Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Friday 25 February 1927, page 9



? The Renown anchored In the Bay of Islands at- 9 o'clock this mornlno and, eager as a boy, His Royal HlnhiiMt th* Dulu'nf York was

early astir, wanting to know all about the arrangements made for his first experience at big game -fishing. Before 9 o'clock he was afloat in a spe-ially equipped launch, with his equerry, k-l. Buist and Mr. Andreas, of Sydney, 'ho has made a close study of fishing onditions in* the Bay of Islands for several ears past-, and a local expert, Mr. Hodgson, 'he luck was against the Duke, however, w unfortunately, fighting swordfish were ot biting. Late in the afternoon he truck a brown shark, wbich is not rearded as a fighting fish, but neverthe!ss id gave the Duke half an hour's good port before it was landed. The Duke ?as most cool throughout; in fact, the ;ast excited aboard the launch ,giving irections calmly and displaying full appre[ation of the conditions. He expertly rought the shark alongside. Col. Buist ttempted to harpoon the fish, but the reapon bent against the tough ekin of the hark, which made another fight for berty. Eventually the Duke, playing the sh as to the manner born, again got it longside and gaffed it. The fish was aken to the headquarters of the Russel Ashing Club, where it turned the scale t 120 ft. Duke's Mettle Roused. The Duke was most enthusiastic regardlg the sport and wants to spend all totorrow : trying for a real fighting fish, 'be only other members of the royal arty successful to-day was the Duchess, rho had a fine day among the schnapper s well as other fish, and Madame Gillour, whose boat waa for several exciting linutes fast to a swordfish, which disppointingly broke away. The day, which was glorious, waa iven up by the ship's company to complete elaxation. Several parties went away itent upon sport and were rewarded nth varying success. One party was irtunate enough to land a fairly good wordfish of more than 200 ' ft.; others rought several fine kingfish to the side f the boat, while others had to be conent with schnapper ranging from 20 fb. onwwards. Farewell to Auckland. The Duke sent a message to the Mayor f Auckland as follows:— 'At the end of our visit to your beauiful city, which we leave with ' very ea] regret, the Duchess and' I' desire to Bsure you of our deep gratitude for the ronderful welcome everywhere received. tar stay, especially out time among the hildren, afforded us the keenest enjoylenf; we shall never forget it.' HISTORIC ASSOCIATIONS. AUCKLAND, Thursday. The people of the sequestered historic ettlement of Russell, where Governor lobson landed 87 years ago and planted he British flag, were early astir to welome H.M.S. Renown. It was a longange welcome, as the anchorage is four, ailes from the township; but it was one ull of eager interest and enthusiasm. The reather was perfect, and the great warhip moving up to the anchorage, made l beautiful picture. People from all mrts north of Auckland had crowded the ittle township overnight, and at dayireak they thronged the low hills around iussell in .order to catch the first glimpse )f the largest veswl that has ever entered ;he Boy of Islands. Among the vantage points crowded was Flagstaff Hill, where Hone Heke cut lowrr the British flag on the occasion of is'first dash- between 'Brittsh' antJ^ladfis »\er.;;8Q. yeais ago. ;. ? ???.-?'.' .,- t MAORI PREPARATIONS. Extensive preparations are being made by the Maoris for the reception and entertainment of the Duke and Duchess of York it Rotorua. on Saturday and two following days. The town is thronged .with natives froth all parts of the Dominion. The official Maori visitors, whose transport las been provided by the Government, are limited to about 1,500, but a total of about !,500 is expected. The Maoris are providng a capable orchestra and two parties of :oncert performers. The Arawas, acting is hosts, nre feeding the guests, which is Droving a big undertaking. Three bullocks ire killed daily, in addition to sheep and pigs. Three hundred loaves of bread are ased each day. ? ? VISIT TO PORT ADELAIDE. .. The Port Adelaide City Council last night received a letter from Mr. Blinman (State director of the royal visit), asking if, on. the visit to Port Adelaide by Their Royal Highnesses on Tuesday. May 3, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Councillors desired to receive the royal visitors at the Port Adelaide Town Hall and present an address of loyalty and welcome. Cr. Wright moved that the counci should receive the Duke and Duchess at the Town Hall and present an address ta them there. Carried. The Mayor (Mr. A. O. R. Tapp) said the Port Adelaide citizens should take it aa an honour that a visit was being paid to the district. It would be a graceful act on the' part of business people with balconies along the route to permit those who desired to see the royal, visitors to make use of them. A small charge could be made, and the sum received be given to the Tubercular Soldiers' Appeal Fund. He had asked the head masters of the public schools that all the children might have an opportunity to see the royal party. Reiurned sailors and soldiers, also Boy and Sea Scouts and . Girl GuideB would be in attendance. The traders had been askci] to discuss the display of flags and decora' tions. It was interesting to note that the rayal colours were similar to their ownred and gold.