South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 15 September 1893, page 7


A leading feature of tha opening day of the Spring Show of 1893 was the wet weather. The committee of the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society could scarcely

reflect upon surrounding conditions yesterday with unmingled satisfaction. Their outlay in connection with the Show is not trifling, and naturally enough they like to have fine seasonable weather to tempt people out. If there had been no rain for weeks they might have been able, even though it affected the attendance, to regard yesterday's showers as a blessing to the classes whose interests the Society exists to promote. Jupiter Pluvius has, however, bo bountifully bestowed hia favours en South Australia since April that he might well have vouchsafed a fine day for producers to gather and see the result of one another's labours. A more unfavourable day could not have been ordered by the worst enemy of the Society (which probably has none at all). A high wind blew up Bhowera from the west, and made everything outside damp and dismal. Nevertheless, a large number of people reached the Exhibition Grounds. There has been a fear that in consequence of the starting of Agricultural Societies in the larger country towns the Adelaide Show would not maintain its popularity with country folk. The numbers of them there yesterday would not support such a theory. With so many country people present it was surprising that more members of Parliament did not avail themselves of the opportunity to foregather with their friends. Perhaps they would have been more eager to do so if a general election waa impending instead of having only taken place recently. The fact remains, as Mr. Castine would say, that members voted themselves a holiday because the Show was being held, and Dot u.ore than a dozen or so of them thought it worth while to visit the grounds. The Chief Justice and the Premier (Hon. C. C. Kingston) were there, and so, of course, was the Hon. Dr. Cockburn as the head of the Department of Agriculture. Amongst the other members we noticed were two or three representative? of labour interests and a few country members, mostly of the Legislative Council. The Show waa an exceedingly interesting one. Despite the mud and slush crowds were attracted outside by the cattle, horaea, sheep, pigs, and implements, while the special marquee containing representatives of the feathered kingdom was well patronised. JtJy far the greater crush, however, was in the main building, where the fruit, flowers, and vegetables wera centres of attraction. The indefatigable Secretary, Mr. C. M. Bagot, and his staff of officers worked energetically, and the arrangements were almost perfect, although delay on the part of some of the Judges prevented prize-cards being placed on certain exhibits until late in the afternoon. Un favourable weather may prevent the Show being one of the most successful yet held ; but if it clears up today and Saturday there should be large attendances. SHEEr. The sheep-pens proved very attractive, and excepting during the showery portions of the afternoon received much attention from the general public. The bulk of the prizes as usual fefl to the brothers Murray, who this year take forty out of forty-three awards in the Merino classes. The sheep exhibits taken generally are very creditable, and should prove an interesting study to those directly concerned in the growing of wool or mutton. The champion Merino ram is a very tine Animal of large frame, and carrying a covering of excellent quality wool. He keeps up the high reputation of the flock from which he springs. The first prize in the 2i-year rams fell to Mr. A. J. Murray, who exhibits a well-covered ram, with a tine neck. The competition in thia class was very keen, and the Judges had a difficult task set them in distributing the prizes. The successful 2-year-old ram comes from a stock of prize-winners, and has the promise of developing into a valuable sire. While close by are some very fine sheep belonging to the Canowie Proprietors, and showing the characteristics of their flocks, viz., well-grown and heavy fleeces. In the combing Merinos under lh years Mr. J. Murray wins with a large framed ram by Cromwell. In the matter Of fine points and build he is considered by some to be one of the finest of hia class shown for some years. Mr. W. A. Murray comes a very good second in this class with a ram whose sire was the celebrated Cappeedee. The Canowie proprietors, Hon. J. H. Angas, and Mesara. E. C. & J. L. Stirling showed some animals in this class which ahould develop into splendid 4-tooths. The first and second prizes for the champion ewe fell to Mr. W. A. Murray, his brother, Mr. A. J. Murray, being third. The prizewinner is a well-set animal with a large covering of fine - quality wool. One of the most interesting classes is the ewe with lamb at foot. These exhibits are valuable because they give a good illustration of what oan be done in breeding by showing the fleece carried by the ewe while rearing a lamb. Mr. W. A. Murray was successful here, the pair showing growth and the strong constitution for which his flocks are justly celebrated. The special prize for the best exhibit of five combing Merino ewes brought out some fine exhibits, and Mr. W. A. Murray took farat prize, Mr. A. J. Murray second, and the Canowie Proprietors third. Shropshire Downs seem to be coming more and more into favour, and the exhibits at this Show were a marked improvement on previous years. The abeep were introduced here for the purpose of crossing with the Merino bo as to get early lambs for market. They mature euly, and are now considered by leading authorities to be the very best sheep for the farmer or the small grazier. They are quiet, whioh is a great essential to the farmer, and they give excellent mutton and good quality wool, besides being of largo frame. At a year old these sheep have been known to dress 70 to 80 lb., while at the present time Shropshire wool oommands a good price in the market. The exhibits in these classes are good all round, and the Chief Justice and Messrs. Charley &. Co. have fairly divided the honours. In ocher classes the sheep ehowed great care in breeding, and it is evident that more attention and more interest is being paid to the breeding of well-framed sheep and a good class of wool. Owing to an error of one of the Stewards in apportioning the pens the first prize for the champion Down ram was credited to the Chief Justice instead of to Philiip Charley. The same was the case with regard to the Down ram over two and a half years. Mr. Charley also took the tirat prize for Down ram under one and a half years.

The Cattlk. All classes of visitors devoted a large amount of attention to the cattle, and there were some remarkably tine exhibits to be seen, but it i3 to b-j regretted that this portion of the exposition was practically a ' one-man's' show. The fact of the matter is that the Hon. J. H. Angas holds such a strong hand, both as regards quantity and quality, that other breeders have to some extent become discouraged, and there haa been of late years a lamentable laok of competition. Sorry, indeed, would have been the show of cattle without tb.6 presence of Mr. Angas'a superior lot ; but, as haa been hinted, he owns so many horned pets, and all of such undoubted stamina, that they fully compensate) for any shortcomings on the part of other breeders. The reputation of Mr. Angas's cattle is not restricted to South Australia, but is Australian. They are regarded with the utmost admiration in the other colonies, where the South Australian legislator and breeder ha* always succeeded in gaming a prominent position among the prize-takers, and justly so, for he possesses animals which are superior ia their own particular classes to any in the continent. At the recent Show in Victoria his success was as marked aa ever, hia longpedigreed fine-looking exhibits finding great favour with the Judges. South Australians by this time must have become quite familiar with them. What breeder has not hfard of 'Rose of Connaught III.,' who has been regarded by even the captioua critic acrosa the Border as the finest specimen of a shorthorn cow in Australia? In would bo a work of supererogation to sketch her moat successful career from the time ehe was awarded her first prize as a two year at Melbourne and to detail the awards she has received, including the champion prize at the Centennial Show in Melbourne. 1891, and also the championship in the Victorian capital this year. Point out further the cattle connoisseur who declines to honour the wellknown Count Comely, a Hereford perhaps without a peer in Australia, judging by his looks and his successes. Then there ara the Waterloo^ and Beaus and many others of aristocratic descent. Not one breeder had the courage or inclination to oppose Mr. Anga- in the Durhams, but as he had a dozen fine animals for the Judges and spectators to inspect there was plenty to interest admirer* of the breed. For the most part ihey bad been subjected to an unnecessary amount) of conJition, and the policy of putting so much fat on such valuable animals is questionable. .Lord vVaterloo X.. by Lord Russell IX. — Lady Waterloo XXXIII.. cot first prize for the bull between two and three years, and ha was also awarded the champion prize for Shorthorn bulL In Victoria this animal, a nicely shaped and coloured red, got a third prize. This soock is evidently improving. Beau Blanche VII., the prize one-year-old bull, is a nice straightbacked, promising young bull. The champion prize for the female Shorthorn was given to Lily Waterloo VII I., a one-year-old heifer by Lord Russell IX.— Lily Waterloo III. Some surprise waa expressed at the award being

given to so young an animal, as although she is unquestionably very fine there is no telling bow she will develop. It will be seen that Lord Ruasell waa the sire of both the champion male and the champion female, and he himself was a champion. Rose of Connaught III., fat and heavy in calf and gaily decorated with ribbons, was the cynosure of all eyes. Notwithstanding that last year Lily Waterloo VII. was selected in preference toRugiaOxford V. the latter was considered the better this year, and ehe was given the red card, a distinction she also attained in Melbourne. In the Horeforda also Mr. Angas went without opposition and scooped the pool. Count Comely got the champion prize for bulls, and Lady Minerva, a fine-looking lady by Sir Roger— Minerva LIV., was adjudged the champion cow. All the Herefords are by Sir Roger, and as there was only one entry in each class they all received prizes. There were a couple of polled Angus, the property of Mr. J. Lewis, shown. It was quite refreshing to note a little competition in the Ayrshire. Mr. Angas again had the satisfaction, however, of showing both the champion bull and the champion cow. Herd Laddie, by Sir Walter Scott — Baauty, is nine years old now and as wonderfully handsome aa ever, and he easily beat Mr. John Edmondson's Prince, a very nice fiveyear-old bull, the progeny of Malcolm and Flora McCombe. Ronald, who belongs to the same owner, and was sired by Victor out of Flora McCotnbe, turned the tables on Beau Brummel. Lucy, the champion cow, is by Cashmere Jack— Lucy. There was a very fair collection of Jerseys, but there were only two exhibitors, Mr. Allan Baker and Mr. A.' J. Murray, and the latter came out slightly better. Laddie Fowler waa considered the champion bull and Baggage the champion cow. Both are very nicelooking animals. Some of the exhibits in thia class were hardly in as good condicion as could have been desired. There were three fat) cattle shown, and they were very fine beasts. Pigs. The Terdiot on the pigs was only halfcomplimentary — the quality waa good but the competition poor, and the show of the porcine race only what might be termed ' fair.' Nevertheless there were satisfactory specimens here and there in the pans An enterprising adherent of the late Hon. G. W. Cotton exhibited a good sample of what could be raised on his small holding, and labelled it 'blocker.' Amongst the Berkshire boars there were two that attracted favourable notice for quality, size, and shape, bub the champion boar was of the Easex breed (Mr. W. B. Sella's). He waa certainly a fine animal and weighty withal. It was a Berkshire sow of the name of 'Lady,' bred on the Sewage Farm, which took the championship in her claas, and she deserved it. In the Easex boara were two of almost even merit, the huge frame of the one, somewhat too bulky and a trifle coarse, being balanced by the compactness and solidity of hia smaller rival. Amongst the Essex sows was a very big beast with a deal of material, and another of nicer make. An Essex sow had a fine likely litter, which she mothered carefully ; she with her family of seven made quite a pretty porcine picture. There was another with a lively litter whioh commanded commendation. The fat porkers, though few, presented well-selected samples of compact build and firmness without coarseness ; and the, same might be said of the halfdozen bacon pigs, which were of strong frame and good size, especially three white ones, which looked as if they had a Btrong mixture of the Cheshire in their composition, with something of the Berkshire. A Judge pronounced the pigs on the whole as 'Good, but not so good as they had been, the business of pork-raisine not having commanded the dose attention it should.' The fat pigs did not represent the competition one would have liked to have seen. There were three exhibits, however, of much magnitude and characteristically indolent. Two very nice little Esaex boara were shown, not for competition, by Mr. W. Kither. The Horses. It ia somewhat difficult to account for the comparatively small number of draught and roadster stock exhibited, there being altogether only about forty-five entries, and although many possessed very good qualities there were others decidedly inferior. Of course the chief interest in this department will be evidenced to-day and to-morrow, when the horses in action will be shown. MeBsrs. Lang Brothers' draught stallion The Governor, a champion who recently arrived from Melbourne, got the champion prize here. He is a beautifully formed bay, and will be Bent to Messrs. Lang's farm at Willowie. Some other very fair entires were shown, including Mr. J. G. Burdett jun.'s. Gay Lad, who 13 by Honest Lad. Mr. Burdett scored pretty well in the pony classes. Mr. W. Blackler jot first prize for Lantern in the class for brood mares visibly in foal or with foal at foot, suitable for mating with a thoroughbred entire to produce hunters and carriage horses. The prize was well deserved, for ehe is a Bplendidlooking mare. Mr. Blackler also showed the best two-year-old filly, a bay by Thunderbolt. The best pony entire under 14.1 was Mr. J. P. Wi!hams'8 well-known black TheForeigner, Mr. J. J. Hemsle3'!8 Cock of the Walk being second. There were no less than ten entries in thi3 class. Flowers and Pot-plaxts. Staged in the mam building the exhibits in these sections were perhaps more universally interesting than aught else in the Show. The almost continuous rain and the fewness of real sunshiny days make the season late, with the result that many flowers have not yet bloomed f villy , even in the most favoured dirtrict. Moreover, tha gales of the laet few days have not been conducive to the perfect development cf frail flowers in open gardens. Nevertheless, the exhibition of flowers and pot-plants was exceedingly creditable. Messrs. Newman and Son carried away the honours for flowers, and their collection was a splendid one, including several lovely orchids. It is too early yet for roses, and the few shown contained no remarkakable flowers, and the same may be aaid of the almost equally beautiful hyacinth ; but there was a brilliant array of colours in the pelargonium section. The bouquets on tha end of the sta^e were the objects of admiration. The dainty first prize gentleman's posy was a little gem, and so was the lady's bouquet, while the hand, bridal, and table bouquets represented a vast amount of time and trouble, and considerable taate. The design of the first prize table bouquet was a harp, while a more novel but not such a pretty one was a flagstaff. The central feature of the exhibits of potplanta was the group of new and rare plants exhibited by the Botanio Gardens, not for competition of course. These contained thirteen beautiful orchids, five graceful palms, and two amarilids. Amongst the orohids.a beautiful white Angnecum eberneum, the Cattleya quadrieolour, and the Cattleya amethystogloasa were favourites. Messrs. Newman and Son took the first prize for orchids and for the best plant of that sort, too, the lovelj pink Pholwnopsis Schilleriana. The pot-plants included some splendid cyclamen, cineraria, 3zsleas, and pelargoniums, and a very fine collection of ferns. Fruii1 axd Vegetables. Considering the season there was a good show of fruit. Apples were well represented. Although few really good sorts of this popular fruit can now be obtained in the shops there were many well-preserved varieties on the tables yesterday, and it is a wonder some of our growers do not aim at producing apple3 which may be kept sound throughout the winter and into the spring months. Yesterday the citrm tribe was largely in evidence, and the competition waa very keen. Some magnificent Bengal citrons took the honours away from almost equally worthy Quicks. A fine display waa made of oranges, some very fine navels coming in for special comment, while very large poor man oranges were staged. The display of vegetables was not creditable to a city which has in adjacent gullies such splendid soil for vegetables. We are told that in this climate we should consume more vegetables, and surely euch an occasion as the Spring Show should not be lost to brine them before the public. There were some tine potatoes and onions, and splendid red oabbages and leekf , but on the whole the collection of vegetables waa decidedly poor. The Blockers' Exhibits. The blockers have manifested but little interest in the annual exhibit of their produce. On a tressle in one of the verandahs are placed samples of the produce of the blocks, and although th6 quality is good, the quantity is small. Few blockers have taken the trouble to enter the lists, but what little produce has been shown testifies undoubtedly to their industry. Vegetables there are of many kinds, the cabbages being especially Sue. A splendid advertisement for the fertility of the soil of the hills is the wonderful growth of the melons, while bundles of barley ana oats tell unmistakably of a good season. The class is a varied one, ranging from the results of the tilling of the ground to the articles produced by the deft hands of the industrious housewife. Dishes of cream, temptingly arranged with fresh butter and eggs, show that chs dairy industry is being attended to, while jams, jellies, sauces, and preserved fruits are there in limited array. Curing is also being successfully practised, judging by the collection of hams. Of fruit the samples are few but choice. Homemade bread is shown, as well as a few samples of currants and raisins and other dried fruits. Poultry. Seeing that it was so soon after the Poultry Society's Show in the Jubilee Exhi ition Building one might have expected to have seen a sort of half-and-half exhibition, because breeders and fanciers do not care as a rule to bring their birds out azain, and subject them to the excitement and condition-lowering experience of a repetition, but, as a matter of fact, the poultry display yesterday waa the beat the Royal Agricultural Society has ever had. It was full of strength, well marked, well arranged, and altogether more satisfactory than any former one. Is has been the custom to put tha birda in the north and

east verandah, but that apace being ' wanted and for other reasons the oooka and hens, duoks and gMM were accommodated in a spacious marquee all to th«ma«lwM ia the south-western put of the grounds, and held their own levee without interference. Mr. Coupe, the veteran poultry and dog expert from Victoria, was the Judge, and gave it as his opinion that this waa the best Fowl Show he has seen here. In Dorkings, a good old English breed which must ever hold its own because it is so solid and of practical utility, there were seven competitors, and the birda, taking them all round, were better than ordinary. We have had enthusiastic breeders of Dorking* hero in the past, and it would be well in these days of utility — rather than fancy— if they kepi up their fervour. It is a grand bird to raise, bus some think that it does not do so well in Australia; ii may be the climate, it may be want of iudgment, but anyhow the Dorking has not taken the bold he should have any more than the game has aa a utility fowl, or for the matter of that two or three other breeds well worth better attention. In the Asiatics there were some good buff Cochins — a breed onoe at favourite, but much neglected partridge Cochins, and white Cochins, to which the same remark applies. T*'1* dark Urabmaa, which have been bidding for years for the position they deserve to occupy, were not badly represented. There were two really good hens and a good cock in the class; the heavy rain, of which the birds on the weather side got the benefit, spoilt the form of tome. TheLangshans were prime, and the better they get the more to our benefit, for the Langshan is a good bird. The competition waa not high. Game were warmly represented ; the blackred a and piles were good and showed improvement. The opinion is that a little more caie is being taken in breeding up to the English standard. The Malays, now a favourite breed, furnished a stiong element in the game class. There was much to admire in the display they made. The Minorcas, Leghorns, and Andslusians numbered amongst them tome worthy apeoimena of their types ; there were a few Polands, and those few were good. The Hamburga pro red moderate; and the Plymouth Rocks, another breed worth, popularizing, turned out a bit better than of late. The Spanish were Tair, but this bird — a worthy breed it is. too, foregg-producing and appearance — has suffered from fancy breeding to face. More attention haa been paid to producing what fanciers consider a fine white face than in developing the frame and quality of the bird as a utility fowl. If it wereattended to as an egg-produwrit would be far more popular and useful. The ducks were excellent, the Pekins remarkably good, the Rouens and Aylesbury capital, and some of the common ducks well worth praise. There waa not muoh to note about the table fowls ; that is an industry in its infancy. Daisy Produce. Taking all things into consideration the show of dairy produce did not fall far short of expectations. It might hare been better in some particulars, but it waa highly satisfactory in the number and quality of the hams, cured bacon, pork, rolled bacon, fa -tory or farm cured. The exhibits here took up the whole length of the eastern and half of the northern side of the hall — a rich and comfortable display, of a kind to delight the eyea of those who wish to Bee the industry flourish. The eggs, if not in imposing numbers, were fairly representative and of good sample. There were thirteen entries, seven duck and six hen egga-line, large, and well developed. Two dozen eggs weighed 5 lb. 6^ oz. The cheeses were sent outside and given a place in the west verandah. They were not very many, and except the first and second prizes, whioh were very good, there waa nothing remarkable about the quality. Threa entries of trussed poultry were of fair quality. Dairy Appliances. Messrs. A. W. Sandford & Co. showed a complete exhibit of everything required for dairy purposes, from a steam-engine to the parchment pape- ;ed for wrapping up pounds of butter. The i. proved De Laval separator was exhibited in all Bizes, from the 'Baby,' capable of separating thirteen gallons per hour, to the largest type of power machine putting through 350 gallons in the same time. A new line was the Turbine, made in sizes from 100 to 350 gallons capacity. This machine is suitable for creameries requiring only a jet of steam to drive, engine and shafting being dispensed with. At a comparatively small coat, these creameries have been fitted up both in Victoria and New South Wales for separating only, the cream being sent to a central depot to be manufactured into butter. A recent improvement in the Laval separator is said by the introduction of discs to quadruple results obtained against the older maohines. Churns, butter workers, curding vats, and drainers are also included in this firm's exhibits, all the appliances, with exception of separators arid engines, having been manufactured on their premises. Amongst the new features exhibited waa an open side-concussion churn, the whole of one side being removable, rendering the working and cleansing a very simpleoperation indeed. This concussion churn apparently fulfils all the expectations required of it by both private dairies and factories. A very interesting feature of these exhibits, and one which attracted a large crowd, was a newly imported American ' dogpower' for operating separator, churn, or butter worker for ordinary dairy purposes. This machine seemed very efficient, and we understend that it is largely used in America and on the Continent of Europe. Unencmerated. An interesting, varied, but muoh-scattered class ia 'he unenumerated. In the southwestern corner of the building Mr. F. A.. Pulleine, of Lobethal, shows several collections of evaporated fruit, for which he gained one first and two second prizes. He has all the various specimens of fruit nicely done up in natty boxes. Next to this are specimen* of sundried fruit shown by Mr. J. Bray, of Payneham, for which a first prize was awarded, and although prepared in a different way they have an equally excellent appearance. In the same line but at the other end of the building the Kent Town Preserving Company have a choice collection of jama, jellies, and preserved fruits, while there is a pyramid of Glen Ewin jama facing tha northern door. Half of the western side of the main hall is allotted to the saddlers and harness-makers. Messrs. E. Fisher, W. Shoebridge, of Narracoorte, C. H. Lehmacn, and G. C. Sneyd, of Mount Gambier, all assisting. Mr. Fisher shows his patent saddletree, composed of a combination of leather and steel. The speciality of Mr. Shoebridge's collection is an OBoillating saddle-stand, which, having the action of a trotting horse, created some amusement. A well arranged and larze exhibit is that of Mr. L. Conrad, who takes up a-lot of room on the north end for the display of his meats. Lambs and pigs ready for cutting; up hang; around as in a butcher's shop, while the tables and 'blocks' are laden with preserved meats, tins of soup-extract, sausages, lard, boiled and smoked hams, spiced and rolled beef, Oxford brawn, hams, pork, and corned beef. Another imitation shop is at the other end of the building, where Messrs. Bickford and Sons have arranged samples of all their various cures and drinks. The Castle Salt Company and the Sugar Refining Company show samples of their produce. Mr. E. W. Hackett has an assortment of cereals, seeds, and grasses, including the Marrem grass, which has been attracting attention of late. The Kangaroo Soap Company have an accumulation of bars of their soap which, designated as a 'champion cleanser,' is said to have signal virtues either for washing or for the toilet, or for spraying trees as a preventive of aphis. In the verandah at the south end Mr. J. Drage, of East Adelaide, has a number of churns, icechests, washing machines, and beliowe. A neat little exhibit is that of Mr. A. Pengelley, who displays several miniature wardrobes with glass doors, bookcases, and chests of drawers. Alongside are two slabs of beautiful Huon pine. Mr. J. Robinson, of the Britannia foundry, has some specimens of stamped forgings, an industry which heEays is new. He has a novel idea for fixing ahafts on to a buggy to prevent accidents when the bolt drops out, and also a patent share for » scarifier. To housewives the array of stoves and washing coppers shown by Mr. Mettera should be interesting. He has a self-setting premier range, which will be at work to- day. Besides several other stoves there aze many classes of copper frames, notably a cast-iron one. Near the gate Mesara. C. F. Newman & Co. have an exhibit showing the advantages of metal for fencing gardens, tor trellises, and for hencoops. In the main hall Messrs. Allen & Williams attracted ?- great deal of attention by their display of the asbestos appliances for cooking. One contrivance in particular waa much appreciated, viz., a neat contrivance of asbestos under a wire - gauzing, by means of which bread could be toasted or meat fried with the maximum of cleanliness and ease. They had a small stove, by means of which they gave practical illustrations. There were several other ingenious appliances, including a moat simple but effective carpet-beater of wire and a flexible handle for dishea. Vehicles. In the verandah, Mr W. H. R%y has a good collection of nicely finished traps, Victorias, and carriages, a spiral-spring buggy being a specality. Outside, under canvas, many of the other makers have sample* of their work. Messrs. C. A. Kruger and J. Greddy nave also exhibited. Mr. W. T. Oke puta in a baker's cart, while the Hindmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade show cheir new horaereel and horsecart made by Mr. A. Wnarton. Messrs. Duncan & Fraser are showing about a dozen vehicles, amongst whioh are several novelties. Mr. Duncan haa resently obtained a patent for improvements in that part of a four-wheeled vehicle technically known aa the undercarriage. Mr. Duncan's improvement provides for dispensing with the fifth wheel, which has hitherto been considered an india. penaable put of the undercarriage, while the.

centre turning part is retained. An entirely new plan of providing for and distributing the strains su-tained in working haa been adopted. The undercarriage has a very handsome appearance, and the inventor claims that all the good points of the English undercarriage are retained in his new design, while the wear and noise caused by the wheelpiatea jarring together are avoided. This invention is worthy of the attention of ooachbuilders and others interested. The novel undercarriage is shown under a stylish four-wheeled dogcart, finished in varnished ash and walnut. Another unaercarriage cf the same kind is shown under a pretty little village phaeton suitable for ponies under fourteen hands. This carriage is an exceedingly popular one in South Australia. A phaetonette— a dainty little trap suitable for a lady and childrencarries four persons, and ia fitted with a hood, which can be raised or lowered by a handle operated from the driver's seat. TheMarni buggy, made in two sizes for hones and Domes, is one of Messrs. Duncan and Fraser'a specialties. It waa introduced by them about fifteen months ago, and they have sold thirty- nine of themdunngthelaettwelvemonths. Mr. Duac&n ?elected the name Marci from the vocabulary of the Adelaide tribe published in Mr. George G. Taplin's work on the South Australian aborigines. The meaning of the word is good, and the vehicle has amply justified the title both to the buyers and sellers. Encouraged by their success in introducing the Marni — a gocd and cheap buggy to carry two persons — Messrs. Duncan & Fraser hare constructed an entirely new style of buggy to carry four persons, called the Rosa, which they hope to make equally popular. An ingenious arrangement of seats permits all the passengers to Bit looking one way or back to back, as may be desired. No shifting of seats is necessary beyond turning them over on their hinge3, which can be done in a few seconds. The other exhibits by this firm comprise an Abbott buggy with selfacting hood built to the order of Mr. Conrad, village phaeton*, constructed under a patent obtained by the firm about two years ago, since which time they have sold eighty-three of this class of conveyance; varnished expreeeee, pony-carts, and other vehioles. T. J. Richards, of West Mitcham, showed a first-class assortment of vehicles, comprising expresses, wagonettes, and buggies. The whole of the exhibits are finished off in a manner reflecting credit on the manufacturers. Machinery. Messrs. A. W. Dobbie & Co. are to the fore with a creditable display of their various wellknown spray pumpa, including the SnellingDobbie patent 'Little Gem,' the Dobbie patent 'Excelsior' in a large tank, and the same in wheelbarrow form, the horizontal, knapsack, and small foot or bucket pmnpe, all having the latest improved non-choking nozzles attached. One cf the special features of the exhibit is their patent pump fitted on to a 40-gallon barrel, thus avoiding the oorrosion to which iron tanks are liable when UBing the Bordeaux mixture. As the spray- pumps were kept in constant operation a great deal of interest was shown by the visitors, especially fruitgrowers, who are awake to the necessity of spraviner to preserve their fruit crops. The same firm are also exhibiting one of their patent water-lifters, which are so much used for watering sheep, cattle, &c, their special feature being the remarkable amount of water (1,000 gallons per hour) which one man can discharge with them. Another feature in the exhibits of Messrs. HarroH Brothers is the 'Illillawa tankcleaner' scoop, which overcomes a longstanding difficulty by removing silt of any consistency, from softest peasoup to stiff clay, from tanks or waterholes of any size, either with or without water in them. The scoop consists of a hollow semi-cylinder of Btrong steel pla-te, and is five-eights of a yard exact measurement, but carries three-quarters of a yard of stiff silt. The scoops are supplied either singly or in pairs, and oan be worked bo, but the pair work to better advantage, for the empty one is then drawn into the tank on one side by the full one as it goes out on the other. For working a pair two teams of six to eight horsea or bullocks each are required, and for a single scoop one team and a pair of horses. The system of filling and emptying the scoop is automatic, simple, and accurate, without any further attention than the driving of the teams, whioh are alternately travelling backwards and forwards, quite clear of the removed silt. No posts, pullejs, or other fixing whatever is required, as the draft is direct, and therefore comparatively light. These scoops, although only recently invented, are now largely used in Riverina, where tanks from 6,000 to 7,000 yards half full of silt have been cleaned out with them at a cost of 2\d per yard. The following ia a list of Judges and Stewards :— Stud Cattle. — Hereforda, Durbame, and Polled Angus — Judge, Mr. S. Goode; Steward, Mr. &L S. Hawker. Ayrshires and Jerseys — Judges, Messrs. S. Goode, C. Rake; Steward, Mr. S. Braund. Fat Stock— Judges, Messrs. W. Kither, C. C. Scarfe, H. Just, sen. ; Steward, Mr. C. Sabine. Draught Horses — Judges, Messrs. James Duncan, G. Cleggett, J. Lindsay ; Steward, Mr. J. B. Jones. Roadster Stock— Judge, Mr. A- Ferguson. Pigs — Judges, Messrs. E. Gartrell, S. Matheson. Poultry— Judge, Mr. J. C. Coupe ; Steward, Mr. J. Creswell. Dairy Produce— Judges, Messrs. P. Wood, S. Pritohard, J. H. Afford ; Steward, Mr. D. Waite. Dairy Appliances — Judges, Messrs. W. Green. R. S. Palmer, G. Henderson; Steward, Mr. W. Gilbert, M.P. Machinery — Judges, Messrs. M. McCallum, C. Hatoher; Steward, Mr. R. Raglesa. Fruits — Judges, Messrs. W. Haines, J. F. Pascoe. G. F. Ind ; Steward, Mr. W. Murray. VegetablesJudges, Messrs. F. Wigzell, T. Look, W. Moulds ; Steward, Mr. W. Lewis. Plants in Pots and in Bloom — Judges, Messrs. A. McDonald, T. Fraser, P. Somerville; Steward, Mr. T. B. Robson. Cut Flowera. — Classes 4G6 to 573— Judges, Messrs. W. C. Hackett, S. C. Stenning; Steward, Mr. A. W. Dobbie. Classes 574 to 589— Judges, Dr. A. S. Paterson, Mr. E. Hall; Steward, Mr. C. Pitt. Roots for Fodder, &c. — Judges same as for cattle. Sparrow Heads and Eggs — Judges, Messrs. W. Hackett, J. Harvey. Homestead League —Judges, Messrs. F. Charlick, A. E. Pitt; Steward, Mr. J Halliday. The following is the prize-list : — Cattle. — Durhams — Champion jmze for shcrthorn bull, 12 months old or over, Hon. J. U. Angas's Lord Waterloo X. ; bull, 4 years old or over, Hon. J. H. Angus; bull, 3 and under 4 years old, Hon. J. H. Angaa; bull, - and under 3 yearn old, Hon. J. H. Angas (2 and champion); boll, 1 and under 2 years old. Hon. J. II. aerh^ (2); champion prize for female shorthorn, 12 months old or over, Hon. J. 11. Angas; cow 01 heifer, 3 and under 4 years old, cow for breeding purposes, in calf or in milk, Hod. J. H. ADgas (2) heifer, 2 and under 3 years old, Hon. J. II. Angai (2); heifer, 1 and under 2 years old, Hon. J. H. Angaa (2 and champion). Hereford's— Champion prize for Hereford bull, 12 months old or over, Hon. J. H. Angas; bull, 1 years old or over, Hon. J. H. Anga- (and champion); bull. 3 and under 4 years old, Hon. J. H. Angas; ball, 1 and. under 2 years old, Hon. J. H. Angas; champion prize for Hereford cow, 12 months old or over, Hon. j. H. A.ngas; cow or heifer, 3 and under 4 years old. Hon. J. H. Ansan (and champion); cow for breeding purposes, in cali or in milk, Hon. J. H. Angas; heifer, 2 and under 3 years old, Hon. J. H. Angas; heifer, 1 ami under 2 years old, Hou. J. 11. An^as. Polled Angus— Bull, J. Lewis; cow, J. Lewis Ayrshire— Bull, 4 years old or over, Hon. J. H. An^as, J. Edrnondson; buU, 3 years old or over, Hon. J. H. Angas; bull, 2 and under 3 years old, J. Edmondson; bull, 1 and under 2 yean old, J. Ednumdson; cow for breeding purposes, in 'alf or in milk, Ho'. J. H. An^as; heifer, 2 and under '?- years old, Hon. J. H. Angaa; heifer, 1 and under 2 years old. J. Robertson. Jerseys— Bull, 4 ? ears old or over, Allan Baker (2); bull, 2 and under 3 years old. A. J. Murray; bull. 1 and under 2 years old. All n Baker; c«w for breeding purpos«s, in crjf or in milk, A. J. Murray (2); heifer, 2 and under 3 years old, A. J, Murray; heifer, 1 and under 2 yeara old, A. J. Murray. Judges' Remarks—' We ar« Tery pleased indeed with tne iraproTed show of dairy cattle, the number and quality, some splendid animals being exhibited.' Fat Stock.— Fat Cattle, any breed— Ox, Smith, Debney. and Co. (' well worthy'); oxen, two, Smith, Debney, and Co. (' wonderfully good'). Judges' Remarks — ' We regret that stock should be shown twice, as we consider it detrimental to the competition.' Fat Sheep— Merino wethers, Canowie Proprietors (2): lone-woolled wethers, not Merino, Hon. J. H. AuRas, Bennett and Fisher; Down wethers, Bennett and Figher (2); crossbre.1 wethers, A. J. Murray. Judges' Remarks— 'We regret that fat st'-ck «hould be shown twice, as we consider it detriment!1 to the competition.' Merino ewes, Canowie Proprietors (' very good'); Merino and Down lambs, BeDnett and Fisher. Horses. — Draught Stock— Champion prize for draught entire of any ace, Lang Brothers'Governor; entire, 4 years old or over, J. O. Burdett. jun., J. Frew; three year-old entire, Lang Brothers, J. Boutell; two-year-old do., R. F. Hannay; oneyear-old do.. J. Boutell. Judpe3' Remarks — 'The exhibit' as a whole were not up to expectations. Th» champion Drize winner was a fairly good horse.' Boaditer Stock.- Entire, three-year-old or o»er, suitable for harness, Sewage Farm, J. Boutell; br^od mare, visibly in foal or with foal at foot, suitable to produce harness horses, W. H. Gray. J. G. Burdett, jun.; brood m%re. visibly in foal or with foal at foot, suitable to produce hunters and carriage hornes, W. Blackler, W. H. Gray; three- v*ar-old filly, W. Moorhouse; twoyearold nUy, W. Bladder, W. Moorhouse; onevear-old filly, G. Rodgers; pony entire, not less than 13 or over 14.1 bands, J. P. Williams. J. J. Hemsley; pony mare, visibly in foal or with foal at foot, not less than 13 or over 14.1 hands, J. O Burdett, jun ; pony»ntire,12anduDder 13 hands. H. Just, jun. : pony mare, visibly in foal or with foal at foot, Ii and under 13 hands, J. G. Burdett. Jan., C. H. Wilkinson; pony mare, visibly in foal or with foal at foot, 11 and nnder 12 hatds, J. G. Burdett, jun. (' Well worthy ' PiGS.— Boar of any breed under one year, W. Kither, J. I edger ; sow o' any breed under one year, J. Ledger (2)- Berkshire boar, W. E. Ford, C H Wilkinson: Berkshire sow, Sewage Farm. J. Ledger; Berkshire sow and litter, W. K. Ford (*?,; Essex boar, W. B. Sell«, J. Borrett; Essex sew, J. Borrett, W. B. Sells; Es*ex »ow and litter, W. B. Sells (2): three fat porkers cf any breed, not esceedinn 125 lb. each live weight, W. Kither, W. B. Selli; throe bacon pigs of any breed, W. Kither (2); fat pig of any breed, J. Ledger (2); champion prize for boar, W. B. Sells; champion priw for sow, S«wage Farm. Judges' Remarks— ' We regret that there was not more competition.' Poultry. — Dorkings — Sil»er - grey cock, J. Maude, C. Everett and Co.; do. heo, j. Maude, D. Wmite; any other colour cock, J. Maude. J. J. Gabb; do. nen, J. J. Gabb (2). Cochins— Buff cock. J. Maude. W. H. Milford; do. hen, W. H. Milford.J. Maude; partridge cock, J. Maude, W. A Milford; do.htr^T. a Milford, J.Maude; any

other colour cock, J. Maude, XT. H. Milford; do. hen, W. H. Milford. J. Mande. langshans— Cock, W. H. Osborne (2); hen, W. H. Osborne, J. F. Mellor, jun. Branmas — Dark cock, J. Maude; do. hen, W. H. Milford, 3. Maude; light cock, J. Maude, T. H. Treloar; do. hen, T. H. Treloar, J. Miude. Plymouth Rock -Cock, T. H. Treloar, W. U. Milford, S. Cope (a), J. Maude ( ): hen, J. Maude, S. Cope. Any other variety — Cock, T. H. Treloar; hen, J. Maude, T. H. Treloar. Game— Black-red cock, Forsaith and Fox, T. H. Treloar; do. hen, Forsaith and Fox (2), 3. H. Johnson (v.h.c); duckwing cock, W. Colyer. W. H. Milford; do. lien, J. Maude, w. Colyer; pile cock, Forsaith and Fox, W. H. Milford, Brown and Co. (h.c), T. II Treloar (a); do. hen, J. Maude, Foreaith and Fox (h.c.) Any other colour or variety— Cock, T. Maude. T. H. Treloar; hen, J. Maude, T. H. Treloar. MalaysBlackred cock, Brown and Co., J. Maude, W. Colyer, and Forsaith and Fox (h.c); do. hen, Brown and Co., Forsaith and Fox, W. Colyer (v.h.c); brown or blue red hen, Brown and Co.; any other colour cock, Brows and Co. , J. F. Mellor; do. hen, J. F. Mellor, J. A. Naismith, Forsaith and Fox (v.h.c). Minorcas— Cock, S. Cope, W. H. Milford; hen, B. T. Duncan. W. H. Milford (and v.h.c). Spanish— Cook, J. J. Hemsley, W. Diihley. W. H. Milford (h.c): hen, W. B. MUford (2), J. J. Hemsley (v.h c ). Leghorns— White cock, J. Maude, W. H. MilfoTd; do. hen W. H. Milford, J. A. Naismith ; brown cock, Forsaith and Fox (2), T. H. Treloar (h.c): do. hen, R. S. Duncan, Forsaith and Fox (and v.h.c). AndalusUns- Cock, S. Cope, W. Dishley; hen, W. H. Milford, J. Maude. Houdans- Cock, 3. Maude, Brown and Co.; hen, J. Maude. Brown and Co. Polands — Whitecrested cock, D. H. Harrold (2): do. hen. D. H. Harrold (2); spangled cock, T. H. Treloar, Forsaith and Fox; ipangled hen. S. Cope 2). T. H. Treloar (v.h.c). Hamburgs— Black cock, J. Mantle, T. H. Treloar; do. hen, R. S. Duncan. J. Maude, T. H. Treloar (v.h.c ): gold pencilled or spangled cock, J. Mande, S. Cope; do. h»n, J. Maudfl (2) ; silver pencilled or spangled cock, J. Maude, S. Cope; do. hen. J. Maude, D. H. Harrold. Bantams— Game cock, J. Maude, Brown and Company; do. hen. J. Maude, W. H. Milford: any other variety cock, J. Maude, Brown and Company: do. hen, J. Maude (2), T. H. Trealoar (v.h.c). Turkeys— Bronze cock, G. Ayton, Bennett and Fisher; do. hen. G. Ayton; any other colour cock, Brown and Company; do. hen. Brown and Company, W. H. Gray. Gander. J. Maude, J. F. Mellor (and v.h.c); goose. J. F. Mellor (2); Aylesbury dock, J. Maude, T-. H. Harrold; do. drake, J. Maude. D. H. Harrold ; Pekin drake, W. Krishock (21 ; do. duck, W. Krishock (2); Rouen drake. D. H. Harrold (2): do. duck, D. H. Han-old (2); any other variety pure-breed drake, D H. Harrold. R. S. Duncan; do. duck, D. H Harrold, R. S. Duncan; common drake, J Miude. W. B, Brown and Co.; do. duck, J. Maude, W. H. Gray; table fowl, B^own and Co., J. Hobbi; dressed fowl, Nitschka and Co.. W. H. Milford. Dairy Produce.— Butter, fresh, 50 lb., to be shown in plain rolls or cubes with no stamp or mark. Mount Barker Dairy Company, Blakiston Butter Factory. Clar-ndon Butter Factory: butter, fresh, 7 lb., to be shown in plain rolls or cubes with no stamp or mark, made on a dairy or farm where no milk is purchased, D Kirk (2); butter, salt.. 5 cwt.. in kegs, cases, or tins, fit for export, Kondoparinea Butter Factory, Blakiston Butter Factory; cheese. 1 cwt., Onka-osringa Cheese and Butter Factory, Mount Barker Pairy Company ; hen escs,' W. Nitschke, Joseph Hobbs : duck eggs, J. Hobbs, J. F. Mellor; b*con, factory cured, iu full sides or flitches, Thomas Parry (2). A. H. Ternouth; bacon, farm cured, from pigs raised and fattened by exhibitor, F. Nosworthy, J. Hammond; bacon, rolled, Monks of Old, Thomas P»rry; hams, pork, A. J. Temoath, L. Conrad, Monks of Old; hams, pork, two, farm cured, from pigs raised and fattened by exhibitor, J. A. Naismith, G. Hammond; cheese. Onkapannga C. & B Compiny; bacon, L. Conrad; hams, A. H. Ternouth. Judges' Remarks — ' Kxhibits of butter v»-ry fino; Judges had great difficulty in deciding. The show of cheese was not up to the nsual. Bacon and hams were well represented; excellent meat-, but wanting in a?e The Judges are of opinion an exhibitor should only be allowed to hare one entry in etch class.' Dairy Appliances.— Churns for butter, A. w. Sandford and Co. (' A new and worthy exhibit'); mechanical or automatic butter workers, A. W. Sandford and Co. ; cheese-tub, A. W. Sandford and Co. Agricultural Machinery, Implements, -t\— New machine, Clutterbuck Brothers; threshing machine, J. G. Ramsay and Co. ; machine to mow stinkwort. Judged Remarks — 'We don't feel justified in awarding a prize in this class without seeing the same tried.' Fruits.— Collection of dried fruits, F. A. Pulleine ('Good collection),' J. Bray (' Splendid exhibit'), F. A. Pulleine (' Very good); fruit, new collection, Mrs. A. Muegge, J. Hobbs. C. Fitt; citrus tribe, collection, J. Hobbs, \V. H. Ind, J. Beasley; marmalade fruits, J. Hobbs, J. Beaslej, W. II. ind; citrons, W. Wear, J. Beasley; oranges, not navel or blood, W. H. Ind, J. Hobbs, W. Wliite' (' Very superior lot of fruit, and competition keen); do., naTol, J. Hobbs, W. H. Ind, W. Wear; ilo., blood, J. Beasl-y.W.H. Ind; mandarins, W U. Ind J Beasley. J. Hobbs; oranges, new, W. H. Ind, J. Hobbs; lemons, twelre, W. White, W. H. Ind. C. Pitt; limes, J. Btasley, C. Pitt, E. Smith; apples, collection, Newman and Son, J. Jennings; do., dessert, Newman and Son, E. Smith; do., kitchen, J. Jennings, Xewman and Son; pears, assortment, C. Giles, M's A.Muegge;do., dessert, RowellBrothers; ilo., kitchen, Mrs. A. Muegge, C. Giles; loquats, Rowell Brothers, W. Wear; guavas, dish, C. Pitt. Judges remarks — 'The Judges consider the exhibition of fruits very good. The competition in some of tha classes waa very keen, and decision difficult. We noticed one very fine lot of navel oranges, the largest in the Show, which were not put in for competition.' Vegetables — Collection, Rowell Brothers, Mrs. A. Mueyge, Brooker and Son; carrots, long, C. A. Halliday, C. H. Hann; do., short, C. H. Hann, J. T. Lemar; red beet. Mrs. A. Muegge. Wright Brothers; celery, C. H. Hann, C. A. Halliday; salad, collection, Mrs. A. Muegge, Brooker and Son; peas, W. H. Ind; rhubarb, J. Jennings (2); parsnips, Mrs. A. Muegge, C. A. Halliday; turnips, white, Rowell Brothers, Brooker and Son; do., yellow, Mrs. A. Muegge, C. H. Hann; do., Swedes, J. T. Lemar, H. A. Hann; culinary herbs, collection, J. V. Lemar, H. A. Hann; cabbages, flatheads, six, C. A. Halliday, W. Wear; do., heart-shaped, J. H. Mclnnes, W. Wear; do., red, J. T. Lemar, C. H. Hann; cauliflowers, H. A. Hann, Bronkerand Son; spinach, Brooker and Son, Mrs. A. Muegge; lettuces, cos, J. Beasley: do., any other varietv, Rowell Brothers, Bruoker and Son; leeks, Mrs. A. Muegge, C. A. Halliday; asparagus. Rowell Brothers. G. Channing; seakale, Rowell Brothers (2); onions. C. A. Halliday, J. T. Lemar; potatoes, kidneys, H. A. Hann (2); do., round red, J. T. Lemar, C. A. Halliday: do., any other variety, Rowell Brothers, Wright Brothers. Judges' remarks — ' The Judges report a good show in potatoes, with keen competition. Red onions were also good. Red cabbage* and leeks were well worth showing. Collections of vegetables were very poor, as were also most of the other exhibits ' Floriculture.— Plants in Pots— New, Newman and Son, H. Sewell; new, hardy outdoor, H. Sewell, E. Smith : ornamental plaDts, Newman and Son (2), H Sewell, E. Smith ; hardy outdoor, E. Smith, Newnnn and Son; variegated foliage, Newman and Son. E. Smith; palms, Newman and Son; ornamental, for table decoration, in pots, Newman and Son (2); tree fern. I\'ew _an and Son (2); ferns, Newman and Son (4), J. A. Johnson; lycopods. Newman and Son; fern or lycopod, grown and shown under glass, Newman and Son; tricolour pelargoniums, six, W. H. Ind, C. Giles (2), J. A. Johnson; bicolour pelargoniums, W. H. Ind (3), J. A. Johnson (2); plants in baakete, Newman and Son (3), H. Sewell (3); Plants in Pots and in Bloom. — New, Newman and Son, E. smith; new, hardy outdoor, ..Newman and Son, J. Beggs; store or greenhouse, Newman and Son (3), K. Smith (3); hardy outdoor, Newman and Son (3), E. Smith (3); fuchsia, W. H. Ind; pelargonium, fancy, K. Smith, H. Sewell; do., zonale, sincle. H. Sewell (2), E. Smith (4), W. H. Ind (2); do., zonale, double. E. Smith (4), W. U. Ind (4); cactus, one, Newman ami Son ; calceolaria. one, Newman & Son, cinerarias, three, Newman and Son (3-, E. Smith (2), J A. John°on (2), W.Lucas; primula sinensis, Brooker and Son.K. Smith (3), VV. B. Ind (2); do., any other variety, Newman and Son (2), G. Laughton, C Giles, E. Smith; mimulas. Newman and Son (3); petunias, double, H. Sewell (2), Brooker and Son; petunias, single, H. Sewell (3), W. Han-is; bulbous or tnberous, Newman and Son (2), W. Harris, E. Smith ; cyclamens, Newman and Son, E. Smith (2). W. Harris, G. Laughton (2); climber, Newman and Son; camellias. Newman and Son (3), E. Smith (2); Lzaleas, Newman and Son (3); ericas, Newman and Son; orchids, Newman and Son(G). Judges' Rema»ks — 'We regret so many blanks, in the list of exhibits. SH11 a very fine lot of foliage and tlowerin£ plants are shown. We would particularly mention the fine exhibits of orchids, and would recommend that in future they be shown on a raised table instead of on the ground, as their beauty would be seen to better advantage. The camellia plants are poor, and we awarded prizes merely to encourage competition.' Cut Flowers— New, H. Sewell (2) : new hardy outdoor, J. Beeps, Newman and Son ; hardy outdoor. Newman and -on (2), E. Smith (2) : collection?, Newman and Son (4). E. Smith (2), Sir E. T Smith (2*; flower, one, Newman and Son, H. Sewell; roses, twelve, J. Hnbbs (3), E. Smith, W. Harris, J. Bray; antirrhinums. J. A. Johnson (3), W. Harris Ci); pwonies. tree. C. Giles (3), E. Smith (2); gladioli. W. Harris (1). H. Sewell, J. A. Johnson; an»mnne«, J. H. Mclnnes (4), H. Sewell; ranunculi. J. H. Mclnnes (4), W. H. Ind(S), E. Smith; jparaxis, E. Smith, J. H. Mclnnes; ixia, W.Harris; hyacinths, Newman and Son (2) ; dianthus, single. J. H. Mclnnes (2), J. J. Gabb, J. Beepi; do., double, J. Beggs; sweetwilliara, J. H. Mclnne»; pelargonium, fancv, E. Smith. W. Harris; do., znnale, single, W. H. Ind (4). E. Smith. J. J. Gabb (3%: do., do., donble, E. Smith. W. H. Ind (2), J. J. (3abb(2). H. Sewell: pblox Drummonrii, W. Harri*. J. J. Gabb, J. H. McTnnes, J. Beeps; verbenas. J. H. Mclnnes (2). « . Harris; everlastings, W. H. Ind (4), W. Harris (2). J. Beggs. J. A. Johnson; camellia's. JTawmsn and Son (4). E. Smith (4), H. Sewell (x), C. Giles; azaleas, Newman and Snn (3i, C Gile3 i2): ericas, Newman and Son (3), E. Smith (2); petunia, double. W. Harris; do. single, J. H. Mclnnes (3). H. Sewell (2): paosies. show, .T. H. Mclnne* (3), C. A. Halliday (2); do. fancy, J. B*-egs (2), J. H. M- Innes (2), C. *? Halliday ; annuals, J. J. Gabb, J. H. Mclnnes (3), W. Harris, J. Beggs (2); stocks, .1. H. Mclnnes (3), J. A. Johnson. J. J. Gabh; bulbous or tuberous, Newman and Son (4), W. Harris, J. Beggs, H. Sewell; climbers, H. Sewell (2), Newman and Son (2), W. narris. E. Smith; pair ducks. S. J. Da we, J. Heaymann; fat pig, any breed, not exceeding 1G0 lb., S J. T)awe. Judges' Remarks — ' We regret the absence of competition. Some classes were very deficient.' Shrubs. Newman and Son (4). E. Smith (2), H. Sewell (2); amaryllis, Newman and Son: cowslips and polyanthus, C. Giles, Brooker and Son: flowers indicennns to South Australia, E. Smith. Halliday Brothers; floral design, Newman and Son; H. Sewell (2); design of flow*™ and fruit, W. H. Ind (2); basket of flowers, Newman and Son, H. eewell (2): bouquet for centre table, Newman and Son, H Sewell, W. Harris: bouquet for band, Newman and Son, H. Sewell, J. T. Hannam; bouquets for buttonhole, Newman and Snn, J T. Hannam, H. Sewell (2): ladies'dressbonquet, Newman and Son (2), J. T. Hannam (2), H. Sewell; wreath, Newman and Son, J. T. Hannam, n Sewell; wall basket cat flowers, Newman and Son, H Sewell: bouquet everlasting flowers. Newman and Son. H. 'ewell ; bouquet everlasting flowers in their natural state, W. H. Ind, O. Zelgler: wreath everlasting flo«ers, H. Sewel', W. H. Ind, Vewman and Son; special for basket flowers from plants grown in open garden by am%teur», O. Zeigl«r; ^p-;cial for bouquet for table from plants grown in open garden by amateurs. O. Zeigler. Sparrow Eggs and Heads— Sparrow eggs G Rawlings, 3,600; J. Go«i, 1,450; H. T. Nichol's' l.?75: J. Wonlcock. 860; W. Manger, 600- J H Tilley, 360. Sparrow bead?, J. Mellor 555 Homestead League.— PrUelUt- Collection produce, not le»s than 12 varieties, S. J. THwe: J. H. French, -I. Heavmann; potatoes, round, S J Dawe; cabbages, six, J. Heaymann. S. J. Pa we: piemelons, S J. Dawe: celery, six heads. J. Heavmann ? lettuce, S. J. Dawe; apples, table, J. H. French; do., kitchen, J. H. French: pean, table, J. H. French; lemons, R. Hannah, S. J. Dawe; homemado bread. 3. Slaikiar, J. Pcrteu; batttb 4^

Slaikier, E. Hannah; flitch bacon, S. J. Dawe; pmk, ham, S. J. Dawe, J. Slaikier; hen eggs, A. Baffelt, J. Slaikier: tomato sauce, J. Slaikier; dried fruits, S. J. Dawe, J. H. Mclnnes; bouquet of flowers, S. J. Dawe, A. Baffelt, J. H. French. Poultry.— Pair leghorns, R. Whitelaw, S. J. Dawe: pair any other breed, J. Heaymann.