Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Saturday 19 July 1902, page 3


ANfiASTON. .Tulv 18.

On Wednesday last Mr. K. Posoelt, occupier of a block at Towitta, l^ft Angaston about midday on his way home1 with a email load of chaff, and . shortly afterwards ilr. A. Heinecke. of Sedan, driving a wa

son. along the same road, found him lying helpless by the roadside near to the entrance to Lindsay Park. The wagon was found capsized some distance beyond. .Mr. lleiuecke made an ineffectual attempt to lift the injured man into his wagon, and then returned for assistance. Mr. i\ Kuhn promptly provided a horse and cart and drovu to the police station for Cpl. RumbalT, and after reporting to l)r. Smith and requesting him to follow, the two drove on to the scene of the accident, and^.by means of a wire stretcher lifted tne sufferer into the cart. It was found that his left leg was broken beloiv the knee and the right leg above the knee. He was conscious, and explained that on the top of the hili leading to Lindsav bridge he bad leaned forward to put his brake on, but had overbalanced himself and fallen between the horses. He hung on for some distance, but finally fell, and the wheels passed over him. His hat was found about 200 yards back. Dr. Smith met the party on the raid, but did not attend to the injuries, as Posselt preferred to be taken direct to the Wilk.ivs Hospital. Light's Pass. On arrival there he was placed on a couch, but collapsed almost immediately, and died about half an hour later. The circumstances were reported to Mr. W. Clark, who did not consider an inquest necessary. Deceased was a very temperate man and quite sober at the time of the accident. He was 67 years of age, and has left a widow and a grownup lamily.ANGASTON, ANGASTON, Juiy 19— Visiting day was celebrated at the pubb'c school on Wednesday afru-noon, when about 50 parents and friends were present. .. Mr. A. Shannon (Chainuau of the local Board of Advice) presided, and presented the certificates. The report of the head teacher (Mr. J. H. Snell) showed that in class 5 certificates had been gained by 10 pupils out of 12 examined, and in class 4 11 compulsory and 11 merit certificates had been awarded. These were the only classes examined by-the inspector. In addition to above certificates of merit were presented to all the children who had done well at the examination, aud the head teacher presented a bcok each for best exercises in classes 4 and 5. A special prize of 10/, given by Mr. J. E. Swann for the boy with the best record for attendance and good work, was won by Henry Perry. Mr. Swana promised a similar prize for nest year. The show of manual work, including fancy and brush work, was much admired by the visitors. The scholars were addressed by the Revs .W. Gilniour and W. M. Grant, Messrs. S. W. Bailey. J. Hague, and J. E. Swann.— On Wednesday evening a concert was given at the institute in aid' of the Angaston Lawn Tennis Club. An excellent programme was provided, and the chief attraction was Mrs. E. W. Oldham, the wellknown Adelaide contralto, who contributed 3 large share of the vocal entertainmtnt, and whose singing was fully appreciated. Songs were also given by Miss Spafford and Mr. F. Salter; duets by Misses Spufford and jjnell, Mrs. Oldham and Mrs. W. Salter, Mesdames AV. Salter and S. V. Smith;

instrumental, music by jus. W. baiter and Miss Douglas; and a reading by Mr. S. W. Bailey. The tableaux Peace and The Ghosts' Quadrille were most effective. The attendance was moderate.— The first claim for the bonus of £1 per head offered by Mr. Angas for destruction of foxes has been made by Mr. E. Argent, who received the reward on Wednesday for the skin of a tine mature dog fox, shot by him at Tanunda Creek on Tuesday morning. The skin was exhibited at Mr. 'Cadd's on Wednesday, and was a good specimen, measuring 4 ft. 61 in. from tip to tip. Foxes appear to be more numerous and more widely distributed about here than was at first supposed. Until this year they were unKnown in the district, but quite recently five have been shot— two at Tanunda Creek, one each at Keyneton, St. Kilt's (near Stockwell), and on Mr. McBean's station, on Murray Flats— and others have been seen. During Wednesday night two

foxes wore seen in the garden adjoining Mr. T.' Argent's house, about live, inilea : south of; Angaston, but could not be secured. . During the present season great destruction has been wrought among lamos, and' if is highly desirable that no time be lost in dealing with the pest. A meeting of local land' juid stock holders has been convened, with a view lo arranging concerted action, and it is hoped that contiguous districts' will also take prompt similar ac- 1 lion,' so 'that the work of extermination | may be .vigorously and effectively prosecut- . ed.— A meeting of subscribers to the coro- | nation celebration fund was held at tws institute on Thursday evening to decide as to the disposal of surplus funds. It. was decided that the money should be retained for a celebration on the postponed Coronation Day, and that a meeting to arrange details should be convened as soon as the date is definitely known. BRACHl'ORT, July 15.-A public meetins was held in the institute last evening to' consider the decision of the Govern-, luent to reduce the mail sen-ice. Mr. K J. French presided. There was a good attendance, and it/was decided to prepare a memorial and point out to the Commissioner that at present with a daily mail our papers and letters are two days on the way from Adelaide, and to reduce the mail to three times a week would cause . great inconvenience to tradespeople and others.— The steamer Casino came in'yesterday from Melbourne, took in a full load of cliaff, anil cleared for Sydney. CRYSTAL BROOK, July 17— The annual meeting of subscribers to ihe Crystal Brook Institute was -held on Wednesday evening. There was a moderate attendance. TIil retiring President (Mr. F. G. Johnson) presided. ' The annual report showed tne financial position to be m'ost satisfactory. Diirinj the year £50 had been paid off tho loan account, and there was now a debt 01 only i'50 on Uie property. The library Itad been considerably* added to, 'and over £20 bad been spent on new books during the year. The caretaker's salary had beeii raised from £26 to £32, and during the vear £47 had been paid for salaries. Mr. H. II. Sadler had presented the committsi. with a new encyclopaedia of 14 volumesThe librarian's report showed there were 53 subscribers. Subscriptions for the year ending .June 30 were £24. The committea offered free membership to the library fo» one .vear to six of the scholars attending the local schools. Their offer 'had been much appreciated by the successful ones. Mr. C. K. K. Keville was elected a life member, in reecgnition of the services rendered to the institute by his father,- the late Mr. P. M. Keville. The following officers were elected:— President, Mr. J. ''organ; Yiee-President, Mr. J. Mercer; committee, Messrs. J. O. Cole, H. H. Sadler, IIov. F. Curwood, Dr. Bennett, A. M. Sullivan, and F. G. Johnson; treasurer, Mr. W. J. Carter; auditors; Messrs. G. J. Shakes and C. K. K. Keville; secretary, Mr. Hark Weston. ?GAWLEK, July 18-On Wednesday afternoon several members of the Gawlev Agricultural Society, including the President (Mr. M. McCalium), the secretary (Mr. A. G. Wells), and the treasurer (Mr. T. A, Waters), paid a visit to the Koscworthy College to meet the new Professor of Agriculture. Professor Towar gave them a cordial reception, and after snowing them around entertained them at after* noon tea. GRUNTHAL, July 18.— An entertainment was given by the literary society on Thursday evening -m the Methodist Church. Mr. John Korber presided. An interesting programme was carried out, as folows:— Overture by Miss J. Tucker, songs -v Miss Bessie Nanearr'ow. a trio bv school

girls, recitations by Messrs. Camac, Johncock, and A. Beaumont, and Misses L. Kor. her and M. Thamm, and readings by Mr. Jtohncock. IIAHNDORF, July 17.— Sincere regret is felt at the serious illness of Mr. Byard, the principal of the local college. Mr. Byarrt is .highly respected by all vvho knotf him, and it is hoped that his recovery to health and strength may be speedy. HALLETT, July 18.— The large store in the main street, which was burned down some ytprs ago while occupied by Mr. J. T. Tregilgas, was recently purchased) by Mr. A. Blight, and is now being rebuilt. HAWKER, July 16.— A meeting of the vigilance committee was held last evening in the institute hall. Mr. W. J. Pyman presided. The secretary explained that in accordance with a resolution passed at the last meeting a petition had been drawn up and numerously signed by residents of Hawker and district asking the Commissioner of Public Works to continue the Thursday night train from Quorn to Haw

ker, and the rriday morning tram from Hawker to Quorn, as at present, it being the only through train from Adelaide to Hawker. It was pointed out that if the proposed alteration in the train service was carried out it would prove inconvenient to merchants and local business people., The secretary stated that 200 signatures were; attached to the petition. It was resolved that the petition be forwarded to the members for the district for presentation to Parliament. A letter was read from the secretary of the Land Grant Transcontinental Railway League in regard to forming a local branch of the league. The meeting expressed itself in favour of the obj«:t3 of the league, and deferred further consideration. KINGSTON. July 16.-0n Tuesday evening the Rev. J). C. Harris delivered an interesting lecture in the institute hall on his experiences in Westqrn Australia. There was a large attendance, and ,a good musical programme was carried out, including two graphonhone selections. The proceeds were' in aid of the Methodist Home Mission Fund. Mr. J. J. Jarmaa occupied the chair. MOONTA. July 17.— A meeting of the local coronation celebration commitlee was held on Monday evening at the council chamber. The Mayor (Mr. W. Cowling) presided. The treasurer (Air. J: }v. Hu'hes) read a short statement, wlneh showed that, after distributing £23. among the |wor and paying all accounts in connection with the demonstration and the children's treat, there would be an approximate balance of about £10. The question of disposing qf this amount aviII be considered at a future meeting. It is expEcted, however, that it will be handed over to the Jnhilee Cottage Home Fund. A case was decided at tbe Local Court on Tuesday, before Mr. T. J. S. O'Halloran, SM, in which Mr. Mullins, cycle manufacturer, of Adelaide, sued MV. R. Fuss, bicycle agent, for £12 5/ for a Rapid bicycle given him by plaintiff for sale. According to the evidence Fuss failed to sell the machine, but returned it to Mullins after considerable wear, which necessitated new accessories. Defendant paid the sum of £;-3/ into court, and pleaded overcharge. Mr. Evan, of Adelaide, appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Uffindell defended. The court, after taking evidence on both sides, oceupying about two hours, gave a verdict for £11 10/. including the sum paid into court, with costs £5 13/.— The anniversary of the Moontii Temperance Society was celebrated at .the Temperance Hall last night, when a most successful concert was held. The first part of the programme consisted of an address by the Rev. Brian Wibberley, a song by Mr. K. N. Davey, and a duet by the -Misses It. Purling and S. Jarrett. Iii the second part a floral circle' was pre sented, in which several ladies took part. Each represented a different flower, and . sang an appropriate solo. Miss May Fran cis's rendering of The Rain is on the Rive-was. especially good, an encore being demanded. At the conclusion of the entertainment a coffee supper was held at the Methodist Hall. The Vice-President (Mr. J. Fiyeash) presided. The secretary (Mr. W. Nancnrrow presented the balance sheet and report, which showd that highly satisfactory progress had been made. . During the year a piano had been purchased, and the liability -at present was onJy £6 10/. Tiie attendance was large.' ?.'??? MOUNT BARKER, July 16.— A simultaneous mission is being held here tin's week. The leaders are the ltevs. J. G. Mather. G. Hall, and C. F. Smith. MURRAY BRIDGE, July 18-Foxes are becoming . rather numerous. Although known to exist at-Tiiilem Bond, it is omy recently they have. been seen on tliis side of the river, where they have begun tc make their presence felt among sheep and fowls, about a dozen of each having been killed within two miles of the township. The ever cute reyriard has so far dodged local sportsmen. M1LLICENT, July 15.— The annualmeeting of Uie Caledonian Society was held on Saturday evening. There was a fair attendance, and, in the absence of the Chiet (Mr. A. Sutherland), Ex-Chief P. Sutherland was voted to the chair. The sscretary (Mr. T. F. Stuckey) read the annual balance sheet anu .report. The balance sheet showed that th? funds were tin: a healthy condition. There was a: credit balance of £83. Mr. A. Sutherland was elected Chief, and the Chieftains w* re re. appointed. Messrs. R. S. Slater, A. McHos(ie, W.'N./ Perry, W. Forbes, and W. Fairweatlier were elected- directors. Mr. T. F. Stuckey was appointed secretary, and Mr. G. D. E. Plunkfett auditor. It was. decided to put £50 'oi the credit balance in the Savings Bank. Mr. J. T. Fergusson ?was presthted with a gold medal in recognition of his services as piper.— The newlj elected Council of -Mount Muirhead met on Saturday. Cr. .). Malone was elected Chairman, .ind the .ollicm wore reappointcd Ci\ McConrt was appointed delegate to the Mayurra Council regarding the proposed curtailment of the' mail sen-ice. Tho I Mayurra Council met on Monday. Mr. T. McCourt, M-n.,- was- re-e'ected Chairman, and all the officers were reappoinled. j MO IJNT GAMBIER, J iily 15.-Mra. Mar garet Potter,, widow of the late Mr. Daniel

'otter, sen., fanner, Mount Gambier Bast, kd in Adelaide yesterday, and her remains rere brought down by train for interment o-nigh,t. Mrs. Potter came to Mount Inmbief nearly 50 years ago, immediately fter her marriage, and resided here ever inee. Her husband died 18 years ago. he haa*'eft five . sons, and four- daughters nd 35 grandchildren. She was 69 year* f age.— Yesterday evening a man named Wlliam Nifcrchke, a passenger by the train rom Millicent to the Mount, when a little ?ay this side of Tantanoola, tried to cros» rom one carriage to the other. He sliped and fell, but grasped one of the irons t the enu of the carriage, and was dragged ,*ith his feet on the ground between the ails. Two strong men seized him and ragged_ him from his perilous position.— 'he Rev.- J. P. Milne, who has been curate 0 the Ven. Archdeacon Young, of Christ !hureh,- since the beginning of the year, as accepted an appointment as curate to be .Rev. W. A. Swan, of the Semaphore, nd will leave here early in August. His eaving will be much- regretted by the arishioners. MELROSE, July 17.— An old resident, Ir. A. F. Andrews, was found dead in hia-ed this morning. He was well known, nd in the early days, besides holding tlier offices, was returning officer, and for 0 years clerk of the Local Court. » Owing 0 retrenchment he left the Governmentervice some years ago, and since that time iad^cted as a general agent. He was ths egistrar of births and deaths, and auditor 0 the district council. Mr. Andrews was cell connected, and his legal experience wab f great value to the residents. ?' A widow nd several grown-up children survive. MILANG, July 17-Mr. A. E. Bowman, who for many years has managed the Pol-tallock estate, handed over the manage-ment on July 1 to his brother, Mr. K. D. Bowman, who inherited this property from his father, the late Mr. John Bowman. Mr. A. E. Bowman, who has a station property in Gippsland, is said to be anxious to secure property on the lakes. Mr. Peter Peter-son, who has managed Mr. T. R. Bowman's Campbell House estate for upwards of 29 years, retired on Tuesday last. Mr. Peterson has lived continuously on the lakes for 43 years. In 1859 he was first employed in Poltallock and Campbell House stations, then the property of the late Mr. Malcolm, both these stations were stocked with the celebrated (M 7) breed of shorthorns. In 1873 Messrs. Bowman Brothers purchased both properties, and Mr. Peterson was given the sole management of Campbell House. Bowman Brothers disposed of the herd of cattle to the late Sir Thomas Elder, only retaining a few for stud purposes, andstocked sheep. About 1874 the. Messrs.Bowman dissolved partnership, the late Mr. John Bowman taking Poltallock and Mr. T. R. Bowman Campbell House. Dur-ing the last 29 years Mr. Peterson has never been absent from a single shearing. He has cIipped as many as 40,000 sheep at one shearing, and the average clip has been about 30,000. Mr. Peterson is recognised as one of the best judges of cattle and sheep in the state, and it would be hard to find a more popular man. During the visits of the late Prince Albert and our present Prince of Wales to Campbell House, Mr. Peterson organized kangaroo hunts for their Royal Highnesses, and a pleasant time can be spent in listening to his description of those hunts. Before leaving Campbell House the employes presented Mr. Peterson with a liqueur stand. The residents of Meningie invited him to a complimentary banquet, which, much to his regret, on ac-count of indisposition, he had to decline. Mr. Peterson holds a strong opinion on the River Murray question. He thinks that unless some steps are taken to keep the waters of the lakes fresh, the carrying capa-cities of the land around the lakes will be reduced fully one-third. When the waters are salt or brackish the settlers have to de-pend on holes sunk along the shores of the Coorong, drainage waters, which are limit-ed. If they are not careful and sink too deep they come across salt water. Campbell House has lost £100 a year dur-ing the last six years on account of the salt water getting into the hays. This is the only water for stock, but it has caused them to fall away to skeletons and die. Mr. Peterson has fine properties at Paris Creek, Bugle Ranges, and a beautiful home, Park-indula, about two miles from Mount Bar-ker, where he intends to reside, and we all hope be and Mrs. Peterson may long be spared to enjoy it. ' ' NARJIACOORTE, July 17— Tile first meeting of the district council, as newly constituted, was -held on Tuesday. Cr. K. \7incent was elected Chairman. It was resolved that an enlarged photo of Mr. H. Smith, who for many years has been a prominent councillor, but has now .retired,, be procured, and hung up in the chamber. Mr. H. Hargrave, the engineer, who receives a remuneration of £80 per annum, sent in an account for £22 odd for trap hire and £6 for expenses incurred while engaged in council work.' In view of an agreement which exists between the council and the engineer, it was found that no allowance could be made, and it was resolved, in order' to terminate the difficulty, that Mr. -Hargrare be given three months' notice, with right to apply for the position, when fresh applications were called POKT AUGUSTA, July 17.— The monthly meeting Of the Hospital Board was held yesterday. Present— Messrs. T. Hunter (Chairman), J. G. ~Moseley,.N. A. Richardson, J. G. Lecky, J. Hofdsworth, and secretary (J. J. AV. Brady). The secretary reported that the patients in institution at beginning of month numbered 45; admitted, 30; and discharged, 39; deaths, 2; remaining in hospital, 34. Accounts for £140 were passed for payment. It was resolved that the authorities be asked to make the road in front of hispital buildingTENOLA, TENOLA, July 17.— A rather severe accident happened to Mr. Gilbert Pounsett, of the National Bank, a few days ago. He was riding a young pony which shied with him into a barbed wire fence. The result was a severely lacerated thigh, which needed a number of stitches— A concert was given in St. Mary's Sunday-school on Wednesday evening, presided over by Mr. R. McClenaghan. The first part consisted of songs, recitations, and instrumental music by the Mosses Merton (2), Baynes, Ralph, Peters, and McKay, and Messrs. Merton, Cox, Richardson, and Rickard. The second portion consisted of lantern views shown by the Rev. Mr. Campbell descriptive of a trip to England.— Like other people in the south-east residents here naturally resent the later train? which are proposed for iiext month, although, of course, they will not be such great sufferers as those further south. Howes'er, as the ordinary trains now run late nearly every night', people are wondering what time the mixed trains may be expected. PORT PiRIE. July IC-During the three month? ended June 30 fcst tho export o£ fish from here was considerably larger than usual. The following figures, which have been supplied by Cpl. Freeman, assistant inspector of fisheries, show that during April 627 boxes, weighing 16 tons. 15 cwt. 3 qr. 4 lb.; were sent away by rail; during May, 1,551 boxes, containing 41 tons 2 cwt. 6 lb.; and during June, 1,447 boxes,

:oniaining 38 tons 14 cwt. 3 qr. 25 lb., ,vent forward; total, 96 tons 12 cwt'. 3 qr. 1 lb. During~the March quprter of this ,-ear only 17 tons 13 ewt. 2 or. of fish was iispatehed. The total export for the sis nontiis was a little, over 114 tons. In adlition tq this there is a local consumption )f about 1 ton per month. . Business conlected with this departmunt is now conlucted by Mr. Dufh'eld, of the Crown Lands jlh'ces; and, in addition to Cpl. Freeman, vho has acted for a number of years, there ire three assistants.— Mr. Stenhouse, of the Broken Hill Globe Timber Mills Company, ind Mr. Stanley Low, manager of Block 10, are here on a short visit. Mr. J. Lindsay, the Broken Hill Proprietary Company's consulting engineer at Broken Hill, las'been across to the Iron Knob railway, ind returned to Broken Hill to-day. QUORN, July 16.— On Saturday last a farewell banquet was tendered to Adjt. and Mrs. Elder by the local Salvation Army. There was a large attendance. The departing officers, who have been resident in Duorn for the past 12 months, have earned the respect of all. Deep regret is felt at their approaching departure. The Quorn railway brass 'band,- under theeonductorsliip of Mr. Neale, rendered selections during the evening. The function was a success, both financially and otherwise, over £6 being realized. The departing officers will be succeeded by Adjt. and Mr?. Small, from Moonta.— On Tuesday evening Mr. John 1). Foley, assisted by Misses L. Connor and 'A. Fitzroy hnd Mr.' Guy Leopold, gave his- farewell performance in the Quorn Town HalKtb a good audience.— A meeting of the delegates appointed from the vanoua friendly societies, for the purpose of arranging for the annual demonstration on September 1, was held, in St. Matthew s schoolroom on Tuesday evening, .iue following officers were elected:— Chairman of committee, Jlr. R. Thompson; treasurer, Mr. W. R. Kirtoii; secretary Mr. W. Hall»ert; auditors, Messrs. W. L. Hudson and A. Mole; committee, Messrs. R. Thompson, W. R. kirton, C. Patten, H. Q. Pelton, A. Mole, A. Wight, T. Gluyas, A. li. Locke, J. Stewart. W. L. Hudson, A. C Crouch, Smart. W. Scanlon, G. Coleman, J. Kennedy, Hall, F. Lewis, W. Halbert. Strong subcommittees were appointed. TEROWIE, July 17.-0ne of the oldest aad most respected residents of the town, Mr. John Coon, died on Tuesday at his residence. Mr. Coon came to this district from Fifth .Creek in 1874.— The finance meeting. of the Terowie children's demonstration was held; in flie institute on Monday evening. The secretary (Mr. A. W. Badger) presented the balance sheet, which showed a balance -in hand of . 10/. Thanks were accorded to the', ladies for their valuable services and to the secretary. The demonstration was considered tbe best ever held in the district. WALLAROO, July 16— Yesterday was visiting day at the public school, and a large number of parents -and 'friends- at-tended to' inspect the exhibition of needle and manual work nnd to witness the distribution of honour certificates by the Chairman of the Board of Advice (Mr. J. Malcolm). The visitors were conducted round the school by the head master (Mr. A. K. Mueller) and watched the classes at work. In the large room, after a part song had been sung, Mr. Mueller read his report. The number of children on the roll is 553, though the measles has caused a serious temporary .reduction in tbe daily attendance. Results of the recent examination showed 81 per cent., which was pronounced very satisfactory .by 'the inspectors considering the conditions. Full marks were ' obtained in order, discipline, tone, drill, and manual work. Miss Guthrie* and Miss ScholefieM have left and Hiss Cameron and Miss Hall have taken their places. The attendance is increasing, and further additions will shortly be, made to the staff. The desk accommodation will: also lwve to be increased. The.Rev. J. Lloyd-proposed a vote of thanks to the teachers, nnd the Rev. H. J. Lambert and Mr. T. Davies supported. In his reply the head teacher said that be attributed the past year's success mainly to the able assistance rendered by his staff. The proceedings terminated with the singing of God Save the King, and a half-holiday was granted to the chddren.— At the local phosphate works a large 'new storage shed, is, approaching completion, which wilj enable some 10,000 tons of phosphate to be stored in place of the 3,000 tons or so which is all that the present buildings have room for. YAXKAL1LLA, July 17.-AI a. social held last night in 'connection with me Methodist Church Mr. W. Nosworthy was presented 'with a gold watch and chain by the members and friends as a mark of appreciation in which he. is held by the church. For many years be has been a district steward, and as .a local preacher in the earlier days travelled long distances to conduct the services allotted to him. The presentation was made by Mr. J. Tonkin, of Torrene -Vale,; ? . , -' '