Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), Friday 19 September 1924, page 10



Despite uncertain weather and the many counter attractions c-lse«her< Australians assembled in full force at Wembley en Wednesday, July 23rd, V celebrate tbeir day and to take the! share in the good things provided io them by Lady Galway {to whom ai chairmen so mach of the success of tM undertaking is due), by Lady Cook wife of the High Commissioner, and bj the members of the Women's Section oí the Empire Exhibition, says the "Bri-tish Australian " of July 31st.

The day's proceedings opened in the Conference Hall at ll ajm., and so many vere the weD-known faces from overseas thai, one might almost bare fancied one-self at an annual meeting of the Na-tional Council of Women or of one of the many women's clubs, which thrive BO well" ia Australia, and which have pro-duced so many of our foremost women


Princess Marie Louise, who remained throughout all the day's various func-

tions, was welcomed by Lady Cook, who,' in a sincere, convincing manner, laid emphasis on the personal and devoted , services rendered hv the Royal Family

j to their Empire.

Her Highness, ia responding, spo of the keen interest she had always f' in the Overseas Dominions, ar-d re< the Queen's message to Australia.

The speakers for the day, Mrs. T. '. Kellv, ¿adv Coghlan, Mrs. Geo. Tayl< and'Hrs. fr. A. Holman, were then i troduced. lt was a curious coinciden that all four were from Kew Sou Wales. Unfortunately, the time all< ted to each speaker waB not clearly d lined so thai, with the exception of t first paper, that read by Mrs. T. ! Kelly, much of the interest was lost 1

their curtailment.

Mrs. Holman, particularly, was ah only to pick out a few salient points

a paper of gi eat interest to Australian dealing a6 it did with the literatu peculiar to that country.

By the means of lantern slides Mr lieoTge Taylor took her audience on tour through London, tracing the d velopnient of architecture from prehi torie ages, and later showed some ii terestir ¿ types of Australian homes, en phasising tE6 fact that most of thei are owned by the people wb» lîve i them, and that they are generally muc more comfortable than houses of tl same type in England- Some exceller slides were also shown of the War Sci vice Cottages for ex-A-I.F. men, buil entirely by voluntary labour.

Lady Coghlan's paper dealt in a ver interesting way wita tbs evolution c education from the early pioneering day of the Colonies up to the present time ! and described tühe great schemes whid ' make the tabrtc of our up-to-date educa ¡ tiona] system, with its primary sn I secondly schools, universities, and iti

technical and trade schools with tin

wonderful opportunities they aflorj I Lady Coghlan was unable to complet!

the "reading of her paper owing to «am

cf tims.

MJE. T. H. Kelly read a scholar!; thesis on " Music," showing a complete ? knowledge of her subject and familiarity

<vith the names of all the musicians who have had any influence upon music in


lt was with great pleamte that the audience hêarà the annoi ncement that ! all the papers in q.testioi: v.-r¡ri ti bo I printed and circulated amongst those Iinterested in these important subjbci6

At the conclusion of the conference, £. vote of thank's to Princess Marie Louise for presiding was asked Ly Lady Galway, whoso clear and forceful vbVt ring through the hall, after which the meeting gradually dispersed, although for a considerable lCn¡6 greetings were being exchanged ajnongtt overseas people 'meeting for the first tims in this coun


I At the luncheon, which followed, thc £uetas invited to meet Princess Ma^ie

ouiee weit-:--Lady Edward Spencer Churchill, Lady Cook-, Lady Galwey, Mrs. W. G. Gibson (wife of the Postmister-General), Viscountess Burnham,

Lady Coghlan, Mrs. W. A. Holman, Mrs. G. A. Taylor, LaCy Stevenson, Lady Lucas Tooth, Lady ITWhae, Lsdy Sheldon, Lady Knox, Lady Lucas, Lady Robinson, Lady Grey Egerton, Lady Hordern, MÍBS Charles Fairies;, Mrs. Fairies, Mrs. Colebatch, Mia. Dillon, Mrs. King, Mrs. Landale, Miss Lucas Tooth, >fr6. XV. Smyth, Mi6s Cook, and Mr«. Lee,

The tables were a mass or large pink carnations in flat bowls, and as every-one was anxious to be in time for the concert, there were co speeches.

Although the concert arranged by Lady Cook in aid of the fund for the entertainment of the Australian Boy Scouts now in England had been little advertised, by three o'clock tho hall was well filled with an eager throng. The artists, who go willingly gave of their ! best hi honour of the day, fend who made the concert so rremendrusly suc-cessful, were Florence Austral, Clara Serena, Rosa Alba, Rene Maxwell, Leila Doubleday, Nathalie Rosenwax, Peter Dawson, Horace Stevens, Browning Mummery, Mas Pira-ai, Adrian Hol-land, and Roy Mellish. Nearlv two hours of delightful music followed, and had not encores been rigorously ruled out, the concert would certainly hs ve been unduly prolonged. Unfortunately, Messrs. Brooke and Cahill, who have made such warm friends since their ar-rival in England, were unable to appear owing to an accident to Mr. CrhiU's


A very pleasant note was struck by the substitution of the Boy Scouts' favourite camp song, " The Song of Aus-tralia," by Mdme. Serena and Mr. Peter Dawson. The Boy Scouts, who

were seated in the gallery, joined in the refrain.

After the concert Princess Marie Louise, who had been an interested lis-tener throughout, moved to the Cinema lia ll, where a reception waa held by

I Lady Cook. Amongst those present

were the Agents-General and their I wives and members of the Welfare Com' millee.