Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), Saturday 12 June 1909, page 10




Mr. G. B. Gallogly. of Bowen Downs, has kindly favoured us with an extract from the " Gundagai Independent " of the Jlllli ol l.v-l month »Ililli was pilbil lied under lin- heading ol " Killin stink up two bu-iirunger* shot." Thc uuii.Uivc ivu.i flout the pru ol' ii sU-|iluotlier ol Mr. Oalloglv, who uritc. under the mime ot "Tin- hillie Hawai." Jin- Major Andrews who is referred to was Mi. (.¡¡illogly's grandfather and tin- Mils Aiidrewv. and Mr. Ciallogly mentioned wei-i hi- mother

¡uni tuilier. The extract i-oads : -

"Kunu Statiun was st in I--lip hy au armed gang of hiinlii-tingci's in I lie carly

forties." A- the circumstance* Wore

lal!,er jH'i-uliar, and thc raid ended some-what diU'cicnt lo that expected hy thc Ansi lillian Dick Turpins, the episode is world recording. Kimo, in those ihiys, be-longed lu a Major Andrews, of the ,Hh Itcginient lille ' lllind Hnlf-iuiudred, ' us they wire called, thrungli iluir having once dunged a stone wall, thinking it wits the French). The úllth, 01 rn I her u de lai linn-lit, limier Colonel Snodgrass, hud i-oiiie ont willi a ' cargo ' o: convicts Lliu e of them were act nully convicted of fielding rabbits on lord Uuinini-isc V pro-perly-and Andrews seized the oppor-tunity lu sell mit, mid he settled on the Miiiriiiubidgee, near Gundagai. A bush-ranger named Hine Cap (lie ni war« xroiv a. Illili' jockey rap) hud been raiding the settlers between thc Murrumbidgee and Vaos, muí had helped himself to nonie of Peter and Willie Stuckey's thoroughbred* to mount his gang. Ile had an eye, how-ever, on a beautiful tInee-iiuuirter Arab (belonging to MIM Andrews), a beautiful grey inure, the pride ol Hint young lady** heart, and the admiration of the country-side. lillie Cup had met Miss Andrew* liding llie inane on the Vass-voad, t'other side of Jugiong, but being, like Captain ?Starlight, a chivalrous gentleman, al-though u bushranger, he refi nilled from inking the inure then : but he told Miss A. he would call nt Kimo later on und take the .little I lean ty ' for ids own use. Mi-.. Andrews laughed and dined him tn Kinch uer mare. Thc bushranger said he fully intended to do KO, and rode off. while

Miss Andrews rode on hume.

" Thin Hine Cup appears to have liecn lather il decent sort of Peiidwood Dick, u.s bushrangers go. hcinuse he sent a letter to Andrews tolling him thal on a certain date he would do' llinieslf the honour of making Inc acquaintance, and relieve him of certain horses he bad, adding that he need not bother sending them away lor safety, because the station «ns well walcjied, ¡iud such a transaction would be

fruitless. Thc old soldier did not attempt to hide cither himself or his horses, and sent a curt, but characteristic, reply to Illili' Cup's note, lo Hu- effect that he would be most happy to iee him and his gang, and he would get a warm welcome. Andrews was known to keep u consider-able amount of gold in the house, and to always pay in gold; this lillie Cap knew, but what he didn't know Mas that the 'sujer' knew how to luke care of it. Heilig so courteously forewarned. Andrews proceeded to be forearmed, and got his Ililli' Imnd together, which consisted of the bus himself. Peter alid Willie Stuckey. Koli, .loe, and Ted Andrews (young lads). Mr. (Jallogly (a young Irishman who caira »ul to Australia looking for health, bul found n grave at twenty-four), and fuur station hands. Miss Maty Andrews (who afterwards married Gallogly, and subse-quently became Mr*. Turnbull-the lady meut ioned liv Mr. Cornily in lils most in-teresting: narrative as being on the roof of a house in the '.12 flood) begged to be allowed I« stop und ice the fun and at-tend tn thc wounded. Mrs. Andrews, the rc-l. of tbe kids, and the female servants were packed off to Yass. Having whip» of u <n MI mi i I ion. mid a fairly good supply of blunderbusses-they lind no rides in tlioíe days-Major Andrew» felt certain of beat-ing off the biLshrangers, and his military training KIM red him in good stead. The house WUK barricaded and loopholes left to fire through. Everything in the shape nf « firearm hud. powder und lend rammed into it, und the party awaited thc coining of Hie bushrangers. There were no police in those days, the police wink liebig done by moimi cd soldiers, w ho were loo slow to ml eh worm-, mid frequently got. lo-d. in Hie bush. Under those circumstance Blue Cap thought he had a Miff thing on

nf KJIIIO, and intended to stay there .1 few . days, else he would never have been so Quixotic as to let Andrew», knoyr hr was faining !

"True lo hi« promise, on ä bright September morning, Captain Blue Cap. ac-companied by seven others, rode down the bill at (lie rear of Kimo homestead. They were splendidly mounted, every-horse liming Peter Slnokey's brand un it. The Stuckey« were most generous and hospit-able gentlemen; hut their generosity did not go so far us making bushrangers pre-sents nf thoroughbred hacks. Kn. the gang had helped themselve» on I heir wal-

lu Kimo. Mr. Stuckey wu.s in-|de anil saw'his horses, and Hie fact Jielped him to niiu a little straighter when the fun begun. Blue Cap was a ¡nave fellow, ns leaving bis men some distanrc away lie rode up unarmed und demanded Andrew tn snrreniiei-. or, if lie in-unt lo show light, to -«'lid nil women and children away, (ThU bud been done.) He .said he wanted two or Ibice horses ¡iud the gold he «us given lo understand Major Andrews hud on tbe prriui.-es. fie lind no wish to lake life, but Iii- men were determined, and. n- wa* well known, the escaped con-vict Ini.liraiigcis bad no love for (he sol diei blokes, ultliuimh .Major Andivw-s had ii unod name iiuiiing.-t them. Tn ask an obi soldier lo Mirreniler without a fight was like linville a wake without whisk v. MI (o|,l Ilbte Cup he would see lum - lilst, ¡ind if he and his pang were nut out nf innge' in three minute* bo would * wing 1 the lot nf (hem. Seeing that I lie Kimo people mcaul Din,. Cup returned to his men. After n coillicil ol'-wnr (boy enulinitsly approached, dis-mount inc. ¡ind using their horses us shields by leading Hiern sideways until they gol near Ihr tiiuin building. 'Their lin-t it'lluck wns a volley aimed ul Hie front door, no doubl thinking i( would vield a bit undcr Ibe stress nf eight bulléis. One of (be bullets ricoihellcil mid si ruck a shepherd on tho loll ear. but no blood was spill. The people in Hie house could not get n head on the bushrangers on account of their -I.-miling behind the horses, and lliev 'lid liol want, to shoot the noble bruto. I'li-enlly om- of the men led (lie horses a fe« yard- away, and the bushrangers luid down. I'l.iwlina nearer ¡iud iienrer. orr ilenlly lilli I be intention of riirliing (he bou-e. Andrews gur-sed I Iii-, und hud even- ivan ready lu'lire » ben be «,ive the

I-IUIIIIIUIMI. AS i hey drew elmer the bii-h rungi-r-. -picad mil ami then nindi' a rush. Anilreu- gare the word, and bung, bang weul the eui bines mid muskets (no rela-tion to Hie Cup winner mid bis dud), and down went two bushrangers. Haring re-ceived II much warmer welcome llinu they nliHelpuleil, lliev rclireil to n «afc di'lp-np"

"Ä'ÄJL'. ''tog'-"V»'*''- J'i^t.tM.^-liaiii.

unió up lu Ihc liuusf ii s liefore, iiuiiniii'il.

.uni ..."liv demanded <-KK) au.I three hui-rs. II.' -ai.l tl»' miulilliliT were in-censed at hwing; their I wo mates (tn whom he hu|M-il Major Andrews would give a

Christ tun Inn ¡.il I. and -aid if they .lid mil get the ninney they would lile tho holl-e. Andrew- again lol.i hint that he and lii gaug staled al Kimo at. their peril, and he would m.l a.-rede to their ileiiinnd-. lillie l ap retired.

- Andre«- and Mr. I'.-ter Sm.ker li. ld II liurried eoiifuli. und it. wu- derided

Andrews, the two Sturkey-, und Mr. logly. with the uninjured 'men. -liould rn-h oin in the open und ciuinge the hu-li rnnger-. This they did. and so sudden wa« their attack I hut niue Cup was taken hy surprise. Th., slation |M'ople bunged at. the gang, willi the result (hut Hine Cap na- hit on the shoulder (so it was found nut afterwardsl uni! one of the men was

wounded in the Ihijiji and captured, nine Cap mid the rc-l reached (heir hoive.s (or rather Stuckey's horse) and nnide good their est ape. lu tin- little blush Andrews hud two of bi- lingers shot oil', mid lial logh- cot a bullet ill hi- foot.

" Mt-s Andrew-, who np|u-nrcd to enjoy the fun. seeing that lillie Cop did not take her marc, bandaged up the wounded bushranger, and then attended to her father and Mr. ("iallogly. And thus ended,

nio-f ingloriously, niue lap's vi-il lo

Kimo. Mr. Stuckev reeovned live of bi cinht horses.

" Hu-hi-uiigiug got a bil of a sci-bark when the re-nit of the Kino raid gul know n. Hui the bushranger* I ben were escaped convicts. |Kior devils, badly mined, mid not up to (be game. The B"ii Hulls, (lardiners. Moi'jans, und Kellys lanie long afterwards. niue Can was -liol year after by -niue overlander*:, whian, he it

I empted to slick up near lluthnr-l «o he gave Kimo ;i wide bei th. Blue ( a|. -o ll was ascertained from the wounded îiu-b ranger, wits n young Irishman, of unod family, nunied IJogan. who was seul out for no crime, bul for stou.-liing a eau on the jnw who hud insulted bis -Mer ul u ball ut Dublin ( antic. The Knglishnian wauled sal ¡-farlion, mid he trot it. i'iii. pistol-. lloran winged his bird ul thc first pop. As the 'gentleman' wu- n friend of (?eriiiau (îeorge the Kutirlh. í here was: the devil to play, and youns llogim had lo gi't. Ife was iirrcsted. however, mid sent out. ¡is many anoiher good mau has been. lint the episode soured his life' He eloped and tonk to the bn.-li. lt so huppcucd Unit lingua w.n. airon^st the draft brought out by Andrews. A

Andrews had been kind to him-as he was

lo all th" |H>or dovil- us far a- eireuni sliinees would pendit--Ile dbl not wish lo barlil him: bul be wanted the horses and the money. Itu! when he saw the old soldier was prepared to fight lie deter-mined to leave him alone, though after their two mutes were s|iot the others vowed vengeance ; but the Kimo people were more than a match for them, su they


The funny part of Ibis plain un-varnished pici-e of anrient hi-lory is thal the authorities in Sydney were going to piny 'nhl puoscbrry ' with Andrews. The then (.nverunv (1 think it was old Deni-

son) said Andrews hud no right to take the law into his own hands, bul should have sent word to Yns«. where a detach-ment, of -Obliers was stationed. That

would have meant at least a week's, delay.

irai muí

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ila- lip- of lilli lady wj

1 atli-uded Lo tho. 'voil