South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 21 September 1889, page 3


(By Facer.]

1 he 1SS9 season has dosed. On Saturday last toe float raauta t ok place. Two weie arranged, bat the Vanity's forftikd to the Knights, and tne Adalaidt-s sou Norths were the onlv teims that ul&yed.

ine retult was a tie. On tne previous saturaty tne Adtlaides defeated tbe Vanity's by 7 to L The Norths are asain premier*, and tbe following table shows the result of tn» ceuon's contests so far ai the four city clubs are concerned :— Won Lost Drawn North Adelaide .. 6 2 1 Adelaide « „ *. .. 6 3 I Bnifth's ~ - .. 4 4 1 Univenity ........ 1 7 1 ? his to,' practically speaking, tbe acorfpg sheet for tbe Association, because tbe city clubs really constitute the Association 3he country clubs are am*Jfatfcd with the body only for tbe sake of unity and tbe privilege ot playing natter its auspices whea the opportunity occur. Eottunato circumstances have enabled them to compete on two or three occasions with metropolitan teams, but they nave not had a chance of playing regularly with tbe idea of attaining the highest position ; therefore, so far as the premienhip is concerned, the above t-ible ia sufficient to dencte the positions of tbe clubs. At the same time, it is interesting to know how the different bums sttntfin view of every natch that bu been played The ttatistics quoted below supply the informa'.ion. They include the disputed watch between the Norths and Bright* on June 1 and the forfeited game of last Saturday. Won. Lost. Dr. Norths .... 0 2 l Adelaides- .... 7 8 1 Knights ~ ..... b 0 1 Vanity ..... M l 7 2 Comb'Qed. ...... 2 Jameatown - .... 1 1 Biverton ? 0 1 0 Port Augusta ..-..- 4 1 Ncarlunga ...... 0 1 Couth Australia.. ? ~ 1 Victoria - ? 1 2 Victotia and Port Augusta ..1 Combined City ...._- 1 Thirty matches have been engaged in, tbe Bnt being that which took place on the Old Course on May 4 between tbe Adelaides and Knights. In all engagements 105 goals were thrown oguiokt 136 la*» year, and 103 tbe year before. They were d stnbuted as follows:— Norths 68, Kn-chts 81, Ade'-Jde* 32, University 18. Combined 17, Victotia 11, Soutb Australia 9, Port Augusta 8, Victoria and Port Augusta 6, Bivertcn 4, Noarluoga 8, and Jamestown 2. Tbe combined players who defeated tbe Hirertons, on May 25 :.t Hiverton threw 10 goals, which was the greatest number thrown ia any rrateh do-ing tbe season. Tbe Norths threw 0 again' t tbe Univefitys later Jon, and the Eouih Australians boat the Victorians by 9 to 2, so that thete teams share the henoon of sacond place in this respect. Tbe teason has been most successful in every way, and the visit of tbe Victorians a few weeks ago did more for the sport than ffity lecil matches would do. That the hundreds of people who witnessed the opening match cf tbe series were more thin oidiaarily tak?n with tha gams was obvious to every one. It is well known that many went to tbe Oval prepared to 669 'an eld woman's game,' and with their nrinris itaoTOOgbly made up that ib.9 afternoon mould be vatted. No sooner had tbe match started than these prejudiced feelings began to dwindle away, and before time was called the biai wis on the tide of lacrosse rather than against it ihe spectators freely admitted that they had acted eironoosly to prejudging the putitne, and next year we may expect to see the Association contests watched by mnny more people than we have been accustomed to in the past. Everything bas been in favour of the game thh year except the grounds, snd they had been rather wet and slippery od very many occasions. It is confidently expected ttut the Association roll will be augmented at the beginning of next season by the inclusion of a Club representing tbe Y.M.C.A. Two other dubs are spoken of, and it Is by no means improbable that the Prince Alfred College boys wiil take to the sport before tbe 1890 season opens. In tbe meantime, it would be well for the Association to lend the College boys as many crones as are availatle, in order first that they may have an opportunity of cultivating a taste for the same, ana secondly that having done so they m»y have tune to become fairly skilful ia the manipulation of tbe instruments wed in the game. Kven half a dozen crosses would be of great service to the sport. Ihe boys would amuse themselves and gradually obtain more by organizing a school fund for the purpose.