South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 24 October 1900, page 12

AUCTIONS : ABSTRACT 6? SALES fit AUCQOH 6. THIS DAY. 7. W. Bunock & Co.-At the Ton Hall, at halfput two— Property Sale. Luxmonrr, Chapman, k Co.— At their Mart, at half-past two— Station Propertr. Kangaroo-skins. Johnson & Co.— At Oakbank, at bait-put ten— Furniture. C 0. Gurr k Co.— At North terrace, at twelve— Furniture. J. W. G. Alford & Co. -At the Towa Hal), at hillpan two— Furniture. D. W. Melvin.-At his Mart, at ten-Miscellaneous Sale. J. H. Weidcuhofer k Co.-At Liverpool street, at twelve— Building Material. J. Paltridce & Co.— At their Bazaar, at two— Hones. Elder. Smith. * Co.— At half-pan two— Kangaroo-»kin»; at the Corporation Yard», at threeCattle. tuxmoore. R. J. Coomb*, & Co.-At a quarter part two— Kangaroo-iiins. V. Tbyer c Co.— At their Mart, at eleven— Dairy ? tad Farm Produce. THIS DAY^_at 10.30. AT 'OAKBANK- -' (Tha Baaidanceof tha lat* Mr. James Johnston). Uncter Instruction* from the Exaeutar* of Mrs. Mmrgaret Johnston (dacaased.) Valuable Household Fopnitnpe, 8UPERB RONISCH PIANO, Two Excellent ? Phaetons. JOHNSON '&TCOMPAN Y wuiMii, Without Any Reserves, Next FRIDAY, at 11. At Onr Hart. Industrial Buildings. ON ACCOUNT O* WHOM IT MAY OONCERN. ?hipmant from Muddan * Co* Bristol, CIGARETTES °'& TOBACCO. IN BOND. FOR POSITIVE SALE, JOHNSON &~COMPANY will tell, as under— Bond No. ^ j Certificate No. L-Cas* containing M| S4.000 Cigarette*. 'BalMasqut.-lU-a. 8SS Certificate No. t-Case Containing — 17.500 Cigarettes. 'Gold Filagree.1* lOi M I U.0U0 do. 'Kingswortb/'lO's. tSt /'Certificate No. X-Casa containing — &M-00 Cigarettes,' Dandy DoU,H10V 80- 1.S00 da do. Mrs. 500 do. 'Bal Masque,' SO**, , S.SOO do. 'Kinfsworth,'Su'a. 835 f CertineaU No. «.— Case containing — — { U Ib. Tobacco, ' Kine-worth,' -j oz. tint. 931. 451b. do. ' Crown.' *)z. tins. ^/Ctrtineate No. 5. -Due fonuinine K\ 3* 1b. Tobacco. ??Reveller.' 5 oz. tins. Simple! oo view Thursday. THIS DAY, at 12. , Coder instructions from Mr. Thomas Galbraith. ON THE PREMISES. LIVERPOOL STREET, off Sturt street, opposite King's Utad. Building Material. 4QP 9-eeu 24 and 26 Gauge Galvanized Iron (all length*. Ridgtnp. Guttering-, and Piping. 12 Assorted Windows. -JO Assured Doors awl . Fnmef, 5 Cedar Mantels. Large Quantity Deals, Jtfrah, V.D.L., and Oregon, Joists, Ratten, Ports, LinieU. Beams, Floorboard*. T Floors. Staircaw, 3U) ft. 9 x 3 Uregon. Drainage Fittrngs, Ovens, J Glass Doors, Arch Bars, Gates, Fcncinc. J. HLWeidenhofer & Co. L4, are instructed to sell by auction, as above. THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 12 fl'clork. AT THE RESIDENCE, 64, NORTH-TERRACE. Under instructions from Miss Chandler, who is relinquishing the House. C. G. Gurr & Co. ? ? will «llTbe Whole of the HOUSEHOLD FTHSITVRE and EFFECTS. Drawinc Room Suite, Single and Double Wire Beducad*, Dining Table, A.B. and other Chairs, Bed.*. Blankets. Sheets. Kitchen I.'teiuils, Dinner and Tea Senices, Glassware, sc, kc, kc ? TO-MORROW (Thursday), At 12 o'clock. . AT OCR ROOMS. GRENFELL STREET. 13 BIGYOLES. 13 C. G. Gurr & Co. will sell as abuve. TO-MORROW, Thursday, At Z.1H O'clock. AT OCR ROOMS. GREXFELL STREET. LARGE QUANTlfFoF SECONDHAND HOUSEHOLD FUHNITUBE AND EFFECTS, 4c., &e. (Removed from East Adelaide and Ualvem.) C. G. Gmv & Co. will sell.' as above— DRAWING ROOM SUITE, Brasanouoted Bedstead*, Wire Mattroaes and IMding; Staple - Bedsteads and Bedding. Stretchers, Oilcloth. ? Hin.GmdN* and Cushion*. Sprier Seated °i oocbes. Bentwood and other Chain, Fenders. MIRROR BACK SIDEBOARD, Curtains, Cbms. of Drawers,7 Duchess Paini . Marfcktop Waafcsund, Toilet Sets, E.P. Ware, Crockery, *e^-*f — ?- - - ? - ? Abo, ErrCnES DRESSER. Meatsafc. - Booksbthres, Kitebni Bwpiium, and dundrics ' 1 Incubator. ___[___ ' * .' KANGAROO SKINS. LUXMMRE, CHAPMAN, & GO. will sell— KANGAROO SKINS. TODAY, at 2.30 p.m. caroona'run; THIS DAY, at 2.30 p.m. LUXMOORE, CHAPMAN, & CO are instrnrtrd by ('. B. Kii-V-arA-. VV^.. to offer, a their Room. NORTH TLRILV( H. ADEJ-\IDE, Thi Day, at 131. p.m. (-cbjrct to the roiuvnt of. th Hon. Comraueioncr of Crnbn Lands), the well known CAROONA RUN, compriiins Pastoral Lnse 112. containing U an,aaie miles: trnn«, 42 rears; rent. 7*. p* niile. Weil Iniprovrd anO watarod with id dan 'and d wells, and enclosed within the Pundurr Termin District. -;??? ? TO-DAY, at tli -' -... . ATCUfBEBT PLACE. LOXMOORE,R.«OOMBS,&CO. LIMITED. tO PABTD^FC»lSlUNcn^D~llE-inRisi SUPERIOR Ql'AUTY. THIS DAY, THIS DAY, at 2.30. AT THE .TOWN HALL d W. G. ALFORD & CO are instructed, to sell by auction— A* Larje Quutitr o( Really Good MODERN FUfiNITURE IX BE.\.CTIFI-L SIT1TE5 AND ELEGANT PIECES. eonprisins everr necesary article of comfort ai adornment of a thoroughly Well Furnished Res dence of 9 Rooms. Alfo. 2 Charming Pianos, Offlce Secreuire, and choice lot of Mi-cellan - ous Goods. ? FARM. GARDES, ASD DAIRY PRODUCE. AT THE ROOMS. WATUOCTHPLACS (oppotiu 'Advertiser' Offlce). : THIS DAT (Wednesday). W. THYER & CC will tell by auction— n a-m.— Batter, tecs. Bacon, Cheese, *c 12 a-m.— Poultry, fruit, VcjeUblcs, *e. ? 56WC fi SHROPSHiRES. r-i AT THE CORPORATION SHEEP YABDS. ?On WEDNESDAY, October 31. at 3 p.m. nj 1L DEAN k SO Bfi will sell bv auction, as above— C Pure Pedigree SHROPSHIRE RAMS V Pure Ptdisret Sbroot hire Ewes. S93.7.30C

FOR POSITIVE SALE, EASY TEBttS IXTRSMII.V LOW RUUVI, THIS DAT (WedaMdiT), October U, .. At haM-past t o'clock in the alternooa. -AT THE TOWN HALL, ADELAIDE. F. W. BULLOCK & CO. win sell by auction, as above, under instructions from J. S. Reid, Em., in consequence of hi* having to reside in Victoria— That MAGNIFICENT ESTATE known as 'ROSTREVOR,' comprising ooe of the most complete gentleman's residences suburban to Adv'laide, containing SO rooms, 4c, ;as laid on throughout, supplied by a large-sixe Mansfield Shale Oil apparatus, producing . three weeks' supply in four hour* at a very low cost, together with Firstclass Stabling, Coachhouse, 4c The Grounds are 115 acres in extent, of which 40 to SO Acres are* planted with about 3,000 Orange and Lemon Trees, ill in full bearing and in perfect health; the nine with the flower Garden and Lawns, being irrigated from a five-million gallon reservoir on the property, which is now quite full, the stori«e being sufficient for two years' use. Also, a U0.009-gallon covered Tank, with Windmill. Stram-pumpinc apparatus, ke., in perfect order. Cards to view and litho. plans on application to F. W. Bullock * Co.. Auctioneers, Land and Estate Agents. Franklin-street, Adelaide. PHIS DAY (Wednesday), October 24. at half-pan ! o'clock » the afternoon. AT THE. TOWN HALL, ADELAIDE. . F. W. BULLOCK & CO. will sell by auction, as above— BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTOR, TRUSTEE, AND AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED. IN THE ESTATE OF RICHARD JAUOE. DECEASED. HUNDRED of NARACOORTE, County Root, SECTIONS S71, S72, and £73, containing Three Hundred and Five Acre*. The Improvement* comprise Stone House of Five Rooms, 4c The Land is subdivided into Uure paddocks. Subject to lease to Mr. S. TumbulL expiring 13th March, 1907. Bent, £25 per annum. THIS DAY (Wednesday), October 24, at hall-past 2 o'clock in the afternoon. AT THE TOWN HALL, ADELAIDE. F. W. BULLOCK & CO will sell by auction., as above— BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEES. 3,991 Acres of Freehold Land, Being Sections Hundred of Terowie, Nos. 65, «9, W, 74n, 74s, 75, 7B, 77, 7S, 79, 80, 51, 62. S3, 8t. 88. (ST. Ni. 60. «, .tad Mlt W.Mu n dred of Whyto, SECTION* 3SL The whole oi the Land is well fenced, about 3,000 Acres being good grazing Land, with grassy hills and flau, forming splendid shelter for theep. and the remainder is suiuble for cultivatiod^Oe whole forming a compact block, situated about 2! miles south from the Yarcowie Railway Station. The improvements comprise a House of 4 Rooms, roofed with iron, walls of stone. Underground Crtneot Tanks, IS x 13, and 15 ft. deep, 43 x IS. 6 It. deep, and S3 x IS. 15 ft. deep; also. Five fair sized Dams; large Stone Kara and Sheds, all roofed nith galvanized iron. City of Adelaide.— Three Two-Story Houses in King William-street south, each containing 8 Rooms, with folding doors between the Drawing and Dining Rooms, Bathroom, tc. and bavins front and back Verandahs and Balcony. The land comprises portion of Town Acre US), and measures 60 it. to King WiilUm-street south by 111 in depth, with right-of-way at rear. This property is let at £140 Si. per annum. temaiphoro*— Ifart-strcei.-Twubetni-deuched Houses, one contains 6 Room*, large enclosed Court, Bathroom, 1U11, together with front and back Verandahs. The other contains i Rooms. Hall, and has front and back Verandahs. The land comprises Lot 24 and part 23 of Section 104». Hundred of Adelaide, laid out as 'Whitby,' and measures 74 ft. to Mart-street by t depth oj 106 ft., with Stella-lane at rear. Semaphore*— Lou 11 and li. of Section 1049. Hundred of Adelaide, laid out as 'Whitby,' measuring 1& ft. to Paxton-itrcet, by a depth of 183 ft., with Stella-lane at rear; upon which is erected a schoolroom. These properties are situated near the sea, and within a few minutes' walk of the Semaphore Railway Station. At present occupied by Mr. Linklaler and Mr. Mi-Leod. Annual rents, £68 Us. Orange-— Stone House,, of Five Rooms, togrthcr with Stabling. 4c. The Land comprising part Lot 2G6, containing * Roods 7 Percnes, Derby and ltcach streets. The property is at present unoccupied. Clare.— Two-Story Howe, containing 14 Boom*, situated on part Lot 120. containing 17 Perches, having a frontage to the Main Northread. The property is at present let at .£3 S*. per month to various tenants. NOTE.— AU the above properties are for sale b- order of the Mortgagees, and easy terms will be given, namely, SO per cent cash, balance on mortsase Jt 4 per cent. Three years. Right to pay off in instalments. On another account— FOR POSITIVE SALE-A BARGAIN. STURT STREET (Second Acre from Kim; V\ Uliam street), Portion Town Acrr SSO; -5 feet x 105 feet. Portion -A Purchase Money can remain lor 3 yean at 4 per cent. THIS DAY (Wednesday), ? October 24. . . ? AT THE- TOWN HALL. ADELAIDE. AT HALF-PAST 2 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON: F. W. BULLOCK & CO. will sell by auction, as above1-' BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS UNDER THE WILL OF MB. W. J. BAILEY, DECEASED. VALUABLE CITY ACRE, situated in Melbourne street,- North Adelaide, comprising the srfma aces, No.' OSS, with two Dwelling 'Houses thereon, on-? containin; Eight Rooms, Cellar, ke., and the other Six Ruoms, together with SUble, Loachhouie Outbuildings. Gardens, Ac. Note. —Ilia is une ut Uie best' positions in North Adelaide.' and within one minute's *a!k of tlx tram.' A large poniun of the ground is stfll available for Wldins purport* . ? ' ' WITHOUT RESERVE. TOWNSHIP OF IVAURALTKE-ScCtions Si and 33, containing trg.'ibcr hali an lire. TOWSalfll' Of ULANL'HETOWS— Sections 33 and iOl containing threeijuanta of in* Acre. On another account—' '. ' ' ; .. -' By order of the Mortgatee-^ CL.\R-VIU£, NEAR I'KOtipECT, Chariot street, Ueuse i»l four rooms, knnw'n'as 'Mrs. E. J. smith's.' The Land comprises Lot 65.' and measures »xi«p.' . ? : : . : ? ?'? ; '.'.TO'DAY (Wednesday),. at 40.. D. . 'W. IVI ELY 1 N ?will offir. «t ?-«. Ctw«' «*n— StperiorMASSKY-HARRls KOYCL'% ? ~ SI rt WS -u«B:iKt» iM.n, Pid».( touches. B*-1-' sttadt, Beodins. and UEKKKAL FL'RXISH ? -INOi ? ? ? ? ?? Abo, ? ' ?? ' ? ; ? 40 Pain Mea'St Women's, and Children's Boo-s and'Seots * * * Gas- Cooking Stoves, Sewing -Machine*, Bicycle,- Penun, Iron Folding Camp- Bedftea . ?KkSOA'' Concertina,' -and- OtiscdlanfcHU Ccods: ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? PALTRIDGFS BAZAAR. CttiES ARCADE.THIS DAY (Wednesday). October- S4, at 2 ? ?- - ? ^????i .o'clock. ' ?????? JO K *?? P A t T R^I D-'GE * C O. «iU $eH by. aactSon-^. ,,' ? ?-...' ? -l?nF.Messn..Bttrge-s.A;.Badia«n— ' / t(\ TIPTOP' HOR55tS, ineUjdlng- Heavy and del/ Medium Draujhts,- -Ooacier*, * and , -Pesict. These are a- really good lot. tight age*, ami direct from CbAtonn' r ?:? ?.'?.', From Flortawn— ? ? ; ? X Tracks TI|ltop nORSHS, iadadtas-Draiighu. O ? -Trolly, Tram, and -Dciivwy tiorts and Ponies. These are a good lot. ? . ? ??, For Mr.. W11«m— ? ? 9 Superior DRAUGHT UOR6E5. ? ? ' ? - From the Sooth— ? ? _'. 3-Ue»«r -Drab**! Bawd:Uarrk-..- ? : . _-f, ? - - .» »'or-vartoa» owner**-. ? . . ? QA HFJITY- .VXD ;UGHT- HORSES ASp ....... . Tcnns— Approved bill*, '..- -.?' . Entries Uifbonr of Sale. «96*7 JO H N P A LT R I D C E 4c CO. have received instructions from Mr..- J. Cowan, Glen Losfsir, to sell' bis annual draft ol Horses, at their Bazaar, on Wednesday, Uctuber il, at t o'clock— CA SUPERIOR UORSES, ^A comprising well-matched Buggy and Pony . Pain and Draughts, including 1 splendidlv . matched pair Black Mam, 1 shapely Pail .Brown Ponies,. 1 Pair Cream Ponie*. (naifbred Arabs). 1 Pair Bay Marts, last travellers.- good Single' Ponies, and choice Draught Hone*; any trial given. Terms as usual. 293,7 ° TO-MORROW (Thursriav). October 23. PALTRIDCE-S HORSE BAZA.VR (Uillesarcade). \ S. BARNARD is instructed to fell by auction, at 2 o'clock— For Main, Sells, k Co., Coonatto Station— 50 COLTS AND FILUES, Broken and Unbroken. Sired by Emulate and Cinder, suitable for thi Indian and Singapore Market*. Carriage, Drae, Coach, or Buggy; well bred, right ages, and ii capital condition. On another Account— ENCLISH WAGON, up to 5 ton*. Mowine Machine, 4 Draught ' Horses, young and stanch. For Owner*' Account— HANDSOME BAT PONY, 14.1, tour yean Lady can ride or drive BAY CELDING, 5 years, by Emulate— Emula Uon, would make a good stesplechaser, Jonpi weU. Entries received till hour of Sale. MONDAY. October 29. at 2.30. ON THE PREMISES OP MESSRS PENKO * CO. OPPOSITE HINDMARSU SQUARE, P1RIE STREET. ADELAIDE. J. A. SAND! is instructed by Messrs. Penno k Co. (who ar giving up Hone and Trap Dealing to make root for their rapidly increasing Sack Exchange Bnsi ness) to aril— BOSSES, S Spider Buggies, 3 Spring Carti Pony PagnelL Butcher's Cart, Pumitur Draor,' Bakei'i Cart. Hone Braki, Has Track, Catt Coven, Shafts, Ac . Bocgy and Cart Harness. Plough. Paint Mill Oven, and a quantity of Sundries.

wmtfmiiTt . t:hea.tke koyjll. L ? _ HMm. Woods-WiDiaauosu I Acting Manager- Mr.CbmrlwWoodm. TONMHT. | LAST PRODUCTION, LAST PBODC-CrlOIf | TCMIIQNT. ' . ' Of Uw Immeinly aneeeiafnl Drury Lmm Dnuna, -HANDS ACROSS THI litTO-NIGHT | Last AppMtmne* ot the Popular WOODS- WILLIAMSON COMPANY. - In Henry Petritf* Greamt of *J1 Modern Sucomea. 'HANDS* ACROSS THE SEA.' THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS. Positively f«r Two NigbU Only. Positively (or Two NfehU Only. . A New Vtnion of Mrs. Henry Wood's Evergreen, Ever-popnl&r PI»j ] ' 'BAST LYNNS.' -BAST LVNN8V ?' BAST LYNNK.' Hand Williamson m Lady Isabel and Madam* Vine. Absolutely th« Gnateit Szpoantof tb« character on tbaB^Uan-tpeaUng Stag*. (Vid* Press.) SATURDAY NBXT-rirsjt f»rod uctien upon an Blaibormto 8oaU* «f Dion Boualcaulfa World-faun«d Drama of London Lifo, cntitloa THB STREETS Of LONDON. Dmm Cireto and Reserved Stalls. 3/ : Stills, 1/ ; Gallery. 1/ ; Early-door to Gallery, 6d. extra. . Boxplan at MinhjUlaT. Day Sales at Armbrustcr'*. TOWN HALL, TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY). LAST APPEARANCE OF THE MAN FROM OBANQE EIVEB, A. B. Faterson-''Banjo,' who aailf forth* Wtst To-morrow by tb* Arcadia, and who This IVenine wiUDeUrer bli Bound Unvarnished Tal* of THE TARTAN, THE SHAMROCK, *» TOMMY ATKINS, OB OUR IMPERIAL BROTHERS IN ARMS. ? o SPLENDID CINEMATOGRAPHIC AND ILLUMINATED PICTURES. V.t/,1/. PIsjw of S*att at Marshall*'. R. S. SMYTHS. S.A. HORTICULTURAL AND FLORICULTURAL SOCIETY. FLOWEE SHOW, TOWN HALL. ADELAIDE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25. Decorated Dinner Tables. Admission-One o'clock till i, 2s. Cd.; Subscribers by Ticket; i o'clock till 10 p-m., One Shilling. Subscribent' Tickets and all particulars from 2931 ? CHAMPION UACltKTT, Hon. Secretary.

AUCTIONS KANGAROO SETS &VLE. THIS DAY. ;LDEB,8MITH,'& CO., LIMITED, wOI sell at SJO. 99A STORE CATTLE. 99Q LT THE CORPORATION YARDS, THEBARTOK. THIS DAY (Wednesday), October 54, at 3 p.m. [LDER, SMITHS CO., LIMITED, wffl sell by auction, as above100 Forward Store Bullockt, ol the well-known TE conjoinnl brand _.. 120 Steer* and Heifcn, direct from Clifton Hills Station. Further entries invited. BW KA1RJCE MAREET. AT THE MILLER'S ARMS HOTEL YARDS. -|-|r,4 FAT AND STORE T|KJ. iiO* SHEEP. 1±*}± JA FAT ASD STORE CATTLE. AQ iftA FAT AXD STORE PICS. ^|JQ HORSES, IMPLEMENTS. AXD SUNDRIES. On THURSDAY, October 25, at 1 o'clock. [LDER, SMITHS CO., LIMITED, will sell by auction, as above— 82 WETUERS, li ynn old 212 Wether Lambs On account of Mr. 87 Ewe Lambs T. Hope Murray, SO Aged Ewet from Mount Bcevor 123 Ewes. 3i years and Station upwards, all sound mouths * eon Fat and Store Sheep, including a line o! son Merino Weanera 8. Fat Bullocks 8 Fat Cows 4 gocd Heifers 3 nice Milkers 19 mixed Cattle, including dairy sorts . 100 Fat and Store Pigs. Terms as snaL Further entries solicited. BCRBA MAREET. 14357 ''^ 14357 40 cxrwL 40 HORSES, IMPLEMENTS, AXD aTfDRIES. On FRIDAY, October 26, at 12J0 o'clock. ELDER, SMITH/* CO., LIMITED, will sell by auction, u under, at.lhcir Yards— MX THE WOOL. ICO Prim* limbs 260 twn, «ome lat £M Ewck (full mouth) 10U Ewes. 64 per cent, lambs OFF S11EAR& ICO Fat Wethers -.:..... 1,000 Fat Wethers, on* truck*, bom Bunbowrie 130 Fat Wethers :? . i-.- ' HO Mittd FaU . ? ' ' ' „ SO Fat Lambs . 500 Ewes,, sood pe.cantaga lamb* 300 MUcd J and 0 tooth .- 000 Kwes. 4 and 0 tooth, a well-bred lot ? VS. VetUers. U years \ . ^ ^ ^^ l^%teW»-* I» 600* eoodltkm. tram Lake Torrens SOO F.M. Ewes, some fat ? 1,700 good F.M. Brceditts Ewes, from Paratoo ? J30 Ewes, 130 Iambs . t 700. Ewts, tO per.cenL Iambs ', withteO bunbs at foot '.dW:3Ux«LJI«8SCtS .: .- .. 400. jood Ewc» and Wethers 1.400 Eww, S years oM, largt framed, in good ? condition; ' f well-bred .lot. from Mount Bryan Station. . 12 selected 2 tooth Rams, pure Merino (ilur; , rar^MoM) ' .;? : . 1 LnsUndrnc Bay Hone - 10 Llcht Unbtokcn Colta and Fillies 10 Pnme.3UseU Cattle : TO Mixed - Vouatjr Cattle (In food condition). , 15 Miied Cattle. ? : ?'-?'? ' ? Terms as° usual. . Further entries' invited. WOO US ALE. The SECOXD WOOL SALE of the Season will be belu^^l -the^vVOOL EXCHASCE. CKRNKELI. iTREET.'on MOSDAY; October 29,1300, at, ? n ih* tono*rin*7'rotttfoii:-- ? -LCXMOORE,. CHAPMAN', * CO. ? 1 ELDER, SMITH,*: CO., USIITED .. .. .. .. I WmU intended for' tnU.Sile mutt reach the Pert Adelaide Warehouses nut later than Weuwauv, the- ittii October. :ai7 VALCABLK ACaiO.LTVB.U. FARM IN THE DISTRICT UK NOAKLl'NUA. TXT - J BLACKER bu been favoured with insuueW. tions from the KxKCUtcn*bf the tiUtt of the late Mrs. Antonio to sell by auciicn. at the above time and puce, without reserve, iu i orUe^ ? to wind up the tsute. tnc foilowins Valuable hRhtHOLD PROPfcHIiES, wilh aU Improvtmenu I,ot 1- SECTION M and part 88. 137 Acres, fenced and subdivided, with substanUal House and outbuilding* ercctrd ibrreon. Lot 2. l'art SECTION 32, 1« Acre*. Lot 1 Pirt S1XT1ONS J and 17, is Arres. This i* all splendid Agriiultural Land, and situated in one of the best dijintte in the col'my. It has a frnntace to the ntaiu road from Koarlunxa to AdcUWe. ?JitK— R.P.A. Terms— 25 per cent. --aah. Balance to be paid and possteaoo given on the 17th January, VJOX. Any further particulars van be obtained from Messrs. Varley li Evan, Solicitor*, Adelaide; or ibe Auctioneer. Addaide or wiUu»-^7t301-16ia)¥M0 ? PRELUOXART. SALE BY AUCTION'. THURSDAY, November 1, at 11 o'clock. ON THE PREMISES, DNDERDALE. \fOODY is WIN KALI iW- have been favoured with instructions from Mrs. Holbrook to sell, on the premises— The Whole of the WINE now in the cellars, comprising about 13,000 gallons, togetbej with the Plant. Full particulars and catalogues lates on. ? 2D5c QUOBX. FRIDAY, November 2, at 1 o'clock. BA B K E R B tOIBES: will sell byj luction-? 900 Mixed OTOBZ GATTIE, healthy, and ii strong uwnlllioBi Terms as nsnak

AUOTION3 ro SO. Vti. MENTAL MASONS, COiMkACTOES, BUILDERS, AND oTHEBS. TO-MORROW (Thursday), October 25. at 11 a.m. AT THE WORKS. WAYMOUTH STREET. ^(DER IXSTRIXTIOXS FROM MESSRS. FRASER AND DRAYSEY (in consequence of their retiring from business). THEODORE BRUCE & GO. have been favoured with instructions to sell— rbe Whole ot the above well selected STOCK ot 1 first-class MARBLE MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES AND CROSSES MANTELPIECES, and IXCl-T MARBLE. ayEVEKY LLVK IS FOB POSITIVE SALE IMTHOUT RESERVE. ? Goods on View all This Day. ? On FRIDAY, October 26, At 11 a.m. At th« BRECKNOCK ARM5, King William street South. UNDER DISTRESS FOB BENT. THEODORE BRUCE & CO. lav* received instnetions to sell by aoctJontlM ?hoi* of th* HOUSEHOLD FVSN1TVBE AMD EFFECTS, Coinprisiojt'' Cfdar TatOtew, GoucHsm, A.B. Olmirs, IcsJCbMt. Bookc*— , Ow««-mamt«ls). M.M. Suit*, s ptocm. Oining TaUX* and Cevar. B«clM*ad«. C*«au- WarnsrebsM, Billiard TaUM*. ChrfrVmiar, Smrinsx-tna^iins. Brautftord No. a Manila, Matters Stova. Orwswar, Maa\ta«fa.*e.. *cj also, tha whola of Jl!SJ?*r 'MP«»l*'ra, Countara, ausa rittifiav. i PBKLnmrABT somcz. ; On TUESDAfTNovember 6, at ilia, AtttieBasideneaoi Osear Bailey, Esq., Halt street SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLO FURNITURE AHDJFFECTS.THEODORE THEODORE BRUCE & CO. bav* been favoured with infractions to sell aa above, owing to Mr. BaiUy's leavinB the colony. Full particulars in future advndMmenu. CATALOQUCS IN COURSE OP PMPARATION. PROFESSIONAL ? JAMES SADLER ((or U years in the Savings Bunk of Sooth Australia). AUSTRALIAN AGENT. Ml, KEXClIinC H STREET, LONDON. EC. Representation of Principals in Mining, Shir*pic;, Conuncrcul, or Literary Business. CVimiriMrioni of all kind*. T.lccrapliio Address— 'Atphidium,' London.' ABC Code used. Sriwcv BUST ACS A. A. DTON COMMISSION AND INDENT ACENT. Flour, Wheat, and Produce bousht and sold far export or otherwise. Country Client* receive special attention. Address ? 5, GILBERT-PLACE (rear Bank Australasia), ? Telephone S30. ? 262wsc LYONS & LEADER, IMPERIAL CHAMBERS, ADELAIDE. LAND. ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. LICENSED BROKERS UNDER THE REAL PUOPEKTY ACT. MONEY TO LEND At Lowest Current Bates on Freehold Security, City. Suburban, or Country. AH business under the Real Property Act transacted. Loans negotiated. Government and othet Land Sales atfmled. 92niwfevd Trice bros.} h e| COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 9 LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, M-VNUFACn'RERa' ACENTS. Lous nesotiated. Rcnu and Interest coliccted. Shares buuuuy and sold. Manajcmenl ot Public Companies undertaken. OFFICE—IS. VVAIUS CHAMBERS. KISO W1LLIAM-STEEET, ADELAIDE. 28jmwfc MERCHANDISE . ELDER, SMITH, & CO., LIMITED, . have for Sale ?WAITC'SSrSOIAL' FENCINO-WIRE, Also, ORDINARY FENCING-WIRE. WIEE-NETTINC. BARBED. WIRE, UWES'S SHEEPDIP (Powder and Liquid), she-:psukabs. und all other SHEARING REQUISITES. CEMENT. YELLOW METAL. PIC IRON. IRON GIRDERS. WOOLPACKS, CORNSACES, OBEBACS. DRAM 6 ACS. STATION ORDBRS of every description executed on toe best possible terms. 37mwfcv ENGLISH SUP^aPHOSPHATE. i*OB DEUVEBY ABOUT FEBBUABY-MARCB NEXT YEAR. We at* now PREPARED to BOOE ORDERS. ikOKR, 0MITH, A OO.. LIMITED ? I ? ADELAIDE. tjtmwfcv . KSAD & C0MPA2TY, MERCHANTS, CUBBIE-STREET. II a nil SOLE ACENTS FOR A.8. Patent Gasaad OU Enginei &A. Firebrick Co., Fire and Vitrified Bricks. Adelaide Soapstooe Co. (tor Bakers' Ovens, ke.), Orienul Tea Co. Blended Packet and Bulk Teas. Lewis k Whitty, Foundry, Plumbaso, BlacUns;, ke. Joseph Baker k Sons. Biscuit and Bakers' Machine ON SALE.— Kiln Coke, Coaidust, Graphite, ke. ? 3&nwfo GEORGE WILLS &C0., CRENFELL-STREET, ADELAIDE. IMPORTERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF GENEBAL MERCHANDISE. JBTE GOODS of all kinds. rEKOHG MATERIALS. BLAOtWALL GULVAHIZED UOR. FERTILIZERS, kCPERPUOSPOATES. iOwtex

'. ' AMIISEMEIiT# ' . . ? ** ' * * *. .. ? % ?* ?* . j ? . ? ^ ? ~ U0ZABDS' NSW TWOXJ TSEATBSL SOU LBSSBI aad KAITAOKR « . J. ... Mr. HABKT BICKABML . Bas. Maaacar— Mr. U. Marons. Triasaur Mr. Jm. isaMa, IATINEE THIS (WEDNESDAY) AFTERNOON, AT 2.30. A Blf Hit— Glorious Bes*pti*n— An Unprseadsntad Swsatloa) Canssd by -ESs-SKE PATTERSON BROS., '£&%* wBoSBfflarrtlloojsomsrsaaUfrom btr-bar.eoverrnt:a-lUtanc*of n£L,o**r u8(L brick wall, bald th* va«t andianc* spaUbooad. LutSNlshUof OLAF SCHRADER, La»»»M«bt»ot TJNABAT8D SUCCESS OF ALL OUR GBEAT COMPANY, »KOF. ALMOMD-TBE tiREAT CLIVE-WKIAM LEWIS JUrd J. E. 8HISPMERO-PUL. COER-HARSY CRAY— POPS nd 8AYLES, and all oar Brilliant Doable Company. ,_^ m SATURDAY BVKNINQ HBXT, O«T«BSB S7, „ ^ irat Appaavauiea In AwatraUla of Anatttar Qr«at Knslisih VausJavill* t»r, arrivinj on Saturday par German Mailbaat, Koanigin Lasiaa, EntIand-.Ci.VT MISS DAISY HARCOORT, CUrComitonn* Also First Appaaraac* in Aslelaid* of Mlsa Baatriea ??rear, the acc*aplish*d M*w Zealand Contralto. -Pric*s-la., Ss., la.: Early Do^«4.*xtra. Plan at SlanhaOf. ). B.I. STRAWBERRY FETE & CONCERT P.A,C. GR0TJ1TDS, SATT7&DA7 2TSZT. To be Opened by LADY TENSIYSOIV at 3 o'clock. 0 Strawberry and Cream, LolUa, Cat*. Refreshment, and Jombl* 8talls, Punch anc Jndy. Cham ar of MysUry, Bik* Racw, Gymnaatica, String Banrt. Shoaling Gallery, Ac. 6c KVBXINQ CONCERT, umter the direction of His* L. Moorehous*^ at 7. 15 o'clock. KubocMSj ableanz. Plantation Sonsjs, Maypole Dane*. Chorus, ke. Admission to Grounds, td. ; Concert. Cd. ' 107.300 KIBEHAM KVANS, Gen. Secretary. ? Tattersall's Monster Prize List. MELBOIRAE (IP, NOVEMBER 6. 100,000 Subs, at One each. Melbourne Cop— 100,000 Sabs, at 5 each, Melbourne Cop (Special), Drawn Morning of Bace, 100,000 Subs., at 5 each. o .... Address 'TATTEBS ALL,' . Care or GEORGE ADAMS, -Jiobart, Tasmania.

AMUSEMENTS VTORTH ADELAIDE INSTITUTE. LAYING FOUNDATION STOME ot ADDITIONS, WEDNESDAY, October U, at 3 p-m. Concert in Hall, with Afternoon Tea at 4 p.m.; admission, Is. Musical and Dramatic Entertainnent on Saturday, November 3, at 8 o'clock. Admission, Is.; Reserved Chairs. Is. extra. 293.5J North Adelaide Institute. rowMoaRow (Thursday). Oetebcr 28. Bpand Dramatic Entertainment by Members of the S. PETER'S CATHEDBAL OLD CHORISTERS' ASSOCIATION.'In 'In Honour Bound' and 'Bubbles.' Vocal and Instrumental Music Admission— Reserved Seats, ii M. ; Second Seat*. Is.; Back Seats, Is. Box plan at S. Marshall and Sons'. Tickeu at MarshalU' and Stedman's, North Adelaide. ? J. P. MILNE, non. Sac. A.C.A. ARTILLERY BRIGADE SOCIAL AXD BALL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26.' The foUowine Artistes will take part in the Concert*— Mwcs LITY STE\'EXSOX. ETHEL LOHBMA.VN, ind Mr. WANBOROUGH FIS1IER. Miss E. A. WATSON. Accompanist. Single Tickeu for Ball. 3s.; Double, Ss. Gallery Tickets. 6d.; obtainable at Cole's Book Arcade, S. Marshall k Sons', and Members of Committee. T. A. T. 11EWABD, Sergt., Hon. Sec. ? »7.9 COMPLIMENTARY SOCIAL JOHN WILLIAMS, ESQ. IENDEKED TO HTM BY HIS SOUTH AUSTRALIAN FRIENDS.TOWN TOWN HALL, SEMAPHORE. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1900, 8 p.m. SHARP. Tickets may be obtained from the Committee, Messrs. MurseU, Wald, It Begs. Pavia, and KranK Mackay. tf!Jt ZOOLOGICAL GABDENS. OPEN DAILY from 9 a-m.; Sundavs, 8 to S. OVEB 'I .|An ANIMALS, BIRDS, 4c. BILLIARDS. Owmars et-Wllia#sl TaUtlaa aura notrftad that ALCOOK Jk CO. hav* Qpenad a BRANCH FACTORY, aqulppad with Lataat Appltancwa auid only expert wortunauiahip. Maw Oushlona cam new be fitted to ol i Tabla* IN aoslAIob. and atll ropaUrs t* Billiard Tablast, town or country, will ba promptly attwndad ALCOCK& OO. ADELAIDE ADDRESS— 7. KINO WILLIAMSTBBEt. Teltphoaa US. SSSwae TESTniOXIALS and Prica-Iiscs of Pianos postad bee. W1L KU1LSEL. 1M, Bundle^trHU aumwfe T^ELBICHS SWEET - TONED PIANOS, at r KUUNEL'S. 131. Bundle^treet SQmwfe KTJHNEL'S Piano and Organ Palaet, -.S4, Rundta-atreat, AdalaMa. PRICES WholesaU for Cash. rime-payment, from 30/ monthlj. ttrito to us for Printed Price-list , XUHNBL'S. RUNB)LK 8TR£KT. ' ? taanwfev PIANOS! ORGAXS! Tim* Payment*. . KUUKEL'S. 131. Bundle-street. 80mwfe Kl'UNEL'S! Sole AfeoU for COBS * BOLLMANN'S P1A.NOS. SOmwio W% I A N O S. ^LbbV** u«i at the Adelaide College ol ^B^P^B* Uusic. and now used at tbs CosjcrvaBW|^ lorium of Music. Sole Agents— I KUHMCL'S PIAHO PALMS. H 134. BUKDLE-STBEET. tMBwtc* UHNEL'S PIANOS and ORGANS an knom all ovestAustralia as InstrumenU ol tat Uicbest Quality. Write to us tor Catalogue. Posted KUIBTEL'S , 1S«. RUNOLB*STRBST. HOLUMG c SPANGERBEBG PIANOS al KUUXEL'S. 121. BundlMtreet SOmwfc rTECTUCH'S PIANOS, UoUing « Sfangenberg's, r Gors * EaUmann's. at KVUKEL'S. Skn«fa PIANOS. ?ORS * KALUsiAlltl HAMOS have been used during the past sixteen years at the Adelaide College of Music and an highly recommended by Herr G. Beimann, Hen Heinicke. and Herr Vohnar. KUKH£L'S. 134. B«sndls)«atra»| Send ior Price-lists Free. Stawfcv GOBS k KATJ.IftsTW PIAHO8 oa vssv si KDBSEL'S. 134. Bundle^treet SOkwm rtABL FADST * SOHH PIASOS aov al \J KTJHKEL'SL 134. Bondls-atsset. assowti TJENEL'S 'Hollinc 4c Spanfenberg' Pianos ?Teurich's' Swaet^oned Piano* 'Gors & Kallmann' Pianos, 'Faust and Sohn' Pianos. Time-payments time- payments. ? , 1S4, BVMBLB^STssssaT. ? Mtewfcv TJIAMOSt OEGAWI »sw Hodsss. Hew Stfat JLltk SITBKBVS. Ui. BMiWa strssr Sssnt, i-ULL AT EDBBB.'S sscPtsam 134, SsadU \J street. «tawts i

AMUSEMENTS 17A5TERK SCBHIBAN HORTKULTURAL AND ?Li FJUiBICOLTUBAL SOCIETY'S HOSE SHOW will be »pened by Lady Smith in the Norwood TOWN HALL On WEDNESDAY, October 21,. 1900. at 3 p.m. To be supplcnunrod in the Evening by A GRAND VOCAL AND ORCHESTRAL CONCERT under the Direction of A. E. Parry, Esq. i Admission, One Shilling. 2S6'7 A. MACKENZIE. Hon. See. OCPPLEMENTAuT FEDERAL FETE. WALKERVI.'LE TNS'fl'ITiTK, WtUND-DA^ OCTOBEK3L SALE of GOODS, Strawberry Fete. Revival of the old Customs of All Hallow Eve, good Musical Programme. Open from 3 to 7 p.m. All returns to be addressed to Rev. P. Hurley, Kingston terrace, N.A., before the above date. I A N 0 S. The Sweet ? toned 'Feurich' Pianos, . the 'Gors * Kallmann' Pianos, the 'Faust « Sohn' Pianos. 'Hollmg c Spangenberg' Pianos, HUHNIL'I PIANO PAL ACS 131. KUNDLE-STBEET. art Sola Ageatt. Ctlnwfcv ?POKTINQ ADELAIDE RACING CLUB, LIMITED. VICTORIA PARE. AHKIYERSAfiY MEETIXC, Saturday, Dec. 8, 1900 (Weather permitting). UNLEf WELTER. A Handicap of lot) sovs.; second bone to receive 10 sovs. and the third 5 sovs. out of the sukt. Minimum weight, 7 sC 7 1b. Nomination, 1 sov.; Acceptance, 1 sov. Seven furlongs. MALVERS HURDLE. A Handicap of 125 sovs.; second bone to re . -ve 15 sovs. and the. third 10 sovs. out of the sx-ks. Nomination, 1 sov.; Acceptance, 1 sov. About one and three-quarter miles. ANNIVERSARY HANDICAP. Ot ISO sovs.; second horse to receive 33 sots, and the third IS sovs. out of the stake. .NominaUu-'i 1 sov.; Acceptance. 1 sov. ? ? ? One mile and a quarter. ENIGHTSBRIDCE STEEPLECHASE. A Handicap of 12i sovs.; second horse v- receive U sovs. and the third 10 sovs. out of the stake Over Such course and jumps as the commiiu shall direct. Nomination, 1 sov.; Acceptance, . sov. TURRETFIELD STAKES. A Handicap ot 125 sovs.; lecood hone to receive 15 row and the third 10 sovs. out of the stake. For two years old. Nomination, 1 aov.; Acceptance, 1 tov. . BCBNSIDE HANDICAP** -urto061-Of 100 sovs. ; second horse to receive 10 sovs. and the third a sovs. out of tite stake. Nomination, 1 sov.; Acceptance, 1 aov. *' Six furlongs. NOMINATIONS for aU event* dose at the Office of the A.R.C., Ltd., AdcUidc, and Ctmaidinc's Racecoune Agency. 491, Bourke street. Melbourne, at o p.m. on TUESDAY. November 20. WEIGHTS declared at or before 11 a.m. TLESDA'i, November 27; or on such other dale and hour as the Committee may direct. ACCEPTANCES close at the Offlce of the A.R.C., Lta., AdeUide. and Couidine's Racecuune A£eJSf\ilttVBoilrk* street» MHbounie, at 6 p.m TUESDAY, December 4. PESALTIES.-The winner (after the dedaratioo of the weifhU) of any Handicap Hurdle Race or Handicap steeplechase of the value ot 50 aovs. or over shall .carry such penalt- (il any) or cumuUUve penalties as the Handicapper msy from ume to tune impose and declare in the Malvern Uurdlc and Knigfaubridge Steeplechase. The winner (tiler the declaration of the weights) of any Handicap Flat Race of the value of SO aovs. or over shi!l cany cuch penalty (if any) or cumulative penalties at the Handicapper may from time to time irnpoie and declare in any of the above Handicap Flat Races. Scratchings must be made with the Secretary at the Adelaide ttacing Club. Ltd.. only. STO*''7 ™ This Meeting will be carried out under the Rules of Rarin: of the South Australian Jockey Club, and the By-laws of the Adelaide Racing Club, Ltd.. in force at the time of running, to which special attention is directed. Entries for this Meeting will only be receiv-d subject to such rules and conditions as may be in force at time of running. N.B.— No Entry. Acceptance, or other Pavmnrt will be received in any case or on any terms aficr tnc hour named tor dosing. . . , _ . S. R. HESELTD.E, Secretary. Austral Chambm, Currie ttreet. Adelaide. October B, 1900. BOARD swMO LODQUiQ fowteenwords is) ^The Begister' and 'The Evt» ing Journal' ggPBfCB. prepaid. A Comfortable Home for two young Gentknen, private family. Kcnmore, 2, Cardwell-st., City. ? aaiWJ AT Sandhurst, Brighton, dose Beach.— Un. lumber, late Port WiUumpt-Superior Accommodation; reduction familiea. SB,7-302,4 /-AHAiLES'SAVAGEroTRobe, wiU have Accom\j niodation ior Visitors Una »'»?«» as '-'*' ? . ? _90m*s3U TJ1ACDJG Grand Hotel, Melbourne-Superior icJC commodaaon Cup Visitors, smoking, drawing, reeding rooms. Mrs. Pater, St. Albans, Parlia. meat place. ? -. ? af9 WANTED, Two Centlemen Boarders, comfort. afcW borne, every convenirace; central. Apply immediately, 58, Flinders street 2867 LOCT AND FOUND rswtean words in 'The Begiatar' aod 'Tka En» toC Journal' SOrSSci. prepaid. FIVE POUNDS REWARD.— LOST, bttwaen Victoria Hotel, Hindley-street, and York Hotel, Lady's Sapphire Broodi. set in disnvmrts Benin Victoria Hotel, Hindley-stract r«c LOST, on Sstarday, at Oval «r in Prospect car, I Gun-set Curb Bracelet Reward on delivery to Anderson s Hall, 00, Braokman's Building. ? aSOT LOST. Gold Enamelled Jewelled Bow Brooch, In I Hyde Park; reward. Lindsay, 131, Royal Exchange. aS6*8 LOST, Airedale Terrier Pup. 'Bobs;' reward. J. R. Anderson, Mill terrace, North Adelaide. ? J96'8-LOST, near Clayton Church, Malachite Stone, with Gold Compass and Square. Reward, Norwcod P.O. ? ? »6*8 LOST, from Booleroo Centre, one Draught bay ' Mare, whiU bbue down face, branded ? CIS near shoulder. Ten shillings reward for information leading to recovery. J. J. Oormack, Hammond. ? ffl7v3J0 STOLES or Strayed. One Bay Pony, white face, two bind feet white, and blistered; no sboet; reward mJonnation; dttaiatr prosscoted. Gapper Bratbao, John street, New Hindmsnb.

??^SUITES. Bofid Dark Oak Dining-room Suite, 8 pieces, Cane Seat*, from .. w w ?** r£in0''-Solid Black-wood Dinins-room Suite, 9 pieces, in Real Morocco Leather £27 0 0 Walnut Finish Dining-room Suite, 9 pieces, in Maronc Roan Leather, from £13 10 O Walnut Finish Drawing-room Suite, 7 pieces, in Genoa Velvet arid Plush, from ? £l(M0-'C Solid Blactwood Drawing-room Suite, 7 pieces, in Genoa Velvet and Plush, from ? £1210 4 Bamboo' (Strong) Drawing-room Suite, 7 piece?, any Colour Plush.. .. £10 10 -Bedroom Suites. Wardrobe, mirror door, marble ton and tile back Washstand, mirror and jewel drawers to Dressing Table, Towel-horse, and 2 Chain, from ? ^ £8 S-'B Any part of these Suites can be had separately at equally low prices. BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, «JAUPETS, LINOLEUMS, &c, ALL AT LOW PK1CE8. 3. MAYPIBLD & SONS R U N 1) L K ? S TR K E X. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE POST FREE. 279mwso

PERSONS WANTED Mrteen words in 'The Begister' and 'The Ivaning Journal' 81XPENCX. prepaid. \ T Miss Tottnsend's. 9, Pulteney street.— Cooks, 3. its.; House Parlourmaid*, 12s.; Cook Launresses, 14s.; Generals. 4 GENTS Wanted in every town wnere not repre3. seated tor Sale ol the F.B.C Cut Hall-soles, idle to-day. F.B.C. Fisher-place, Adelaide. ? aoso AUSTRALIAN N\DO\NS* FUND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, LUUTED. 30UTTS~ YEAR. AU policies effected before the 31st OCTOBER EXT, at yearly premiums, will have allotted to Item TWO FULL YEARS' BONUS, as at the Hat ictober, lflOL ^UARLES MONK, Resident Secretary. Branch Office— CBENFELL-STREET. ADELAIDE. ? 334mvfe ^HEJUST.-An Assistant Wanted, immediately. J F. J. Evre k Co., O'Connell street. North delaidc. &6*6 ?^OACUPADTfERS. Wheelwrigbu, and BodyJ makers Wanted; aunstant work to suitable ten. Spencer, Union street. City. a2W8 SXPERIENCED Parlourmaid Wanted; reference. Apply, mornings or evenings, Mrs. endon. North terrace. '^IRL (country preferred) general houwwork; J milk 1 tow. Mrs. Charles Wright, Alberton, ear station. ? '^OOD Reliable General Servant; references; exJ perisnerd. Apply mornings, or by letter, Irs. Searle,- Oxford terrace, Unley Town Hall. ? ? aarg 1OOD GeneraL Mrs .Fred. Coombs. Harrow -T road, East Adelaide, exactly opposite Third venue. 29V7 ' ADY Singer (amateur), dearinc profitable EnLJ gagemenu. should communicate Agent.* this Bee. Good terms arranged. 296'9 3FFICF. Dor, must be qukk and reliable The Remington Typewriter Agency, 21a, Waywuth nrctt.3 3 HART Girl, to learn bookkeeping; good salary; favourable opening. Apply Ledger, thts flee. ^^ 291'/ JTRONG. intelligent Lad. ft. W. Rose, Son, 3 and Co., Warehousemen, 92, Grenfell street. SYDSEtTcUURCU OF* ENGLAND 'CRAMUAA SCHOOL (North Sydney).— ApplicjUons for he position ot Uead UaMcr axe inriicd. PanicuUii aay be obtained from tbe undersigned, to whom be applications should be sent not later than 24th lovember. A. Ncwham, 19, Selborne Chamben, 'hillip street, Sydney. 233ws£5 rAILOR acd Cutter wanted, with capital, u L partner in esublubcd bujinesa. Addresg ostumicr, G.I'. Office. Adelaide. ? g)7» Office of the Superintendent Public Buildings, Government Labour Bureau, Adelaide, October SO. WOO. HI7ANTED. Fitters, accustomed to Locomotive -V Work, for Islington Woricihepv on'y norouchly competent workmen wed apply. Applicants mutt produce testimonial^ at the imc of application. Apply Labour Bureau Office. C. E. OWEN SMYTH. 205,7 Superintendent of Public Buildings. RANTED, a Dressmaker, for tbe~Soutb-East. » - Apply R. Dempster, Messrs. D. & W. Murray, ?imited. ? aaff'a 117ANTED, Boy. about 15; useful about bouse. !i Gavin F. 'Gardner, Trinity street, College 'own. '?£*»'-[TT ANTED, good pUin Cook. Mr*. Vincr Smith', TV Fullarton road. 1'iric street trim. [X7ANTKD immediately, Uook, for Head Mister's v v quarters. Apply, with reference*, in the ivcning, Mrs. Uirdlcstone, St. Peter's College. ? **?*_ tTlTANTED, a Probationer Nuwr. Apply, evenVV ings, to Dr. C. UoUen's Residence, Woolrillc. ? 2M'7_ nTAXTED, private Lessons in Bookkeeping, VV Arithmetic, and general businisB routine. Ipply, sutiog tenus, to Merchant, 'Register' JttjCC; ? IT/ANTED, for tbe country, good Uilliner and l\ Saleswoman. One with country experience [tfuerred. Apply G. k H. Wills k Co., Rundk itreet. ? 207!ilL r\7 ANTED, an experienced General for middle ot VV November; must be good plain cook; highest rases given. Apply, evenings, until ? Tuesday. Kith, to 7S, Buxton street, North Adelaide. °97'!» WANTED, a Cabinetmaker. Apply J. Drage, Eart Adelaide. 2»*7 l\;ANTED, good respectable Mother and Daugh» V ter, for Suiioo; mother able to make bread. Un. C. Mackey, Freeman stxccL rTJ ANTED. Nur»ery Housemaid and Lady Help; -V general kept; two children. Silom, Childers ?met. North Adelaide. aw'8 WANTED, respectable middle-aged Woman as help and companion for elderly lady. Apply kin. Harry Pattridge, Adlooka, Mount Barker. ? ^ ? &n_ rCTANTED, good Cook. Apply, morninct, before Vt :i, Mrs. Lunglcy, Lcxden, Molesworiu strea*, Sorth Adelaide. ? SUB'S SITUATIONS WANTED fourteen words in 'Tbe Register' and 'The EvenIng Journal' SIlPt^CE. prepaid. rtOUPANION or Nursery Governess, domesticated. O Kood needlewoman, awaiting engageiuenL Ippl ? North Adelaide Uouse Agency. GO)D Cook, references; slm young Housemaid; i:.As preferred. East Adelaide Reguuy (nut auckV Head). L'I7AMTD, by young Lady, Situation as Pisnist VV ,\t Musical Bar. Music, this office. a£*r7 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Eighteen words in 'Tbe Register' tnd 'The Evening Jocrnal' u. ; three Imwrtioas Ss. ad., prepaio. fTl^schloi-s & co., OVUM AND FRENCH CLEANERS. ?UIT»; CUaNCD IN A run HOUK8. THE &T1AM OYI WORKS. ? ? OAv»um.S»LAC«. a»S'3O7 rpHE siCK EXCHANGE Buys all kinds ot X SACKS at best market prices. i£H2iO *-\U CO.. LTD., W. Fttia-Sttest. ? «Bta WANTED TO BUY Eighteen words -n 'The Register' and 'The Eva» Ing Journal?' U.; tkrat insertions la. fld., prepaid. AT once, Udies' and Gentlemen's Left-ofl dothiag. Highest pricca given. Letters atleaded. Mrs. Goldman, Ui, Uindley street ? - ? J95'7 BARK, best Adelaide, any quantity if good simple 'a»j reasonable. Box 285, G.P.O., Brisbane. ? ^ ? ^ ? BONES. Bcots. and Horns; highest priee given. Adelaide Chemical Works Company, tie* thebarton. ?. ? stac P~OBNrrURE. — Wt PURCHASE OUTRIGHT PIANOS and HOUSES of FURNITURE. 2. a CURE 6 CO., GrenfeU-sueet. 139mwfc G~LUCOSE~torty-five~drnslty, Buffalo A or Chicago Four Star. Box 2S5, G.P.O., Brisbane. (\UD ZOiC BOUGHT. Highest price given. A. \J Simpson '* Son, Galvauzers, Gawler-piace. ? ^W0e_ OA1R sound HARNESS HORSES, good match, AT about 154 :banda, 5 or 6 yea»; bays preferred. U.. a, Broolnnan'a Building. ? 2867 CXTS Buy and Sell BAGS, BOTTLES, ZINC, VV BRASS. [COPPER, tc. ke. »ENKO and DO, LTD*. u!l Pirie-straat. :^o WANTED TO SELL Eighteen wor^s in 'Tbe Register and 'Tbe Evenlag Journal', Is.; thrt imertkna ts. U.. pn;oid. A Powder fop the Feet RB^a FOOT-EASE. MMKI INTO YOU* tNOIS-It cares paittfaL rwoOea, smartiag laat and inaUaUy raliavaseoma aariboataaa. Itla«baB«aMat comfort dlacov«ry of thi act! r.«.CL s«OT-BAM maksa Ugbtfltting or MW sboss fsal eaay. It is ae«tamenra f or sweatis*. esJloos, and hot, Urad, aching I atk sV THY IT TO.DAV. -Va tieU by all oar Branca- Om ?hillina; fmr 12 PswImcsm. Ask the Fsdaral Boot Companj's Usaagtrs «r Agantafif in your township) far a Frt* Sample, ar Maddlzectftotbs F.B.C, ADELAIDE, sadw* will and by Port a rr— TriaU Packaga prapaid to any addrsas in Sootfa Aostralta, ^^ fif vWITl TOOAV. la »la KTI-RHEU1UTIC FIHGEB BISG8 an «ors-ing wonderful cures. Unquestionable tcstt* nooiala. ,Aak tor pamphlet. Al( cbsniata. tUmwflM

WANTED TO SELL '.ighteen words in 'Tbe Register' aod 'The Eie» ng Journal' K; three inwrtiom 2a. Cd.. prepafat. AERTEX CELLULAR CLOTHING, healthy, t\. warm, comfortable; recommended by medial men. Cycling shirts, 5s. ud.; Singlets, 3a. Id.; Ni^ngowns. %. 64; Pyjamas, Ml 64; )rns Shirts Uor dancing); Material from 104 pet ard. Mrs. K. Sadlier. Deout. 19. Arcade. SSwsa A NNUAL S.a£^CterMoVth71iarDea» and Sad. CX. dlery. Ten per cent, cash diacoanL H. aire. 89. Hindley-strett. taTSStv A RMY BLUCHERS, mad* from beat FACT CX. Brown Kip Leather, 6/6; MiliUry Taa CalC Outie Sides, sewn, wbole cut. »/«. Samples now mi view at 78, Rundle-sirect, and branches, ? : ? Ota BARGAIN, stylikh Roan MARE, Express Buggy, and Harness; owner leaving colony must -1L R. Spencer. Union-street. Cily. 28So BAGS, BAGS, BAGS, ot Every Deacrintion. ? Bought and Sold at the Sack ExchanreTlS Mrie-street. ? ^^y^* [-I-SULPHU)E OF CARBON, Carbolic Add. ke.. s-» AdeL Cbem. Works Compy^ City Office, 1? B1''^ JUSTTfficKEi,DECO1U3iSi5: ilLVEB TABLEWARE, -U)Wtli AND FBUIX STANDsi, SALAD AND ENTREE DISHES, t AStSS, CUTLERY, LINbN, tt, thus msking our Catering 1'bnt unsumassed. All Plant oo Hire at reaaonabU rales. ' Balls, Weddings, Dinners, fcc. calcrediisL. Wedding Uket, ail prices, l Telephone Mi. c'RED. BR1CKNELL, KENT TOWH. ? gmstfs) f^ANADUN DUCK VERANDAH BUNDsTnrmly U hung, and waterproof. For ftimatgi. apoli Xcchncr, Bon lUrchc, St. Petcn. Tdephone fiST i^iniswoo^ Central Market Wcigbbrulec Note with, Bali-tom ukI upwards. r.™ .. ..™ Twu^aU-ton. CUT UALLEE ? _ .. uy m UUT SHEA AND GUM ...... H/ 8/ kULLEE ROOTS ? u/ f{t Delivered within two miles of Town; rf*i oa delivery. M. I. BRADY &. COCORNER lIORPHETi-sr. AND GROTE-ST/ ? aomwtsoa UH)R SALE, imnd SULCH COW; cheap. W. A. I- ? Duncan, tare of D. 4 w. Murray, Qawler* ?UCBL ? ' „ CV-R SALE, light Uoodcd FAMILY WAGON*-' ETTE (carry 71, in nrsKlas order. Uockinc 3rotbca._Wc*t_ street, Brompion. ? stt'O TJV)R SALE. BINDER, almost new; only cut 20 IV acres; very cacau. Uciunoc, this office. ? a2aS7 T7»0B SALE, Smooth haired COLUE PUBPIES; 1. ? also one Sable Collie, Z jcars. F. U. Qark, 10, Austxalesian Chamber*. a236'a EV)R ISALE, Chestnut I'ONY. i-enect moocL J. . tingle barnea-; height l^a, Uioroughly qjivt tnd sound. Conrad, Uindley street. 2Uc HAKTFORD TYPEWRITERS. is66~~moik-C £16 l('-s., and all dewriptions ot Typewriter rupnlies. Hartford Typewriter Co., Ill, King ftUIUm streeu ? jBSmwte \f ANTELPHvCES, Marble. Emnwlled Wood, ?-.U. Grates. Clearing Sale. Removing Waymooth street. No reasonable offer rcfuacd. Lawson, Msnufacturer, 65. North terrace. ? 2B7ci MULLIN8' ROVER CYCLES ? J*i°_ NEWEST JEWELLERY, Watches, Clocks. Optical, Silver, and E.P. Gooda. Esquire our prices. Wholesale. Grundy Bros., 70, Grenfell-street. ? tl3mwBM f\HZ sifiht will convince you ot lu beauty, and VJ one test wiU domonstrate iu merits. tUBDAK CALF BALMORALS, Gent's, Us. M. Sample now on view at F.B.C., li, Rundie-sueet, and branchas. ? »Bc TX7ILD ROSE TEA cannot be had loose. It vv can only be bad in tbe well-kuown packet* and tins, branded with the Import Company's Registered Trade Mark,j;Wild Rose/' ? jMlwie KAA WATCHES. 4s. 6d. to Ten Pounds eacb; O\nJ Dlunrated Family Bible. 15s. Adelaide Pawnbroldng Company, 76. Pirie-strert. gimwsaM TENDERS . ? A D E L A I D E UOSPlPAk SEPARATE TENDERS will be received at tha AdeUide Hospital until noon of THURSDAY, October SSlh, l!«0, for the following SUPPLIES and SERVICES for tbe year 1901. viz.:— Medicines, ic fruit and Vegetables, Butter. Meat Eggs. Poultry. Bread. Alcoholic Stimulants. Flour. Kitchen Refuse. Fish. Iturial of Destitute, Groceries. Clocks (winding and Aerated Waters. repairing about 22). ice. For conditions, cc, sec 'Government Csicttc™ of October 4. luOu. Tcnder-furuM supplied oa application at the llotpiul. By order, _J83.8,33,7 IL D. HAGGARD, Secretary. VTORTH BROKEN HILL tfll.VfHi~MJUNLSQ IS CUilFANY, NO LIABILITY. TENDERS. TENDERS are invitt-U— rriumiblo to tbe Com* pary's Utlicc on UUNDAY. (Ktober 2V, al It oclotk nunn-for two' AIR \WNlUfci-, Steam Piim zjii Connections fur three Boiler*, one Uaucock faunt Jigger, onp Worm Hoist, and four Cages. t'lan* and Sp«ihcjli-ins can br seen at UM Company's Ofllcc, cu. (jurrn strm-t, Meibourni', and at the umce ot Mo»n, Xudd 4: bjmucl, Uroounaa's Uuiliiiiif, Adelaidv. By order, 2W7 ? II. S. FORD. Manager. ^TENDERS will' lie received umif noon~nf FBl' 1 DAY. November 2. for the ERECTION of two HOI SKS at *r. I'ETEHS. No Tender uvci-Aarily acccpird. U. tt ILLIAM.^, JfN., \ F.S.A.I.A., (HAS. T. UUOD, / ArchilPtU. Albion Chambers, Wayn;outli «rceL_ &7'8,300.2 flAENDERS will be retcivrd until noon of MO\. J- DAY. Oanbrr 2:i. for 111 lUHNC ]iKlCK TANKS and ALTERATION to BUILDLS'G. Flam, kc., at our UUice. JSI7J8 ? PEN 'roLIM:_aO^_Magfll. _ n^KNDERS will lie received by tbe undenignrd 1 until Tl hSI'AY. 3Uth um... for AUtlllloNS to the MAltltiN IIOTLL. 1'lam, etc.. at my Onk-e. AI.KKKU WELLS. K.S.A.I.A., Arcuitevl. BrookmauK Uuilding. Grenfell cuecl. ? 295mwCW,3_ VTT ESTERN AUSTRALIA, COOLGARDIE WATER SUPPLY. ' MAIN COSDLTT. SUPPLY OF PIG LEAD, NO. 2 CONTRACT. TENDERS will ho received at this Offlc ??? to iK«n on TUESDAY, Noveml«r' 6, 1900, fm tbe above Contract. , They are to he addrcucd to 'The Hon.' ???: Director of Public Works, Perth, Western Ai» tralit.' and nurked outside 'Tender for Supply of l'ig Lead, No. 2 ContrarL' Conditions of Contrail and Specification' may be seen at the Contractor's lloom. tbe Ramcks, , Partb. and at the Public Works Offlcr. AdeUide. The lowest or sny Tender will not necessarily ba acc?pte4 By order of the Uon. tbe Director of Public Works, M. E. JULL, Under Secretary for Public Works. . Public Works Office, Perth, Western Australia, ? October U.JM0. ? 396*30S_ JUST UN PACKED, Several Shipment* of Season 1900 ART WALL . PAPERS. H.. U. VOSZ, . RUNDLE^TREBT. ? flftmrflM BATHS. NEW SHIPMENr Jait in ot POROELAIN, ENAMEL. LEO. and othsr kinds. BatMnatataLarnstMkTlLKS.sJiaiiMU. BacisiwOrates, Orates, ManUls, Fander Cnrba. 8m«w Naw Pauaras in Tilts Hearths aaJ Mats. Sole Agent CRANE'S ?TSM, CEILING* T. PBITCHARD, n. cwtzulxu mwla Printed and published daily by Robert Kyfln ThonM at tbe OfScci ot 'Tbe South Aoatnliaa Begister,' 'The Evening Journal,' nd *Tho Adelaide Observer.' GnofeD-stnet. Adelaide, wfaera advertisements, orders, sad ~— -ttV'*4~* are received.