South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 2 February 1895, page 5

An Australian Heko. — Three years ago there was no greater hero in Australia than' Carbine, whose Melbourne Cup victory crowned a brilliant career. Recently an

announcement) waa made that tne celebrated horse was to be submitted to auction, and there wa3 a feeling oa the part of a larga section of the public that it waa sacrilege to let such a noble eieed pass under the hammer. Carbiao will not be degraded by beiug publicly exposed to view and knocked down to the highest bidder, for the Duke of Portland, oue of Great Britain's foremost racinz men, b'vs handed over to Mr. Wallace £13.000 for the privilege of owning the be3t horee that was ever bred in Australia. Socth Alstkaliak Wixes is E-:glaxd.— Our London correspondent telegraphs that the first auction of wines sent to the South Australian Wine and Produce Depot in London took place on Thursday, and that the bulk of the wines offered were sold, the prices per gallon realized being : — Ricalmg, 2s. to 3a. 9d.; ordinary claret, 2s. Id.; full-bodied claret, 3i. to 3;. $d.; Burgundy, ^s.; do., firat quality, 3s. 7d.; do., extra quality, 4s. Tha above prices are oa the v.-boie good, though the charges ara included in the amounts. As the cost of casks is equal to 4^d. per gallon, and the freight equals 4d. per gallon, tha pricsa tor ordinary claret and lieisling at 2j. is not sifcisfastory. Ordinary claret is the wine which vignerons have been preparing specially for tho London market. As to Burgundy and clarete, 4a. for tho extra-quality sort is a good price, provided large quantities are sold. Burgundy ha3 bsen disposed ot for cash in Adelaide iu bulk quantities of 10,000 gallons, against documents, at 2s. Ud. per gallon. The Minister of Agiicultnre has received a cable message from Sir. E. B. Young, the Manager of the London Depot, atating that 200 hogEheadsof wino were offered at auction on Thursday, 'and the aalewas decidedly satisfactory. ' The names of the shippers are nob mentioned. Wine merchants in the city, who, have consigned wine to the London depot, complain that their wina should not bave bsen sold in the way that is haa been, cut we ara assured by the Government that theMiuager has no authority to dispose of wines without the expressed wish of the conei*nors. In refsrence to ths above sales we have made enquiries of the leading wine merchants and their representatives who have ehipued wins from Adelaide to the depot ia London. Messrs. T. Hardy snd Sons, Limited, have forwardsd to the depoB about 3,200 gallons in one lot, which was to be disposed of &t stated rates. Tho particulars with regard to prices covering its disposal we were however unable to ascertain owing to the absence of one of the members of thsSrmof Messrs. Hardy. We understand, howaver, that Mr. Young was informed that the quantity above referred to was forwarded under offer to a London firm, which if unable to take the lob at fixed prices he (Mr. Young) was to place the balance in the hands of a trustworthy reliable agent for after dispos&L For the Adelaide Wine Company, Tanunda, Messrs. Elder, Smith, & Co. are the representatives, and the latter informed us that about 6,000 gallons had been consigned by them to the London Depot. This quantity Jlr. Yonng was at liberty to dispose ox a6 stated terms, London agents of the Grin having the surveillance of its disposal. And the latter had liberty either to offer it at auction or to ressr ve it for after disposal ; bub no ndvicer have as yeb bsen received ia reference to any sales bavinp: besn effected through the agency of Mr. Young. Messrs. Harrold Brothers forwarded about 10,000 gallons simply for storage in the South Australian Wine Depot, as it would be better looked after there, and the charges are less than at the London Docks. The firm have their own house in London, and in conneotion therewith there is a wine department for the disposal of consignments forwarded by them. Upon hearing that Mr. E. B. Young had announced the uala of South Australian wines cellared at the depot, their London house would have prevented his acting for them in relation to the diupo?al of their consignment of wine. Messra. F. Ralph and Co. have shipped about forty hogsheads, or 2, -300 gallons, for storage only at the depot arrangements bavin? since bsen made for the sale of a portion of that) consignment! independently of Mr. Yocn?, and the balance ia

to oe piacea in tuu nanas ot a responsiote broker by Mr. Ycung, ?vrho will sell on account of tha firm ss inatructea by them. Mr. Ralph is of opinion that is is extremsly unlikely that Mr. Young would take upon himself to sell anything by auction without in the first instance having been empowered to do so by his firm. Measr3. H. Dunstan & Co., of the Stoneyfell Vineyards, have also consigned a large quantity of wine to the depot, but wa have been unable to ascertain the prices to be oharged for ib or the manner in which the firm had arranged for its after disposal. Adelaipz Hospital Boabd. — Tho muohdisputed question of the appointment ot Miss Gordon as Superintendent uf Night Nurses at tho Adelaide Hospital baa been settled, a minnto from tho Acting Premier (Hon. F. W. Holder) having besn received by the Board sitting on Friday afternoon, confirming the appointment. The Acting Premier in the memo, expressed satisfaction &M the fact that the Board was. not unaware of the excellence oE the credentials possessed by the nursing star!, and said that the Praicisr had at uo time suggested that seniority should be the sole consideration in making an appointment. The recommendation of Miss Gordon for the post on tho ground oi ' special Gtne33n removed the implied reflection on the senior nurses, and left him no other course than to approve of the appointment. Miss Gordon, who was called in and informed of the result, briei]y expressed her intention to do justice to the apucintment. Mr. Caldwell has intimated that he will bring forward a motion at the next meeting that the Chief Secretary ba asked to more clearly define the lines on ?? hich the Board is supposed to control appointments iu connection v/ith the Hospital. 'The Adelaide Dynamo.' — Messrs. Ellis and Clark, of the Adelaide Electrics Works, North-terrace, have just finished to the order of the Haycraft Gold Extraction Company, a new dynamo, constructed entirely in the shop to their own design. It is one of the first working dynamos made in South Australia, and is named ' The Adelaide Dynamo.' Is is designed to give an output of 250 amperes and a pressure of eight volts. The features of the dynamo are its low central gravity and the simple magnetic circuit, consisting of two joints only. A fresh departure is made in the bearings, which have been specially constructed with a view to economic working. They are self-lubricating. The oil is contained in a weil at the bottom of the shaft and is brought up by means of a loose ring and distributed by channels, which eventually run the liquid back to the well. Little items not found in the machines imported into the colony are the brushholders, whioh allow of attention while the machine is running. The dynamo was put to a severe test on Friday afternoon in the presence of the Directors of the Company and a number cf visitors, including electrical experts. The required current was obtained without any difficulty. The machine is very neat in construction, and takes up very little room. Having been so successful Messrs. Ellis and Clark intend to continue their enterprise in that direction.