South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 17 September 1894, page 4


"Rare and clever" were the adjectives employed by the Rev. A. C. Suther-land's ministerial brethren to describe his address to the Presbyterian Assembly

on Tuesday last, and the words aptly cha-racterized that deliverance. Perhaps in his anti-episcopal allusions the Acting Mode-rator betrayed a little too much of the zealous Presbyterian spirit exhi-bited by the historical Jennie Geddes when she threw her "cuttie stool" at the man with the surplice. While bearing testimony to the breadth of sympathy which the late Anglican Bishop displayed in his 5 private and social capacity, Mr. Sutherland con-siders that in his ecclesiastical rela-tions he displayed too much of that parochial limitation which distinguished the good but narrow-minded Dean Hook. No doubt the Acting Moderator keeps in memory the rather unbending attitude which Dr. Kennion adopted when overtures towards Christian reunion emanated from several of the leading Presbyterian divines of the colony. The representatives of the ancient Church with which Mr. Sutherland is connected would naturally expect to find some-thing more of the principle of give-and-take in their dealings with the head of the Anglican body that they were able to discover on that occasion. On the other hand, those who contrast the spirit in which some of the prece-dency squabbles were conducted jn days gooe' by with'! that which; on the whole| pervaded the administration of tlio affairs of ?? the ?: Bbhopric of ''4 'Ade'l iide i durinjj the: term of Dr. Konnion's^ episcopate can i scarcely fail to freci^3^.^ati'-groai' and satisfactory advance ; has ^ boen made in stthe establishment ^bfSfribridly^ahd mutually helpful v relations t among jithe different ^ denorainations^^Tho'jriheory ;of ; .evolnbon, ^: wiIa ^.which^as S may,: be gathered ' f rom ihis address?^ the reveirand gentleman -a-- is tv m j agreement ?t;:up % to »-:; certain .ci point ^requires ^ for ;^ its adequate demonstratioaitheconc^sion 'of long periods. of time in which the process of s progressive ;development'i can «. take place, and surely it is scarcely .'rnsonabie to expect! that in the shortTsnace of a gener»non or. so any raore;rapid, transi-tion ; from '; parochialism -ito^ Christian r^^operation ^should - have ^ has ^taCenJi place| ih)^.thef;e^|o8iastica]| history,of:'!^uJth^Autiwi^f^l^ ^iThat^Mr^S^th«ia1^-^not|ullie sides /with (- the extremely opponents of evolution wasTindiait^^ !n,o: ??t!Mtv-S?!?W':'M*:*a. i*^f .Va'ddressed ro^us ttwotorfth^ study of Hebrew he turned aside to pro test against . the grotesque references to ^ojutionVi^e^by^^^re^^ tteJJRwj^.fi^oiin.ige^^ he goes some what; further, being i moved to ^ the ^ discussion ^f;l^|questioii5 j6y '. Lord iSalhbury'8:|;nbfeWo^p«tion^at the ij- opening 'jiot '.j the^British'JScience Association; S'^Perhaps* it f 'rnayfnot^be quite correct ^-toj'aner l;J£ as a heaven tares -) to '£ jdo;^that|» .np-, e-olutipnut ever^i; held^that ||matt^has| ^descended ' f fom'^an^'ape'rp^Brit ^ki{. any |rate; it J ii certain that tho leading eiponents of the theory have always kept clear of making any [such pronouncement, and -that the utmost they have allowed themselves to predicate on the subject is that man and the ape have probably had in -the put a common ancestry. It is oh the question of. the enormous period of time demanded by the theories' of the evoiu tionisifor thedifferentiatibnof speciesand genera that Mr. Sutherland, in common with Lord Salisbury, sees an almost insuperable barrier to the acceptance of progressive development as a full explanation of existing facts. In his address at Oxford the noble Marquis set forth this objection with all the skill of a master in polemics. Tiie immense dis crepancy which exists between the opinions of geologists and physicists in estimating the probable age of the earth was referred to in our columns two yean ago in connection with the Presidential address of Sic Archibald

GeikioVhen tlutdutinguisbed wientUI^^ very fably '. contested - the , tviewiof iLord ,% Kelvin,' which limits the possible durations - 5 of life on earth .to a period of a hundred ^ m|UJra||pr||fP^essor:Tait1^in^|^ spirit^pf penuribusness,' as Lord Salts* V--buryi'Mtincally/ expresses ity hais ieven;S:| cut^own1 his; estimate to ten; mfllioni ??%$ risfcrand ^geologist;; is,' as ? it-:.were^|di8ho-.p| noured by, the physical ; investigator; 'who't -iosisU i Uat, reckoning -.upon: tbe ;ratp^|i^ been too great to adroici of ,the^presence:p pfjliis^k^ipii^^ai SiThe1? geologist' and -the f;biblorat#how«'M ever/ have a'goodrdeal; b eayifor uiem«;|t| selves jKoniilthisil'point^if.ThefpositiveJ^ evidence, whichTexists - on [the!- surface 'of I $ ? : epochs :ofj its ». life, of { immense ' glaciers ,r wvermgthrphwes^n^whwh temperate;;, ; climates now brevaii should at least forbid £ anyriing like dogmatism on the presumed i, 'in^ulari|y^of l^the f »te.:;.afc ;.; which^' the fjt wrth is cooling down/:! Then, again, it is%| a fairly demonstrated fact thiit the degree i ^ of heat ;which. animal- life can endure li ]'?. depends '£ to t^a ^lirjgiv ^extent ? upon^ the j * amount of atmosphere «rhich exists bvet«}p; head^in^the'vabsence, oheven^a jcom*'!^ psrttively^imallfiproportioni.ofl which vf mankind J% would^soon ikbej? scorched im ^tpf|^|ffilatpo«Koil and the biologist can addncai proofs £tMfc?i& at one-Ume(lhefwhole;surfaoe^of4the«^ earth wu covered ;, with watery and- that.-t;^ for untold. permds of ryears, dense muU i^. and Tapoura| iw^ra joyer^the 'suSacft'; of ^ thb'first portions 'of iiand which emerged ^ from;^e,genenajinttnMtion.:^The em..^J i.b^pibgiB^lf-w^iiui&^;^^ 'shb^'tbjiitkeyenf tbei^ nibsi^^vanced^ forms j of ganimal* life ; present;; in -, their ;s; earlior ' stages,' signs of :. having * beenldel^p scendedS fromf ^aquafac ifammahCl aad^ra among the most cunous of - these are the s?: gills with. which^thbTyoungeven^of 'the -?: human'jbeing ??? arej urnished before , they ,;p develop tteir apparatus for breathhig thbj;|^ air^It is quite possible that theVearth is'.i^ ghMlually losing its atmospheric enyiron^ll ..'inent ::'ui\ weir'ais i\s ; mputure,^a»i|thajkl^ ^||cw|itiwg: ^pMaw^lll^a^ll (whidi^'it| ; isj.'i chimodi - ! hMj^rocenilyjli| been discovered ? lo';. be '% withbiierany |!£: kind of atmosphere, represents tho state!- ^; ^whichfpuriOwla*globe i« i approaching,'?^ Atfany^rateithe assumptioM .rate of cooling and a maximum endurable ?!?;; he8^basbdsupon [present conditions i6l%| life, ore plainly unwarranted, 'ap'tiiat,tl|a^ case agsinst the evolutionists mutt , at jft leMtstand *' not proven. '^ ^.'l^^^iil y Lord ^ Salisbury exhibits 6omethingtpfj||^ theistrategy '?.. of a ? political general, t even 'M ui. dealing with a scientific subject, and*^ undoubtedly ' thore : is ;- V much^bridiyj^ : wisdbm;|? in;^ h«;|; doing ^so^^WboJi kibws;^;;ho^Jhis;^ato tone I |ay^be f usod i^ag-instj5;himfif | he ^ should i! commit J himself ^. irretrievabiy^il to; any ^advanced scientific, theory J-vHis^' late -chief;^ speaking ; on . the i subject ;bf^ the j descent ot /man,' declared himself j: $ .£!|te'£tha^B^ he/,; evidently; ' has ',: leanings; :' in ^ the ;i^ i»me v direction. -^ ; safer %to*g him \ to -_ address \ hu 4 heann'i^ on the subject of scientific ignorMce^tl^j|j| onthatbf scientific knowledge^ Moife*^! over, he ahowed a good deal of the tactica*||' bf^ the I poiitician^inf seie^nglfas|thall evolutionist x whose ^Tyiews^ he rr;'com'.^-bated,^- that^r, somewhat ::; rash :;v though y^ dever^rthwrisi^Prp^essor^Wois^ whose explanations of : heredity have 'r:-rocently been so successfully demolished fc by Mr.; Harbert Spencer and other ex* ;/ pounders of tho doctrine of progressivi:^ developmeDt, tnd whoso attempt tb|| prove that Revolution and , design; axe|| Antagonistio was equally rash. ^ In |^ ppposiobn v'; i to : -^ this ;' fclatiii^$m$M even |!the':^ray8teries-; of :ifwhich^Lorcl|^ Salisbury^ spoke jteno,^ in , their i!8trangi^§ relatiouehipsto'efiUblUhediri^wiedge^!^ tolehhance; the - wonders ibfi*cVeatibr^5| so- thatS as Boyle -wrote- over two: cen«^'g Jturio8ago,''amanmust,b^,byaraUonal^| andf effective ffconviction,! impelled^ to1%: acknowledge fwith tho : prophet : thatlthe-^s1-Author of Nature is wonderful in counsel '' I and excellent m'.workingiSfeM^^f*^; ::-t

g, Missions i to \ tbb ; CiyiuzB^AND^TiiE^ ;H WTUK.^.The5? McNeil! tandlBurke^a rniEsion which has been making so, much $$ ?tiri in the; city ''during /the put WMJcis|f| now practically closed. During its coii-^i tuiuance the ; leading / evangelist ^ .has '*$ addressed and his colleague has sung j to ;,^ enormbus audiences,' which* haye^beeni^ deeply ; impressed by -\wiat^tnay|teya.^ heard. The selections from Mr/ McNeill^| ;^ deliverancos ; published / ; in% the^news-^? p^pew r have necessarily: afforfe^'^ «h / imperfect /- insight intoV* what ^hu,^ (djswuraes^ ato^ iike^S;Ind^^i^« jk naturally to be feared ; that 1 the [special ?(: prominence i given ? to humorousgand^.; epigrammatic passages;' hu A created fan-$ erroneous impression; m. to the-; general,?;^ character of tliose discouraei.^H^hiii-;:; proved; that his magnetic infl«nce|owi|*| his hearers is rnarvoHoaf.i^: Hedbw ilol ^: attempt to terrify thoni by lurid plctufe«V^: of fu tare punishment,^ :;or,^ to ;bnb^t]^^| ioto a condition of/ emotional? byst|na|t^ by declamatory appeals, but he 'arrests ;: their aitBntion by the Ifbrcf ^hispersoni|^;'! ality, and keeps it enchained the whUe he^V.( delivers his message.//. Ho .^peiTnofc^Buii^l ^dain^to } make fall use /ol ?fj .'tfe.;pnt|o7^| /rical '': arts /which enable . '; the^ skilled '|;!| speaker!^ to i bring..: nirai8?i^; -» iW-l*'*-^:-with^tlibse whprn^ he - ? M^aSinsMing.1^. ;i Startiinjg' psradoxes'j atrikinR ?. aliegpries^i :\ bold assertions, and quaint conceits are /-' all resorted to, bat simply to stimulate /' curiosity and interest to the end that the /?/ lessons he wishes to enforce may not fall J on unheeding ears. He is an ovangelut , i pure and simple, and is avowedly not :;of :;;'/; thiose ;who7 wonldj secularize the Ipulpit^i and make it a convenience for ( tbet jpro?|lii! pagation ft' of valijcsortsjipf -? SMWijandpI socialistic [» thjeories/^^Neitheri;dwBs|h«^^| like^;tt«v|ordina^|revi^ his/ wnMsceu^bjr r the; jis^of .':h«8|&n]^rjl^| but' .there jui: reason :;, to;toev^|^^is)^|i visit has been productive' oi'X'good^jre^; suits/of a permanent kind. Aimosb^j simuitaheously with the dose of his /' labours here two other missions, one '/ 0 inducted by Mrs. Harrison Lee in the ^ interests of total abstinence, and another by tho Rev. A. W. Robinson, have // been initiated. The aims of the former are set forth with dramatic forco by -Mrs. Lee herself in an address described ?. elsewhere ; those of the latter wore suc cinctly explained in Saturday's hcgisltr. Mr. Robinson is a coadjutor of Canon : Carter— a distinguished clergymen of the Anglican Church— and with him hu been / preaching and endeavouring to excite* v healthy interest in religious work among :H

the mass* in some of the other colonies, r There is nothing that can be called sensational in this mission, but it has had a distinctly salutary effect elsewhere, and may be expected to be similarly beneficial here. Owing to Canon Carter's illness the whole burden of operations here fall on Mr. Robinson's shoulders, but experience has shown that he is well able to sustain it, and his modest explanations of ^what he purposes to attempt will /command tor him the sympathies of ^»U who feel aa interest in the ameli ^otifcion1 ofv tbo moral and religions -'condition .'of the people. Reference to Uhis'wnrk justifies allusion to Anglican ?; missionary effort in other parts of fthe world asdetailed in the Official Report | off the last Anglican Missionary Confe prince tin ;?' London, a copy of which has just reached us from Messrs. Soottiswoode & Co. Though both the pipers read and the speeches ? ielirered were commeudably brief Iho Report makes a book of over 700 'pages, and is a complete mine of infor nation. We cannot here even indicate the manifold problems which missionaries find confronting them or how it is pro poaed to solve them, but it is to bo noted ?; that a; general spirit of hopof ul-ness pervaded the Conference, and that it \i*i&P specially marked . - by ';- . cordial .recognition of the value of the efforts ?0£vffit'vh3'^uni% labouring ':' outside the sphere of -?'Anglicin !? endeavours. T^e gathering was a memorable one, (?Md^tto: record of its proceedings ^w'wellj worthy of being preserved in a permanent form. Ic represented for the '?first time in the history of the Church a \ general -f meeting of Anglicans from all :.;: parts ? : of . tho mission field. The recent attacks upon missionaries :;'-in China lend special! interest to a paper read by the ' Bishop of North ^Chinii the Rev. Dr. Perry Scott. The doctor admitted that nearly all the troubles , affecting Europeans in the Celestial Empire occur in connection with mission stations. Tho reason for this is, 'he said, that wiUt very rare exceptions ? tho6e associated with thorn are the only foreigners travelling or raiding inland, far from the centres of consular authority. These disturbance} hare become more frequent during the past few years, he added, because there has been a very .': marked increase in the number of the emissaries of different religious bodies residing in the interior. According to / Professor Willisin Edward Collins, there is a wide , spread notion anioug the Japanese that their nation is destined to bring forth a now religion. The national .; and anti-foreign spirit in Japan is very aggressive. 'It has actually gone the 'length of causing the Japaneso to revis9 tha cieeda, hi order . that .they may be independent of foreign formulas, eren; of . such - value and antiquity as the Apostles' creed itself.' Mr. G. A. Spottiswoode, die editor of the report, expects that in a few decades . native African, Indian, and Japanese Bishops will tike their recognised seats ?_ in the Lambeth Conference. The objects of the missionaries to heathen lands are ! iii the main tho samo ta those of mis sionaries in countries enjoying the advan tajjes of western civilization, and there is : reason to believe that there is at least as .' much scope for evangelical effort in the latter sphere as in the former.

r; /VicBreGAL.— Oq Friday evening His Excel lency the Governor gave a small dinner party, among the guests being the President of the Lepilative Council and Airs. Baker and Mr. Commissioner Fetercwald. Lord Sudeley, a ftustf of Lord Kistore, leaves for Melbourne this afternoon. The Govoroor will give a dinner party as Government House on Thurs day, and oa Saturday afternoon will be a puck of Sir. A. H»y at a garden party at Linden, v ., .?.,''?; \, ?'? ?:?'. ?' ' ~k REPCBCHiStSO LARGE ESTATES. — Mr. Mode, M- P., h*3 uibmiited to the Com miitioner of Crown Lands an offer to sell to ' the . Government the Tiaukia estates, .comprising 6,244 acrea situate dose to Port Lincoln, some of the land being within f oar miles of the township. The land, which is owned by Mr. \Y7 F. Haijrh, w&s lately in the occupation of Mr. Leisbm&n, a pastora list; Tho price asked for it of die Govern ment is 25s. per acre. Some of the land has .been under enltivatioa, and is said to be folly equal to the Poonincka land. It is well pro vided with both eurftc* water and creeks. Mr. Moolesays that from information which ? has reached him be believes that the whole of the lands would be readily taken op if the Government repurchased them. : ;' /Sib John* Coltox.— We regret to lsarn that on Saturday Sir John Cotton, K.C.M.G.. wu ? Very unwell, but we are pleated to be able to add tbatyeaterday be was somewhat better. ?i H.M.C.S. Peotkctojl— The work of re moving the maiU of tbo Protector has been enecessfnlly performed. The spars will now ? be overhauled. It U the intention of the authorities to take the gunboat for occasional .' cruites, w that the Naval Re*etvemay receive training, which they cannot obtain so well on shore. .. ' ;. ? - . . ' ' ? ? ; ? The Recect Acoinssr at North Adelaide. ? —On Sunday night we learned that tbeaccident which 'occurred to Mr. D. Paakham, M.P., : owing to the overturning of a pony-cart in which he and three other* were riding through North Adelaide on Friday evening, is of a move tenons nature than was at first anrioi ' pated, and that be is not so well The mfferer ' is in aorisioal condition, and Dr*. Borthwick and Harris, who are attending him, advim perfect rest and quiet. The medical genJo mon think it will be sons time before Mr. ?? Packham ' is eoavaleaoent. Mr. A. Shakes, jun., who received a slight ooncuwon of the ? brain and was oonveyed to Mitt Tibbtta's private hospital in Wakeneld-street, was so much unproved on Sunday afternoon that he was able to leave the institution. The bruises which he received on his face are still appa ' rent, but otherwise he U quite well S Thboweto Missiles attheGlexeioTkaec. ? — As the 10.15 p.m. train from Gl«n«lg wu ' passing Biohmond on Saturday two piece* of day were . thrown. One piece struck the engine and the other entered tho window of one of tho secoad-class carriages and struck 1 Ranald Keane in the face. The Manager of the Glenelg Railway Company ( Mr. Babbage) and Mounted-Constable ProvU went to Rich mond to make enquiries, and from statements gathered they beliove that two boys living near the railway line threw the clay. It is . understood that a young woman wu watting at the crossing for the train to pass, and the police would be glad if she would oommnnicate with themor the railway authorities. Mounted Constable Provis and Mr. Babbage interviewed two small boys on Sunday, and one of them confessed that he threw the day, but his father ; denies that he did so. .

S.A.N.R.A. Matches. - The entual matches of the South Australian National Rule Attociat ion were hrousht to a conclusion on Saturday, whon there wero a large number of visitors present. The priori |ial events of the afternoon w«re the 'Sargond' and 'Lloyd Lindsay' match**. The former wu won by B Uonumny lit Rogiioeat, and they haviup been successful in IS'.)') and alro lusi fear are now entitled to hold it altogether. In the L'.oyd Lindsay content a great deal of interest was taken, and Captain Da&n's sec tion of lancers obtained most point*, lut unfortunately a ditpute arosr, ai the Yanka lilla Mounted Ride*, who traiued second po«i tion with six paints less tbau Captain Dean'* team, entered a protest . The Coonoil will consider this and decide to whom the first prize shall be given. It is satisfactory to know that this meeting hu bt*n on* of the most sucee»ii'l that has been held under the auspices of the Rifle Association. The scoring bu beon unnsually brilliant through out, and the competitions have caused muoh heaithy enthusiasm. Perhaps the groatnet inte rest wu manifested in tho Champiomhip of South Atutra'ia, which was decided Ja*c week. Liince-Oorporal Marson will hold the covntxd honour until it is wrested from him. Captain Rowell is to be complimented upon run ning the champion so clo**, his score being only one behind that of Lance ? Corporal Marion. ; , The Vinsix-rBOOP; Bopxdabt Fjcccb.— A correspondent writes:— 'The vermin-proof boundary i fence (eo-oalled) between South Australia and New South Wales appears to be very much negleated, and requires inline diateattentioe. A resident in the neighbour hood of Parallana, whose statements may be relied on, wu travelling through the country near Lake Boolka tt the end of laH August, and reports that on tome of the enndhills the fence crosses about a mile and a half north of the lake sand has been piled up as high u the fence, and rabbits, which are swarming on the New Souih Wales eide, follow nlong on that side of the fence until they reach one of the raised sandhill?, and then make their way into this colony. An aboriginal who accompanied my informant exclaimed, ' My word, rabbit big one come tbronph this way,' and well he misty bs aitaaished, for rabbits areaotaally coming over the border to South Australia in droviw as thick u flocks of sheep, while (pare netting— which ought to be utilized for raising low portions of the fence— lies rotting in the sand near by.' Thb Organist or St. Peter's Cathedral. — Mr. John Dunn, although now moon better, is still confined to bis bed, and it will be a few days before he will be allowed to leave the N.A. Private Hospital, where bebubecnlying since last Sunday week. His duties u orgaaitt at St. Peter's Cathedral have been carried out by Mr. Otto. The Markets.— There wu a larger supply of vegetables at Friday night's market than during: the previous week, and, as a conse quence, prices were a little easier, although almost everything wu cleared. The best samples of old potatoes from Monot Gambier and other places are used up, and there are not many left of any sort. The local supply of now potatoes is fairly plentiful Onions still maintain their good price. Fruit of all kinds from local gardens is scarce, and Ade laide would not be supplied were ii not for the shipments from Sydney and Tasmania. Police Court.— At the Police Court on Saturday morning, before Messrs. J. Gordon, S.M., aadW. Hooper, Margaret O*Neil, an old offender, had to pay £1 for imbibing too freely; whilo Mary Martin wu mulcted in half that amount for a similar offence. A drunk and a lunatic completed the list. Death of a Pioxesr.— Mr. William Fuller Turner died on Sunday at his residence, Cbapd-street, Tiicbaiton, at the age of eighty-seven. The deceased, who came to the colony by the ship John in 1839, wu the first journeyman currier to land in South Australia, and when the industry in which he was en gaged wu started in the West Torrens district hewu employed at his trade, and up to the time of hit death be had resided in ttie district, either at Hiodmanh or at Thebartnn. Mr. Turner wu one of five whose efforts re sulted in the formation of the first Oddfellows' Lodge in the oolony . His wife, who survive*, is eighty-three years of ag*, and there are five sou, three daughters, tight grandchildren, and seven great-grand :hildren. Tue Sccond Pa;zs Jsrset Bcti.— In the description of the Jersey cattle at the Ade laide Show, whioh appeared in the Regitltr of Friday, we stated that in the daw where Mr. Murray's Progress III. took tha first prize Mr. W. Norman's bull Cassia's Boy took the eecond prize. On Friday Mr. C. E. Martin, of Magill, called and uked us to make a correction as a mistake had occurred, his animal Silver King baring taken the prize. This we did in good faith, but we now find that our original report wu perfectly correct, Air. Norman's Cassie's Boy beiug second in the class to whioh we referred. The Steward who attended the judging of the cattle bu given ttie following certificate:— 'I certify that in dats 32 the bull which wu awarded second prize wu entry No. 1.— S. Bmc.SD.1' Entry No. 1 was Cassie's Boy belonging to Mr. W.Norman. Sale of Stdd Stock.— Some.misspprehwi-sion seems to prevail anongst stockman and others with reference to the sale of a stud ram .on Thursday for 150 - guineas. The animal wu from the renowned flock* of Mr. W. A. Murray, of OappMdee, near Uallett, and the impression has got abroad in some oireles that the sheep disposed of wu the famous Cappeedee II. We are glad to ba able to contradict this. The sale wu a 2^-year-dd ram of exceptional quali ties, u the price would indicate, but wu not Cappeedee IL, a ram that could not be bought with money. ? Football.— To the great surprise of the majority of the spectators on the Oval on Saturday the South Adelaides after showing inferior form in tha first half against Port Adelaide played up splendidly in the second division, and defeated their opponents by 5 goals 8 bshinds to 4 goals 5 behind*. At Kensington the North Adelaides nearly created another surprise, the Norwoods being hard pressed by them, but the latter got home by C goals 14 behind* to 4 goals 6 behm Js. Tire Great American* Stbikk.— The follow ing is an extract from a private letter from Sacramento, U.S. A.:— 'Owing to the railway strikes we were three weeks without letters, and were quite ia a state of »iepe. We got in a supply of sugac and fluur, for at one time it seemed u though it would last for months. It will be the ruin of hundreds of people. The poor fruit ranchers, with only their fruit to depend upon, bad to see it rotting for weeks, and in many instances had to go to the re frigerator car, where it had been loaded, and cart it all back to their ranches just to uve the boxes. Sacramento wu in a regulu state of siege, the strikers having possesaion of the railway station, and u manv of the Militia belonged to the Union of course they could not be depended upon, and it wu not until they got the Regulars, and a fow of them got hurtauil killed in the (int attempt to takeout atraiu, that any proRrees was made. One of their colonel*, who bad started oJ a train with a lotof soldiers to look after it, wu in suoh a fury when ho beard of the diabolical way the train was derailed by cutting through the trestles going over a deep embankment (6ve soldiers killed) that be pulled up bis big white gauntlets and said, 'Well, if this what they're up to, I'm going to start killing too.' The trains are running pretty regularly now, but all have soldiers on board.'

"Cosmos."— This is the title of an illustrated Australian magazine published in Sydney, which has been just launched upon the literary world. There is a short rhythmical introduc-tion, but from the fact that no word in this explains the reasons for the publication of the magazine or the principles upon which it is to be conducted, we infer that the promoters are content to let it tell its own story and be judged upon its intrinsio merits. The course of periodical literature in Australia has not in the past run smooth, ono monthly after another having been sot going only to perish after a longor or shorter period of existence. It is nos creditable to these colooies that this should have bsen the case, and we sincerely trust thai a happier fate is in store for tbe present venture, to which we accord a hearty welcome. In the first number, for a copy of which we are indebted to Mr. W. C. Rigby, there is no lack of variety. Tbe contents comprise no less than seventeen contributions, including six 'poems,'all of them very brief, storiettes, essays, sketohes. and artides of a miscellaneous character. From the prominence given to snbjeota of special interest to women it is evident that that recogni-tion of the claims of the gentler sex which is a distinguishing characteristic of of modern times has the full sympathy of the conductors. The place of bononr is appro-priatingly given to that public - spirited veteran Sir Alfred Stephen, whose publio labours are eulogistically reviewed by Tbyra Gebinn. Dr. Talmage supplies a sketoh en-titled 'In Anstral Lands,' in which the picturesque features of New Zealand scenery are glowingly described, ami highly com-plimentary references' are made to Sydney. The article which most nearly ap-proaches '.to .the. .standard of high class magazine writing , is one by Dr. McCarthy, on 'Psycbic Force ;' but most of the other contributions have merit, and all of them are interesting. The illustrations, which are numerous, are not of the highest order of artistio excellence ; but as the magazine is issued at the exceedingly low price of sixpence this is not much to be wondered at. The first number of 'Cosmos' is essentially Aus-tralian. Tbe writers with a single exception are, we believe, all Australians, and the stories, articles, and verses have a markedly local colouring. There is literary talent enough and to spare in tbe colonies, and it is evidently intended to make good use of it. 'Cynicus— His Humour and Satire.'— This is the title of a capital little book, pro-fusely illustrated in a quaint and fanciful fashion, received by us from Messrs. E. S. Wigg & Son aud published by the 'Cynicus' Publishing Com pany, Drury-Iane, London. It is a collection of witticisms by a writer who, sheltered under a nom de plume, asks no favour, is no partisan, and looks with an im-partial eye on the follies and corruptions of his time. Some of his sayings are very tren-chant For instance, ' Both rich and poor alike their nakedness display— The poor became they must, tbe rich because they may. This is illustrated by a satirical cut repre senting a rich lady in a low-cut dress and a poor, ragged beggar girl in juxtaposition. An Old Northern Territory Tragedy.— Councillor J. Le M. F. Roberts, of Adelaide, sends us the following :— In your obituary notice of the late Mr. T. B. Bennett, which appeared in your issue of the 14th inst, you allude to the murder of his son, Mr. J. W. O. Bennett, by natives in tbe Northern Terri-tory under very tragic circumstances many yean ago.' A few particulars respecting that sad event, which took place on May 24 (Queen's Birthday), 1869, may be inte resting to many of your readers. In my diary of May 31 of tbe abevemen-tioned year I find the following extract:— 'Camp on tbe Darwin. J. Oborn returned to-day from the main camp on tbe Blackmore (now Southport), and reports that Bennett and Guy, who were attached to Knuckey's survey party, were speared by natives at Fred's Pass on the Queen's Birthday, and that tbe former has sinco died. It appears that on the morning of the 24th Kuuckey and his men went to work, leaving Bennett, the draftsman, and Guy in camp. Shortly afterwards Guy went down to the lagoon for water, and was returning when he heard a rustling behind him, and on looking round he saw about a dozen natives following in his tracks. They went right up to tbe camp, unarmed, and after they had been there some time Bennett, who knew their language well, heard them talking about the murder of Marie Ward at Escape Cliff a few years previously, and some suggested that tbey should kill him and Guy to revenge the natives who had beon punished for that affair. One of them asked Bennett if he understood what tbey were talking about, and he said he did and told them to be off. They would not do to, but tried all they could to separate the two men. After some time finding they could not do so tbey went away apparently, and Bennett and Guy returned to their work. About noon Bennett, who was drawing in one of the tents, suddenly saw a shadow at tbe door, and looking round he saw a tall native in the act of throwing a spear at him. He reached for his re-volver, which was on tbe table, and as he was doing so he was speared in the back. He was also wounded in the side and face. He turned to fire, but his revolver missed fire three or four times, and the savages made off, having also speared Guy through tbe back of the thigh while he was stooping to get his revolver from under his mosquito curtain. The poor fellows managed to collect and took all the spare weapons in the camp and lay down one at each door of the tent, where they were found by Knuckey when he came back in tbe evening. He started off at once on foot for Wood's camp, but after going four or five miles he fell down exhausted after firing several shots, whioh were fortunately heard by some of Wood's men, who hastened to the spot and heard the sad intelligence. A messenger was at once sent to the East Arm, where luckily a boat was lying, which started directly for Fort Point for Dr. Peel, who arrived at Fred's Pass the next day. After dressing the wounds of the sufferers he had them conveyed to Fort Point. Both seemed to be getting on very well when they arrived there, and Bennett especially was in good spirits, but tbe doctor found it necessary to perform an operation upon him on the afterooon of the 27th, when be extracted about nine inches of spear from his side, the lungs having been penetrated. After tbe operation the poor fellow gradually sank, and died at 10 o'clock the next morning. He was buried on the top of Fort Point in a grave which had to be quarried out of the solid rock. ' A monu-ment was erected over the grave, and his follow officers subscribed towards an in memoriam tablet, which is to be seen in St Paul's Church, Adelaide. Guy completely recovered from his wound, and I saw him in Adelaide a short time back looking well and hearty. Death ok as Octogenarian.— At tboag* ol eighty-five, Mr. James Wheeler died at the residence of bin daughter (Mrs. E. Harlour), Mitcham, on Friday, and bis funeral took place on Sunday. The deceased came to Sooth Australia by the ship Sarah Acne, in 1SJ0, and settled on tbe South-road, where he re mained till his wife died at the age of ninety one, three years ago. Three «on«, two daughtt-», forty ? ono grandchildren, and swenty-eicbt groat-grandchildren, survive.

'Prbumi.nabv Guide. '—Under tho above title Mr. George C. Nowman, B. A. (Lond.), Head Muter of Wbinham College, who has done good service in the put u tbe compiler of elementary educational works, bas issued a handy pocket booklet on the sebjoct of the University Preliminary Examination held during the present month. In this are pre sented an abstract of University regulations, the directions appearing in the elimination ticket of candidates, useful bints for work ing the problems in arithmetic set by the examiners, answers to nil the questions in cluded in the various papsr*, and comments upon those papers. Many of tho 300 students who had to face the examiners recently would have given a good deal to posseaa this little volume a week or two ago, but its appoaraace now will bfl serviceable to tuera, as by it.- aid tbey will be able to test the accuracy of their replies and gauge the probabilities of their having passed. This, however, is not the sole or even the chief value of the brochure. It not only answers the questions, but explains in a Insid and instructive manner how the candidate should go to work, and why the replies set down are given. Mr. Newman is very complimentary regarding the arithmetic paper which he characterizes as the fairest and best since 1887, but the papers in English he considers a* being on tbe wboloa very difticntt one. This judgment will be generally endorsed, and if be had said that the English paper wu somewhat ' catchy,' u well as difficult, few would have been in clined to dispute the statement Tbe typo graphy and general get up of the booklet reflects credit on the printers, Messrs. Vardpa aad Pritchard, of Adelaide. r a - -? ?-'£. Mr. J. J. Vibco.— Mr. E. Ashby has received a telegram from Mr. J. J. Virgo, Secretary of the Y.M.C.A., who arrived in Auckland, New Zealand, on Wednesday last, and is dne in Sydney to-day. Mr. Virgo was able while in America to attend theeemioary of tbe celebrated evangelist (Mr. D. L. Moody) at Northfield during tbe holding of the Christian Workers' annual conference. He then travelled west, taking Chicago, Denrer, Great Salt Lake City, and San Francisco on hit way home. . .v. Ax Old ArsTRALiAX Criuikal. — A few days since tbe Chief Commissioner of Police, Victoria (wye an exchange), received a communication from the London police autho rities enquiring whether a man named George Sweeney was 'wanted' in Victoria, and also desiiug to be furnished with Sweeney's record here. jSeeney was arrested for a burglary com mitted in London, and committed for trial in October next, hence the communication. The matter wu referred to Superintendent Brown by Mr. Chomloy, and that officer hu furnished the desired report, and also states that Sweeney is not 'wanted' for any. offence committed in this colony. Sweeney is an old 'acquaintance' of Superintendent Brown, and wu arrested by that officer u far baok u 1875. Sweeney wu con sidered the cleverest 'sneak thief' in the colonies. In 1883 be sneaked into the Bruns wick Branoh of the Colonial Bank .and sneaked off with £711 while the Baok was left for a moment only without any person in charge. Superintendent Brown, by a clever ruse, caused the arrest of Sweeney,. and recovered £634 of the stolen money. In spector O'Callaghan was auociated with Superintendent Brown in this case, and both officers were highly complimented by the Magistrate and Judge who heard the case. Sweeney received a sentenoe of eight years for this robbery. About four years since Sweeney wu arrested for sneaking a bag which contained £2,000 belonging to a share broker named Proud, in Adelaide. He wu, however, acquitted of this charge. He then disappeared, and hu not been heard of since out here until the news came of his arresi in London. Some months back a robbery of £5,000 was committed in one of tbe London, Banks under circumstances similar to tbo robbery which took place . in the Adelaide Bank. No arrest wu made in connection with the London Bank robbery. Ocr Bots' IxsTrtOTE, Y.M.C.A.r^On Saturday afternoon over forty members of Our Boys' Institute Rambling and Photographic. Clubs paid a visit of inspection to thb Bank side Vineyard. Assembling at tha boys: reading-room at 2.30, tbe party walked to Baukside. where they were met by Mr. Thomas Hardy, who conducted them over tha extentivs promisee. In the vineyard and fruit garden practical demonstrations were given by Mr. Hardy in rind and cleft grafting and budding, treea in various stages being taken u examples. The various fystoms of pruning lruit-ttees and vines were also enlarged upon, and vines were ihotru pruned in the short, rod, aud downward trcllu-system, according u experience had taught wu best for tbe various sorts. Soveral photographio groups were taken by the boys of tha phoiosraphio olue, and after threo cheers had been given for Mr. Hardy'* kindness the boy* walked back to town. The long tramp, fresh air, and know ledge gained on this ramble are wire to exer cise a beneficial eSsct os its youthful partici pants. - ; The Agriccltcsal Show.— Mr. E.' P.' l):gnan writes:— The published list of prizes awarded for machinery at the Show dor* me an injustice. It attributes medals for 'new machine,' and ' new machine likely to be of general utility in harvesting oberations' to Messrs. Hill & Son, whereas Messrs. Hill and Son got tbe medal for 'new machine' only. The medal for 'new machine likely, to bo of general utility in harvesting operations' wu not awarded, but the Judges remarked :— ' Wo consider the patens chain-gear stripper ex hibited by H. P. Diguan, of Wilmington, a great improvement on the ordinary stripper, but do not fee) justified in awarding tbe prize until wo havo to*u the machinery at work.' Tbe Australasian ImplercentCompany writes: —In tbs prizft list under dairy appliance* we notice tbe following sentence in Judges' re marks— 'Judges rejrret thai tbore was not more competition in this section.' Wo beg to stato that this sentence is incorrect, as there wu no competition in this section, thsro being only two exhibitors, one of which wu not for competition. - ??? Melanesia* Mission*.— A box of curiosities bas been sent from th* Wands to bo sold for the benefit of tbe mission. Mr. Roberta has offered to allow them to be told in bis shop. ; '