Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), Saturday 13 December 1919, page 7



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Our SprinRBUre correspondent, writ ii on Thursday, givcB the fellowing interne ins account of the unveiling of a {,< diera' memorial marble fountain at tl Springsure State School, which tool; plai on Saturday last and of a prca<niUt.< to Mia ll G. Wheeler, a P¿st pupil < 'Le school:

One of thc largest catherines ever BOC in Springsure tuok place in Uic gruun, of (lie State School on i*uujday hu to witness the unveiling of a marl fountain «Ucl) bas been erected in ll grounds in honour of thc past ecb-Ia of tho school who enlisted for servil in thc Great Wax. Among those pr sent were visitors from ltolieiton, Uiud. and Emerald.

The fountain is of Ulam marble on concrete base. The work was execute by Mr. F. M. Allan, monumental Rockhamptotu1, Tbore ore eácbty ou names on lue fountain, but a few ba» to be sdelcd. The names of Mrs. H. C Wheeler (neeAnnie Launel, «ho bh-> wo çrcat fame by her wonderful untirin work on behalf of the " buy6," appen first on the monument, folio « ed by ihs of Nurse Squire, both past pupila o the school. Then follow the name of the boys in alphabetical order m Uv columns os three sides of ihe monument.

The Minister for Public Instruí f or tho Hon. J. Huxham, at the invitation e the Fountain Committee, niMle the joni ney from Brisbane to perform thc ceri


Thc Chairman of the Committee, Mi IL T. Lewis, briefly introduced Mr. thi\ ham and referred to thc splendid attend an «, remarking that it proved tht crea interest taken in the event.

Mr. Huxham, who was erected wit! applause, opened his remarks by «ayinj that he had received invitations to b present at many functions connected wiii the closing of schools for the midsummvacation, but when he received the iuvi tation from Springsure to be prefcnt ti tm veil this fountain erected in honoc of part scholars who enlisted in i bi- « ai he decided that it must receive firs

consideration. It was* a great delink

to him to be present to perform iii ceremony. He congratulated those wh were responsible on their eoramoBseiw and artistic taste. He hid seen man; ideas carried out to honour the boy in different parts of the state; but h hod not seen anything that fitted th purpose so nicely as thia beautiful marlil fountain would dc. The fountain wa a wurt of art that wculd be alway pleasing to look upon, and the narrie being cut into the stone and leaded, i would stand there in honour of the 1 cv for all time. Others Would do well ti inmilatc Springsure in this matter. Thi past scholars of the school who cniiitowent at the call of Kinpire, as pur; volunteers, to help lo maka up the grcai volunteer army that left Australia ti help to dcicat the enemy that thront cued the Empire. Mr. Huxham rvfciTcc to thc grand and noble self-imposed wort which hod been ucconrnlibhed by Mrs Wheeler, whom he was pleased to set present

Mrs. Wheeler then, at Mr. Harham'* request, unveiled the fountain and turned os the water amid hearty ap. pbuise.

Mr. A. SrLaurihlin moved a vote o' thanks to Mr. Huxham for having movie thc long journey from Brir-banc to bc present with them on this occasion of [ great interest to the people of Spring

sure and 'district. He also said that ho waa pleased to ace Mrs. Wheeler willi them also und uttered a few words of praise and appreciation of her splendid wort for the boys in England and and those who wore prisoners of war and the service she had rendered to an-xious oncB at home.

Mr. W. Fisher seconded the motion and it was carried with applause.

Lieutenant I. Fryer spoke on behalf of the returned soldiers, who were pre-sent tn uniform in eoodlv number

Mr. Huxham briefly acknowledged tho vote of thanki and said that thu si lendid attendance that ' day and the g cat interest manifested were very gratify-ing to him.

The citizens' committee that has fos-eóme time been coUixtim; fur.d< tn sup-plement what was being done in other parts of Cental Que»nslnncl i" recognising Mrs. Wheeler's great work, took this splendid oppurl-unily of mak.nj a rresentat'on to that lady. About £100 lind been sent to the commit! co in IhHcbampton, but there was a balance in liand. and, with this, a splendid electro-plated tea and coffee service had been procured. This waa presented to Mri. Wheeler bv (lie Chairman of the Bauhinia Shire Council, Mr. M. M. Kavanagh.

Dr. Loos! ic, on behalf of thc returned soldiers, eulogised thc good work done by Mr». Wheeler for thc Queensland boys.

Mr. ll. Jjiurie. on behalf of his sister, whom, he said, was too full for words, thanked the people of Springsure and Jis(rict for thc Fplcniiid manner in which they had ahown their ajrprcciation of what alie had tried to do and referred to tho very valuable help which his ti.t r bad received from some line women who were associated with ber in thc «erk, specially mentioning thc apleudid and un-tiring work done by Miss M. S. Trotman, of Koekbamplon.

After tea anil cake? had been served thu gathering dispersed, tho National

Arnhem boinir sung at the close. j

In Hie cvenins tho srliool children gave a eonoort in the Oddfellows' liol), and it is claimed Hint (he audience was the largest ever Feen a*: ft Springsure concert. There were over BOO people in thc l.nll um! a largo number were unable to gain admission. Thc children acijuUU'd Ihemselvcs well, giving a lengthy and highly

»aried programme. Mr. Munt, as-islel I uv .Mr*. Munt, trained the childnn uni I guided diem through thc entertainment. Mn nv complimentary rcn.sirks were made

ns to tlio manner in which tho performers ' acquitte J tlioinr-clve.--. The proceeds vvcpJ slightly mer 1 IO. This stun will go to

the fountain fund. |

Tho Fountain Committee reports having

reemved >lii;liUv over £1011 in sub-crip- ' titus t> ibo fund, wliieb now stands ot

nearly J.'H(I. Thc work has cost £I0S I

to date. There ure names yet to be added, j

and provision lins been made

to have tho name« of tho fallen pl;,.-od | in a conspicuous place ; but the Commit-tee has siillieiont money to complc'.ri even-thing. Crcn.t credit is due tn thc Head

Teacher ol' the ,->latc School, Mr. A. li. A I M'Cnhon. wlm has been transfer rvd to Boonah, for it wa.- hu who suggest cd ¡'¡id launched thc proioet, which has been so

successfully completed. 11