South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 21 May 1898, page 2

RELIGIOUS NOTICES Church of England. ST. PETER'S CATHEDRAL. 7.30 a.m.. Holy Communion. 10.30, Matins with Sermon, Rev. W. S. Milne. 3 p-m.. Memorial Smie* for William Ewart CUdttone; Anthem, 'Ble*t Art thj Departtd(Spohr); Address by the Lord Buiiop. 2».B.— Tickets for this Sortiee to be obtained from the Precentor, St Barnabas College; or np to 10 o'clock unlay from Mr. W. Pope, Easts Chambers. 6. 45 p.m.. Evensong; Anthem, 'Lift vp jonr PeadV( Handel) ; Preacher, the LORD BtsnoP. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. U, 6.15— W. B. Gladstone in Memoriam. Preacher- The Rectos. 3 p.m. — Missionary Address to hmti and Scholar*. MT. PAUL'S, ADELAIDK.-U.C., 8; Matins, 11 ; O Erensous. Hi. Preacher, Tho Rectou. ?Anthem, ' Lift up Your Heads.'* ? ST. JOHN'S.— lL H.C.: 6.-5, Caooa Hofcjuft. ST. MAU\-b.-b. 1LC; 11, 6.45, Ke». B. St L U K E'S. ADELAIDE. —8. H.C ; 11-HS, Ker. W. O. Maksu. Rector. /CHRIST CUCKCU, N.A.-S (0.0; UlL. the \j Lotto BlSUoP; 6.30, E., the DEO; Anthem, ??Incline Thine Ear to Me/' ? T. PAUL'S, PORT.-H.C. 8 ; -L 11 ; E., ?.SO, In Mtmoriam W. K. OLinstone. RECTOR. Presbyterian. Flinders-sL Presbyteriaa Chareh, SABBATH SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY TO-MORl* O TV'. 11-Rcv. E. H. ELLIS, «f North Adelaide). 2.45— R«v. a DAVIDSON, IMA. &3O-Rev. a DAVIDSON, M.A. Special Anthem* at all tbe Services. On WEDNESDAY. May :S-T*a at 6.30; Public Meeting a: 7.3a Addresses by Ker. J. O. RAWS and Rer. G. DAVIDSON. M.A. During the evening Musical Selections by Choir. ? 7Uc /CHALMERS CHURCH.— It, Dr. PaTOK: 7, \j Memorial Service W. E. Gladstone. Anthem*. 'Blest atetbe departed' (Spoor), 'Nuac DinUttis,' *? What are theser Qtainer). ? ST. ANDREWS. Wakefield-STREET. — 11, 6 30. Rev. J.O«Kj T. Robertson. JL A. T. GILES*. PARADE. NORWOOD. REV. tV. F. MAIN. ? Morning. 11; Evening. 8.30. ? (GOODWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.X Rev. TuuMAS Lurtl-, Morning, 11 ; Evening, C.3IL ? ___^__ 1~)ORT ADELAIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Mr. J. DEVE.M5K. B.A. M.. 11; E., 630. CongregationaL BROUGHAM-PLACE, NORTH ADELAIDE. DR. JEFFIRI3. Morning. 11; Eveoins. &30. ?? ISMS THAT HAUNT IW No. i PANTnEISM-EVERYTHING GOD. TO W MEMORIAL CHURCH. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ? Rav. JulLN LuffP. of Wallaroo. ? INDMARSU-SQCARE CHURCH. Eev. H. Le.vtiiX. Morning. ** BIe»»ed are the poor in spirit;' Evening, at 7, 'Getting what 1* given/* ? R~IWE PARR CONG. CHURCH.— 11. Mr. H. T. Fitr; «L3». Ker. A. W. \Vtxu3CTO3. ? /COLLEGE PARK CHURCII.— Rev. M L. \j JnUNsus. K.A., at II awl 6.30. ? CLAYTON CHURCH. II and C.30. Rer. Bestir G. Nicuolls. A Panegyric on William Ewart Gladstone T\TEW PARKS1DE CONG. CUCKCtL-Rev. J3i C. Maxthobpe. at 11 a.m. and C.30 p-m. :gsc ORT CONG. CUURCU.-Rev. J. C. KlRBr. Evening, Memorial of William Kwart Glad?tone. ? _____ GLENEL0 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. M. 11. Rev. (i. RATSeK, 'God's Pitying Judgment;' E. 7. Non- Anglicans and Anglirani (postponed from last Sabbath). Baptisti FLIN DERS.STBEET. Rev. Juu* G. Raws. 11 and C.30. Evening Subject— W. E. GLADSTO3VE. ?VT0RTU ADELAIDE, TY.NTE ? STREET. l- Morning. 11— Itav. G. DAVUKiUN'. 3I.A. Evening, u\3o-Her. EDWIN H. ELLL*. In Meaurkw W. E. Gltditont, COMPATB1OT. STATESMAN. CURISTIAir. HORWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH. REV. CHARLES BRIGHT. II. A Working Church. 6.30, William Ewart Gladstone. PARKSIDE.-Pa*tor R. McCrixocuu. U awl 7. Evening. 'Those Tell-tale Hairs.' GOODWOOD.— Morning, at 11— Rev. R. Tatlob. Evening, at 6.80— Mr. V. Wordib KNIOnTSBRIDC.E.- Mr. A. U. Bryson, Mr U. D. DottriU. Glea Osmond.— Rer. S. FUrey SOUTHWARK.-Rev. X. ADCOOL MornmTai 11; Ereningatti.ja

Wesleyan. P IRIS ?STREET.— 11. Bev. R. S. Caselt; C.30. Rev. W. U. UAXirtX. GOBERT^TttEET.1U -Mr. LttGSFOkD; 6.S0, Rev. W. A. Pom. PARKSIDE.— 11, Rer. W. IL HAirrOM ; 6.30. Rev. W. b. Matueb. MALVEKN.— 11, Bev. W. A. J'otts; 6J', Mr. AixeN. ? ARCHES-STREET WESLEYAN CHURCH. 11— Rev. J. CuTTPEKTUWArtc, B.A. Subject -??Cod1* Marked M«a.' 6.30-Rer. J. Cowpekthwaitf, R.A. Subject— ** William Ewart Gladstone.' Solo (by requestX «? Abide With Me-(AdaauV Miss Lucy Stevenson. KENT TO»rN WESLEYAN CHURCH. 11-Rev. R. KEU.T. 'The Old Altar.' tt.30— Rev. J. Bekbi, 'GUditone; His life and Character.' ? TJNLEY. — 11 a-m.. In Memoriam Service \J William Ewnrt Gladstone by Ker. W. A lASaarona. Antbrtm^ 'Da»» ami momenta quietly nvinR,' 'What an thwer (Stainer), ?? Crominc the bar' (Woodward). Evening, at 6.30, Dr. Gaclt. ? CJEMAPUORE WESLEYAN CHURCH. O 81'NDAY, MAY S. Morninp. at 11-Prearher, Bev. S. Ctrrnnin. Anthem. 'Tbe Eartb U the Lard's' (Simper); Choir Solo. 'O Rest in the Lord' (QSjaliXMUs Layttrn. Evraine. &3U— Preacher, Rev. T. EdMCade*. Anthem. ' I am llo that Uveth** (-imper); Choir Sulo, 'He Was Despised' (Messiah). Mis» Lajtoo. Primitive Methodist. ?» f ORfMlETT-STREET CU RCIL-n, Rev. IL J.TJL J. Poi-e; 6,30. Rev. J. G. Wrmiit. NEW (iLKSELO.-Rem. j.c. WRtairrand H. J. PopeJn Memorutm S*rricej Late W. E. Gladrtone. WELLINGTON-SQUARE CHURCH. — Rev. Usux WiBHERLET. Mornine. 11— 'The Sour* Aw:;kenin(c.' Evenins,— 'Ara Church Members tlrpocritesr Bible Christian. TTRANiaiS-STREBT.-Rev. J. Tnowre, U J and 6. 3u. ? /lOODWOOD.-n. Rev. T. UlLUlAS: 6.30, ReT. \JT W. H. C.w^. AnnUenaty next Sunday. Church of Christ /-tHCRCH OP CIIRLST. CROTS.STRSEt.-Mr. X^j Jas. M o.MNtf. Tu-morrow, ii.»i. PARK STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST, Unity. — E'tning. Mr. T. J. U.»ag. .M.A. Unitarian. TTSITARIAN CHRISTIAN CHURCH. WakcU PlKLl^.-.TBBKT.-lIi-rnins. 11. Mina Spcscc *? Tbe L'neoatenteX ' K*«ning, 7, Re v. A. Wilson. ' What Science baj dune for Religion.' All cordially invited. ? The New Church. VEff CHURCH, HANSON^TREET. Sunday Services. 11 s»m., 7 p.m. Next Friday EveniaK. Mth. Reception SodaL General. rnOE COUNCIL of CHURCHES intended boldX i»C 'n Soniliy Eveninc -i Mvmonal Service iu connection with tbe deiih of Mr. CbuUtone, but hu pof tponed the Service to the- day of the Public FuneruL YJ.C.A., TO-NIGHT AT 8. Messrs. SCURR AND TOSHACK, Ktangelist*. from Viotoria; ? ~THEATRE~ROYAL SUNDAY. 3 p.m.. 32««c REV. ALLAN WEBB. ?r»ESTBAM.5TREE-r C.C.-fi.W. 'T«n Kincwj docs oi tho»-*ed Koaan Eapirc 11. llolsay. ? ~A~NNr\L MEETINO BKLAIP. MISSIONARY A'tRAIXINU HOMEs iTU'JVYwxt.atT.SO, Lkcuk-H*JI Sto»Chuicb. Intsrestin; AddteMKS hj repnacalative mvn. SiBjia^ by 10 eiudtnU.

PUBLIC NOTICES R. and Mrs. P. J. WILLIAMS and FAMILY desire to return THANKS to all kind Friends for floral tribute and letters of sympathy received durins their recent sad bereavement. R. and Mrs. NIESCUE desire to THANK all Friends for »ympathy and floral tributes, aLw letters and telegninu of condolence received daring their recent bereavement. ? Hew Parkside Congregational CM. TUE FOUNDATIOS-STO^E Of THE NSW 03TO0B (Cnley-roaJ, Uulcv Town Hall), THIS DAY (Saturday), May 2!, at 3.30. MRS. S.'J. WAY. Tea in UuWy Town Hall at 5.15. 1S7.9.41 BE. MOUNT BLEYBB^ NEW TREATMENT FOR CONSUMPTION BY ELECTRICITY. J. MILLlKiN, 37, Nerth-torraeo, ? Late (ialvaaiat Adelaide Hospital. ? CJLNT.LETAX LKAUfE.-BoUaic Farlr, SunO d»y, at 3, Mr. Utsax Tavlok, on 'The Commonwealth. Bill' ? EMOCRATIC CLUB.-Sunday. at 7— ?? Yes or No' with IlliMration*. Coundllor J. Z. SELLAR. Questions answered ; Musk. Discnujon. -QOTANIC PARC-Mr. R. WOOD, M-P.,wiU jL- Lecture on the 'Commonwealth BUL' Sunday. 3 p.m. ? fTViE 8HORTHAND AND OFFICE TRAINJ. t«Q IKSTITUTS. Principal. Mr. Ktevben P.JoxEi 17,OLDEXCUANUE,PirjJi-STaKKT. The Institute is unable to supply tbe demand by Employra for TRAINED CLERIvd. ltlttee NOTICE OF REMOVAL sU-SV. £Li»UlU9 Having removed from UnSey to X, Ansas-strcet, may be in future CONSULTED AT BRCOKMAH'3 CUI'.OINS, GREN?£LL-3TRE£T, Ofi'.V. |~1 U A N G E ()¥ KE^IDENCE ll«rr A. LESCHEN~hM MOVED to Mr*. NEVILLE'S HOUSE, Corner of KA--T-TEKRACE and PIttlE-STREET. ? 137.9.41,3.5.7 Pawson's IstelllgeQ-so Bureau, 8. BEACSN3FISLD DUILDIH33. KING YtlLUACAStftZST, A3£LAIDZ. Strict attention will be civen at tbo Barcan by the unitt.iiigneci and h!« Asants in all tho Coiooiu, America, and Kuropo to all busiata entruu-»d. Embodying PRiVATC ENQUIRIES TO Divurcc, Musing KriemW, Disputts Minilyorstberwife. PeroAs enUtleJ to I'.ojwrty or Money, Ac. Loan* Najtotiated, Le^al l'rocciiws Scrveit, Debt* and lU-ntiCoUy.ted. -a!e« at'euiitt! for abnre*. Laad or Houses. I'ves workoil s,t fur ail Li* Court*. CosunLutotu of ever} -!escrip:iou executed in tnirn or coantry. Uuaiue--«J» r?|iurted on. Prompt n.:uniinn. Cbiur^C'i tno-ioratc. All ctimeiunictlionsMUictiy j-'i vr'p. J. l'AWaU.V, Maiwser. (Late 10 years in S. A. Pia in UloUios Police and DHrctivt- Dcp:. Prirato Address— ii, Fiucld-strcet, N. A. ? a'thsztsc PRIVATE HOSPITAL, ADUL.AIOE NURoaS' KO*fl£, TVAXZFIELOOTaSST. PrindpM, MISS TIOBIT3, London Hospital Britiih Lyin](-itt UosptUl, Loodou. For iletlical auJ Surgical case*. Separate huase lor Mid wiiery rase*. Tbcrooghly Trained Nunteiaiwiiyi. available and tent to cx.'.«i on receipt o( letter or lelograta. TELTfUuNK 48L ? aumnse jw VisiaJiiaHWteJB 'X* RAYS.— Fractures, nX JtC^S^SSa Dniocatioos. Xe-xlloJ, &«.. \ y'-i--iBy~^«g-8 in ihc bid» and limbs JeraW^A^hjGSssz! tccte-land photueraph«dhy ^^^^^^^??X-ILty^ S.OARSCUR. DUDE WbyrMcKMriotftfllnen U/ATrn rUnC by drinking imjnw «ntvr WAllln. when you can obtain a HERIC^FELD HLTSR, which will supply !0 gallons per hour. 'Brl;UI» Medical Journal,'' January S, ISM, 11J3:— ' After extciwifc esporinnou wacondaJ« xhe*m Fittmnt abialuta protectiun asainas disease by water.' A»k yonr doctor's opinion. To U- seen n operation »t FEARN Jc GOSS'f, ?5scz 24. PULTENEY-STREET.

PATENT BATK-HEATERS FOR FUEL AND GAS. H.ivrnpnow 8x*il about BOO of my Patent Bathbeaters, I cau reeoronieml tbctu a* an cicettllngly useful article. N» Iiuumi shculi! be nrttbont one. Pric?. from £3 Vh. upwards ; tixini; extra. EXThACTS F.1CM TSSTiaiONULS. ML«!i 'IhdrnLer, Unley l'irl: S:hu«l:— We have liail one of jour IU:!i U«a:-ri i:i tud for many fear^. I cam.ot prii.-e it tcu highly. Mcssr«. S. UarrU X Sun. tiuwiiir :— We are excewiia-gly ni«3a9-l with your Ctlh-heater. Mrs. KeWy, Uncl:ary:— Vodr Biih-h«uter Uone if tbo nuMt useful in»«-ntn jnt» I ever ma Jo; I ibodd feel sorry to be to do without it. Mr. V.Y.Jones. Woodvillc :— I am *orry I did not p«t one flxed before. ALWI27 FX3CS3B, PLUMItRR. GASFITTER. I'AINTEU. «c BCKNt'ELL-aTUEKT. C1TV, or OCO.VXKIXbli'.KEr. N.A. lUmntG THE ADELAIDE TYPEW3IT1HS ASSOCIATION [Mrs. DARTON. Mm HARDY. Miss OOYDER) WANT YOUt: COPYING. All kind* of work underUken at lowest rate* in the City. 17, CownCbaraiieM. Urenfell-streec, 50k TTIXTEACrS irora the OFFICIAL REPORT of 52J Mr. H. 5L UOOUU. the Jud;e as tho Wiu SiMtt of the R. A. and U. oocicty, acid in October last. Class 1. Cup. — 'Nos. 9 audio perfect 'Port* type. It is difficult to wu.uate them, but will place No. Mnnt.' CUs- 10.—' It was pUialy demonstratetl to me in this class that South Australia ran produco an excellent i:ine o( the tine Port character. No. 9 U a sp'emlid wins, and. in my opinion, £OUAL TO THE BEST ?OPOK1U'' Mr. Oooch also v«rb:iUy remarked after tbe complclioAU- t bo awards thit tbeCupWiue wa« 'a cntt!it tu tbe uuken aad aa hunuur lo tfaulh AssUalia.' All tbe Wines above referred to were produced at YALUMBA by S. SMITH & SON. Yalumtu Vineyardst, Aa;4ttou: Cit» CellArs, Cavendish Ciiambers, Grenfell-^treet. 4ltbse THE GARDES_AND FIELD. The May Number contains useful seuouablo Kom oa i-a-hard. Garden end Firm ; interesting Keadis^andattnctive Pictures: Pbol-w of Irrigati n in Ej:yi-t; PrimiUve Pluu^bs; Froitxrowinj: in Westraiia: UomehoM Pesto— ' Ba^;~ Applegiowing in Tasmania; Apple Esoort. Sixpence a copy.Atayeir. Send postcard for specimen copy free. Addreu, Orenfell^treet, AdcUidc l'JSthsc ESTATE LATE EDWIN SAWTELL (AUred K. sawtell. Executor; Clui. Sawiell. Mjutaeer), Oculist: aad CJeoeralOpticiam, 4S. North-terraceiuppwite MusenmX Adelaide. Mr. C. SAWTELL pcrwmilly carries out Sighttexcin; by tho only rei-eg nisod -iarl:-room methods, nMnaUc:uring in the workshop the necessary Lctuei aad Frames for Correcting Defective Vuion. Curing N«unl{ia, Headache*. Jtc After uun/ years' duly practice and hundreds of sujcooful cue* be uu-l-rukes to du^ruwe the internal diseases oi the Eye not eatable with optical treatment. JAMES J. HICKS, Manufacturer of Meteorological, Scientific Instruments, Jtc, London. Patent C.bical. Brewers', and other Thermometers. Mr. ALFKED E. SAWTELL, Sole Agent for .Viutb and Western Australia. Wholesale for Clinical Thermometers. tampW* at Noith-terrare, Adelaidit: and Divettstreet, Port Adelaide. Price-luts on application. ALFRED E. SAWTELL Divett-ttreet. Pert Adebide, Chronometer, Watchmaker, and Nautical Optician. Admiralty Agent far Chart and Books. Publisher Sawtell'i Naatkal Almanac and Coast iaf Directory. Nautical Stock the largest in the Colonies. 7Uh»c

PUBLIC NOTICES TTOME FOR IKOUBABLB& Vae ANNUAL MEETING of Subscribers will be beld at tbe Church Office. Leigh-street, on THURSDAY, M»y M, at 4 o'dockTo receive Annual Report asd Balance-sheet. To elect Committee and Officers. To transact any other eligible business. His KxcELLEScr TUE GOTERNOK will preside. ? U0M.6 NOTICE TO HOTELKEEPERS AND OTHERS. I urn directed by tbe Committee of the Licensed Victualler*' Association to notily that they do NOT IN ANY WAY RECOGNISE TUE NEWSPAPER recently started under the title of 'THE FREE LANCE AND LICENSED VICTUALLERS' GAZETTE,' u representing tbe views of the trade, and that the assumption of the latter portion of the title ts iriiogctber unauthorized by the Association. HOc J. CnrrTLEBOROUGH, Secretary. nW-SPASSERS on Sections 3030, 3C31, 3033, L Hundrcl Munno Para West, Virginia, will be Pr:O.SEcUTED,andaUDOU.S DESTROYED. K01 ? BAKEH BROTHERS. EXECUTOR, TRUSTEE, AND A&ENCY C9. GF S.A., LTD. eUBSORISf O CAPITAL, £4S,Q00. PAID-UP OAKITAU, £19,711. Esaewered by Special Aet et ParliaanaV Allkinda of TRUSTEE BUSlNUSuntfar IsUten. Company act* as ATVOaml** or AfiKNT. MtJliZY TO LEN» at lowest raU* DI&ECTOBSU James Kmicb, J.F.,OhsirsKM. E.M.Ashwin I «r Saaust Baveapert W.J.Matarey | Wss. MUm. HOWARD DATENPOitT.Manaeer. lS.WaymeaU-atree(.Adelaia«- -Uthse NOTICE--Having TRANSFERRED to my SON, WALTER W. BEAN, the BUSINESS hitherto carried on under tbe Name and Style of ARTHUR BEAN & SON. Leather Merchants, at ??8. Rundle-street, he will in future conduct tbe Same tin his own behalf, and, in thanking oU and valued cuttotaar* for their past very liberal aad evteemed tavour i, I respectfully ask for a contina4j»co of them for him. All accounts due to and by the late Snn will bo paid by Mr. W. W. Bean. ARTHUR BEAN. Adelaide, May 1, 1898 REFERRING to tbe above, I beg to solicit a continuance of the favours hitherto bestowed, au.J expntuly dt»ire to state that my utmost eff*ru will bv used in trd-r to give tbe fullest satisfaction to both old and new customers. WALTER W. BEAN, ? US. Bundle-street SESB-DBILL TRIAL. TATUI?A AGRiGULTUSAL SOCIETY, KYABRAM (Victoria). March 31. 1893. Puiuu were awarded ax shown below to tbe ImalcmeaU AS DRILLS. I Ixll Eveunesx of distribution ~ - V) 10 1 15 Sowi.ig on »urt*co ... ~ _ 2S S3 23 Ktiwibj: 2 in. orSio. deep — _ 55 SS I 25 Mechanical contt ruction _ _ IS Sijli (Total poaible points, 100) — '.Superior' _ „ ... _ 05 — Ma-u«y-llarris _ „ _. 83 i ? rArmers' Favocrite „???-. ? ! 78 Note.— We regret to learn that the Massey-IIarrLi Coicpmy Uiisk tho above adrertisvment. does to-, idly Tepreient the facts so far as their mifthino U concerned, aad we have the greatest pleasure in foithwioj; addition :— Tbe above table shows tbo poinU gain*! by the rival implciaectn ..-onsidtTrd simply 'Aii DUILL-,' but the Mauey-Uarri* Machine was awarded IS adiiiti»»U pointi 'FOR ADAPTABILITY FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN DRILLING,' making 93 point* in all We pitber from tbe 'Kyabnun Free Press' of March 31st, 1S9S, that two or three A-cnt-« objected to t bat addition as being outside tbe Seed-drill trial Concurring a* we do in that olijectJon, we set out in the abot » table th4 points cained in the competi* ti-jn by the Machines considered only as Drills. Tiax uiile speaks for itself. mUlU O pn Blytb-street, III A R OC U U., Adelaide. SOLE IMPORTERS OP 'SUPERIOR' GRAIN-DRILLS. ? lSS'iSf CiACCUARINE. Tinfoil. Wire, Isinglass, Am»O mouio, Carbonic Acid Gas, Sulph. Oxide, UcuM&e, Lucerne. Kye Grass, AI*ike, Clover, Nigratwcii, Maw-iceif, n«mp, Canary, Rape. Millet, Unseed. Wholesale Buyers of Almond*. Wine Lees, dec. UY. MARKWALD, 68, Carrie -trcet. ? 133c TYPHOID.

PREVENTION BETTEtt THAN CUBE. ; STERILIZE every drop of Milk before deliveryOrders promptly attended to. BELL'S MILK DEPOT, SU, A.-c«AS-STU8Er ? 13ihf»C0 ELEOTORAL NOTICES LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ELECTION. MS-EASTEBN DISTRICT. MESSRS. J.OASLAMANO J. LEWIS will fcl.lraj* tlw ELKCrORS as under:— KAt'CNDA. MONDAY. May 23. UUMEUACHA, TUESDAY, May 24. SALISUUUV. WEDNESDAY. MayU. KAWI.EU. TIIC1UDAY. Slayia TANUNDA. FRIDAY. MayrT. UALAIZLAVA. SATURDAY. May's. TKRuWlt; MONDAY, May 30. KOORINOA, TUESDAY. -U)3L JAMESTUWN. WEDNESDaV, June L All Meetings to rommenco at a o'clock p.m. Authorized by 11. Uaxpsox. Advertising Agent, ldr!&ida. 141,3 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ELECTION. NORTH -EASTERN DISTBICT MR.F.PFLAUM WIU. ADDRESS THE ELECTORS OP THE NORTH-EASTERN DISTRICT on the following days :— At TAMUXDA on SATURDAY, M»y2L KAP17XDA. MONDAY. May 23. EUDUNDA. TUESDAY. May 24. BURRA. WEDNESDAY, May 25. TEKOWIE. THURSDAY, May2t JAMESTOWN, FRIDAY, May 27. BALAK.LAVA, SATURDAY, May 23. RLVEltTOX. MONDAY, May 30. SALISBURY, TUESDAY. May 31. TWO WELLS, WEDNESDAY, June L All Meetings to commence at 7.90 p.m. Thlo notice is authnrize-l hy THEO. nACK. Svctcuiry to Committee. 60, Royal Exchange, Kinc WilliuiHtfreet, Adelaide. U9c LEGISLATIVE G0UNG1L ELECTION. 1RTH-EASTERNDISTRICT Having been urged by a large number of infiuential elacUrs to come forward as » CANDIDATE for tbe representation of tbe above district, I shall have plearan in complying with the request, and will announce time and place of meetings at an early date. JOHN LEWIS. May 17. 1801 Authorized by JOftS Lewis, Kooringa. i«1ct PROFESSIONAL A. G. D. BERESFORD, LICENSED SURVEYOR, HOUSE AND LAND AGENT, 21, COWRA CHAMBERS, GRENFELL-STREET. „ SIM

FEDERATION THE COMMONWEALTH LEAGUE. A LADIE^MEETING wiil be held at the TOWN HALL, ST. PETERS, KOXDAY, 33rd iiist., at 3 p.m. J. fl. STMON, Esq., Q.C. wfll address the Meetinf. His Worship tbe Mayor of St. Peters (Mr. R. J. Coombs) will preside. JOHN MOTJLE, \ Joint Hon. MO? ALFRED ODGKRS,/ Secretaries. THE COMMONWEALTH LEAGUE A LADIES1 MEETING will be held at the TOWN HALL. GLENELG. MONDAY, 33rd lust., at 3 p.m. Tbe lion, tbe COMMISSIONER of PUBLIC WORK* (Mr. J. O. Jenkins, M.P.) and Mr. P. McMAliOX QLYKK, M.P., will explain the Commonwealth BULHis His Worship the M«yor of Glenelg(Mr. O. K. Soward, J.P.) will preside. JOHN MODLE, \ Joint Hon. 140*1 ALFRED ODGERS, /Secretaries. rjiHE COMMONWEALTH LEAGUE. MRCHAM. Tbe Hon. J. H. GOBDOxiM.L C, wfll ADDRESS te KLBCTORS oa tbe Commonwealth Bill on MONDAY, 43rd, at the Uitcbam Institute. Mr. J. T. Ralph, J.P., President of the Institute, will preside. 140-3 JOHN MOCLE, Secretary. THE GOMMOHWEALTH LEAGUE. THE HON. D. M. CHARLESTON, M.LC, WILL ADDRESS THE ELECTORS AT MASOORA, MOM DA V. May 2S. WATERLOO, TOliSDAV, May 24. MAWttmgi WKDNESDAY, May 15. 1401 JOHN MOULB, Secretary. rpHE COMMONWEALTH LEAOUE. Mr. V. L. SOLOMOnTm-P., will ADDRESS the ELECTORS at WASLEYS. MONDAY. 2Srd inst. MDTTARC%, TUESDAY, S4thinst. SPALDLNG. WEDNESDAY. Sitb inst BALAKLAVA. THURSDAY. =6thin«t. * RICUMOXD. FRIDAY. 27th inst. AU Meetinw begin at 7.80. lg)e ? JOHN MOrJLE. Secratftry. THE HON. SIR JOHN W. DOWNER, K.OJLO., Q.C. M.P., WILL ADDRESS TUB ELECTORS ON THE COMMONWEALTH BILL AT WILUAMSTOWK, WEDNESDAY. 25th. TAXUNDA. THUKbDAY. S6th. ANGASTOX, FRIDAY, *7th. ? JOHN MOULE. Secretary. STIRLING WEST. MB. J. H. SYMOfl, Q.C, will ADDRESS THE ELECTORS On MONDAY, May S3 insi.atSpm. INSTITUTE HALL 141.8 ? JOHN MOULE. Secretary. FEDERATION FIGHT. KING O'MALLEY FOR, W. H. CARPENTER AGAINST, will speak at VICTOR HARBOUR. TUESDAY, May 21. PORT ELLIOT. WEDXE-SDAY, May SS. ? GOOLWA, THURSDAY, 5Iay ». DKI.4MEKB, FRIDAY. May S7. YANKALILLA, SATURDAY. May 21 MYPONOA. MONDAY. May 30. Meetincs beein T.Su o-m. to

jTWISTRICT COUNCIL OF STIRLING ilarine received a reqnisition sicned by several nttepiyersaakinsmetocaiaPUUUC MEETINO to bear J. U. SYMOX, Esq.. Q.U., speak oa Federation and tbe Commonwealth Bill, 1 hereby »nveiie a PUBLIC MeiCTING, to be beldat the torling Wost Institute on MONDAY, tbo Urd Inst., at 7.30 p.m. W. H. MILFOED, Chairman D.C. SUtUb£. |T^ i D E tt A IE I O~*N. TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE DLSTttlCT COUNCIL OF WALKERVILLK. Sir— We the ondeniene-l. Ratepayers of tbe ibore District, hereby request ion to call k PUBUO MEETING for tbe purpose of hearing the views of tbe Members of tbe Dutikt on tbe CammonweaJth BUL (Here follow the signa tores. J In compliance with tbe above I hereby call a PUBLIC MEETING, at the WalkertUle Hall, on TUESDAY, the tlth iro*.. at 7.30 p. in. Ult ? WILLIAM COX. Chairman. T~|ISTRICT COUNCIL OF WOODVILLE. FEDERATION. A PUBLIC MEETIKG~of the Electors of Port Adelaide and Wait Torrent in th« above District will be held in the lnstitnta Hall. Woedville, on MONDAY, May 23, 1KW. when P. McM. GI.YNN, Em.. M.P.. aad WILLIAM O. ARCHIBALD. Eml, M.P., will address the Meeting for and igHinat Federation. Tbe Chair will be taken by C. E. Lawton. Esq.. Chairman of the District Council, at S o'clock inarp in tbe evening. By order of tbe Council, 111.3 U. D. DALE, Clerk. PATENTS AND TRADE MARKS TN tho MATTER of tbe PATENT ACT, 1S77.— I NOTICE is hereby siren that FKANCiS bARTMOLOMEW CRON1N. of SJ, St. Vincentitreot. Albert Park. Victoria. Mechanic, has APPLIED for a PATENT for 'An Improved Process asd Apparatus for Extracting Go'.d from Battery Tailing* and tbe Like.' and that Specifications oi such Invention may be inspected at the Potent Office. Adtlaifl*. J. HERBERT COOKE, Licensed Patent Agent. 141-4 75, King William-street. TK the MATTER of the PATENT ACT, 1ST7.— I NOTICE U hereby men that JOIIN MATUERbON, of Boarke, N.S.W., Bntcher. has APPLIED for a PATENT for 'Improvements in certain descriptions of Brooms. Brushes, and tbe likeT and that Specifications of such Invention may be inspected at tbe Patent Office, Adelaide. J. HERBERT COOKK, licensed Patent Agent, 76, King William-street 140-3 JN tbe MATTER of tbe PATENT ACT. 1S77.— NOTICE is hereby ci«» that JOHN BE&. ARD ZANDER, Produce Exporter, and JOHN COOEE, Merchant, both of Melbourne, Victoria, have APPUED for a PATENT for ' Aa Improved Tray for Use in tbo Refrigeration of Rabbit* and Hares,' And for a PATENT for 'An Improved Method of and Crate (or Packing Rabbits andUure* for Refrifteratien and Transport,' and that tbe Specification* of «nch Inventions may be inspected at the Patent Office, Adelaide. FRANCIS IL KNOW. Licensed Patent AC«nt. 110-3 Victoria Buildings. CrenfeU-ttrttt. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS. Provisional Protection aad Letter* Patent for Inventions, Trade Mark, De-i;u. and Copynicbt Registrations obtained in ail Colonies and Countries. FRANCIS M. SNOW, FeLAns. Insl.P.A. F. M. Char. Inst. P. A. (lon.X LlCUsTD PlTCCT A-D TKADES MARKS AGE.VT. Victoria Bciloi.nos, OKEXFEU^STsexr. 'Tbe Inventor's Handbook,' nev eoition, post free on application. ? Milter fS tbe MATTER of the PATENT ACT. 1877.— I NOncE is berehy given that ELECTRIC REDUCTION COMPANY. LIMITED, of No. 22, Austin Friars, London. England, has APPUED for a PATENT for 'A Method of Electrically Heating Materials in Closed Chamber*, and Appaisvtat for that Purpose.' and that tbe Specification of such Invention aa; be inspected at the Patent Office, Adelaide, COLUSON * CO.. licensed Patent Agents, 111-4 Eagle Chamben, King Wlliiam-street. Oie MATTER of tbe PATENT ACT, 1877.OTICU is hereby given that THOMAS KS. of Fremantle. W.A., Plumber, and ALLAN MURRAY AYLES, also of Fremantte. Harbour Department Offi«r, have APPLIED form PATENT for 'Thin Metal Piping having Spiral Grooves formed theraon,' and that the Specification of such Invention may be inspected at the Patent Office. Adelaide. COLUSON £ CO., Ucenstd Patent Agent, 13S-9.11 Eagle Chambers, King WiUiam-»treet. TN the MATTER of tbe PATENT ACT. 1877— I NOTICE is hercb; riven that METALLURClsCHE OKSELLSCUAFT. A.G.. of 14, JunjrhofitrasH. Frankfoit-on-ttie-M^in, German Empire, hu APPLIED for a PATENT for ' Magnetic Separator,' and that tbe Specification c t such Invention may be inspected at the Patent Office. Adelaide. COLUSON £ CO., Licensed Patant A;tau. 137,9,11 Eagle Chambers, Kins William-street. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS. 0. N. COLLISON. I A. Q. COLLISON, LicsKiioPATENTAoerr Licensed Patent AuxNT F.M. Chsrtered last. o( | Consultincand MechaniPA. I eal Kngineer. FeI.Autt.Iatt. of P. A. I Aute. A.LP.A. KaoriHIONAL PROTECTION. LETTERS PATENT. TRADE MARKS, tac COPTBT8 obtained in all Coleuiesand Couatrics. 'LivmoRi- Guide' (new edition}, pas: free upon Application. COLUSON t CO., bgleChaaabcr*. Kin« WUUaa-sdeet, ADEI.AXDB I94UUCV

MININQ mHE BROKEN IHLL PROPRIETART L BLOCK 14 COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE OF DIVIDEND. NOTICE is hereby given that a DIVIDEND (tbe 44tb) of One Shilling per Share ( £j,OuJ) has been eclared, due and payable on Wednesday, tbe lith day of June. tbe Resutered Office of the Company. x-, Qtieee-ttroel, Melbourne; at tbe Bank of Adelaide, Adelaide and Fort Pine ; also at tbe Union Bank of Australia, Limited, Broken lill; at the Commercial Iiaukiog Company of Sydney, Limited. .Sydney ; and at the Commercial Bank of 1 aymania, Jlobart. Transfer-books close at the Registered Office, Melbourne, on Thursday, tbe Snd t!»y of June, ia», at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. By order of the Board. JOHN BP.ANDON. Secretary. 39, Queen-street, Melbourne, May 1», 1803. ? 141,51 '\rOrlTn CENTRAL BROKEN HILL SELVES1^1 MINING COMPANY. NO LIABILITY. NOTICE is hereby given that the Directors bare this day mado a CALL (the Fifteenth) of ONE 'kxst ptr Snare, payable to me at tbe Company's Office, No. 131, PiiMtrert, Sydsey, oa Wednesday, the eighth day of June. 1S98. By order of the Board, LEONARD DODDS, Manager. Sydney. May 18, 1898. Calls may be .paid by S.A. Shareholders to Messrs. Todd & Samuel, Brookman's Buildings, Greniell-street, Adelaide. 141,8 rW\BE NEW KTNG3LBY HALL REWARD X G0LDM1XING COMPANY, NO LIABlLErY. NOTICE is hereby ghra that all SHARES in ae above-named Company upon which tbe FIRST CALL of 3d. per Share, due 13th April, 1898, remains unpaid will be sold by auction in tbe Vestibule of the stock Exchange of AdeUide on Friday, 3rd June, 1898, at 130 oUuck n.m. Shares maybe redeemed np till few o'clock oa the day previous to sale. -During the Sale tbe public are admitted to tbe By order of the Board, r~ ^ HEDLEY L TODD, Secretary. Brookman's Building. Adelaide, ? Mayai,isai. ? 141.53,4 rTVIE NEW XINGSLEY HALL REWARD JL GOLDM1NING COMPANY, NO LIABILITY. NOTICE U hereby given that an EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the abovenameJ Company will be beld at Brookncan's Buildins. Adelaide, on FRIDAY, June 3, 1893, ax 3 o'clock p.m* to consider tbo position of tbe Company. By order of tbe Board, HEDLEY L. TODD, Secretary. Brookman's Building, Adelaide, May 21, 18.8. 141,54 MOUNT CRAIG GOLDMINING COMPANY, NO UABIUTx*. NOTICE is hereby given~tkat a CALL (tbe Third) of Tiwkepbnce (3d.) per shire has been made on all contributing. Shares, and is due and payable at the Registered Office of tbe Company, 4, Resistor Chambers. Grenfell-street, Adelaide, on Wednesday, kth Jane, 1698. By order of tbe Board, X. £ POWELL, Secretary. UaylS,lS93. BLUMBERG PROPRIETARY GOLDMBflXG COMPANY, NO LIABILITY. NOTICE i- hereby given that the Directors have this day declared a THIRD CALL of Five Shillings per share on all Contributing Shares, payable on Sth June, 1S9 A. IL CONIGBANB, Secretary. Adelaide. May 50.1898. H ANNAN'S REWARD NORTH GOLDMINING COMPANY, MO LIABIUTY. NOTICE to hereby given that a CALL (the Fifth) of Sixpence p*r Stiare has this day been made on all Contributing Shares iu the above-named Company, payable at its Resistersd Office, Brookman's Building. Adei&ido, on Wednesday, 8th June, 1&98. By order of th« Board. 1ICDLEY L. TODD, Secretary. Brookman's Building, Adelaide, May 20,189s. N.B.— When remitting, Shareholders must quote consecutive number* and names of regixtered lolders of their Siutres. Exchange must be ailtlcd o country and intercolonial chwjaef . 141,53,9

PRINCESS ROYAL GOLDMINING COMPANY, NO LIABIUTY. NOTICE is hereby gireu that tbe ORDINARY GENERAL MEE1ING of tbe Prince** Royal UoSdmining Company, No liability, will bo held at Town Hall Buildings, King William-street, Adelaide, on TUESDAY, tbe 31*t day of May, 189s, at half-past three o'clock in the Afternoon, for the purpose of receiving Director*' Report and Balancesheet for tbe half-year ended SUtn April, 180S; to co.-.fina tbe appointment of Mr. J. C Fraser as a Director in place of Mr. JS. F. Cuilmore, retired ; end for the transaction of any other ordinary business of the Company. And notice is hereby also given that at tbe tamo place and on the same day, at tour o'clock in tu« afternoon, or as soon afterwards as tbe Ordinary Guceni Meeting shall be coccluded, an Extra. ordinary General Mecticf: ot the Company will tw held for (he purpose of considering, and if thoushc fit passing, the subjoined Special Kusolutions :— L That the half-yearly onlimtry general meetings of the Company sbajl in future be beld iu the month* of December knd June, and for that puriKwe tbU Articles 7, rl, and 30 of the Articles of Association of the Company be altered and amended by striking out tho word ' November' anil inserting tho word ' December,' and by striting out the word 'May' and iu«ertiax the went 'Juno,' wherever they appear in sacb Article*, and that Article 23 of snch Articles be altered by the insertion therein ef tbe words 'half-yearly' immediately before the words 'ordi-nair general uieetUc-' 1 That Article 10 be altered and amended by adding the f ollowing clause at tbe end of »uch Article :— 'No person not being a retiring Director shall be eligible for tbe office of a ? Director of the Company atony general meeting unless he or some member of the Company intending to propose him has at least seven clear days before the meeting left at tbe office of tbe Compiuiy a notice in writing, duly signed, signifying his condidainte for the office or the intention ot snch member to propose bint.'Dated Dated this 10th day of May, 1S9E. By order, A. Q. SCARFS, Secretary. A.M. Provident Buildings, Kins William-slre«t. Adelaide. 140,1,4,0, 5,7 FRASER'S SOUTH OOLDMINING COMPANY, NO LIABIUTY. NOTICE is hereby given- that an EXTRAORDINARY G ENKKAL MISCTING of tba above-named Company trill be held at Gladstone Cumbers. Pirie-street, Adelaide, on FRIDAY, tbe third day ofJutw. U93. at four o'clock in th* afternoon, for the purpose of considering, and ii thought fit passing, the subjoined lUtsulution :— 'That pursuant to Section 50 of the Mining Companies Act, 18S1, and all other enabling powers the Company, by its Directors, be and is hereby authorized and empowered to raise or borrow for tbe purposes of the Company any sum or ntmsoi money not exceeding in the aggregate £2,000, and to secure the repayment thereof and interest thereon by a mortgage or bill ef tale or both of tbo property of tbe Company or any part thereof.1' DaUd the ltfth day of May, 1893. By order of the Bo*ru of Directors, 1».11,5.8,M JOHN WYLES, Legal Manager. OUEEN' MARGARET NO. 1 SOUTH GOLDM1MNO COMPANY. MO LIABIUTY. NOTICE is hereby eiven that all SHARES in the above-named Company npen which tbe SECOND CALL of Id. per Share, due 9th March, 1S93. remains unpaid will bo soul by auction in tbe Vestibule of the Stock Exchange of Adelaide on Monday, 23rd May. 1893. at S.15 o'clock p.m. Shares may be redeemed up till It o'clock on Saturday, Slst inst Dnrioz the Sale tbe Public are admitted to the Vestibule. By order of the Board, HEDLEY h. TODD. Secretary. 65/89. Brookman's Building, Adelaide, May 12. IKK. 133,41,3 WIL MATTHEWS. M.LM. * M., Leaden a (lite Manager B%yley*s Reward Mine). Mines aad Mininx Properties inspected in any part of Australia, Report* furnished for public or private use. lltbaiaa ROYAL EXCHANGE, ADELAIDE. STC. WARD & CO. (Memoes Stock Exchange op Adelaide), ST9CK&SHAREBR0KERS, 37, GKOF£LL.Sl'£££T, Telephone 764. ostbte COMPANIES AND SOCIETIES THE SOCTII AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE COMPANY, UMITED(I-' LIQUIDATION). NOTICE is hereby given that the SHARE REGISTER ot tbe abovw-named Compiny will be CLOSED on and after TUESDAY, 31«t inst., and from that date the Liquidate rs will discontinue to sanction or register any transfer of Shares in tbe said Company. Dated at AdeUide this SOth day of May. 1698. By order of tbe Liquidators, 141,7,50 THOMAS D. DECK AN, Secretary. LEGAL NOTICES IN the ESTATE of ROBERT LAWRIE. late of Henley Beach, Out of Business. Deceased. NOTICE i« hereby givrn that all persons having any CLAIMS agaiiut tbe above Lstate are required to KKND FULL PARTICULARS thereof to tbe undersigned, en* of tbe Ex«cot--rs of tbe Will of the above-named d -ceuvd, who died on the twenty-second day of April, 1395, on or before the 20th day of Jcne next, as after that date the Executors will proceed to distribute tbe said Estate amoncst the Persons entitled thereof, having regard only to tbe Claims of which tb.y -hall tlen have bad notice. Dated this l?tb day of May, 1S8S. JOHN IVfcTT, 1101 Stepney-iitreet, Stepney. IV'OTICE is hereby given pursuant to 'Tbe Comi- panics Aet 1S92' that tbe OFFICE or place o? busmess in the Province of South Australia of 'ME ACSTRAUAN DRUG COMPANY LIMITED' where ai! leeal proceeding* may be served upon acd all notices addressed or given lo tbe ui.l Company initiated at No. It WAYMOUTU STREET. ADELAIDE in the isid Proviac*. Dated this Ktb day ot Mcy lSdS. J * W. HENDERSON & HATWARD. Solicitors f-' tb« Attorney* of th* said Com. ft*»y in Jio«a Australia. l»u

EDUCATION THE ADELAIDE Sbortbaod and Business Training ACADEMY, FLINDERS-STREET. 'The Ideal Commercial Academy of Australia.' — ' Australasian Stenographer.' GYMNASIUM. A huge room on tbe groundfloor of the Academy eis been fitted up as a Gymnasium for tbe use of Day Students, FREE OF CHARUK. Day or Eveninc Instruction in :— SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING. BOOK* KEEPING, and all Business and' Educational Subjects. FEE for PULL COUaSK, «3 3a per quarter j no extra*. PKEPiUUTION far PRELIMINARY. CIVIL SEAVICE, PHARMACEUTICAL, and all Other EXAMINATIONS, COUNTRY RESIDENTS instructed by Correspondence. Agents for THE NEW FRANKLIN TYPEWRITER. Price, £15 15s. Write or caUfw new Illustrated Prospects*. ? Telephone 853. Mlmweo HTTXRD&H BEOS.' SHORTHAND AND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE (TICTOIUA-SQUARE WEST). THE LEADING COMMERCIAL INSTITUTION IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Vacandesfor Day Students, Evening Students, and Boarder*. Staff includes- Mr. J. IL L-ons(Head Master), Messrs. P. A. Jennings, F. -L Lyon\ llerr C Drews. Mont. Cartieo. Miss L. Steuning (Head Miatrerisl Miss E. M. Thomas, MUs H. Palmer, and Mis* R Lyons. All Commercial Subjects Taueht. Students are tauebt individually. PEES— Day Students, from ONE to THREE guineas; Boarders, from EIGHT to TEN guineas. Student* may enrol at any time. We are Agents for the BAR-LOCK, ? the Visible Writer, flhnwsc THE Adolaide Gymnasium. Currle-street— Gymnastics and Calisthenics. Classes for Ladies, UentWmen, and Buys; private lessons; massage. A. Lichen Ii5mw*o PBINCE ALFRED COLLEGE The Second Term ot tbe Session of 1S0S Begins on Monday, April Ii. New Boys come up if possible on tbe Friday before. FREDERIC CHAPPLE. B.A.. B.Se., 95tbscr Head Master. TORMORE HOUSE, BUXTON-STREET. NORTH ADELAIDE Prindpals-Tbe MI88S8 JACOB. Tbe next Term will Begin on Tuesday, April 19th, Boarders reasseubla on Monday. April 18th. Pupils prepared for University Examinations. Students admitted to special classes. Preparatory Class for boys under eight years. TSibsc MB. GBOROZ A. J. WEBB. Portrait and Landscape Artist. Painting Classes in Oils & Watorcolours. Outdoor Sketching from Nature. STUDIO, m, FliiST FLOOR. BROOKMAN'S BUILDING. GH£NFELL-.ST. Oithsc WHINHAM_COLLE&E. Preparation for the University, School of Mines, and Commercial Life, (?ymnasium, Cricket and Football Grounds. Healthy situation. Send for a Prospectus to O. G. NEWMAN, B.A.. 124tbse . .Head Master. M a EDWARD RE EV ES, BLOCUTIONIST, Dramatic UsprMsion, Voice Culture, Pisiform Deportmenr. FRANK PULLIK, Private 8ecreUry. 71th*c ? V.M.C.A. Kooma. COLLEGIATC SCHOOL OF S. PKTEB ADELAIDE. Headmaster— Tbe Bev. Henry Qirdlestone. M.A. Prospectus and all Information relating U-Fms, numerous SeboUnhipa, 4c, may be obtained from the Head Master, at the Scboal; or from the Secretary, Church Office, Leigh-street. Adelaide. ? Q'WSC tfALYZXwR COLLEGE (Cheltenham and Winchester streets* Forms Keanemble Monday, April 18. Boarders Return same day. Prospectus on application to tbe Principal, Swse J. HAMILTON ROYOE. MISS MARTIN'S SCHOOL, TOWERS COURT, VICTORIA-SQUARE. Second Term, Monday, Anril Ii University acd Art Couisei. SMwse INSURANCE NOTICES THE VICTORIA INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. CAPITAL. £l,00ri,noo STEHL1NG. SOUTH AUSTEALUN BHASCIL BOAUD OF ADVICE. FRID. WRIGHT. Esq., HENRY RYMSLL.Csq., and PETEtt WOOD. Esq. FIRE. MARINE, and GUAHA.MEE RISKS accepted at Lowest Current Bates. K. MOORE STKELE. Resident Secretary. Offices— Attitiulasia Chambers, King William-street. lMthse NEW ZEALAND 1NSUIANCE CO. Capital, £1,000,000. PaidCpjlXD Reserves. 6«s.»oa AXO7AL LnCOXB, £30^(71 VnUmited Liability el Shareholders. Every description ?! Fire asd Maria* Susinett effected at Lowest Current Katu. Active AseaU Wanted. LOUIS E. WILSON. Manafsr. Ware Chambers King William-street. sotthic THE SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MABHTC INSURANCE CO. SUBSCRIBID ftAPITAL. £1.9OO,4Ma PAID4IP CAPITAL and RS8S8VES «26O,OOa ADELAIDE DIRECTO1U: H. C K. MctXKS, £sa,,Cbainaan, W. A. Cave, E«|. A. P. Hall, Esq. F. W. Disa.Esq, OFFICES: 65, GrF\FELL«TREBT (aearFreeman-stnetX K. M. A8HWIN. lUthse Manager. MACHINERY ADELAIDE FOUNDRY. A. JONES & SONS, EXCLNKlRa. MJLLWRIGHT5. JKOX AND BKASS rOTJNDKKS. surma xs» boilkrmajcer3 VICTOJUA-aXCEST ANJ» NWUTU-TSUKASB A»kxaik sksce COLONIAL IRONWORKS FORWOOD, DOWN. A Ctt, LIMITED., MINING AND CKNEKAL ENUlNEElUf, FOCNDEICS, BOILEUMAKEBS. AND SMITHS MAKERS of Engines, Ui{b and Lew Pressure. Steam Beilers, Stamp Ba teries, Pumpice and Windinc Machinery, Brewery Plants, including Copper Work. SOLE AGENTS for ROBEY & CO., LTD. Engineers, Lincoln, Enxtand. HINDkCVoSTRCCT. AOBLAIBX. woinwfcv FOE SALE. HIGH-CLASS WINDING ENCINES AND PORTABLE ENGINES, by Richard Gamtt & Sons. Leiston, England. VERTICAL BOILERS. 3. 4. -\ S, and 10 U.P. PCNCHING and KU EAR ING MACHINES jin., Jin.. } in. Hall's Patent Injeeieri', all sizes. Tube-expanders, all sizes. The AdeUide WatcrlL'ts. *} in.. 3 in., and * in. PATENT STEEL FLUKING. Water and Sheep Troughing. Prices considerably reduced. Inspection invited. UNION ENGINEERING CO., LTD., KOalfrXMUUCC 2»tbM

PROPERTIES WANTED Eighteen words in Aeputer and Bttning Jmtnul la.; three insertions xs. Cd. prepaid, CTT ANTED TO RENT, about end of May. a T T Six-roomed HOUSE in tboroogh habiuble midition and with all conveniences; } or J acte dock land preferred. Reply J. C Smith, EastMrade, Kensin^on Park. TO LET KighUen words !? ibybtor aad Bmni»fJt»mtt U.; three inserUou U. M. prepaid. T ROSE PAKK.— TO LET, HOUSE, Four Rooms, Kitchen and Bath, Copper; close ;ram. Mrs. Washington, Hewitt«venue. 141-4 A T HARROLD^S. opposite Railway, naif-acre. J\ rood BUILDINGS, SUOUROOMS, STORES, FACTORIES, STABLING, from 10s. week. J. EtonnseveU. ? SJtsc 4. T. MAGA&EY, 35. WAYMOCTH-STREET. Ucensed Land Broker. Money to Lend at lowest Rates. TOLBT. Commodious HOUSE. 0 Rooms, Mill-terrace ;£10a BILBERT-STIiEET. 2-story Uou*e. S Rooun; 10s. FAC1ORY and OFFICES, opp. Uailway, Nerth-ter. HOUSE in Hill*. C Room*, for summer or term. FARMS. Lands in South for sale. Offices, Waymouth-street, to Let. SStse F. W. BULLOCK & GO. SAVE TO LET. Start-street, 3 rooms, central ; Cs. North Adelaide, RaUton-street, S rooms. 4c. ; lla, Oilles-streBt, shop, 3 rooms, large stable ; Us. Norwood, Benlah-ioad, e roonw, bath, Ac. : 16s. North Unley, Touns-etreet, 3 rooms, 4c. ; Cs. 09 Carrington-otreet, 3 rooms ; 7s. Od. King wnOam-stnet, 7 rms., bath, good order; ISa. Uitnbory, Alexandn^treet, 1 rooms, *c : 7a. Henley Beach, Esplanade. 4 rooms, bath, «c. ; 13a. EUza-street. near G.P.O., 3 rooms; 7a. btnrt-street, S rooms, sbeddinr, 4c; 10s. North Adelaide, Ward-strwt, 4 reoms ; 8s. North AdeUide, Lombard-stieet, 5 rooms, 4c. ; ts. Off North-terrace, new bouse, 3 rooms, bath; 10s. Parkside, Porter-street, 3 rooms; 7a. Cd. FuUarton Estate, 0 rooms^bath. stable. 4c ; 14s. Carrington-st. near Kins Wm.-»t, small 8bop; St. Marryatville, Rinsmore-rd., 6 row., bath, 4c ; Its. Norman-street. 4 rooms, bath, double front ; 10s. Maclaren«tnet, close tram, 4 rooms, 4c ; lla. fTV- LET. Gover-ctreet, North Adelaide. 11 rooms. M. bath, cellar. 4c, excellent coachhouse and stabling; £95; immediate possession. mo CARRIERS, Herse Baaarkeapen, and X Other*.— Acre of Land and extensive Shed?int. opposite Goods Station, North-terrace. fro LET, at reduced rental, Clifton Chambers. A Kinx William-»treet. a splendid suite of Oineet, strongroom ; central posiaon ; £190. F. W. BULLOCK & CO., AUCTIONEER?, VALUATORS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. York Chambers, Franklin-street. US: liUINDERS-STREET, near Post-office. RESI. JL1 DENCE, Ten Uoonu, Bath, Pantry, Cellar, large enclosed Verandah. Richard Verm, Fliuders-ktreet. . 1S&: i-^LEXELG. - FURNISHED HOUSE, good XX position, every convenience, low rent. w. S. K*au, 10, Mutual Life Cuamben, Grenfellstreet. ? 132.6.41 /GLENELG. -TO LET. SEAFORD, FUR\JT NISUED, Seven Rooms. Bath. 4c Low rental tor winter months. Charles Uirks, Rundlestreet. aSSUuoHOUSES, HOUSES, Mill-street and PulUney-street north, suitable for Boarding. hou*e*. Apply toum Anstralian Company, North-terrace. 133thsc HLNDLEY-STREET, opposite Theatre RoyaLTO LET. .SHOP, with large showroom and showcase*. Apply Ayers -t Gall, Solicitors, 1U-Waymouth-stteet. Adelaide. ? lifle HOUSESJO LET. City, West-terrace, firstxlauwell-0nisbed5-rooined llouses, coniicei, centre-flowers, marUe mantols, cbin'onier and bookcase in oiningYOom, wardrobe iu bedroom ; low rental to good onaiit. City, Flinders-street, superior Villa of 8 rooms, large tiled court and all conveniences, beautifully Subbed; rental £60 yearly. City, West-terrace, 7 lovma, conveniences, £65. City, South-terrace, 5 rooms, Batb, 4c, 14s. City. Brown-iL, shop and 6 rooms, 4c, tOs. Goodwood, 6 rooms, furnished, C5s. Beiair, 7 rooms. 4c., 4c, £30 pji. Payneham-road, 7 rooms, Bith, 4c, £C0 p.a. Prospect, Clifton-aL, t roonw, coavoniencee; 16a Prospect, Ciifton-strcet, 10 rooms, 4c , £65. Knigbtsbridge, 3 rooms, 4c; 5s. weekly. Parkside, near Park Lands, 5 rooms, 4c. ; 12a, Cd. Walsrrville (near) S ]arjs» rooms, 4c, l£s. College l'ark, Marlborough-strett, 9 rooms, furnished, £4. ' East Adelaide. Walkerville-road, 5 rooms. stabling. Itoso rUrk, corner Psrad; and Close-ktiect, best position in auburbs, d rooms and conveniences; £C0 yearly. JOHN HUTGhFhGS & CO., NEXT BANK AUsTUALASIA, CURRIE-ST. ? 67thsc» 17-NIGHTSBrUDGE, TOIRD-STKEET.-To XV LKrr, HOUSE, Seven Rooms, Cellar. Garden. M. Symonds Clark. AuktraUsia Chambers, King William-street. ? 3lftnse T4.fA.hlON. - HOUSE. Seven Rooms, 14-staU ItA Stabling. Sj Acres ; about 5J acres are gardeik Also, Cottage, Four Rooms, aud ti\ Acres. Each property only *j» a year. AddUou. Way. moutb-strcet. 138 D 41 ^1 JOUNT OSMUND.— TO LET, for Grazing or ItX Cultivation, 194 Acres, cbwe to town. Fenced Sheep aid Cattle proof ; permanent water. Offers will be received till TUESDAY, 24tb May. JAMES COUNSELL, Mutual Life Chambers, al31Uwll ? Oronf«U-»treet, Adelaide. MANN - TERRACR, NORTH ADELAIDE.Four Rooms, Kitrhon, Bath, 4*c Ay«rs autf Gall, 10. Waymuuth-atreet, Adelaide. 7ue Maeiaren Whapf, Port Adelaide. tfEW FESMZSES, in the vrry heart of business, comprising;— CELLAKS. Scach'^ix 90 x 7.3, ua*iju£lltd, and having (rout aud back entrances ; iii uacU. FRONT OFFICE, t Rooms. 19 x 17 and 19 x 15; £35. tiTullEd (with Offices), bux 10, and 4U x 30; i*0, £30. Apply _33Uc^ ? R CLEJAND * CO.. Maclaren Wharf. TVJEW VILLA, Six Rooms. Bath, Cellar. 4c, xN near train and train ; rent, 14*. &*Parsons. VicU-ria-u)uare west. ? al&U'41 XTORWOOD.-TO LET. superior HOUSE, Seven XI Rooms, 4c, Ganien; low rent; near tram. Knot Brothers. 61, King Willianntreet. 140 '3 f\S LONG LEASE. BLOCK of LAND, PIRIE\J STREET. )Si x 100 it. Apply Wyatt, Beoevolvat lnsUtutioo, TemptoChamoers, Currieatreet. ? 120ta STABLE and STOREROOM at rear of Arm. ? bruster4Ublmann's.Ul.RUIiDLE-STR£fiT; rant.lJe.per week. J. 1L EiUen, 54. Soyal Kxshange. ? j»wK SOCTH-TERRACE.-TO LET, ** HILDAKTON/ Eight Rooms and conveniences. Fleming, Boncant. 4 Ashton. 30. Waymonth-street 1W3 nno LET, low rent, a ROOM on first floor, X Howard Smith Chambers. Hi. King Williamstreet. Apply Wm. Howard Smith 4 Sons Pro. prietary. Limited. ? 1417 mo LET, KINO TnLUAM-STREBT, those X TWO FLOORS situated above Mr. W. U. Biahop'e premises, and at present occupied by Dr. Morgan : sultabte for Photographer or as Consulting Rooms. G. S. Cockburn, Brookman's Building. ? aTSc mUREE and FonrcomfortaUy Fornlsbed Rooms, X cheap, for winter season. A. W. Ralph, Henley Beach P.a ? mo LET, HOUSE, Ten Rooms. SUbus, CoachX houjse. Paddock; near tram, Parkside. Apply O. Viney. 257, Kundle-stroet. ? Wc_ to i^ e x: MATTERS &; CO. SEMAPHORE.— Four Rooms, 4c ; lla. weekly. CITY.-Officee, furnished; cheap. MALVERX.— Eight and Ten Rooms. Stable*. 4c MALVERN— Five Rooms, Bath, Pantry. Cellar, Sbeils. 4c ; ONLY 12m. 6d. WEEKLY. NORTH AOELA1DE.— Three Roonw, 4c; Cs. per HAWTHORN.-Fonr Rooms. 4c ; 8s. UNLEY-ROAD, MALVERN. - Eight Rooms, Bath, Cellar, Ganien, 4c : £60 p.a, MAGILL— Seven Roonu and halianaere of Oarden, Fruit-treea and Vines; RENTAL ONLY 10s. PER WEEKLY. NORWOOD.— Good position, close to O»mendterrace. Six Rooms. Bath, Garden : cheap rectil. FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET at North Adelaide. Semaphore, (iltnel*, and Wayville. MALVERN. COKNF.R of FISHEKsTrtEET and CAMCUIDUKSTUEET.-Eixbt Rooms, stable, Coachbousf, good Garden, gas laid on, hot and cold baths, Ac Apply MATTERS & CO., OPPOSITE TOWN HALL ? h?!*1*. mo LET,SOUTHTERP.ACE,1IOUSE. detached, X Six Rooms, nice Lind aud other conveniencea. A. H. Landseer, GrenfeU-rtreet. ? U9.41 fWV- LBT, KENSINGTON.— VILLA, 7 Rooms. X opposite 'The Acacias;' also SHOP and Dwril;n2, Iiwh-nreet. GOODWOOD PARK.— COTTAGK. 4 Rooms, with large .Sublet. W. Hall HendaMoc. 21. King William-street. 13Uhac rpo LKT. E«pl.\nade. HENLEY BEAcH' X HOUSE, Seven lloonn. Kitchen. Bilh. Pantry. Cellar. Scullery, buble. Coachhouse, anc Garden. Now occujtieil R. M. Stcele, Ksq Apply W. R. Pybas, Flloders-sneet east 137thec TO LET or SELL, MARKYATVILLE. FURNLSHF.D HOUSE, good Garden. Stable. 4c Mr*. E. Bayley, Jlarlborouphitreet, Collece Park. ? Itithsc TTTILMINGTON.-TO LET or FOR SALE. » 1 Larce bTORE. C*IUr-. and Dwellincboc?« cf &evoa Rooms. Every contenience for ^-.nj-inp on an extensive General Stora Biuiness. For particulMS apply to Jeriiua Gurr, Currio-street. Adelaide. UUhK

' OFFICES TO LET Eighteen words in MtfiHtr and Evening JeunuX Is.; three uuerUoas ta. 6d. prepaid. ASEMENT FLOOR of Howard Smith Buildings, King William-street, to Let 141-7 fjUCELLENT OFFICES from 7s. 6d. : Basement 12i Room. 15a : Large Cellar. Kb. ; Bulk Store, O*. D. W. Melvin. Central Mart. ? 139c CJHOPS.' Office*. Residential Rooms, very low O rents. Bray 4 HackeU, Solicitors, 71, King William-street. isstsc PROPERTIES FOR SALE Ughtesn words in Rtgtitir and Buning Jnuntl Is.; three insertion la, 6d, prepaid BUILDING LAND IN CITY. FOR SALE, excellent sites in Bl'XTON and HILL STREETS and MILL-TERRACE, NORTH ADELAIDE, aud GROTE-B IT4EET, ADELAIDE Plans and oarticnlan on application. Money to Lend at Lowest Rates. 8. R. WAKEFIELD, CURRIS-8TREET. ADELAIDE. ISOwsc CITY.-Pair COTTAGES, 3 Booms, £355. Slurtstreet. Cottate, 4 Rooms : rent. 8a. 6d. ; £300. BovaviUe, near Mucill-road, Pair Cottages; rent. ll*.;c!70. W. Paddock, Alfred Chambers, Currie., ttreet ? 109thsq COLLEGE PARK.— FOR SALE, July 1st. Six \j Rooms, Bath. CeUar; 105 ft. Uarruw-road. B. Brookman, Gientellstreet ? HMlis51 CHEAP BUILDING SITES. CITY. CARRINGTON-STREKT-Corner el CardweU street, 91 ft 8 In. xW ft Hut-«treet-61 feet by 104 to Gilles-atreet Halifax-straet— 90 x !10 feet, ebeap. GILLES-STREBT-CornerUlirjobn's.road; fine corner. The cheapest site in this lavouriM part of City. CLOSE TO ADELAIDE RACECOURSE, SUBURBAN. Albert-street, Goodwood— Allotments at 45s. per foot, close M tram and train ; 240 feet deep ; two frontages. MILE-END-65 ft. z USf t, fronting Henley Beach road. LOCKLEYS-AUotmenUSand U; 100 ft by 400 ft deep. Large quantity of building sand on these blocks that would pay most of purchase-money. GREEN & CO., LAND AGENTS. PIRIE-STRBEt, tfke R SALE, Three ALLOTMENTS ot LAND. Richards-stieet, U1NDMAKSU, with bbop and Dweliins. G. G. Mayo, Tatham-Ureet 127mwso F. W. BULLOCK & GO. HAVE P0E SALE. EDWARDSTOWN, 5 rooms, stable, 7 acres; £850. NEW PARKSIDE. Waide-etreet, Wi 158; 31s. ft £190. PKOSPKC r. 3 rooms, i acre. NEW PARKSIDE, Cambrid6c-ienace, allotment*; 20s. ft WtSTUOORNE PARK. 4 allotments, each 100 x 170 and 102, £13S ; forming one block. WEST PART OF CMY. superior double-fronted Cottage, 4 rooms, bath, good order; £260; bareiin. Til EBaRTON, S rooms, 35 x 105 ; £«0. 0/37. FULLARTON, Fi*b*rsL, 8 rooms, 4) acres; £1,500. ELLENV1LLB, 4 allotmenU;7a 6a. per ft, lat inn. EASTWOOD. 7 roouw, bath, garden. 30 x 1W- £275. MALVEKN, 6 rooms, bath, cellar, wasubouse, sbtbiiax. trapshed. 100 x 150; £675. CHlLDKHS-SfRKKT. N.A.. 4 rooms. 45x08; £315. NOR WOO I), Beulah-road. 3 Housa*. 1£3 x 157 ; £400. N. ADELAIDE. 5 rooms, cellar, 4c; £150. 9/430. NORWOOD, 3 rooms, bath, pantry, outhouses; land 2 acres, fronting three streets ; £l,lua PARKSIDE, n*w Cottage, 4 rooms, batb; £510. 0/tii HENLEY BEACH, Esplanade, 5 CotUges, each 4 romas: £U3U; baricain. S/S«UYDK PARK, Park-street 6 room*, bath, cellar, pantry; two allot menu; £160. U/W-S. KENT TOWN, Rnndkvslreet, 6 rooms, batb ; £395. Oy| /» '-HALIFAX-STREET. - Good Stone St^tOD' Uoute. 5 rooms, bath; »x 100; let at It*. ; owner leaving colony. 9/605. Of AAA - COROMAMDEL VALLEY.X/l.W\f Farm, 841 Acres, suitable for Grazing or Garden Land; live rooms, dairy, tank, 4c ; river frontage £*A /» A-FBUrr OARDEN. Beiair. »} acres, ?fc^rOvf 6-roomed Uouke, underground Unk (10.0U0 pilloM), stable; £330 can remain atSJper cent; bargain. 0/600. OI /*C/\~Off ANGAS, central, 6 first-dan &1UOU -'«* Cottages, 13 rooms in all; passages, baths; rente, £156; rare opportunity. O^KA—AJfOAS-STBKET.New Shop, 4 rooms, S&OOU bath, comer block ; rent, i£41Zs. OKOA — '? ADELAIDE, Walkerville-road, 3*0 O' Villa, 6 rooms, passage, batb, cellar, garden; 50x183; bargain. F. W. BULLOCK & CO., AUCTIONEER*. VALUATORS, LAND AND ESTATB AGEMV, York Chambers. Franklin-street ISSo J. W. G. ALFORD & CO., AOCTlOSEtBS, LICENSED VALUATORS, £«.. TEMPLE CHAMBBRH, CUttWE-SfKEBT. N. ADELAIDE. Mackinnon-parade, Ueuse, 6 rooms, *c ; £iCS. Gover-street, substantial IIoum,6 moms, 4c ; £700. K. ADELAIDE. Harrow-road, YiUa, 7 rooms; Lasd, 50x150; £(3O. MKD1NDIB, Superier House. 8 roonw and appurtenattces-Land, 68 x 200; £l,05a CLARENCE PARK, dose to tram, House, 6 room*. Garden ; Land, 100 x 3H- ; £30 k MALVKRN. close to tram. Villa. 6 rooms. Garden, 4c: £030. E. ADELAIDZ. choice Villa, 8 rooms aad every comfort; Land, 150 x 175; £1,100. PROSPECT, Clifton^treet, supniot nonse, t room* aud appurtenances ; £630. NORWOOD, JUoukc, * rounu and conveniences; £3^0. NEW PARKSIDE. Oval frontage, stylish House, » room*. Garden, 4c ; £550. KENT TOWN, Ruudle-atreet, x Attached Houses, rach 4 rooms, 4c ; £750. ST. PETERs7\liIa,7 Rooms, every convenience; i Acre Land, nico Garden ; £900. WEST UINDMARSH, House, & rooms. Garden, Ac. ; £40a HYDE PAUK.doee to City and tram, well-built stylish House, 6 rooms atd every convenience Land, 60x150; £760. GILBERION. done to City and tram, choice of several well-built ViUaa, ? roonw and convenience*; £450lo £130. TO LET. HOUSES, in all part* ot City and Suburb*. (i 4th*o LAND AND HOUSE PROPERTY SHUTTLEWORTH & LETCHFQRD, ESTATK AND FINANCIAL AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS. AND LICENCED LAND BROKERS. 44, KINO WILLLOI-SIVKKT. AUKLA1DE. I^TADUSHRO 1847. J Traanfers, Mortfioges, Leases Prntiared. MONEY to LEND. Rent and Interest CaHccled. bharw Bought and Seld. Transfers of Crown L-ases Prepared. ? 07th-cvd PRIEST &JANCSFORD. FOR SALE. VERT CHEAP PROPERTIES. GOODWOOD PARE. Detached House. Four R'jom*. Paasaice. Bath. Vencdaht, all in goed order ; £JU ; small deposit CITY. Double-fronted Cottage in Fencburcb-street, Fire Rooms, Verandah. Ac ; £US only. Excellent chance for cabman, drayman, dairyman, 4c Good paved yard, which alone coot £!A Small deposit; balance arranged. YOUNG WARD, CITY. Several Cheap Properties in Angas-sUeet, Halifax-street, ll-itt street, and Gilles-strect Easy terms arranged for buyers. NORWOOD : ~TUB PARiDE. A Seven*roomed House offered for a ttifie over the value of the land. Rental value. £4n per annum a: l«a*t. Must close up an estate. Price, £175. Plenty ef room left far snops. PRIEST &1ASCSF0RD, UCENSED LAND BROKERS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS. Ac. OFF FMNDtlW-STKEET, Opposite Stow Church, Adelaide. ? HOcttnao TORREN* - ROAD, WOODVILLE. - F.iablroomed HOUSE. Cellar. Bathroom, Wannbouse, buble. 4c, occupied by K. Allnutt Km{.; 3 Acres Garden and Lucerne Paddock. Si«:nt7 Malin, IIuum Agent. Port Adelaide. lOSmkc mHE niLLS LAND AND INVESTMENT 1. COMPANY, LIMlTEU.-PnOPEKTlJbaan for ABSOLUTE SALK crcatly below cost VX Acres, AMHiAl E 49 Acres, MOUNT LOFTY C9 Acres, liLAtKWOOD. Cbolee pesitions. Lots to suit purebasers Nominal reserves. Every reasonable oifer enter tailed. For plan and particulars apply COLLISON 4 CO., Mlthacv King WiUiam^treet AdeUide. VILLA, 8 H00MS, TO SELL or LET: or*r Acre Garden, all convenieneu ; Malvern, dose to Tram. M. KINGSBOROUOB, King WUliam-street. U1,M .

PROPERTIES FOR SALE Eighteen words in JtepwUr and Xomfef JmtmU la.; throe User lions U. 64. prepaid. CiirrieStEldelaide HAVE FOR SALE FOLLOWING BARGAINS! l^CA/s PITV-Ten Uomei on full CjA 3& i O vll~Ui I I Acre ; ouc --f the best W restiiMnts in market. Tho»« wanting a safe auw profilahltf iur»tmont for capital should im-|»rcl. OO!T|kfi PiTV— ***'?» Uouaes, ot superior fc«-O(HI~Ul I T clmracter. let to a yond clans of truniitiat tbe following rentals— 13-., 1**.. 14s., 14s., 14s., 15s.. and K«. (id. weekly. IMAAA O1TV— Two pairs of Houses, of &*UUU~blll live rooms each; let to kppruved tenants at weekly rentals of Its. Od. each. Oi CO' PITV— ' Terrace of three double. SbLO^Oulll fronted Houses, 90 ft. frontage to squarn; a very compact presentable property, and always well leu SllOO-CITY-ae^ud^mgi; fronted ; 7s tu I rouutgc ; renUls £91 yearly. O1 AAsrl-ifMTV-I-*lrSood Uou»m, terrace S& Ll/UU bill frnuuxe; renUb, £»1 yearly. One ot tbe pick portions ot city. £2200-ROSE PARRliTMS choice poMiious, returning £i75 yearly. £n50-WAYVILLEdJ:^icuhEiS Hoodh.Ac. ; KcntaU, jClii per annnm. £1700-WOODVILLERSa^St'. tace of Four RoonH; both let lo good teusnti, tu Acres of Lanii. part planted with lucerne, wituia ten minutes' walk of Woodville Railway sutlon. £1000-ST. PETERS-o^iS?^: Uoomsand conveniences, Comer Block land 15) x 150, highest and ihoice-t posilion in tba subuih. £850-WAYVILLE-avu!,u &JSZ terrace fronUjo; very cheap property. n»*X MilUCDU -SubsUntlal VM. ntO iO~lflALVtHf1 built Villa of 6 Romas and Conveniences, in pood position, £550-RISE PA8K'.1SiJS»S2i veuieuces ; near l'ark Lauds. £500-ST. PETERS-StffflhS and larte Shed kuitabU for »orksbi-p or suble*. £485-HEW PABBIDE-ffi..fl. Uuuuu, iu very good p»*i;iou ; uice block of Land. £550-UULEY PARK'lttJl«aS aiid cuuveniences. A very nice property. i-/l Z.4\ PITV — J1' 'finable Uoute of A a&40U~Ul 1 1 roi.uu. hall, from and back venuidahs. 4c, ic. Quite near Park Lands. DflQE DADsf eomet Parade and Close-street, nUOL rAillV, Villa of Eight Uojms and wn. veniences,at|-reaentoccuiiiedby T. A. Fieldwick, Esq. 'Mis properly te in tbu very best pusitlvu in lu*e Park, and command* hu excellent view of the billi, and is do* to Park Lands. We can least, it from the Ulh May, or are prepared to sell either for cash or to moot buyer with reawuauie terms. Fuller parllculers from JOHN UUICUINGS 4 CO.. CUMIE4TIIKET. U/nnnVADIl ln fuH wwWnr onler. In popuIfUUUlAnU, k»u- suburb. Eugine aiid Boiler, UohesjDiitys, Mcalvs, and complete PUnt, for immediate mle. Fuller pxriiculani tram JOUN UUTCU1NUS 4 CO., Cl'KHli: STRMT. ifCDCDDnnif'— Dout0 of four Rooms and ?VCndDniiUft Kitchen, sUnding ou corner block of land, measuring about 1) acre*. An excrlltrot position for a UlacluuiUU, there being a goud opening lor tbU trade iu Iho village at prexeut, none there; or very suitable lor any one requiriui; borne in tbe bills. Part, of iImj land 1« pUoted with an asserted variety of fruit-trvM. Price, ££». For toiler particulars nnply to JOHN UUTCUINGS 4 CO., Cl'gHtE STREET. WE CAN SELL THE ABOVE FOR GASH, OR SHALL BE PLEASED TO ARRANGE TERMS TO MEET ALL GLASSES OF BUYERS. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS. Cl FY— bomb-terrace, full aciu deep, £M ti. elTY-Angak-strcet, lull acre deep, £(t ft. CITY— Wriehl-*lre«l, lull acre (Imu, MtL CITY— Uaukon-kirevl, full acre (iecji, £1$ it CITY— Hausoa-sUtel, good u»pth, £10 ft. CiTV-\V»y!aouUj-», good di ptb, £6 ft. N. ADELAIOC— Cbilden-ktrett, acre deep, £610a N. NORWOOO-Block land, 133 x SUO, £»a CLARENCE PAftK— 1 wo Muilding Allotments. NEW PARHSIOE— In -ite» t» kuU purchasers, ROSE PARK-A1 |HMiiioua, fremSus. ft. ST. PITKR3— Kxcillonl positions, from Us. ft. OTHER BLOCKS Af \ tKV LOW PlUCBiAl POSITION* IN C1TV A.N1- kUOUUUd EXCELLENT FARMS. SOUTH OF Al'ELAlUE-Goad Farm of over 1.0--0 acres, about 140 acres of wUch is uud«r crop, put in with unll and manure. There is a gevii aud substantial Reaiaeiice, also BlabUs, tabeds, die. Ibe property i* well fenced and watered. Prico^ £X 1IM. per acre. We can sell either for eath otm ou terms. 1 BOUTU OF ADELAIDE— 1,100 acre*; £3 per aero ; 1 casu or term*. Laud bevn well rented. SOUTH OF AUELAIDK-7U0 acres fair Land;£S i»«r acre ; ca»b or terms; land been ttell retted. LOWER NORTH— l,3tw -croe AnestLand iu the colony ; £6 per acre; cash or terms. LOWtr. NORTH— bOu acres nrsuOass Land; £J per acre ; caah or terms. Aott.-The oteM farm art wifMa 60 uuUt ?/ AMaiU*. MONEY TO LEND. U't tin arraajc loam at wry short noliet, in ttiiiu (? niit txi;i*utr$, ai Lvtecti Current Haiti u/ JiUirctt, on Ap?t*i-it FREEHOLD SECURITIES. ALSO HOD1UDI OF OTIli U PitorLKTILS IN THE (UY, 81 it! Ll(», AM» ( OtMkr, FILL IMM -«.LLAKS OF HU11U UK SHALL ittf I'LEASEU TO SBI'i'LV PEESONALLY OR UY' LLllfclt O.\ AI^LIC ATIO.V 10 JOHN HUTGHINGS & GO., HOl'SK. LANU, AND ESTATK AGKNI'S NEXT UANK AUaTUALAalA.CUHKlE.BT. 6Uh»tl VILLAS 8 and S Rooms. ST. PETEItS, U Rooms, Ac. CITY. Land 33 x 00. KF-\T1CK, Land (0 z ISO. NORWOOD, o Rooms, ic LOW PRICKS, EASY TERMS. . T. H. TREVAJLL, Wayville. ? Wthie i?XQA-EAST ADELAIDE— New Detarbed diOoW Freertone VILLA, Fire UootntCellar, Batb, Enclosed Back; tram near; workmanship guaranteed; convenient ; coed slta, 67 x ISO; easy terms. CoMver liros., Norwood. Ttl «11 ? mwfse OQQ/V- NORTH AD KL A IDE, comforubie otOOll lloaw, Ward-street, i Rooms and iUth; terms. LOOK I LAND I EAST ADELAIDE, in lot* to suit po»cbasf-r», 1'rontages to Fovtb-areaue and tram; hieb ai.d dry, SO s ISO, 75 x 160, 100 x ISO: Ms. per foot ; easy urms; parlies acsikled to build. IbUUth.i only land avaiUb'e at the price. PROSPECT NORTH, aljrtle aad Vine streeti, each 50x115. SEF1ON PAUK, PROSPECT, to close aeconnt*. Can offer bargains in lots to suit buyers ; terms or cash. Allotments Clarence Park, Redfern, Hawthorn, Vermont, Alexandria. Albert Park, Granre. WANTED BUY, HOUSE, 6 Booms, North Ade laide. ARTHUR 0. SANDERS, LORN E CHAMBER*. RING WM.-SX, Oi'pokite Tewn Hall, Adelaide. irnhsci HORSES, CATTLE, VEHIOLES, &O. Eighteen words In Rtaitttr ao-1 Kxtnxng Jmuwil la,; three Inaertiuns U. Od. prepaid. DUNCAN & FRASER, FRANKLIN S1UKET, ADELAIDE. CARKIAGKS. Virte-ia*. Villaxa. snd other Phaeton*. Abbot, Piano Kox, Mamt, Itota, urni other liupgic, Wag--nettes, and other family Carriaces, Expreism, Ac. Rubber 1 ires and lUII-taring AiIm. Kfcondband Vehicles of all do&criptions. Repairs sn-I Painting at moderate price*. S1BAM CARRIAGE WORKS, ? Franklin-street. ? »ljc_ 1 aa TRAPS U cboote fr*ra - Abbotts, 1VV Expresses. Butchers' Carts.jpnng-c'nys, P»ny-carU, Ron Bnctis*. PliaaUtua. Trspk of ftr description masTe to order. Uufbt, m-U, or exebansei. to New and Secendluud Harcau. aadlles, aad Bridles ; rare bargains : cash er terms, CheaMStplace is Adelaide. W. FORWARDAOa, M^ Wa|BMuU-»ueeWeaall,Uurae4U»-V Xttw