South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 2 December 1895, page 4


At the present juncture, when welleducated and thoroughly trained mining managers are at a high premium, the public who are interested in mineral in

vestments will appreciate the new practice endorsed at the last meeting of the Senate of the University in passing the regulations submitted by the Council for the establishment of whit is virtually a mining course in connection with the curriculum for the degree of Bachelor of Science. All students of the University who wish to follow up scientific work, either with practical or with theoretical aims in view, will in future be encouraged to specialize in particular grooves right through their courses, tho subjects being divided into groups which, in each of the three years' studies, will correspond with on9 another. In group B we find that the student, during his second year, will study assaying and practical chemistry together with physics and applied mathematics, and during hia third year metallurgy and more advanced assaying, along with higher physics. Finally,

after hit three years at the University, he may proceed to the School of Mines and take up guch studies as those on practical mining. It is open to question, however, whether under present circumstances he would not learn more by taking sarvica under one of the loading mining Companies as an articled pupil, after the custom so successfully followed by British and German students who desire to qualify themselves as managers. Of course it will be competent for any person, not desiring a degree, to attend sinply the courses in assaying, metallurgy, and chemistry under the regulations affecting studentB entering for single subjects, and it is alwaya possible for those who have successfully passed their examinations to secure certificates of proficiency in them whether they have taken in hand the full curriculum or not. We notice that mineralogy has been plaeed, along with geology and galzeontology, in a group distinct from that specially intended for mining students. This seems a scarcely desirable arrangement. Surely such a study as mineralogy ought to be compulsory for all mining students. Doubtless a certain portion of this subject will be taken in the courses in metallurgy and assaying, and the majority of mining students will, of thoir own accord, make a point of attending lectures on geology and mineralogy ; but it would surely have been better to have left no choice in the matter. What the mining industry in South Australia needs perhaps more than anything else is the presence of thoughtful and well-trained managers or captains who can be trusted to extract from the mines under their control the best possible results that practical intelligence and scientific attainments can secure. The University ia showing its desire to ba useful in this direction by opening its doors to special students. The new movement doubtless places tha Bachelor of Science ooursa to somo extent in competition with that for the diploma at the School of Mines, but it is of no use hiding from view the fact that the latter is not at present so much prized as it was expected to be. As an institution for turning out qualified mining managers and engineers, indeed, the School of Mines has not so far been a success. Besides this, it should not be forgotten that that institution initiated the practice of duplicating educational courses, and has drawn largely upon the services of the University staff for aid in conducting its classes and holding its examinations Professor Rennie is no longer a member of the Council of the School of Mines, but in supporting the formation of University courses in mining subjects he is not fairly open to the charge of starting competition against an institution of which he has boon one of the managers. Thu University should be, as its name implies, a centre of all kinds of learning. At the latest meeting of the Council it was determined to include in the science teaching classes in organic chemistry, materia medica, and pharmacy ; thus the University is likely to become of practical use to the chemists and druggists as well as to the mining community. To start a separate school for pharmacy would involve much needless waste of energy, besides entailing a sacrifice of tho prestige whioh always attaches to cer tin cates issued by a University. Institute Reading - Rooms axd Libraeies. — When the Education Estimates are being discussed iu the Assembly Dr. Coekbum is likely to hear protesting talk from the Parliamentary supporters of the Institutes. Just now these useful institutions have two grievances. One is connected with the constantly increasing tendency on the part of the Ministry to reduce their sudsidies, and the other appears in the recent announcement that people who do not subscribe towards tho maintenance of any Institute are to enjoy in the reading rooms equal rights with thoso who do. It is clear that if the Institute allowance be whittled down rauoh more littleor nothing of it will remain ; and if it be abolished so will many of the Institutes themselves, especially in the isolated aud thinlysettled places, whero their oxistenco represents a boon nnd a blessing. The second point suggests somo nice distinctions. For many years past all or nearly all Institutes receiving Government grants have admitted tho unsubscribing public to their readiug-rooms during certain hours in the week, and this arrangement was made with the idea that it provided to the average colonist some recompense for the assistance received by the institution from the Stato treasury. The system appears to have worked very well, and the intimation that the Ministry intend to alter it is the cause of much dissatisfaction. While there never has been much difficulty in securing for genuinely poor folk a share in the benefits of the Iustitutes, the managing committees in many places have been greatly annoyed by coinjrfiratively well-to-do people domanding a share in advantages towards the cost of which they rosolutaly decline to pay a farthing. The Institutes do not object to the new rule merely because it will enable such niggardly folk to gratify their parsimonious nature, but also on account of its effect in reducing the subscriptions of persons who would not contribute if they could avoid doing so. If this result followed upon the decrease ia the rato of subsidy the income of the Institutes would be affected in two ways. Oil the other hand, it may bo arguod that the restricted character of the concession to the public may benefit the Institute finances in some few cases — that frequent attendance in the readingrooms may tempt tho attendants to subscribe in order that they may have the right of taking books from the library. It is possible, however, that such persons mny be content with the pabulum which the newspapers supply. A great deal of good will bo dono if the Institutes aro made moro widely available for tho intellectual entertainment of the public. The Institute Halls ought to be used more than they are for lecturing purposes, and it is through no fault of the trustees that they are not. For instance, when the Ministry suggested recently that the buildings might be employed in the interests of the Agricultural Bureaus the response was cordial and prompt. The libraries also would bo more valuable to the community if tbe books were placed in the hands of poor but studious youths unable to pay the necessary subscription. Such cases as these are partly met by the admirable plan which the Librarian of the Port Adelaide Institute has devised and which is explained in a paragraph in the Register to-day. If similar mothods were adopted in other parts of the colony great service would be rendered at trifling cost to youths by whom it would be appreciated.

Viceuegal.— Lady Victoria Buxton was present at the lawn fete a.b the Children's Hospital on Saturday afternoon, and in tha evening- »t the Town Hall was one of thff audience entertained by Miss Jennings Car* michasl. His Exoellancy the Governor, who will return from Bungaree to-day, hss arranged to visit three more of our charitable institutions during this week— the Adelaido Hospita? on Tuesday morning, the Cottage Iloinos on Wednesday afternoon, and the Blind and Deaf and Dumb Imtitution at Brighton on Saturday afternoon. Ou Thursday he will bo at Sb. Peter's College. Thk Mellowing Influence of the Meadows. — Nocwithatandicg the fact than we have experienced an exceptionally dry season, and that summer ia marching quickly towards Christmas, the Meadows does not belie its name, sud the politician* who — jaded with the arduous work of a long and laborious session — visited this delightful rural retreat on Saturday to take pare in the ceremony of tho opening of the liecieatioa Ground found themselves refreshed and exhilarated naif by m.ijiic. Tho verdunt grass, weeping willows, and aromatic eucalypti raised them far above the plane of politics, and inspired them with true poetic fervour. Indeed, their epsechea may be described as balmy, the distinguishing adjeotive, although identical with, in no senbe bearing the meaning in the mind of the ruda boy at school who in certain circumstances applies the epithet to hia neighbour, liis Honor the Chief Juatice, who declared the ground open to the public, would on no aocount desert hia old lova Clarendon; £0 he told the company if they wanted to spend a delightful day remote from publio haunts to journey to that town, but, ha added accommodatingly, if they wanted to pass h still happier day let them drive on to the Meadows. The Chief Secretary's diplomacy oven surpassed this. Ha was only eojourninff in Adelaide, and he waa looking aiound for a spot midway between the Meadows, Clarendon, Bull'd Creek, Kangal'iila, and all the other neighbouring towns where he could upend the evening; of life. During an excellent speech His Honor delivered at the banquet tendered to tha 'Varsity oars of Melbourne aud Sydney when they were laaC here, ha remarked the 'advantage of rowing to a man like myself m the sere and yellow leaf.' When tbe rollickinc company had finished shouting 'i\o, no,' the Chief Justice proceeded, ' Well, to & man like myeelf, no longer young,' and again ' there waB a chorus of disseni. As tha 'Varsity boys disbelieved him, bo the Aleadowa people doubted him when he remarked incidentally that he stood before them a 'sad and solitary man.' Had he possessed tha Chief Secretary's powers of persuasiveness this, he affirmed, would not have been the case, for he would have been irresistible to the fair sex. His Iluuor later on had no thank Mr. Gordon for an old receipt for ioveiuaking. The Chief Secretary wuuted to seethe ground become historio, and this he went on to say would eventuate if on some nit,-lit when the moon silvered the leaves of the surrounding trees Ilia Honor laid his heart at the feet of a Meadows maiden. Then would Hia Honor's solitary life ba really solnoed and the ground bscome fauoas. But the Chief Seoret&ry waa uu&ble to help tha Chief Juatice, as ha declared that the young Indies were all co charming that hs could not possibly choose any particular onu. It remained for Sir Richard Baker to evoke from a naughty little boy the reprehensible remark of 'thumbs up.' The rising generation aro eo disbelieving. He did not want to brag, but when a young man somewhat proficient in manly sports he inada a wager that! he would hop half a mile, run half a mile, scull half a mils, ride half a mile, and walk half a mile in twenty minutes, and ho did it witb two minutes to spare. It was only inureaaing age, he declared, and other matters whioh need not bs mentioned — here Sir Riohard by gesture indicated that he means increasing bulk— which prevented him l'roia Btill participating in manly tiports. Politicians who are Scotchmen. — Tha Premier, thu Hon. Charles Oamerou Kiugaton, who ia a native of Adelaide, aad «*ho has been generally understood to ba more of an Irishman than a Scan, claims very close relationship with the sons of bcacia. Mr. Kingston a&tsDded the Ca'eduniHU Society'* dinner at Beach's on Saturday evening, and in replying to the toast of 'Tho Parliament' bo explained the reason wby he bears his aacond Christian name. His uiaturaal grandfithor w*d a Cameron of full blood, aud no clan was held in more reHpeob th.-.n the clan Cameron. The delight of tlio Scotchmen iucreantid when tha Premier adcJHd that ha could trace his ancestry back to Luchiel. One of the attributes of the Caaierons waa firmness — 'A Cameron will never yield' — so when they h-jurd the charge of firmness or obdtinauy levelled against hi.n among the multitude of charges thaj were showered upon his devotud hoad he asked them aot to forget his parentage — that ho belonged to the clan Cameron. Aoeording to tho Hon. (i. MoCiregor, M.L.C., the Premier's admiRsion gived the Ministry two and a half Scotchmen, while more than a third of tho memburs of the Upper House are Scotch, aad these nine Legiaktive Councillors represent all alludes and varieties of politics. Mr. Glynn is of courae an Irishman. He had the honour, for the snoond year, uf proposing the toast of the evening, ' The Caledonian Society.' He began—' I may also claim some affinity with tha Scotch race. Two of my aunts married the historio n&znt) of Wallace. (Laughter.) Indued, in one of the «usoeptibla years between sixteen and twenty-one I fell in love with a braod of Saotoh giris, though I soon fell out again, und boius? used to id wasn't much hurt.' (Laughter.) Tim eloquent member for iN'orth Adelaide paid a worthy tribute to the Scotch race. The Sleeping Man of Melbourne.— A. telegram from Melbourne aunouueta that St. (iiiorgfc'a Ilnll was packed ou Saturday night, when T. A. Kennedy, the tueainurist, concluded his successful season in Melbourne. Thousands of people in vain attempted to obtain adinis3iun, but the police had taken charge of the ball aud prevented further admission of the public, for whom the entertainment bad an abfaoi bin;; interest, inasmuch ai it waa tbe one at vhii ii tho now well-known 'sleeping man' Fruk-iick Keating was to Lo awukcued. Ai. uLoufc ten minutes to 10 o'clock, theorciiniiry performance having terminated, tho glaea c:i-kt.t in which tho bleeping man was lying in n perfectly rigid corpse-like comiiticu, with hia hands crossed upon his body, waa lowered from tho tiie=», where is had been huibted during thoeveuing':* entprti.iiiuent, '.he man being litiudoutuud placed ujjja the stage. The Medical Committee, who lied buen watohiug over thia extraordinary txjitiriment, were also upon the stage, and ona of the doctors guve the mau hbvcral proaiiscuoua prods in the body with a largo d arcing needle to fiatiafy hhneelf that the deeper was insensible to pain, also uiaarting a needle into the quick of the linger botweeu the nail and floah. The audience wns held in suspense for a few minutes, but as the clock struck 10 Mr. Kennedy removed his hand ; the rluapingman then bounded into the air, nnd subsided to the iloor in a sitting position. Tha Professor assisted bitn on to his l'o't, and abked him how ha feb in health. Keating replied that ho was 'all right.' Aaked if ho were hungry, Keating replied thr.t he was not, adding that ho hud only Imd his tsn an hour or ao previously. He remembered nothing of hia long Eleep of six nights aud iivo days, Rnd created much laughter by stating that only a few minutes before ho had been tittinc uusong the audience. The information timt he had slept forso long a period was received with complacent incredulity. T bo medical men then examined him, and pronouncM i thu condition of his puli-e to ba normul, and congratulated Mr. Kennedy upon the auuce:-a of this extraordinary hypnotio demonstration.

The Mail Steamers.— Ctomp^ing a fast tun of auven hours from Cape tiordk, the R.M.S. Oeeana, of the P. & O. line, one of the steamers whoso arrival may always be looked tor ou a Sunday, dropped anchor »t the Semaphore at 2.oO yesterday afternoon. The offioi.-Ua had put off early, and Dr. Toll was alongside within i. tew minutes of the anobor beiug let go. The ship's eurpeou had nothing to report in me way of infectious diaeaao, and pratique was granted at once. Like all vessels arriving of Ute, the Ocema left; London a full ship, ii being necessary for a time to have two airtinga at mealtimes. Thore wm a lurge contingent to Aden, where many transhipped into the Company'* connecting eorvice to Bombay. Lord and Lady Spencer wero aruonc thoae who left at Aden. On arrival hero the Oceans had 213 passengers on board, of whom forty were for Adelaide. A large proportion of tbesa wore people returning from thu Wist. Altogether fifty p»Baengers joined tho boat at Albany. The Hou. Mr. Preston, ena of Viscount Gnrtnanston, Govornor of Taemania, arrived by the boao ou his way to Hobarfc. The maila wera landed on dunday, but car«o was not worked tiil after midnight. To-day the Valetta, homeward bound, is due at the Seraauhoru from enatera colonies. FromSydney she brings (ioO b.iioa wool, 7,000 carcasses mutton, 200 boxe3 butter, and 7,020 ingots Bilvor lead. Tho French stoaraora Armand Behio and Au&tralien will be at the Semaphore to-day. Tho latter is from Marseilles, and as there is a suspicious case of aioknesa on board tha Health Otfisor will make oloae enquires before clearing the vessel. Ea3T£k.v Extension Tkle;}eaph Company. — Tha report of. the Oireccoi-i of the Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company, Limited, for tha half-year endud June 30, 1SD5, cjataina the following: — Tho grogs recoipj*, inaludiug Government subsidies, have amounted to £201,138 10s. 5d., a^iiniB £2l7,tiSl 2j. -Id. for tha earroapandinff half-year of 18!H. Tha working expenses, including £2'J,3J3 19j. 7d. for coat of repairs to cables and expamoa of anipi, absorb £95,254 143., against £30,295 Si. lOd. for the oorrespoadin^ period uf 13U I, leaving a balance of £l(j3(8S3 ICi. 5d. From this is deduoted £3,!)3i 3i. 2i. for incoma tax, £31.81)5 for interest on debsmturaa, dabsncuro atoak, and /contribution to Sinking Fund, leaving £133,001 V 13*. 3d. as the net proas for tho half-year. f Two quarterly interim dividends of 1| per canS. each, amounting to £62,500, have been 'imd foe tho half-year under review, leaving £70,504 13.i. 3d. to ba carried forward. The working of Gha A-tiatralisisn tariff arrangemant for the fourth year of guarantee, ended April 33 last, resulted in she guaranteed figure bains? slightly exoaaded owin^ to tho exceptionally heavy goldininin^ trains that was oxohangad with Amtrnliviia during the Utter pirtof tho yoar. The miintenanoe ships have as usual baea kept employed during the halfyear under rovionr on tho various sections of the Compiuy'a oiblea, but owing 6a the oables bsing duplicated the tratijj has in no instance baan intarruDted.

Valcabls Importation of Pedighee HoniEd. — An imparting addition to the horaa stock of dauth Australia has been mudo by Mr. G. P. Daoletta. The consignnwas wn lauded from the steamer Warrigai an SinuriUy, aad comprises a hackney stallion, two pony aUllioru, and three pony filliea. By the aam9 vessel there wore two pany geldm?* and a mare, purchased in England by Mr. G. Brookrann. The horaea ware in charge of Mr. Ellis, and the condition in which thoy arrived is highly creditable to him. On being examined by Mr. C. J. Valantine, Chief Inspector of Stock, and Mr. Bickford, Government Veterinary Surgeon, they wera pronounced to be healthy and ia eploudid order, and from their amart, clean appearance whan landed is was o/idenD fchiitvery oareful and intelligent ittantion had be9n given to them throughout the voyage. Theso horses were bought from 3ir Humphrey F. Da Trafford. Bart., and 2oaw from hia well-known Flondon etud farm. From a hurried glance at tho horaea as they were landed on Saturday it is olear that Mr. Doolaate was well advised in his purchases. They are all pedigreed, and show great quality and pplendid action. The haokn6y Btallion King (4,832), by Connau^hc, from Genista, is a tine-looking chestnut of 15 hands, and possessing the true characteristics of tht- Norfolk and Yorkshire 6traiua of blood. He wa3 foaled in 1S92. A stylish-looking black pony esallion, with nica white points, attracted favourable notice when let outi of his box on the whurf. This is Young Sir George (2, 7S9), by Sir George from Jeseie. He has a magnificent carriage, and is a h«ttdioma animal. Th« othur pony Btallion is Roman Warrior (5.3SS), by Caasiin from Snoror. A Biater of Kouwn Warrior realized 003 guineas as the sale, and Mr. DooleMe was urgently requo3ted to allow Human Warrior to remain in England for service for twelve months. Thia Mr. Doolette declined to do, and South Australia gains accordingly. Roman Warrior was foaled in 1803. Lady Shales (S.140.1, by Hnckford Shales— Teheran, ia aa attractive-looking brown two-year-old fillv ; Talent, by Colney Boye— Be.M, 13 a brown twoyear-old filly, 13.3 hands ; and Miss GaBsius (S.272) is a bay two-year-old filly, by CaaaiiH — Miss Johnson. The dam of thia filly — Miaa Johnson— wag purchased all the same sale by Mr. G. Brookman, and wt»» landed from the Warrigai on Saturday. 3ho ia a buautiftil brown mare with black points, and ia aura to be semi in harness at future Shows. Sha haa already won asversl prizes in harness, including the third Royal Warwick nnd the Heconil Royal Counties Show, Red hill. She is by Robin Adair from Jennie. Mr. Brookm&n has also im;-ortod Peppercorn and Cock Robin, two gliding!;. The nine hordes comprising this ahipmant wero pisa^d by tha Chiuf Inspector of Stock and Governments Veterinary Surgeon, and then placed in quarantine, where they will roraitu for tho proscribed fourfcuen days. At the end of that tuna Mr. Dooletto'a ivniuial will be aenl: to Narruas Station. - at t;ik Se.u\piiork.— Our Somam phora repjreor writes :—' In view of the heat P wuhnvo had lately suroly some cod3idaration \ aliould bo bhown with regard to bathing on our foreshore. Tri'i Poliua Aot should be rigidly enforaei. In the caae of poraons proparly attired thore should ba no rostriotion ai to bathing in the ocean at any time. It has lately been b'uov/d that fatalities have oosurrad through man baine uuable to swim, and is would ba well if all sohojlboys wore enoouraged to learu tho art. Instead of this the lojil authoritia« sec thaic Ucai against people going into tii« water for a healthy Bwitn instead of enf'orsiu^ the Police Act, whioh provides thao propor and becoming raiment shall bo worn.'' Stabbing Affrat is Hixplkv-stheet.— Early on Saturday morning two men in the employ of Mr. L. Uonrr.d, butcher, were encaged making eaueas?03 when thoy had a dispute, duriuc which one of the men, named William John Gibbine, ia allegod to have atabbad the other, Andrew Brien, in the Htorcacb. lirion was iakon to the Adelaide Hospitnl and attended to. The wound ia not ft serious one.

Municipal Elections.— To-day throughout tlie colony tbe annual elections for the Munioipal Corporations will Uke place. In the city, owing to Mr. C. Tucker having been reelected without opposition, there will not be an eleotion for the ohief poiition, but there is likely to be some exoitement over tha contest for the seats of Aldermen aud Councillors. For the former office MeaBrs. W. C. Buik, 1\ Johnson, A. W. Ware, and C. Wells have been nominated, while for the vacancies in the various w»rds whioh have not been filled up by candidates being returned unopposed, the aspirants for munioipal office are:— Hind-marsh Ward-J. K. Osborn, J. Le M. F. Roberta. G&wler Ward— J. C. Hamp, J. C. Healy, J. Wedlook. W. G. Coomba. Young Ward-J. E. Cooke, W. H. Fairlie, E. 8. Hughes, 9. O. Hughes, T. Powell, J. Z. Sellar. MacDonnell Ward— G. Biokle, N. E. Brice. Ia connection with theae contests the new Ballot) Aot will be applied for the first time. The principal provisions of the measure are that on the voting- papsra the number required to be elected will be printed, and at the oloae of the polling, instead of all the votes being counted at the Town Hall, the scrutiny for each ward will be conducted at the booths in the wards. Of the suburban districts Hindmarah, Unlay, and Brighton will alone enjoy ths privilege of contests for the Mayoralty. In liindmareh the iesue ia between Messra. T. H. Brooker, M.P., B. Gould, and J. Jonea, in Unley MeBsrs T. Holland and W. Dring, while at Brighton Messra. W. Bickford and W. Vincent are to fight the matter out. The Wkathhh.— The maximum temperature in the shade at the Adelaide Observatory yesterday was 93*7° and in the aun 15S°. Sir Charles Todd informed us laat night thab heavy r»in3 had been reported from the North, and that the telegraph line waB interrupted north of Beltana. Death op Mbs. S. K. Ellison.— The many friends of Mr. S. K. Ellison, M.R.C.S., will regret to hear of She tomewhat sudden demise of hia wife, who died at her residence, North-terrace, on Saturday afternoon. The deceased lady, who waa the eldest daughter of Mr. James Phillips, JLR.C.S., was taken ill on Wednesday with an internal complaint. On Saturday morning a consultation waa held, at wbioh Drs. Verco, Teiohelmann, Singleton, and F. W. Ellison were present, and it was then deaided to operate on the patient. Anaesthetic:! were administered and the operation performed, but the lady did sot rally, and expired a, little after 2 o'clock. Appointments is the Land3 Titles OmcK. — The position of Searcher in the Lands Titles Office, whioh became vacant upon the death of Mr. R. C. Earl some months ago, having been filled by Mr. G. W. Anthony, the letter's poiition as ludex Olerk has been given to Mr. S. P. Hall, a clerk in the office. Collie Dogs. — There are now in quarantine at Port Adelaide two highly bred collies, a dog and bitch, whioh arrived by the Warrigai on Saturday. They were selected in Suotland for Mr. W. R. Cave bv Mr. C. M.

McLeod, who recently went to England in charge of a shipment of cattle, and were . brought out to Australia by that gentleman. YOUNT; SOUTtt ACSTfcAMAN PATRIOTIC Association. — In view of the approaching elections this Association is bestirring itself, and a8 a first step in the coming campaign we understand that the comurittea la making arrangements to hold a social at the Albert Hall about the middle of this month. Short addresses upon subjects connected with current politics will ba delivered, and there will also be a muaioal programme. Arrival of Mb. Febris, the Cricketer. — Mr. J. J. Ferris, tha woii-known onuketer, waa a p.^seneor by tba rniil steamer Oeeana from Ljiidou, which anchored at the Semaphore on Sunday afternoon. His arrival was quite unexpected, and m fact he decided on taking tUtt trip only at tho last moment. His destination ia Sydney, ami until he reaches there Mr. Ferris is uudoaided whether hi3 »iay in Australia v/ill be long or .shore. Ho haa eomo ou bininfiM, aud hinted that it waa possible t'a?.t he migat sottle in the colonies azain. Spaskiug generally on cnoket raacterx, Mr. Ferris aaid tnuro was no5 much new thac he could toll tha Auacralian public Ho expressed the opinion that aa Australian Elevau would be aure of a welcome if they wen; to Ea^land ii9X5 aaason — inuaad, he thought She clubs wauted to eee them. Australia's need, he recognised, V7M good bowlera. Faat ^owlord were required so as to inako an iiaprbaaion on Eu/hdti wickets. Mr. Farris has baen keeping hiunelf in toucu with the progress of the colouias, and has nosioed the k-iae of a numb3r of promising bissraan. Ia thia department of the gamohe thinks Australia is sufficiently strong to make the trip a eucoeBS. He uses difficulty in Bblecting a captain in whom there would be general contidonoe. Ltst eeaEon Mr. Ferris played with Dr. W. G. Grace. He expeota to tak'jup cricket in Sydney a?ain thia soaaoa, but 13 tin Jecided for what club, aa aincu he was lasthira b-rou?h otui)3 have superseded the former onus. Ill continued the voyage in the Ocoana. Mr. Ferris went to England in the year following the tour of the 1800 Australian Eleven, lio then antared iuto .in engagement to play for Glonoesiershire for five years. Saturday's Crickct. — Tricky wickets ruled on the Adelaide and Kensington Ovals ou Saturday, although only one— that on whioh tha Auatrals had to bat — wag really vory treacherous. In theae circumstances the Auatrali lost 0 wickets for 62 runs, and the Njrth Adelaides therefore won by 30 ruus. E. L'jak adding 25 to his soore made his total 110. Ou thaochor oad of the Adelaide Oval theS:iuth Adolaidas soorad 191 for S wicketa againnt the Port; Adelaides, and then declaring their liminga closed put three of the Ports out ior 31. At rvtm3io£:ton the Adelaides carried '-hair score against the Hindmarah from 401 for 7 wicketi to 4J1, and the Hindmargh lost 7 wickota for 123. Death of Mr. Daxiel Keuivick.— We have to ftuuoiiuce the dsakh of another old ooloni3t in tho poraon or Mr. Diniel Kakwick, at tho age of seventy-seven year.4. Ha Wdi perhaps bsstknoArn as probably tho oldest broker on tho Exchange. Tha daeewed v;is one of tho founders of the No. 1 P.oo:n, in which until recfiutly he retained a sost. Mr. Kakwick wan born on November 28, ISIS, at East Ham, County of Essex. Ho was educated at Aekworth tjohoo!, r. Quaker institution in the West Riding of York.inire, aud ha arrived in tha coiouy iu the ship Warrior in April, IS-iO, | with his father, four sister?, and hid brother William, who aooompauiod Stuart aa first in command ia his explor^ioua across the coutiuenc on two or three o^cwions, »nd eventually died whilst our, with the Gojse Exploring fiirsy. Sooa after Mr. ivekwick'a arrival in tho ooloav hs baoaina associated aa aoooiiutnuS with the firm of Meu?ra. Borrowand Goodier, contractor:), who erdoted, amongat othar buil.lin;*, tiio presont A-lelaide Gsol, Govornmynt H vise, and tha old Government Oiibna. Mr. rCokwick rsmainnd with this firm until it diajoivod. By tha older reaideuta of tbeojlouy She deoeissrl will ba remeiii bared as a merchant in luu-? William-street, his store being on the site where tha Savings Bank now stands, and laser n a miller with Mr. Elliot, carrying on bmirKysa in the aurtlapquaremill, now occupied by Me^ra. Dungey, Ralph, &, Co. aa a tobicoo factory. For mouy years Mr. Kekwiok waj -[an?.j;er for the l&ta Hou. John Biker (father of Sir Riobard), and a'-'ted m his attorney during hia absence from thecolony. The deceased was trreatiy esteemed by all who kaaw him. eisher in ba3ineas or sooislly, »3 » (jeutleman whoae word was his bond, aud whosecourtsous manner and upright dealing commanded universal reapect. Mr. Kekwick ia survived by » widow and grown-up family. Hi' four sisters ara Mrs. Fred Hodding, Mrs. Sainual Bdddome, Mra. Henry Capper, and Mta. Jonathan Sinaers. The funaraltakesplaoeatthaWalkervillBCemetery this afternoou.

State School Children and Port Adelaide Institute. — For aoine time past Mr. A. Rose, the Librarian of the Institute at Fort Adelaide, has oolleoted annually from prominent residents subscriptions for a very laudable purpose in connection with the institution with which he has been so long associated. The money secured in this way is devoted to the purchase of yearly tickets of membership of the Institute. These tickets oost a guinea each, and eighteen of them are offered as prizeB in the State sohools of the district. The following is a list of this year's donora, who have enabled Mr. Rose to continue his scheme:— Port Adelaide— The Mayor, Mr. C. R. Morris ; Messrs. E. G. Shorney, W. Thomas & Co., and T. McGrath. Speoial Port— R. Clark and the Proprietor of Jackman's Dining-rooms. Alberton— Messrs. D. Bower, Lloyd, Brook, & Catt, Whillas & Ormiston, and William Marston. Glanville— The M»yor of Semaphore, Mr. T. Todd; Messrs. Charles Birks, W. H. Skinner, and W. H. Knapman. Lafevre'a PeninsulaMr. D. Bower, Proprietor P. A.. News, Messrs. Jonea Brothers, and A. & E. LeMessurier. Sharebooming is England and Abroad.— Our London correspondent, writing on November 1, says :— 'Talk of the South Sea bubble if you like aa a wonder of the past, but at present there is m Western Australian babble on. Everybody seems affected with the gambling mania, from the shopman to the lady of small means, unknown to her husband. They are all in for the flutter. The most extraordinary thing about it is that it is by no means confined to London or England, but it is just as bad on the Continent. In Paris the newspaper Gauloit has raised a warning voice against the evil. The staid Germans have even got the fever, for most of the money for a Company recently floated with a million oapital and shadowy defined objects has come from the Fatherland. There are two more on the Stock Exohange who six months ago had about £5,000 between them, and they have now both gone on a trip around the world, each having made about £100,000. But this, though a fact, is nothing to some of the stories told about the fabulous sums which have been made. Mr. G. T. Bean who is Chairman of the West Australian Mining Company, is now promoting the Rose of England Gold Mine with a capital of £80,000. In the pro-spectus a reference in made io the excellence of Mr. James Martin's machinery.' Accident on the Warrigal.— On Sunday evening Thomas Oavanagh, a donkeyman on board the Lund liner Warrigai, at present in port, was admitted to the Port Adelaide Casualty Hojpital suffering from concussion of the brain, the rosulb of injuries received on board. He was Crut attended by the surgeon of the vessel. Valedictory.— On Friday evening, November ^y, the employes of Mesirt. A. Simpson and Son to the number of about fifty met at theE»rlof Zetland Hotel to say 'Good-by' to Mr. A. K,. d. Craig, tha accountant. Mr. Marriott;, the oldest emolove. who ureaided.

expressed regret at losing so old an associate »a Mr. Craig, and preteuted him with a handsome marble clock suitably inscribed as the gitt of she Sick and Acoident Fund, for whom tij had aoted as Hon. Treasurer from its inauguration, aluo a silver tea aervice, presented by the office, warehouse, and heada of departments. Meters. J. Ballamyue, H. Builook, and H. E. Green alluded to Mr. Craig'a aterling qualities, and wished him Bucoees iu hia utsw sphere. Mr. Craig feelingly replied. The toaat ' The Firm' was proposed by Mr. W. W. Smith, and Mr. Allen aimpaon replied. 'The Visitors' was proposed by Mr. Ssephm-i, and responded to by air. Alderman, ami 'Our New Trenaurer' waa replied to by Mr. titrutton. Songs were remlertd by Measra. A. G. Prince, M. iienneu, E. Cooke, H. Yate.% J. Coppiuger, J. Ware, O. Finkelde, and K. Bailey, recitations by Mr. E. Yate-», aud a miwicftl selection by Master Edgecumoe. Mr. E. J. Cootuba aotad as accompanist. Valedictory.— On Friday evening a pleasant Katheriug took place at the Globe Hctel, when Mr. W. ii. Burton, who is leaving for Eiparaueo Bay, was presented with an address and handsome gold watch. The presentation was made by Mr. H. T. Prince on behalf of the Norwood and Ss. Bartholomew's Literary Societies. Mr. C. A. Hunt spoke for the ia'.lie», Mr. C. ILogers on behalf of St. Bartholomew's S'iciety, aud Mr. H. B. Middleton represented the Eastern Suburban Parliament. All agreed aa to the loss tho Literary Sooiesiea would suffer through Mr. Bnrtou'a departure. After the toasts had been honoured Mr. Burton expreyed the desp regret he felt as leaving so many kind tra-udo and a: having to sever his connection with Literary Society work. He trusted that after a few years he would return to South Australia and resume the duties now laid aside. Cornwall Mixing Corporation. — We are requested to state that the Cornwall tyfining Corporation, with a capital of £10,000, is now being registered for the purpose of acquiring the Western Australian interests of the Cornwall Syndicate. It is proposed to pueh on at once with the necesaary worka at the tiufields, and ta vigorously develop the gold claim on the Cornwall liuo of reef near Hanuan'a. Mr. H. B. F&rrar, of th9 Hoyal Exchange, has been appointed broker to the Corporatiou, aud from him all further information may be obtained on application. Fink A.RT3. — Arnongat attractive goods for the Cnriataias season ia a Urgo selection of new pioturaj at Mr. Melvin'a Central Auction Mart. There is a wide ran^e of engravings and autotypes, including examples after Marcua Stone, Boueorer.u, and other handsomely framed in English oak and gilt. Elkction for Alderman — Mr. Arthur Waro in another column reminds the ratepayers that h-- is a oacdidatn for the posi ion of Aldermau, and thao tho election takes place to-day. Glekelg Railways.— Paieeneers on the Gloneig Hub are reminded by advertisement thfct the train usually leaving Viotoria-aquare at 4.35 will for today only »t»rt at 4.30.