Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Saturday 12 October 1912, page 20





Anything that can trace its history back sixty vears in South Australia can claim association with the State during the greater part of its life. A gathering of old scholars of the Adelaide Educational Institution, established by Mr. J. L. Young in 1852 and closed in 1880, celebrated at a social at Bricknell's

cafe on Friday evening, the diamond jubilee of the opening of the institution. The reunion had a second aim of equal importance-to found a scholarship or prize in memorv of the master who, it was obvious, had been revered and deeply loved by all his scholars. Mr. Frank Johnson presided over a large attendance of men of various ages, representative of big business firms, the various profes-sions, civic life, and the public service.

The Chairman, after the loyal toast had been honored, proposed, amid great en-thusiasm, "The Old School-the Adelaide Educational Institution." They were met he said, to do honor to the memorv of the school to which they owed eyerything in life, and the master who would be venerated as long as an old Young's scholar drew breath. (Applause.) He yielded to none in his admiration of

the institution, his connection with which had begun in August, 1863 and ended in December, 1869. His first entry, he well remembered because he was on that occasion smartly attired in his first pair of "pants." (Laughter.) He could not but be stirred by the recollection of his association with their dear old friend, Thomas Ben-nett, whose wonderful penmanship was a record for all time in the history of the school. They had not forgotten either Oliver Young, familiarly known a "Cocky." To the lasting credit of the school it might be said that the unfortu-

nate disability under which he suffered was never held up against him. In the school he was "Mr. Oliver," although he became "Cockey" in the playground (Laughter.) Later there was the Rev. Thomas Smellie or Smiley-he could not remember whether his name was Smellie and they called him Smiley, or Smiley and they called him Smellie. (Laughter.) He was a curious mixture, with a rasping exasperating voice, and a temper like a fiend. Perhaps some would remember how he had to rise on his toes to reach the high blackboard, how some boy would place a cracker under his heel, and when he came down he would think his dignity had departed for ever. (Loud laughter.) Later there was the gentlemanly Needham the cassical scholar of high repute--(hear hear)-and Irwin, commonly known as G.R.I., one of the best of good fellows.

A Voice-What year was that? Another -Voice-'Fifty-six.

The First Voice-Before my time.

Mr. Johnson said some would remember von Schleinitz, the old German teacher. (Hear, hear, and laughter.) There were few who learned German. He was one of

the few.

A Voice-Tried to. (Laughter.)

Sir. Johnson-I learned a poem and re-cited it in White's rooms.

A Voice-Give it to us now.

Mr. Johnson-I recollect it-"Das Gluck von Edenhall." ("The Luck of Edenhall.") (Longfellow).

A Voice-What about Ewers?

Mr. Johnson said there were many others he could not think of that night. There was a curious practice in those old days, which probably some remembered, and that was that when a boy secured a prize he was hoisted upon the roof of a shed. (Voices-"Yes.'") He got a prize in 1854 for English grammar, and the day he did so he was surprised at the interest "Charley" Kingston and his brother "Pat," Mr. S. J. Jacob's brother, and Holland, and one other took, in him. But before he knew it he was up on the roof of the shed. (Laughter.) The great prize win-ner of that year was Edward N. Wigg, elder brother of the doctors who were present that night. (Applause.) There was one painful episode in his memorythat was the thrashing of a boy in the

second-class room.

A Voice-Aye, aye, with a T square. (Laughter.)

Mr. Johnson-I don't remember that, but I know he was held on a form by a boy at his head and another at his feet. (Laughter.),

A Voice-And they split his trousers. (Roars of laughter.)

Mr. Johnson's face lighted with the sud-den recollection of it. He said Mr. Young -Johnny, as they irreverently called him -had lectured one day on the tulip mania in Holland, and said a thousand pounds had been paid for a tulip. He had said. "I suppose you boys never knew of £1,000 being paid for a tulip?" "Yes, sir," said C. C. Kingston. "Indeed?" queried the master. "Yes, two lips," replied Kingston. (Laughter.) He (Mr. Johnson) had re-minded Kingston of that some years ago, and the eminent statesman recollected it". Kingston was one of the finest scholars and writers in English that the world had known, and his success was due to the great master who had laid the foundation for the superstructure in the Adelaide Educational Institution. (Applause.) Those present were now no juveniles, because the school had been shut for 30 years. They were met to speak of their pride in the

institution and of their reverence for so good, honorable, moral, and high and broad minded a man as John Lorenzo Young. (Applause.)

A number of gentlemen delivered speeches reminiscent of their sojourn at the


Mr. W. Sandover claimed to be the only "'old boy" from the old country pre-

sent. He was now one of the education authorities of the county of Surrey, and in that capacity often had talked of the way Mr. Young taught in the Adelaide educational institution. He did not think it had been mentioned that Mr. Young had studied in Heidelberg University or some school at Heidelberg. The old master had told him that he based his system of teaching upon that in use in Germany. They could look round now and say truth-fully that the system of teaching that came from Germany had not been im-proved upon. (Hear, hear.) One of his keenest recollections was of being hoisted upon the roof of the shed which the chair-man had referred to. In the Freeman street school Mr. Young had decided that no boy should be thrashed unless he had been tried, and found guilty by a jury oi his schoolmates. The juries were elected, and on one occasion when he was nomi-nated the school was placarded, "Vote for Sandover." ("'Hear, hear. We remember.") He and Mr. J. S. Hawkes were considered to be good at Euclid and geometry and were dubbed "the geometers." A cricket match was arranged to decide whether those learned in Euclid were any better than the "duffers," and when - Mr. Hawkes and he having made "ducks" - his side was easily beaten the supe-riority of the duffers was tho-roughly established. (Laughter.). Very few fellows took geometry or Euclid seri-ously after that. (Laughter.)

Mr. John Partridge, the second boy to enrol at the school at its opening in 1852, caused a hearty laugh by remarking that he 'had been told the school began game with a Peacock and a Partridge (the late Mr. Caleb Peacock was the first scholar).

Mr. J. P. Roberts referred to the Bastille and to Mr. Young's penchant for chemical experiments, particularly with carburetted hydrogen.

Other speakers were Messrs. J. Moor-house (began in 1856), B. D. Carvosso (1854), George Crase (1855). Montgomery Martin (1856). A. W. Marshall (1857), John Verco (1857), Ebenezer Finlayson, Dr. R. E. Harrold. Messrs. F. A. Chap-man (1877), Smith (1854), J. W. Jones, and E. S. Hughes and J. S. Hawkes (Geometry Hawkes).

Mr. F. W. Bullock said there never lived a kinder-hearted man than J. L. Young, or one who had done more for South Australia. Their late master had told him just before he left for England that C. C. Kingston had visited him and asked him whether he should enter poli-tics. He had advised Kingston in do so, and remarked to him (Mr. Bullock), 'Mark my words, Charles Kingston will make his mark in South Australia." A more able man than Kingston never lived.

Although tbey might not agree with him in politics, they had to admit he was a brilliant genius, and he owed his bril-liance to J. L. Young. Nothing had been

said of thai dear old lady, Mrs. Young, the possessor of one of the sweetest natures he ever knew. (Applause.) She had died suddenly while walking in the hills. Time would not permit, or he could tell many reminiscences, including one of how "Charley'' Kingston got through the window aud ransacked the cupboards for tarts. (Laughter.)

Mr. Peter Wood moved-"That a John Lorenzo Young scholarship or prize be es-tablished at the University oí Adelaide, and that a fund be raised for such pur-pose; and that Messrs. J. T. Fitch, F. W. Bullock, E. S. Hughes, and the mover be a committee to carry out this resolution with full power to act." (Applause.) He hoped that before they left that night a committee would be formed to keep the annual reunion alive. They were indebted to Mr. Roland Robin for the idea ot hav-ing a scholarship or prize. They must have something of the kind to keep green the memory of their revered late master', because, as the years went on, the "old boys" would drop out. It might cost £1,000, for he noticed that the lowest cost of the arts course at the University was £41. Pernaps they could raise £500, which I would provide a good prize for economics

or something of the sort. Messrs. Henry Gollin, W. Sandover, S. J. Jacobs. John Barker, and he had each offered £25; thus they had already £125 promised.

Mr. A. W. Marshall seconded. Mr. J. T. Fitch, P. T. Hall (one of the old mas- ters of the school), Upton, and J. S.. Hawkes supported, and the motion was


The sentiment, ''The memory of our old

and esteemed master, Mr. J. L. Young," was honored in silence at the instance of the chairman, and Mr. E. S. Hughes gave, "Absent old scholars.*'

.Messrs. F. Johnson and E. G. Finlayson gave recitations.

There were many mementoes of the school brought forward, including a copy-book of Robert Salom, son of the late Hon. Maurice Salon, which was found three months ago, during alterations, under the

floor of Messrs. Simpson & Co.'s factory, Gawler-place, where it had probably been for the past 44 years, since J. L. Young's school on the site was demolished. "The Lynx." "The Boys' Weekly" and "The Star," three school papers, were also


The photograph of Mr. Young, which

was reproduced in "The Advertiser" yes- terday morning, was kindly lent by .Mr. J. P. Roberts.