Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Saturday 6 April 1912, page 14


Sir Henniker Heaton, Bart., is at present the guest of the Governor .pf Victoria (.Sir John Fuller), at Macedon.

During the last few months five exmembers of the Sonth Australian House of Assembly have ,died, three of them-having been ex-Ministérs. They were the Hon. K. L. Untchi'lor. Mr. Justice Homburg, Messrs. J. Moule, J. T. Morris, and D. Packham. ,

Mr. T. NT. Stephens fCoBector of Cus-toms) is still lying seriously ill in the North Adelaide Hospital as the result of a bicycle accident nearly a fortnight ago. He passed a comfortable day yesterday.

Colonel Wallace, chief of the ordnance staff in the Military Department, who lias visited Fort Largs and the military en-campment, returned to MeFDourne by the express on Frida.y.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Barr Smith, yvho have spent the summer months at Anehendnrroch. Mount Barker, returned to their city residence, Angas-street, this week.

On Thursday evening, after Hie fall of the curtain- on the last performance of "The Chocolate Soldier" at the Adelaide Theatre Roval. Mi* Amy 'Murphy, yvho" played '"Kadina," and Miss Mabie Graham, who appeared as "Mascha," were each pre-sented yvith a singing bird in a cage. Miss Graham al«o received a_ boomerang as a delicate reminder that hei- admirers wished

her to come back again. - , . i Mr. J.VT. Brown (contractor for the Edu-cation Block, Flinders-street) will leave for Sydney to-day by the express. It is his intention to inspect electric cranes and other stone-woilcing machinery, with the idea of utilising machiner}' of the same class on the big FKnders-sfcreet building.

Two Victorian officers, Colonel Wilson and Major White, travelled by the ex-press from Melbourne to Murray Bridge on Friday. Thev left fpr the scene of the militaiy encampment on arrival at the river town.'

Mr. J. A. Riley, who attended the Fede-ral Conference ot the Pastoralists' Associa-tion, in Brisbane, returned to Adelaide by the eastern express on Friday. . On his way back he visited the Royal Show in Sydney.

Miss Ethel Irving and her company have completed their Australasian engagements, and left by the Otranto yesterday for Lon-


The Minister of Customs (Mr. F. G. Tudor) left by the Otranto yesterday for


Major J. C. Waine, of Sydney, accom-panied by his wife, son, and daughter, left by the R.M.S. Otranto on Friday on a trip round the world. Major Waine intends to devote special attention to civic matters while abroad, and hopes to gain a number of ideas which will be of value to the Millions Club, of which he is a prominent


Mr. W. A. Purdom, M.I.I.E., manager of the Indiarubber, Guttapercha, and Tele-graph Works Company (Silverton Rubber Company), left on a trip to England by the Otranto yesterday. He is accompanied by

his wife.

On Thursday afternoon a number of the employes of Matthew Goode & Co. met at the office of Mr. S. H. Goode, one of the directors of the firm, for the purpose of say-ing farewell to him previous to his depar-ture by the Otranto for London. Mr. B. W. Robertson, who presided, on behalf of those present gave expression to the kindly feelings in which Mr. Goode was held by the employes of the firm. He wished him a safe journey and a long, prosperous, and useful life. Mr. J. Donaldson emphasised the remarks of the chairman, and con-cluded by reading and presenting to Mr. Goode a beautifully illuminated framed ad-dress signed by the employes. Mr. Goode replied to the kind expressions of the staff towards himself. He said he would value the address presented, and would always look back to that gathering with the greatest satisfaction. Mr. Normyn Potter, an employe of the firm, was especially thanked for the highly artistic work dis-played in the production of the address.

On Thursday, when the Wdlington-road school .broke up for the holidays, Mr. J. Mcycs, who bis been in charge of the school since April, 1809, said "Good-bye" to the children and teachers. He was the ree-ipieut of two splendid presents, a Morns

chidr from the children, and a, pair of valu-1

able ornaments from the teachers. Mr. |

Nicholas, who made the presentation, re-ferred to Mr. Moves' long connection with the school, and also the happy relations which, existed between him and . his scholars. Mr. Moyes replied.

Mr. J. B Tothill, formerly manager ot Mr. H. Dutton'« Koonowla estate, was ten-

dered a farewell in the Auburn Institute. Hall on Wednesday evening. Complimen-tary speeches were delivered bv the lion. J. J. Duncan. Rev. C. F. Hall. Colonel Castine, awl Mr. A. Robertson (chairman of the upper Wakefield District Council). Mr. S. B. Castine (district clerk) presente-.-i Air. and Mrs. Tothill with an album eif South Australian views. Mr. Tothill suit

ahly replied. He expressed pleasure that

old employes on the estate would manage j Koonowla" on the share system. Miss M. j Jj. Limbert played a pianoforte selection, and Miss IX-nnison gave a song. Mr. ariel Mrs. Tothill will sail for India next week.

AFr. Winston Chnrchill's election a« pre-sident of the Eighty Club, in succession to Mr. JJovd George (.«ays the "Westminster Gazette"), ha*, given the liveliest satisfac. tion to the membc-rs of that fighting or-ganisation. Sir John Simon said trulv at the cQub's annual meeting that Liberalism is the political creed of youth, and Mr Churchill wall welcome the opportunities which his new position brings of stimu-lating the imagination, and énergie* of the bricade of v otnh of which he has assumed command. Mr. Churchill was el<M:ted a vice-president of the- club two years, ago, while ig lOCti og H**dç, a hriJhant sBCfrit,

as Under-Secret a ry of the Colonies, ar. th« dinner yvhieh the club gave in tliat year t« the Premiers from the oversea. Dominions.

The late Canon Sir James Erasmus Philipps. author of tlie «veil-known "Manual of Hymns* aud Prayers." wits only one of tcveral titled clergymen in the Anglican Church. The Marquis of Nor-manby w-as for nearly twenty years Canon of St. George's Chapel. Windsor. There i.« a clerical earl in the iR'.r»oii of the Ri-r.-.t lion. Fi-anoih Edward Cfcwl Byng. *-:c . primen: Earl of Stratford, who is liest re-membered as a former Chaplain to t ¡a ¡lieuse* of Commons, and lion. Chaplain iii I Oueen \ ictona from liiïî to 1S72. iiteu

there is the Ue-v. Lord William Cec.l, .-on of t!ie hte» Marquis of Salisbury, wiio is the rector of Hatfield.

' Sir Henry Harben, of Warnham Lodge. | Horsham. ¡-caford Lodge. Hampstead, and ¡ Castle Hill. Folkestone, late president of . the 1'rihlenlial Assurance Company, vv io

dieu recently, lett a fortune of "£3Sti,U7 net. Sir Henry bequeathed .C1.COO to his nurse, in token of hi.«- gratitude for tier skill and eareiul at:ention to him. i duties on the* property amounted to ahout

' £47,(X0.

1 Mr. C. Edwards. M.P., -who recently ad-

vanced the theory that the- agreement- of lill«) arrived at by the South Wales eonlovvners and theil* employes, established tau i principle of a minimum wage, must not.

(«.uv- an English paper), be confused wit',*, i Mr. 12. Edwards, M.P., who, as president

...filie Miner.»' I-Ydetation of Great Britain, is one oi the men's représentatives who have been consulting with the Government on the present situation. They are ¡mc related, and they belong to different pur.

I tie«, but Mr. C. Edwards is interested ia I the crisis because he represents a mint-is' ? constituency ' a* Westminster-Er-i-t Gla-morgan. Dis defeat by eight votes by the lion. W. Onusby-Gore in his old seit of Denbigh Boroughs provided a feature ou the lirst contest of 1910. A journalist and a barrister, Mr. Edwards takes a keen ¡nter».-st in Labor questions, as befits one of the Glamorganshire members. Three of his colleagues in the representation of the county belong to the Labor Party, the best-known of them being the veteran Mr. W. Abraham. "Mahon," who is one of those negotiating with the Government in respect to the present crisis.

The "Westminster Gazette" of February 23 wrote:-Mr. F. S. Kelly, who is giving three pianoforte recitals at the Aeolian Hall, is au Australian, who is better known to fame by his distinguished career on the river. He -was. indeed, one of the very finest scullers of modern times. _ He won the Diamonds at Henley three times, put-ting up a record in 1905 which is likely to stand for some time. He also won the Wingfield Sculls in 1303, the only year he competed, and rowed for Oxford in the boati-acc.' In 190S he rowed in the Leander eight, yvhieh won a sensational victory over the Belgians at the Olympic Regatta. Mr. Kelly resides on the bank* of the Thames at Bisham Grange, Mar-


Three of the officers of the Adelaide Steamship Company's steamer Koombana, in addition to Captain Allen, were natives of South Australia. Tlie second officer, Mr. W. R. A. Kinley, as previously stated, was a son of Mr. W. II. Kinley, of Penola; Mr. F. II. Harris, the purser, ivas horn-at Port Adelaide, and, was a son' of Mr. F. J: Harris, of the Customs Depart-

ment, nis wife is it daughter of Mr., Samuel Booth, of Alberton, and there'is' one child. Mr. and Mrs. Harris,, the parents of Mr. F. H. Harris, will leave for Western Australia to-day'by the Pilbarra. Mr. F. W. Johnson, the chief steward, waa also horn at Port Adcdaide. and his brothers and sisters still live in that district. Mr. Johnson's brother-in-law and niece were on . board the Koombana. He had lived in Western Australia for some years, and he-married in that-State.

The passenger list of the steamer Koom-bana shows that on her last voyage there was on board a Presbyterian minister named Main. This is believed to be Mr. R. W. Main, a son of the Rev. W. F. Main, who was for some time in charge of St. Giles' Presbyterian Church. Norwood. Mr. Main was about 40 years old. He was educated in Victoria, and came to South. Australia about 20 years ago. He was for some time in the Union Bank in Adelaide, ¡md was transferred to Perth about ten years ago. While his father was at Nor-wood. Mr. Main interested himself in the organisations associated- with St. Giles' Church, in connection with which he did very useful work. He had latterly been ap pointed a missioner by the Presbyterian Church in Western- Australia.

^Mr. C. A. Chomley, the editor of the

"British Australasian" in London, is do-ing-excellent yvork-in advertising Australia in England and on ? the # Continent of Europe. (A correspondent in Switzerland, writing to "The Advertiser," states that paragraphs yvrittcn bv Mr. Chomley con-cerning South Australia and the other pari? of the Commonwealth, are frequently pub-lished in prominent positions in the Svvis3 und other papers. "These," ho remarks, "do us a lot of good, as they have not the ap-pearance of an advertisement."

Mr. E. Reeves, of Adelaide,--has been ai

pointed chief elocutionary adjudicator a. the South-street Competitions, Ballarat. -