Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Thursday 15 April 1915, page 6


His Excellency the Governor and Lady Galway were present at Professor Hender-son's lecture upon ''"The Great European War, 1914-15," in the Adelaide Town Hall on Wednesday. Professor Henderson pre-faced his address by saving how glad they all were after Lady Galway's recent in-disposition to see her able to come out that evening. "'As I may not have an-other opportunity," the professor con-tinued, "1 want to say how grateful I am to Lady Galway for the encouragement she has given to me and for the devotion she bas shown to the cause- of those who are trying to do something for th« Belgians."

At t'io meeting of the Advisory Board of Agriculture oa Wednesday leave of ab-sence was granted to Colonel J. Rowel}, C.B., who has received an important mili-tary appointment.

The Mayor of Adelaide (Mr. A. A. Simpson) celebrates the 40th anniversary of his birth to-day. He is the eldest son ot JLr. A. M. Simpson, and ;vas born at Kent Town and educated at Prince Alfred College. " He has been a member of the Adelaide City Corpora-tion since 1901. when he was elected a councillor. Three years later he waa chosen as alderman, a position he filled until his election to the mayoralty in suc-cession to Mr. J. Lavington Bonvthon. in December, 1913. From 19C6 to 1903 he was chairman of the Metropolitan Dairies Board, and from 190S to 1910 chair-man of the Metropolitan County Board. In his official capacity he is the head of the Mayor's Patriotic Fund and trea-surer of the King Edward VII. Adelaide Memorial Fund. Nine years ago the Mayor travelled extensively in Europe in order' to leam English and Continental methods of -municipal government. " and was appointed by the South Australian Government an Honorary Commissioner to report on the German old age pension system. The Mayoress, who wai mar-ried to Mr. Simpson in 1910, ¡s a daugh-ter of the late Captain i?. G. Hubbe, who commanded the South Australian Bushmen's Contingent in the Boer war.

The name of Mr. George Brookman, who attains 'his 65th birthday to-day, wflj invariably be associated with the history of the Western Australian goldfields, for he was the organiser of the syndicate that discovered the famous Golden Mile ia 1893 That syndicate comprised fifteen members, and their discovery of the won-derful stretch of gold-bearing country re-sulted in the springing up ia a night, aa it were, of a city that was destined to become famed throughout the civilised world-Kalgoorlie, where many fortunes have been _ made and many "lost. Mr. Brookman is a Scotchman. He.was born at Glasgow, and was little more than an -.infant when he came to . South Australia wjith his parents. Beginning his commet" cial career vyith Messrs. _ D. & J. Fowler, he obtained an insight into business me» thods that stood him in good stead some years later, when he began business on his- own account as a- stock and share broker. Mr. Brookman succeeded in amassing a large fortune. He has been closely associated with many public move-ments. For some years he was a member of the Legislative Council and cl'a»rra&n of the Adelaide Hospital lioard, and among other offices which he has held or still holds may be nentioned a feat on the University Council..a goverLorahip of-the Public Library Hoard, a iiic gover-norship of the Children's Hospital, and the chairmanship of the Adelaide Electric Light Company, besides-4is connection aa director with manv other companies. _ Ho has given generously to public institutions, his most notable gift being £15,000 to the School of Mines and Industries.

Mr. Thomas Goode, of Westall-street, Hyde Park, father of the Commissioner of Crown Lands (Hon. C. Goode) and father-in-law of the Premier (Hon. C. Vaughan), completes his 80th year to-day. He was born at Kyre Magna, Worcester-shire, and came tp South Australia in 1858 in the ship Hope. He is the eldest of six brothers, who settled finally in South Australia, and of whom the only others now alive are Mr. H. A. Goode, of' Hyde Park, and Mr. Matthew Goode, of Willunga. A few months after Mr. Goode's arrival in the province he went to Canowie Station (then the property of Messrs. Scott, James, & Co.). of which five years later he became manager. This position he held for 30 years, acquiring an expert knowledge of sheep and cattle

breeding. The Canowie stud became

known for its excellence throughout Aus-tralia. In later life Mr. Goode was general manager of the estate of the late Hon. J. H. Angas for nine years, and for several years managing trustee of the late George Hiles Petherton Estate. During the last 10 years Mr. Goode and two of his sons have been interested in their own properties. Mr. Goode married a daughter of the late Rev. Matthew Wilson (who was a pioneer missionary in the Tongan Islands), and has eleven sons and daughters resident in the State. He comes of hardy stock, and is hale and well, and in appearance would scarcely be credited with even three-score years and ten. At present he is visiting his farm near Loxton, where seeding opera-tious are in progress.

Mr. T. Green, M JP., président of the South Australian branch of the Govern-ment Railways and Tramways Employes' Aasociat:oh, "ieft for Melbourne by the express on Wednesday to attend a meet-ing of the Federal executive of the or>


The Vice-Chancellor of tie University, Dr. W..'Barlow, C.M.G., .who has been in indifferent health for same weeks, ia confined to his room. ,

The Hon. J. Cowan, M.1*.C, was a passenger from Murray lïridee to Mel-bourne by thci express on Wednesday.

Mr. W. W. Forwood, a vice-president of the Associated Chambers of Manufac-tures, left by the express on Wedncsday to, attend a meeting ol' the executive of I the Associated Chambcyre, on Monday I ¿ext, to discuss matters in regard- to

the tariff.

2ir. E. G. Warren, tvho was for seven years-the evangelist of-the Kadina Church of .Christ, was elected president of the Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia laai. Good Friday morn-


Mr. Howard T. Wiittle, who represents Messrs. Good, Toms, & Co. in the north, is convalescent, after undergoing an.opera-tion for appendicitis in tSe North Ade-

laide Private Hc*=3¿tai.

An officer in North-East Franco states that when the Prince of Wales visited the British lines recently he was' much impressed by a great gun nicknamed "Teddy," and was amused on -being pre-sented to "George/' "Mary," "Mother,"

and "Baby."