." rocking on the surface of real-istic waves, and reminding the people of the famous message, "England expects every man to do his duty." The Cen-tral Traders had a large entry. The em-

ployes of Messrs. Charles Moore & Co.

adopted an artistic scheme in black and white, which was particularly effective!

"Fire the Enemy Out."

The Motor Traders' Association had a most attractive display of decorated motor cars. A lorry carried an excellent repre-sentation made of rubber tires and coiled rubber hosing of a huge cannon. A streamer advised, "Fire the enemy out by supporting Australian industries." There were several most daintily adorned cars, and in one case an excellent effect was ob-tained by the use of golden wattle in pro-fusion. The most beautiful thing in the section was a huge swan, exquisitely worked in white paper flowers. This was one of the most artistic items in the pageant. The Adelaide University medical students had several burlesques, one of footballers, a skit on prohibition, and an uncomplimentary reference to the Brompton Church trouble. The waybacks and other travesties added to the amuse-ment of the crowd. The social club of the Farmer's Co-operative Union led the way in the sixth section with seven de-corated cars, all beautiful in appearance. One was emblazoned with national flags, and others were done up in A.I.F. regi-mental colors in honor of members of the staff who answered the call. A design resembling a huge shark, with gaping jaws, attracted special attention. Our Boys' In-stitute was prominently represented by its gymnasts. Another display in this sec-tion recalled the destruction of the Em-den and was labelled. "Good-bye to a German boat in Australian waters.''

Interest Sustained to the End.

Britannia on a lofty throne was a con-spicuous figure in the lead in section 7, and half a dozen concert parties

were in conveyances that were warmly applauded. There was also a "Willow Tree" scene, reminding of the play to start at the Theatre Royal to-mor-row night. The latter portion of the pro-cession comprised more concert parties and handsomely-decorated motor cars. A novel feature was introduced by a party of Chinese mandarins, richly attired. An-other group of British, French, American, Belgian, and Italian soldiers, with drawn swords, aroused much enthusiasm. The Rejected Volunteers' Association was well represented by vocalists in fancy dress. With the St. John Ambulance Central Division was a miniature motor ambulance about a yard in length and 4 ft. in height. It was under the control of Master Bert Robinson, 3½ years old. He is the son of Mr. E. A. Robinson, of Unley.

The Awards.

His Excellency the Governor, the Chief Justice, and The Mayor of Adelaide awarded the prize for champion display in the pageant to the Glenelg group. Honor-able mention was given to the Farmers' Union entry. Mr. A. J. Chapman and Miss E. Robin adjudged the best-arranged concert party display to be that of Messrs Charles Moore & Co.'s employes. The prize for decorated motor car went to the '"Swan" (Dodge car), and that for group of motor vehicles to the Farmers' Union display. The judges were Mes-dames Herbert Myers and R. Sewell.

Happy, Good-Natured Throng.

The crowd in the street during the after-noon was probably a record for Adelaide. The tram service was greatly increased,

and still the cars arrived from the suburbs with people hanging on the footboards. When the business houses closed thousands more employes joined the happy throng, which was distinguished by unimpeachable behaviour and the best of good nature. The scene in Rundle-street was a remarkable one. Vehicular traffic, save only the con-veyances of concert parties, was suspended, and pedestrians had the street to them-selves. Nevertheless, the crush was so great that it took an hour to get from King William-street to Pulteney-street. At many places there was a contest of strength between the streams of people moving in opposite directions, but although it upset the equanimity of women carrying babies or leading little toddlers, there was no suggestion of horseplay. In such a closely-packed crowd one could not make progress at all without exerting some strength, but everyone took the jostling in good part and there were no unpleasant incidents. The employes of several of the big Rundle-street houses established stalls on the footways and sold produce and other goods collected for the occasion. These stalls and the many concert parties were all centres of attraction, and round them people were wedged in so tightly that some had to wait until the concert parties moved on to get out of the crush.

The Button Sellers.

The tireless women and girls from dawn till nightfall sold buttons in dozens of de-signs, and tended the stalls with assi-duous care and unfailing patience. With-out the fair sex the day would have been dull, unattractive, and profitless. There

were scores of stalls and hundreds of

helpers, and they reaped a well-deserved harvest of coin. The public purchased or gave money with open-handedness char-acteristic of Adelaide, and the stalls were

practically depleted of their goods early

in the afternoon. Button-sellers had to

replenish stocks several times in the day, and the designs that were popu'ar were

quickly run out. The unusual sight of

gas ranges set up in the roadway of King William-street and connected with the mains caused a good deal of amusement, but they proved of great value in supply-ing food for the crowd. The demand for meals and refreshment was heavy, and though great preparations were made to supply the wants of the people, such a huge crowd had scarcely been expected, and the restaurants and refreshment stalls were simply stormed by the hungry sight-


The Australian Buffet.

In front of the Institute Building, North-terrace, a big marquee was erected, and a large number of ladies, presided over by Mrs. Crawford Vaughan, established there a luncheon and tea centre, called the Aus-tralian Buffet. There was seating accom-modation for about 600, and relay followed relay. Big business was expected, but nothing like the rush that occurred was looked for. Time after time the food sup-plies were sold right out and fresh stores had to be procured. Several thousand people were served at this buffet during the day.

The Town Hall.

The Town Hall was converted into a res-taurant and its convenient situation made it a particularly popular centre for people needing refreshments. The interior of the building was decorated with the colors of the Allies, and was an animated sight. B.g business was done in luncheons and after-noon teas, and the arrangements made by the Mayoress (Mrs. C. R. J. Glover) and the secretary (Mrs. A. W. Hall) gave com-plete satisfaction. Miss Gladys Thomas

and Miss Hackendorf's orchestra played


At Tattersalls Club.

At Tattersall's Club Mr. H. P. McLach-lan (chairman) made an appeal to members during the luncheon hour, and an Italian flag, presented by Mr. A. J. Perdrix, was auctioned on the Bugler system. It brought in £552, and other gifts by Messrs. S. J. Jacobs, M. Rasheed, F. A. Alexander, and H. McLean returned an additional £82.

The Cheer-up Hut.

About 500 members of the A.I.F., a large party of returned soldiers, including men from Bedford Park, the Corps of Vete-rans, and some sailors, were entertained at luncheon by the Cheer-up Society. Mr. G. McEwin presided, and among others present were the Premier (Hon. A. H. Peake), the Commissioner of Public Works (Hon. J. G. Bice), the Treasurer of Wes-tern Australia (Mr. James Gardiner), Lieu-tenant-Colonel Dollman, Major Cooke-Rus-sell, and Major Seager, M.C.

At the Railway-station.

A big Rx engine, which was beauti-fully decorated with 400 red, white, and blue electric lights and flowers of the same colors, was the centre of attraction at the Adelaide railway-station, where there was also a fine display of flags. The engine was decorated by the S.A. Loco., Engine-men, Firemen, and Cleaners' Association. The coal tender was transformed into a "dugout," barricaded with bagsful of ashes, the work of a returned soldier—Cleaner Mr. W. Pynn. In front of the smokebox of the engine the Australian Coat of Arms was prominently arranged. On Fri-day morning the secretary of the associa-tion (Mr. K. Gluyas), who was in charge of the display, received a letter by post, addressed to the "Decorated Engine", en-closing a contribution from a soldier's mother residing at Kingscote, Kangaroo lsland.

The honor roll at the Adelaide Railway-station presented a beautiful appearance. It was decorated with several kinds of wattle and crowns of colored heaths and the letters ''S.A.R.'' This work was car-ried out by the Aldgate railway staff—Mr. R. Hancock (stationmaster), and Porters J. T. Hoyle, Baker, H. J. Hancock, and M. C. West, with the assistance of several school children from the Heathfield, Ald-gate, Bridgewater, and Mylor public schools. Miss M. E. Boothby was respon-

sible for the beautiful effect the crowns and the letters "S.A.R." lent to the deco-ration. The Aldgate staff have for years past on special occasions decorated engines, but owing to the uncertainty of the wea-ther, the staff thought it was an act of comradeship adorning the honor roll with the Australian emblem, the wattle.

Theatre Royal Auction of Gifts.

At an interval in the performance of "Romance" by the Kathlene Macdonell Company, at the Theatre Royal, Mr. Kenneth Brampton and Miss Beryl Bryant stepped before the footlights and success-fully disposed of the three Japanese kimo-nas worn by the ladies of the company in "The Willow Tree" party in the pageant. His Excellency the Governor was the first purchaser at £5 5/, Mr. T. S. Back-house then gave back a £4 4/ purchase, which was knocked down to Mrs. R. W. Bennett at £6 10/, and finally Mr. Ben-nett secured one for 20 guineas. The sale totalled £36 19/.

Animated Scene at Night.

There was a lull in the festivities for an

hour in the early evening, and then, people who had gone home to tea returned to town, and the city resounded with song and laughter. The stalls were all sold out, and the litter in the streets bore testimony to the activities of the day. Many of the concert parties were still engaged. Miss Gertie Campbell's company kept Bow-man's Arcade packed with people at night just as in the day time, and other singers on lorries traversed the streets and enter-tained the crowds. It was a fitting close to a conspicuously successful celebration.



Soon after the spectacular dispaly in the streets came to an end thousands of people made straight for the Jubilee Exhibition Building and Grounds, where a fair, a band contest, and a sports gathering were to be held, and before the outdoor pro-gramme was started the grandstands and enclosures and parts of the mounds were crowded. The majority of the visitors did not trouble to go inside the building be-cause the weather was too alluring, but there was much to be seen and purchased in the main hall, which had been deco-rated with fancy stalls lavishly stocked with produce and fancy goods for sale. The carnival had been organised by Mrs. J. F. Young, and the arrangement of the stalls and everything connected with the affair was admirable. On entering the hall visitors saw before them a huge stall re-presenting the Australian Natives' Associa-tion, which occupied about a third of the floor, It was appropriately embellished, and the tables were laden with produce, cakes, jams, needle and fancy work, etc. In the eastern wing, a stall representing a huge mushroom was occupied by ladies and gentlemen who dispensed goods made by members of the arts and crafts classes of the School of Arts, and near the centre of the wing a spacious apartment had been arranged round a motor ambulance car,

the stall having been fixed up by the motor ambulance section of workers. In the western wing there were several improvised shops, the most novel of which was a Japanese teahouse garden, in which ladies attired in Eastern robes attended to the requirements of customers. The Kilkenny Patriotic Committee had charge of the Empire stall, and a fine Show was made in the Payneham section, which was elaborately got up. Scotland was well re-presented in a gaily decorated apartment alongside an equally pleasing display with the device, "St. George and Merrie Eng land". Along the western wall members of the "Vagrant Sketching Club" did good business drawing portraits of visitors, and on the east of the main entrance, there was a surprisingly good exhibition of war buttons. The first award went to Mr. F. Isaacs, whose collection has.been victorious at several shows. Miss. G. N.

Davis, of North Adelaide took second place, and Mts. Ernest Good third. The eastern and northern portions of the build-ing were occupied by refreshment quarters, arranged by the military and field ambu-lance branches. There was an interesting show of dressed dolls, one of which was brought out from England over 50 years ago. Associated with the carnival, but on the lawn near the entrance gates, was a large stall conducted on behalf of the School of Mines, in which cakes, jams, home-made sweets and useful articles for

wall decoration and other purposes, made by students, were disposed of to the great

advantage of the fund. Generally speak-ing, the carnival was a pronounced success from all points of view. The arrangements were good, the stalls exceedingly credit-ably designed and furnished, and the cash receipts up to expectations.

Doll Competition. Dressed Doll. Miss Daisy Gilbert. Medindie Character doll, Miss Lamell, New Glenelg. Fancy dress doll, Miss Gwyneth Pointer

Hyde Park; most ancient Doll, Miss Wylde, Payne-ham Road. Jxxlin: suite of doll's furniture. Miss Glory Johnston; decorated dolls cart, Miss Skev-ington; home made dolls, Mrs. Franks, Croydon.

Buttons -Collection of buttons, Mr. Fred. Isaacs. 1; Misss G. N. Davis, North Adelaide, 2: Nrs Ernest Good 3. Best arranged collection, Mrs. G.N.. Davis, North Adelaide, 1; Mr. H. Rule, 2: Miss Havel Piper 3.

Special prize by Mr C. H Angas, for original general utility idea, Mr H. Rule.

The Band Contest.

Throughout the afternoon the bands which had entered for the competition were submitted to tests, and notwith-standing the attractions on the Oval and in the building the terrace where the in-strumentalists did their work was well patronised, and the listeners spent a tho-roughly enjoyable afternoon. No deci-sions were announced. The final results will be made known this evening, when the contests will be brought to a close.

The Oval Events.

The crowd on the Jubilee Oval must have numbered between 20,000 and 30,000. The grandstands and enclosures and the mounds around tbe Oval were packed, and an excellent afternoon's amusement was provided, the programme including athletic and horse contests, and an ex-citing pony race, in heats, in which about twenty of the most notable jockeys were the riders. This contest was the most popular one of the afternoon, but it was unfortunate that two jockeys received in juries due to falls, and one of them, T.

Bissett, was removed to a hospital in a serious condition. The Oval is too small for even ponies to gallop round without risk at the sharp turns, and the turf was soft and slippery. The event was de-scribed as the Australia Day Cup, for ponies 12.2 and under, the first prize being a cup, donated by the Adelaide, Port Ade-laide, and Tattersall's Racing Clubs, to the nominator of the winner, and the se-cond a trophy. A gold-mounted whip was offered for the rider of the winner. The first heat was won bv W. Rankine's White Horse (A. H. Francis), with A. E. Hamilton's Melbourne (J. Hopwood) se-cond. In the second heat, which was won by J. Richardson's Prince of Wales, Liberty slipped on the southern turn and fell, but the rider was not hurt. In the third heat, when three or four of the ponies were on the northern curve in a bunch, one slipped

sideways and fell, with the result that the pony just behind it, ridden by J. Car-michael, also fell. Carmichael was dazed for a few minutes, but was able to walk to the centre of the ground. The fifth heat ended disastrously. At exactly the same spot the pony ridden by T. Bissett slipped and fell, M. Lawrance, who was immediately behind Bissett, was brought down and the hoof of one of the animals struck Bissett on the head. He was able to get up and walk a few yards, but then he collapsed, and it was found he had a severe laceration of the scalp. Semi-uncon-sciousness followed, and he had to be sur-gically treated. Later in the day the final was run off, and in this event also there was an accident. Brady was riding Miss C. Reed's King, and the animal slipped and fell near the straight entrance. The struggle to get round the bend displaced the saddle on Messrs. McRae and Francis' Flying Mist, and although the jockey, J. O'Brien, managed to keep his place till after he had passed the post second to the winner, White Horse, he immediately afterwards fell and appeared to have been hurt severely, but he recovered during the evening. It is a dangerous game racing at full speed round such a small and slip-pery course, and it may be decided not to take such risks at future gatherings. In-cluded in the programme were exciting whippet races. Several of the athletic con-

tests were interesting, but the public mani-fested their preference for horse events, particularly the jumping contests. A clever display was given by the three teams en tered for the section fours, and although

the decision in favor of Captain Campbell's men was not well received, the public did not understand that the judging was not based on the jumping ability of the horses only. An exciting chariot race was de-cided in heats, the final being won by Driver E. G. Webb, who was crowned with a laurel wreath by Mrs. Pendlebury.

The sports controlling-committee were: Air. A. Munn (chairman), »"aptain X. C«i«ip l>»!l. Mevtr«. ». ¡Mrl.'ae, J. ¿5. J'uilircin, .1. O.«.»', T. I). Duvi»I*-.n, Al. J. H02.U1. J A". llopnoo-J. J. Oltricti, -M. 1.1. 'i'tó.iip. S. BarOcr, mid Iii.* At. It. Doherty. The oilir-iais »»ere:--l!on>m ia ae-tieni-Judges, militiry, liricuJIcr-General .1. '.Al.- AtiiiH; «jxmi cri-iit», Jlr. V. llcwie; Kicvwnl«,

M-Y-jrs. IB. McIMe, T. I). "Daviibon. S. J. IViI-iian, 1 ann Giptain Xoniwn Gimpix»!!. l'cdcstriiui ei-rnts -IWrm.-,ßlr. AV. 1". "-Indi!; jw'trrei, .lfiwrN. T. II. Tidswell and J. J. 'Cff;ir; timekeepers, Mr. V. f». IIo-A-trr; clerk of course, Mr. .1. II, ""¡rar; stanor, -M." C. T: 1'rj-;, costume ste»»-arJ. Mr. 15. AV. Dfrling: rat« setirotery, Mr. A. Hnham: handi .capper, Mr. ('. C. Duncan; sérierai sevretury. Mr. E. 1«. Arch ¡bald. "Ahrppot events-Judges, ile-«-«. \V. liasrfurd and A. Griffen: «Mrtcr, Mr. J. Uarr; ntferec, Mr. ('. Oatley; -te-ii.ard-. Hews. I., liamena-, . I*, ßikld, and AV. Miller; ¿.lint «e-Te txrie-3, A'ftRrs. II. Stephens and J», it. Martin.


, AVhiprot "lace.-First heat-F. Lewis' Eurer, f» rdf. So-ond licat-(If. StnceyV Quo A*ail!a, 13 yd«. Third'heat-H. Sirven«' Princesa Jei:i, M '».d'. "Fourth heat-JL Stace»-'« Nati.«, Mi ni». Fifth lieat-AV. AleArthtir"« Scott»- Mae, S} .»d«. PirJi lieit-IT, Mate's Mi.-ler Trustful. 1.1 yd-. Semi-Final.-First,>uo A",idt«. Second hoot

-Xitas.' Final- Quo A'ad's, 1; Xatas, i. j

Pedestrian E»-ents.

40) Vard.« Handicap.-W. t. Kc'lv, 22 rd«. 1 F. W. Clayton. 13 yds., ?>; R. W. DoVltng-, '«G'v'd.« '

S. Tune. IS S-> «cr. ' . " " ' '

One Mile Walk Ihindicip.-T». S. Mcravaniili, 'ords., 1; J». .J. 3fcXamara, 1¿S vds., 2: » "G. Arthur. 235 yds., 3.

Foofjüll Place Kick.-F. Goldinç (West Ad* laid.;). 1. difíance 61 yd*. 2 }t.

One Mile Inlercltíi Allied Teams Itire.-America -lAdclaMe Harrißrs and Wnjkinir Club (R C. Halsev 220 yds., I. F.. n. O'Hihoncv 230 vils., F. W. Clarion -140 yd«., A. .1. Runuby SS'.> yü?.), 1; Great Britain. 2: Australia. 3. " " .

One Mlle Shndicnp.-\ J. rtumsb»-, 55 »it*. 1; .P. J. Shinnere, GO yds., 2; n. II. Applriby, 00 yds., S. Time, 4 min. 47 sec. " "

Horse »eat«.

-.-. lror«e(« r,»-er Hurdle« (Mm).-.T. .'SfcCawîey's ch g Xulional, 1; L. Itci'is' jr m Doric, 2.

Hor.-é-«' over Hunlîes (Uilitory).-Giptain ,X. Ci«!ip'.)u-H's ilelbj, 1; Lieutenant's Vice-roy, 1.

'linn*.« over Hurdle* . (radies).-Mi!« M. II." Doherty'« h-ff Tally-Ho,'2; G. .1. Stevens' b ¿ Hurricane, -2.

Section Fours (Military).-Captain Campöcll'i team, I; 5crtreint K. Murphy's t-am, 2.

Chariot. Race (ililitaryl.-T^irst lient- Driver E. f!. Wrfih. Second beat-Driver C. S. liney.»-cr C. S. Finey, 1.

12-st. Hunier*-.-Mi.« SI. R. Tlnhcrt.t-'s h ff<'Ta,llr lin. 1: J. . McC.iwlcy's ch s >a.t:onaI. 2.

HaniHrap Time Trot.-.T. 1^-nion's b m H iron««. l.r> *ec. belii'id scratch, 1: W. F. G. 1-ran's b ra Eileen 'Hamilton, «cratch, 2.

AUSTRALIA IUY CITP. For ponies 12.2 hand«.

. Finit nest-Vi. Rankine'« ti cr White Horre.

Second heat-J. Richardson's h g Trince ot


Third heat-Ifcltac and Francis' ch m Fl»-ing Mist.

Fourth hrat-¡Miss Jean Davidson'* ''b s Wee Cun.

Fifth, heat-Mi«* C. Read's h tr Kirip.

Final-W. Rankine'« b g White linn«.-(A. H. Fr.incis), 1: McUVie -and Francis" eli ni Flyi'i-» Mist (O'Brien). 2: Miss Jean Davidson's b ff Wee Gi^n (Hopwood), S.


Australia Day was celebrated at Willamstown on Saturday under ideal weather conditioins. The

attendance and the proceeds were records. The procession consisted of decorated trollies with returned soldiers and Mr. S. Lunn, a spinning wheel ard knitters for soldiers, school band and children, England and Belgium, Miss Collins' concert party (decorated trolly), ambulance and nurses, children's pets, Kiltie Band from Gawler, Foresters' Lodge in regalia. Britannia and America. Red Cross ambulance, cars with flowers joined in the procession, and there were also lady riders. Sports were held on the school reserve. A number of friends at the soldiers' plantation put in trees for boys, making a tolal of nearly 90 trees for the district of Mount Craw-ford. In the hall a fair was held, and a concert was held in the evening. Mr. Lunn col-lected during the day and evenirg nearly £30. A bedspread worked by Mrs. Murray Dawson, con-taining ovcr 500 names brought £34 for the funds. A baby competition brought £10 10/, and children's pets £3 14/2. Among the but-tons in great demand was a local one, "A Sheep, on Australia." A list of donations appeared in "The Advertiser" on Thursday, and with an addi-tional donation of £7 10/ from Mr. A. J. Murray, making his total £30, the grand amount of £37 l2/ will be forwarded.


The Cheney Motor Companv are to be congratulated on the ingenuity displayed in the two cars decorated by them. The first car, which was a Dodge Bros. Roadster, was decorated by Mrs. S. G. Starr, well known as an enthusiastic lady motorist, and took the form of a huge white swan, and was without doubt a tribute to her imaginative mind. Its shape was perfect, and the thousands

of pieces ot paper cut to represent the

feathers of the swan were exact in de-

tail throughout. This car secured the

first prize, and in response to a large number of requests it is hoped that it will be exhibited in the streets this morning. As a work of art it gives the Cheney Motor Company great credit. The se-cond car was decorated with wattle, with a stuffed fox and wallaby fixed in position on the front guard, and was driven from the rear by four ribbons attached to the steering wheel, the object being to show how easily a Dodge Bros. car can be handled. This aroused a great deal of curiosity, especially among experienced
