South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tuesday 12 February 1901, page 6



- jiic umnra ui .uacaruiur lias io oe added to the list of places which suffered severely by bush fires lart wick. The gale Barried th* flame* from Alnnnt Ffv.l»u mir-

Mr. J. L. Huutley s Cleubuntly E&atc, where they burned fiercely and* Wept all before them until they reached Mrs. MclnneVs Inverness Farm, where the grass, which happened to be short, checked them. Travelling south-easterly the nr-ttruck Mr. Shendon's farm, and swept away bay, stables, sheds, and vehicles. The dwelling-house was ignited several times, but the workers succeeded in saving the building. Mr. A,dden*all Iiad a narrow escape, but lie saved bis home and stock. Another fire came from Condah way, and reached Knebsworth after doing considerable damage. Princetown wa» also waited by a devastating bush fire. Mr. (J. Hennckscn, of Wangenip, was completely burnt out, and his live stock, in the fattening paddocks, were roasted. Numerous selectorM and farmers were rendered homeless. Goldstian*s sawmills, at Thnboon, were reduced to ashes, and bullock teams were roasted on the road. Tiic Rivcrnook coach, with maiLs and iKUScnger*, bad a narrow escape. The particulantwhich continue to come to hand of tbe bush fires which ragvvl towards the end of last week show that tbe danage done was even greater than was at first supposed. The loss throughout the country is vast, and scores of persona have been reduced to destitution. Iu tiic Wangaratta district there is uanUy a blade of grass left on &n area that irfully 30 miles long by 10 miles wide. At Stcuzlitz a Hock of 1,500 well-bred sheep, including 50 valuable ranis, one of which was recently purchased for HO guineas, were . roasted to death. The sheep belonged to Mr. F. Arrnytage. The devastation wrought in the Yea district is indicated by the fact that the area covered by the fire exceeds 100 square miles, and that in some cases farmers lost upwards of 1,000 sheep.