South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 6 September 1894, page 6


vVeryfew of the laorosio devotees of South Australia can look back to ft season which opened, was oonduoted, and olosed with brighter auspices or a better record of success

man tuo season o: hrm-h. i'uoiio support, that one thing needlul, has been *hown by large attendances at tbe more iinpottaut matobei), aud tbo day should not bo fardistaut when suuh nupport may bo turned into mousy bytheolutecomputing either on theOvaloron a special lacrosse gruuuii. Muoliol tho progress wbicli tb«game has mad* ia undoubtedly due to tho prominence tbe gatce ba» received in the the publio Press, in former years there wu a tendenoy on tho part of the Association— a tendency which is happily dying out— to ' mollyooddln' tho game by trying to prevent ' the wbite light of pnWio oriticism' from beating on tbe game. That policy wa- a mistaken one, aud iu abandonment has led to most satisfactory results The popular Mr. F. K. Gruudy has continued in tbe capacity of President of the Association, and Mr. S. Smith has been asnsual most hardworking and oourteous as Sforotary. Tbe system of B teams was extended this year with tbe best results. So many wore formed that the Association found itself in the happy position of being able to form a Junior Association. The system by which a club could have both an A and a B team, although it has been liable to slight abuses, has on the whole, mainly owing to that British sense of fair play characterizing the clubs, worked exceedingly satisfactorily, and it is bard to see how the method can be bettered. Some grumbling and heated correspondence in the Press passed over the playing of Mr. G. O. Maiuwanng, of the University Club, for their B team ; but the University Committee were well able to defend their action in the matter, and further dissatisfaction was suddenly stopped by the playur in question unfortunately having one: of the bon*s in bis arm broken, and beiug placed hon it combat for the rest of tbe season. Tbe 'Facer' flag, kindly presented- for competition six yean ago by Mr. O. Elliott, who wrote under that nom de plume in the BcgitUr, was finally won this year by tbe University team. Five years was the term originally appointed before the club having the greatest number of wins could take this flag, but at the end of that period University and Iroquois were a tie with two premiership* each, North Adelaide having gone top in tbe other year. It was consequently agreed that the one of the two oluba, University and Iroquoir, which came out ahead this year should fioally win the flag, and this tbe former has brilliantly accomplished. Further than this, Messrs. J. L. Bonythun k Co. presented a handsome silver shield ai a perpetual trophy for the A tehins, and this will grace the walls of the University until won from them. Towards the end of the season also tbe Association devoted a sum to the purchase of a trophy for' the B teams, who bad hitherto been fighting only for glory, which with the trophy goes to the Univer»ity juniors. During the year the introduction of goal nets as used in Ungland has baen advocated, owing to the frequent disputes as to the fairness of goals given by the uinpirri, and it is probable that something will be done in this direction next season. One rule— that of starting inatohes punotoally at So'olook— has been far from being enforced, aud some inconvenience has been caused by tbe lateness in starting matches. It would be perhaps as well for the Association to follow the lead of the Melbourne Association in this matter, and decide to stringently enforce the rule. Unfortunately tbe game is not so flourishing in the other ooloniej, and consequently no intercolonial matches bare been earned out, though there seemed a likelihood at one time of a Melbourne team visiting us. Anexhibitionnutoh, however, played on tbe Oval on Saturday, September 1, was witnessed by a large 'number of people who had never before seen tbe game, and the highest encomiums were passed on it by impartial observers. By arranging such a contest the Association did the right thing, and even more should be dons in the futuro to keep the game wall before the public, when it should prosiwr as it never did before. Very few accidents have occurred this year, tbe only serious one being that mentioned above, and disputes and sennas infringrmftnis of the rule* have been remarkable for their absenoe, as in only one case was a player reported to the Association, and in that oaso the oharge wu not upheld. Referees as usual have been always obtainable, outside gentlemen or players not engaged beiug ready to take the msition. Mr. C. Penny in particular iu been a very regular officer, and to him and tho others the thanks of all who have tho interests of the game at heart are due. Owing to the marked control exercised over their tempers by former erring players this season, perhaps due to the greater publicity givon to she game, tbe duties of the umpires ba«e not been *o onnrous or tbanklets as before. Very little has been heard of the country players this year, but the game bas been going ahead in J&mestowu, Crystal Brook, Port Pirie, and other places. During the season tbe North Adel tide*, with a few players from other olubs, paid a visit to Jamestown and Crystal Brook, defeating the former by 4 goals to 1, and a oombined Crystal Brook and Port Pirie team at Crystal Brook by 9 goals to 2. The style of play of the country players individually was highly spoken of, but they lost through lack of combination. Coming to individual players a fairly clow run took place for pride of position in goalthrowing, which was evontually won by P. Newland (University) with %-, G. C. Mainwaring (U.) with 19 being second, H. Hill (Iroquoisl third with 18, and S. King (North Adelaide) fourth with 17, none of toe othen in the A teams being withiu G of that total. Tbe University men went through unbeaten, but thsy had the misfortune to draw two games. All the same their record was a brilliant one. Some of last year's new men. notably P. Newland, canio on splendidly, and helped, with tbe older stagers like Captain Russell and others, to keep up the prestige of the club for clever and gentlemanly play. The principal goalthrower*. besides Newland with 220 and Main-varing with 19, were Andrews 14, Douglas 13, H. Newland 10, and A. J. and A. W. Campbell 9. The North Adelaidss, who tied with Iroquois for second place, were unfortunate at toe start of the season in losing old playors, but after settling down they showed their true form, and only lost one and draw one of tbe last nine matcnos. Aoraman's absence from tbe centre through an injured knee was felt severely. Of tbe player* new to Adelaide Cussen, lato or Crystal Brook, has been a tower of strength, allowing A. Ebbs to strengthen the forward lines. Tbe old players under the able Cornish have been consistent and reliable, while one or two showed a wonderful improvement. Of the A and B teams the principal goalthrowers were— S. King 17, T. Ward 10, Parson* 9, 0. Ebbs 8, and F. Hodgson 7. Iroquois fell far ahors of their last year's performance, and showed how muoh they need a few new men, especially forward, wbwe Orr has been sadly minted. None of their new players came up to «xpeotations. Their principal throwers were H. Hill 13, G. Blookny (late of th« Manchester B team) 11, and Holmes 10. The Iroquois were tbe only olub that did not form a B team, and they may feel the effects of that next year, when tbe other olubs expect to be greatly strengthened by these promising reserves. The same old Adelaides played again, but they wers not successful as of yore. Wby they should not be is hard to tell, but the probable reason is that they want uew blood. This they should htye next season from the B team, by the starting of whisk some promising men, wbo should all develop into first-class senior*, have been unearthed. De Mole threw 8 goals, and Davenport find Prince (captain of toe B team) 7 each. How are the mighty fallen ! Knightsbridge A team, which began the season with tbe brightest prospers, and with tbe best of the defunct Beathpools' men to ohooie from, yet ended tbe season with a record of 1 win and 11 losses. Seldom have they had greater need to act up to their motto, 'Never say die,' thau now. Some of their finest men played very seldom this year, while Nadebaum, who reappeared, was oot the Nadebsum of old. It wu left to the B team to retrieve the fallen fortunes of the btllsiders, and this they well did by running seoond. The principal goalthrowers were Nadebaum with 8 and F. Siekmann with 6. The B teams had a fairly oloto run, and University came near losing pride of place, whioh nearly every one assigned them as a matter of course at the beginning of the season, as tbe Knights beat them twice and Adelaide once. The Knights' record was distinctly good, as the; wouod up only three points behind the Students. North Adelaide at first seemed likely to take second place, but they went down in the latter pan of the season, and third plan became their portion ; while Adelaide, who were only once or twice able to put their strongest team in the field, won but two matohes and drew one, and brought op the rear with five points. In conclusion, with all ite small drawbacks* the year bas been a distinct sucetss, and one of those happy socceorea which are auguries ot a still brighter future. w- that with hopes that auoh may be realizod let us bid farewell to the lacrosse »ea»on of 1S94.

Women's Suffrage.— Tho monthly meet* ing of tbe Council was held on Tuesday, September 4, in tbe Y. W.C. A. Room*, Pulteneystreet. Thoro was a good attendance, and tbe Presidect (Lady Col ton) was in tbe chair. Amongst other business a unanimous and very hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the Chief taretary (Hon. J. H. Gordon) ' for the graceful, able, oratorical effort with which be launched tbe Adult Suffrage Bill ibis session, and the skill and persistent courage with which he piloted i* through th* Legislative Coned1. ;' aho to tho Hon. G. 0. Hawker ' for his gracious readiness to pretent the Adulc Suffrage petition, and for endorsing it withh* honoured name.'