South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 27 September 1897, page 7



There was only one unsatisfactory feature about the season just closed, and that was the length to which it was dragged. All else was splendid, for the season far excelled in almost every way all its predecessors. Play was prolonged till the

end of September partly by reason of the defection of the Holdfast Bay A Team after matches had begun. Several of their best players went to other clubs, while those who remained all but attained their objoct— the premiership of the Junior Association. They argucd that it was better to have one strong junior twelve than a weak senior and a weak junior team. I hope the Bay players will work together next season, and be strong both in the seniors and juniors. There is plenty of excellent material and no lack of enthusiasm. Tkc .icason »n intercolonial triumph, for our men showed vast superiority over all opponents in Moibonrne. They beat Victoria, New South Wales, aiidM.CC, scnrhiRlSgoal* against 4. A feature of the tour was the inauguration of an annual intcrcolonUl conference. Mew*. Auld, Corniin, and Sholl represented South Acxtralia. Nest year the South Australian twelve is booted te visit Melbourne iir.i Sydney, and in the latter city the second conic, enco will be h«ld. This year's Ratherins resulted in the arrangement of a basis of intercolonial contests awl the unification of the lawn of the Kama in the t bree colonies. Western Australia has the came fairly going, and Brisbane Mill keep* oa. In .Sydney lacrosse is bound to prosper with intercolonial matches. In Adelaide and Melbourne it is popular beyond dispute. The Association fonnd and retained a capital Chairman in Mr. A. 11. Hill, but it had no sooner secured a good Secretary to succeed Mr. CavenafihMaintraring than it bad to lose him, for Mr. W. Stow hud just got a capital grasp of the business when he bad te resign nn account of bis trans, ference to Western Australia. Mr. Sholl has since carried out the duties. ? SENIOR ASSOCIATION. ? Matches. Goals. P W L D F A Pts North Adelaide 15 14 1 - 110 22 28 University* 15 11 4 - 74 26 22 Iroquois* 15 7 7 1 82 39 15 Knightsbridge 15 7 8 — 48 63 14 Y.M.C.A. 15 8 11 1 31 76 7 East Adelaide* 15 2 13 - 14 83 4 *Knightsbridge and East Adelaide forfeited once each to University. East Adelaide forfeited once to Iroquois. : N.B.— For the sake of convenience all reference to the Holdfast Bay team has been omitted from the above table. University threw 7 and Y. M.C. A. 4 goals against them, but none of the other teams met them. : The best thing that could have happened to reawaken inter-club interest was the wresting of the premiership from 'Varsity, who had held it three consecutive years. 'Varsity were weakened by the loss of Douglas, Evans, B. Russell, and others, who went to Melbourne, and some of the men they brought up did not play up to expectations, while North Adelaide put out a regular strong team Saturday after Saturday and carried all before them— except once. They went top safely enough, and deserve congratulations. Their bad luck of last year left them. Good management won fortune over, and the services of the Secretary, Mr. C. Fotheringham, were handsomely recognised by the members at the close of the season. The North Adelaides are the second club to have their names inscribed on the champion shield, which is offered for five years. The following were the principal goalthrowers in Association matches :— P. Newland(U.) ... 33 L. Raw»(Y.M.CA.) 18 S.King (N.A.) ... 33 H. Nadebaum(K.)..18 A. Rosman (N.A.) _ 31 C. Fotheringham(N.A.) 14 B. Evans (N. A.) _ 21 S. Bright (I.) „ ..11 T. Ward (U.) ....; „. 19 F. Rogers (Y.M.C.A.) 10 The leading players also took part in other matches. In the test match, Combined South Australia v. B. Lord's Team, Drew, Kine, Rosman, and Fotheringham threw one goal each, while in the three matches in Victoria P. Ntwland threw 14, Koll 4, Kiug 4. Fotheringham, Rosman, and Drew 2 each; so that in all matches during the season Xewland totalled 47 goals. King S3, and Rosman North's principal other goalthrower was O. Acraman, 7. They also but Gawler by 8—8 (Evans 6); so that Evans's total in all matches wm 37. Their recular players besides those already named were Thomas, Cornish, Cusreu, Joyner, Jones, Buy, and F. Acraman, while promising B men used were Blyth, E. Fotheringluun, and S. Ro*m»u. . ; For 'Varsity the chief other roslthrowers were— Drew, 6; A. J.Campbell and Downer, 5 each; and a Xewland, 3. Other regulars were J. Ayers, Stuart, F. Bonnin, Gosse, Connor, and Ashton. F. Young played occasionally. Iroqnois' other best scorers were J. Lord 7 and Kell 4. A weak team was beaten at Noarlung* by 5— 1. In Association matches thu Squaws opened badly, but when they got the services of their best forwards regularly, rearraneed their team, and settled down in their places they were a formidable twelve, and beat University and North Adelaide once each— on wot crouuds— before the scarou closed. They bad a lot of changes in 'heir team every Saturday, and it is a wonder they did so well. UesidftvthenoaltbrowerK their prindp*l men have been W. Scott, W. Stow, II. iiill. F. Uambridge, tt. Lord. Kekwick. D» Mole, BemUll, Cruick»bank. and Wilson, while they havo liron^bt on promising uew men in J. Scott and the Monfries. ? KnishU' principal other throwers were— A. Nadebaum 0, R. Adanrson 8, J. Henderson 4, and Stapledon 3. Knighu and YfM.C. A.'s beat Gawler 8—1 (U. Nadebauni 3), so IL Nadebaum reached tl for the- season.- The- team opened well in club contests, aud kept a steady position all through. They knew a bit too much forward for the newer teams, bat could not cope with Norths, or 'Varsity, or with IroquoU after the first win. Tbeirmainstay basbeeu G. Auld. who was well assisted by the goaitbrowers and H. Adanuon, Banner, Ilaycraft, Audrewartha, and P. Auld. For Y.M.C.A. Murfltt got the three goals unaccounted for by Btws or Rogers. . A fairly strong twelve beat a weak Broken Hill team 0—0, and a better Jamestown one by 7—2. The goalthrpwers on this trip were Raws : 8, Moratt 0, and FinUyson t, while against Gawler Raws threw 1. This makes Baws total for, : the ? year 27. The Y.M.CA.'s points were scored chiefly by beating East Adelaide three. times; then- only other' sncectt wai a draw.' with . Iroquois. They justified their ascent from junior to senior ranks, aud could always pat up a good game. They were fortunate in being able to put out a regular team nearly every SatuHay. Besides the goal, throwers, F. K. ATright, Trevaskis, H. WrighL Cole. Barlow. Finlaynon, Stuckey, and Tratban did regalar iterrico, while capital juniors in Ktlth, Daw«on, and Kither came on. ' ; East Adelaide's hichest scorers were— IUrgrave i, Sholl 4, and . F. Siekmanu 3. . In non-Assodatioti matches the Easts threw 5—1 against Gawler and fl— 2 aeainst Koarlanca in three matcbes, of which they won Sand lost 1. Of. those 11 goals Blockey threw 5. The Easts began well and beat' IroquoU twice, but lost the service* of regular players, such as Blockey, Degenhardt. tiholl, CSckburn. Buchanan, S. Hamuridge, F. Siekmann, and Robinson for considerable periods, and ended the season disastrouly, beins undoubtedly the weakest team. Betides those mentioned the regulars were II.' Mildred. Knowles. G. Mildred, WUkinMm. and T. A. Siekmann. while really good new men were found in Cren, Gooden, Cockborn, and Moole. .- ' , . *. Xortb Adelaide beat V. throe timM. beat X twice and lost once, and best K.; V.M.C.A.. and E.A. three times each. They threw 19 goals to 0 asatast U.. 10—5 against I., SS— » against K., S5-3 acainst Y.M.C.A.. and 34—1 against &A. University beat I twice and lost to them once, beat K. twice and won the third by forfeit, beat Y.M.C.A. three times, and beat B.A. twicaand won the third by forfeit. They threw 0—1 againstL. 13—4 against K..24-2agaiart Y.JLC A., and 19-0 against E.A. Irofiuois beat K. twice and lost to them once, beat Y.ALC.A. twice and drew with, them onee, lost to E A. twice and won by forfeit from them once. Toeythrew 16—11 against K.,9— 5 against Y.M.C.A., and 1— «aualn»tE.A. Knichbibridg«beiUY.M.C.A. anil E. A. each three times, and threw is— S against the former and 18—4 against the latter.'- Y.M.C. A. beat E.A. tliree times, scoring. 13— 5 against them. The oth-r flpires and the Ease Adelaides' figure Are all included in the above. ?'.':.., JUNIOR ASSOCIATIOX. , ; '..V.-;;,; Matches. LGoals. j.~'. ?'???;..::-v::?'a ^ 2§£ ^_ 2L. ''*? il North AdelaldeuH'--»i? 10 hS ,S « 85 » University .?^V.-i'ii*1-'-1-.-' .JO' r 5 — 46 35 80 Holdfast Bay*— ^'i. :0 5: '1 84' 28 10 Y.M.CAiii- -^;^;:-i.? « 4 5 80 19 17 Kaighworidge ?^i ^;- ^8 ' » 8 » 51 0 Bast;Adelaide«Lgaj--;-. .-*; |lg'....;..» » 63 8 ' * E^st Adelaide forfeited once to Holdfast Bay. The Junior Association contest wm one of the best that has taken place for a Ions time. Several of die teams were well matched, and none conld reckon on a runaway victory asainst even the weaVest. ? Out of forty-fire matches, one of which was forfeited, there were no lew than seven drawn games: sixteen were won by the narrow majority of 1 goal, one by a majority of 2 goals, and sis by a majority of 8 to.U«. The other fourteen ranged from wins of 4-0 te 10—1, which was tbe greatest score in one matclk Tho following led the coaJthrowiiu; : — M. Newlaud (0.) ... :'7 Kithw(Y.M.C.A.)... 11 F.J.Not»se(N.A.) 21 T.A.Chan-Her(X.A.) 10 F. Cro«by(H.B.) ... 12 C P. Powell (N. A.) 10 Besides tbe above those who scored 5 goals or more were:— North Adelaide— S. Kosman, 9; R. Fotberingham. 7. University— Holder, 7 ; Formby, 0. Holdfast Bay— W. Spence, 0; A. Spence, 5; AyliiTc. 5. Y.M.C. A. — Dawon. 5: Rowe, 6; Knighubridge — Jaffrey, 7. East Adelaide — J. Monl*. 7. North Adelaide beat I*, twice and lost ta them once; heat lf.B. twice and lost to them onee; bent Y.M.C.A. once and drew with them twice; beat K. twice and Unt to them once; and beat E.A. three times. They scored 10—3 against C, 10—5 Against H.R.. S— 4 aninst Y.M.C.A.. 10-fi again»t K.. and SO--' tgainss E. A. Univentity lo*t to H. B. three timer-. and beat Y.M.C.A., K., and E.A. three times each. They threw 8-9 against H.R. s-3 asaintt \.M.aA.. 9-1 scjiott K., and 1S-2 agaiut E.A. Holdfast Bay lost te Y.M.C.A., 3 times; baa: K.,.8 times; beat E.A. once, won by forfeit from th«m one», andHrefM/ftsytbenvocee. Ibty.aotcb.ed

1-6 against Y.M.C.A., 14—2 aeainst K., and 5-0 agalnvt E.A. Y.M.C.A. licit K. once and drew with them twiea; and beat £.A.twiceand drow with them once. They threw 3-2 K., aud 12-3 agalust E.A. Koightsbridge beat B.A. twice and drew with them once, xcorius S— a in alL The East Adelaide figure* arc included iu tbe aborp. Outside tbe two Associations matters hare bcra active. XoarlurtRaj conlicneil witb prcat heart, and though they early lost the services of Holmes, they made good fights against fair city teams. They won three matches and lost two. aud scored 11 goals against 7. It is expected that nest season a Southern Association will he formed, comprising «e*eral of tbe town* in the district, xo that a keen local rivalry may be created. Tho formation of a dnh « Gawler was a pleasinp Brent. The players are of tho ri^bt material, and xhould train and practioe on iuto a good team. We look forward to the formation of a Gawler Association next season. Teams ran only go up occasionally from town, and tbe Uawlerilex will haro to depend oa tbeuiMtlres a great deal for matches. Tiis clnb lost G matches and drew 1, wrnrinK 0 goiU againiit 36. In tbo city North Adelaide C itou 5 matches, lost 6, and drew 1, and i brew 29 coals against xs. M. Foiheringhara 7, It. KotUennsham and 8beppard 3 csv;b, wero Ibr principal scorers. In tho lait 8 matches the Norths had 16 men Available to pick tbe C team from. Iroquois formed another B team, bat too late to enter tbe Junior Association. Tbe dub wax very succexful, winning 8 matches and drawing 1, and throwing 44 goals to 3. The principal scorers were A. Schedlicb (captain) 11, F. Monfries 1-), O. De MoloO. W. VossS. The team will enter Junior Association ranks next year. O.B.I., a new team, won * matches and lo.t f-, and scored S3 go-its to 16. Holdfast Bay outside team won 3 and lost 3. and threw s goals against 19. Knijtbtsbridce and East Adelaide early attempted to form C teams, but the player* were speedily wanted for the B't, and the experiment was abandoned.