Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), Tuesday 19 July 1927, page 8


Catch phrases start up from unknown sources, and sweep around the world with almost unbelievable rapidity. The origin of many of them is hopelessly lost. Who, for instance, was the first person to say " There you are, then"? A few years ago it was heard on every lip. Some of them, like "Yes, we have no bananas" come from comic songs, and others from newspaper advertise-ments. One of the most popular of the latter variety is "It's moments like these you need ' Mintics.' " At the pre-sent time, one hears the phrase wherever one goes. The makers of " Minties", Messrs. James Stedman-Henderson's, of " Sweetacres", receive dozens of sug-gestions by every post' from people in-stancing "Moments like these", when "Minties" would have been most ac- ceptable. "It's moments like these" has proved itself to be one of the most catchy-catch phrases that has ever caught on, and it shows no signs yet of fading out of publie recognition.