Register News-Pictorial (Adelaide, SA : 1929 - 1931), Thursday 12 September 1929, page 6


By Rufus

rpHE naming of lacchoiscs is a fascinating pastime. One experiences sheer de-light when one is able to incorporate the Biro and the dam in the coEnomcu. . 'Behe-

moth, woo wrote many tine articles lor The Register was the host authority, in Austiaha at this ait is tic business links With Adelaide YESTERDAY I was talking to Mr. J. H. Gosse, and I learned that he had named Mr. R. M. Hawker's two-year-old by Bold and Bad out of The Irish Maid, Anne Bonny. I had to confess my ignorance concerning the lady. He explained that Anne Bonny was the most celebrated female pirate. My friend showed me an author's copy of the Pirates' Who's Who, which gives particulars of the lives and deaths of the pirates and buccaneers. It is written by his cousin Phillip Gosse, a doctor at home, who in-scribed the copy I saw, 'For Jim Gosse from his affectionate kinsman the writer.' Philip Gosse, who is a son of the late Sir Edmund Gosse, married Gertrude Hay, who was the belle of Adelaide in my youthful days. Her mother and sister Dolly were lost in the Waratah. Anne Bonny ^JNNE Bonny was boin in County Cork, and Jier father \vas an attorney'-at-law, who practised his profession in that city, her mother being lady's maid' to the attorney's lawful wife. .Her good looking young American sailor-husband having left her, Anne, disguised' in sailor's clothes, went to sea with the handsome rich dare-devil pirate, Capt. John Rnckam, known up and down', the American coast as 'Calico Jack.' The pirates were ' surprised, and in a ' most cowardly manner, wore driven ? below decks. Anne Bonny and another woman, fought, gallantly ; till taken ? prisoners. Anno ' saw Rackam in jnil before he was executed; and said, 'She was sorry to sec him there,' but if. ho had -fought like, a man, . he- need not have been banged like a dog.' .??*' ' Sandhjlls And Leichhardt : Jjy[R. E A Brooks, in the-course of a chat yesterday, said:— 'In 1911 I went : some niiles into the country referred to by 'Mr. C. T. Madignn. It starts on the western boundary of Clifton Hills Station. . Thm-e nro

miles of sandhills witn straight sides, and tops blowing in ' the:' wind like fire. They are almost , impossible to climb, and there is no sign of Vegotation either on the sandhills or between them. There is a theory, that Leiclihardt and his party perished ? in' thi3 country, 'as the . last traces known of the. ex-plorer, are -repo'rted to. be a blaze 'and marks

uu . a tree at anaananie station in vjueenjjland Home distance cast of .where this country starts. Leichhardt might have pushed into these sandhills and could go neither forward nor backward. ' ? The sand1 would soon blow over the equipment, which would become the baBe of a sandhill. . Any obstacle will form a sandhill up there. 'The old blacks that know the vicinity, say that there are mjekeries or soakages somewhere in the sandhills,- and that- they. Used to make occasional pilgrimages to .them. The younger fellows seem to 'know little or nothing -about it, only what they, have .heord- from their ciders,' '' ' . , ?- -. : .-... A Telephone Tip \ , ; ' V^HBN wo were speaking of tlie death' of Majoi-Qen. J. M. Gordon, a- fellow' presiman told mo that when Gen. Gordon was stationed in 'Adelaide, about' the j time 9f the South Afiican'war, a development occurxed one - Sunday, news concerning, .which was in gently lequiicd .The pressman rang up' the Stulmg exchange, having vaguely heard that Gen. Gordon had .'gone to Mount Lofty for the week-end'' That office informed him 'that it kficw nothing about the whereabouts' of the Gencinl. . Before* the telephone opciator had finished . .speak inir, tlie . pressman hoard - over the 'wire- a stentonan voice call, 'Give me 6O1.''U -That was the numbe'r'of.the Cllief Staff Officer -(Col. Stnait), and the voice calling wag -Gen; Gorr don lunisclfi .'Put me on to' Ijfp. person culling 001,' soul the reporter, ana1' .lie got the Jesired interview.. .,','How.JJio dickens did you get on to me.yesterday,' asked Gen, Gordon, « hen the pressman saw bun on the Monday. When informed, he remarked, ''I always thought the telephone \Vaa a secret' instrument; I'll bare to be ihoro' careful in future.'

Spoiling Our Hillsides , gTEPITEN Parsons writesj— 'Dear Rufus— J - If you want to do something for pos- ? twity, I wish you would . interest yourself I and your hosts of readers iu the necessity | of preserving intact tho beauty of the Mount Lofty ranee, as viewed from ? Adelaide.

air. Amnoney is w- 'e commended for his suggested afforestation scheme in its application to our ? Adelaide hills. But a matter of even greater' importance ' and -one which calls -for immediate attention ub - an 'cssen- . tially necessary ' pre-^ liminary to affp'resta-fl tion, is .tho cessation oifl the spoliation o( ouvl beautiful hills, owingv

quarrying operations. From' whatever angle one approaches the city oi: by whichever of our main roads 'and '-- avenues one enters the hills, these ugly, yawning, gaping chasms testify to the deacration of what, should be the people's heritage. Are we to stand idly by and without protest allow, these even increasing pock marks and. blotches .to dis-l figure the charming face of nature? ] What We Owe To Posterity , 'If we are careless-' or indifferent, as regards our own ' personal interests, surely we owe it to those who: come after -us that succeeding generations shall not be deprived of their inherent * right to enjoy and pass on to their children the beautiful gifts and provision of nature' unsullied and complete. I know ; the argument advanced by some, who say man can do as lie likes with, his own property. ? I -reply, certainly .not if by so doing he interferes with the rights of others. -I remember some years ago when.' an*' attempt. waB made to 6reet a monster advertisement on the hillside, .the public were, highly indignant, with the result that its- removal was ordered. We have laws which prevent the erection of unsightly buildings in the city '-and- suburbs, thus preserving , the ' beauty and symmetry of tho streets and surroundings, but 'a _mutter of far greater . importance, ' viz., a' disfigurement in nature jv*'ich time will never efface, is allowed to pass . unheeded or without, protest. It is high time that steps were taken to rectify this nnomoly... . Quarries ought not to overlook the pity, but should be on the other side of the ranges.'- ' The Thinking Few -rpOORAK writes:— I have' read '.with in? terest the excellent verses wjijeh. you have quoted, fobm tinie to time, in your' column, and. send; along the following lines, which seem to me to be especially apt in these 'days' of muddled' politics1 'and dearth of national leaders:-- » Tho' man. a 'thinking., being is defined, Few use the great prerogative of niind. How few think justly of the thinking -few, How many never, think- who think .they do. Fhose Names '?.. . ,\ '-, li. -Wylyj Grange, 'writes:— Dear Rufus - *-— The discussion which took. place-:. in the Souse . regarding- Australian names -prompts ne to suggest* that you-might see fit to publish Banjo Paterson's Those Names. ; , ^ . 'Most'of 'the . names 'tire- easy'^shbrt for a man to Bay.- ? .-? ; .''?? Sfou'vo heard of Mungrybiimbonc and tho . Gu'udab'uey' pine/', _ ?.*''. . 'Jubbbatba, Girilainboije,'; 'and' T^iTamungam Jno» .Quqmbone, ', Eu'nonyliareeiiylm,' . ?' - ,. . 'Wee' Waa,' and Bunfijo.' . .... . *tut the rest of the shearers slopped -him, ? ''For the sake of youv-jow, go' slow,'if' you reckon those names arc short ones out where such names prevail, 1' ', '?„ Fust try - and remember some long ones before you begin the tale.' Your recent correspondent'* Tom 'Hayward, could, L -feel r sure,- appreoia to these verses, le 'was ah .able reciter- of Banjo. Paterson's vorks , at bur social gatherings^'in Broken lill years ago'. . .

Mr. E. A. Brooki

Mr. E. A. Brooki

Mr. Stephen Partont

Mr. Stephen Partont