South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 17 September 1898, page 8


SYDNEY, Fri.lay. Soptembor 16.

Tho parties lntere-t'.L-il m ilm wool sales deadlock held several uuuiingt, to-tlar, but were unable to oomo in any ?U-iutito decision. It U expocced, however, that uecolialiona in

progress win result iu a speeuy suiuciiieni 01 the nutter in dU|iute. Thu teuth annual sports mcetint; of the Public Schools' Amateur Athletic Association was held in tiie Agricultural Society's Ground to-day. Thirty tboit.-and people werw present, including the Governor aud Vuvountcas Uampden, Tho toul numiicr of entries in the events was S.ifito, inciudiug 5,300 iu school races. Proceeding!* in connection with the bankruptcy of Ernest John llorton wore continued in the Bankruptcy Court iu-iiay, and resulted in the commit tat of Kdward Hayes Symonds, a witness, to tho Darlinghimt Prison for fourteen days fur pruvarication and evasion. Tbis made tho fifth witness committed for tho name otfenve in connection with the investigation relative to liorton's bankruptcy. Tbo libel action of Blow versus George, which had occupieJsix d.vy-i in hearing, was concluded to-day boforo Mr. Jusrieo Owen and a Jury. Tho plain'itf was Mark Blow, of tbo Crown Studios, and the defendant vu Eden George, of the Eden Studios. The claim was for i'-.Oo1) as compensation for alleged IibeL The pLiintiil had registered the word ' Rococo' as a trado mark of hi* photographic pro-luctions, and complained that defendant had published an advertisement relative :o the ' Kuciko' process, which Blow alleged had rotloctcJ upon him as a photographer. Tho Jury, after deliberating for an hour, returned a verdict for the defendant. Mr. B. Hulbort intouJ* to establish an ostrich farm in tbe Milton district.