Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), Thursday 4 November 1875, page 2

HaEa WATER, Moon's P'HASEB, &c. Thursday .h 21m a.m. ; Rh 46m p.m. Friday, 6l 8m .m.; Rh 30m p.m. Moon--First quarter, Nov. 6, 7h 41m 29s p.m. VaeSSELS IN Hannon.--Barke Westbury, Merean, Sea Shell; schooners Malvina Maud, Dagmar; brig Mercury; steamer Tamnar (tug). PI'OJEjCTEI, DI.lrAItTlyt.-o'or telbourneTamar, Sunday, 0 am. Tileh cutter Rover's Bride left the Mersey at 8.45 n.m. yesterday, adl arrived at the lMarket Wharf at 4 p.m. The schooners Wave and Satellite left Table Cape at 3 am. yesterday, and urrived at the Wharf at 4.30 p.m., having a smart gale belhind them all the way. They roport that the cutter Tearer was at Table Cape when they left, all well, and assisting to load the schooner Margaret cwith blackwood. Thie brig Mercury entered Tamar IHeads at -?m, yesterday, and arrived alongside the W%'harf at 2.30 p.m. Capt. Tulloeht reports that he left lelbourne Wharfat 7.30 on Mionday and cleared Port P'iilllpHeadsatl12.30p.m During the tfirst part of the passage had moderate northerly winds, and tihen moderate westerly, but during the latter part n westerly gale with Leavy squalls and rain and hall. Arrived oil Table Cape at noon on Tuesday, but with the low state of the glass and the terrific squalls did nat think it prudent to run for Tamar TImds, so hrove-to till 1.30 a.m. yesterday, and then made for the fleUds and entered as above. The schooner Amuy Robsnrt had a narrow es. cape from injury on Tuesday. lhile working down the river optloaite Cox's beacon, between Georage Town and the Hoeals, she missed stays and drifted ashore a little above Cox's house, fortunatelyon ua soft bottom. This was at 6 am., and at 10.30 a.m. she was safely Slated off and anchored in Lagoon Bay for the night, having sustained no injury. CIRCULAR HEAD SHtrPPrtI.-?Aridved-.Oet 27, s.s. Pioneer, D. Phillips, from Luunceston, general cargo. Sailed-Oci. 29, s.. Pioneer, D. Phillips, for Laneeston, cattle, sheep, and petatoesL--The cutter Venus, which little vessel, nearly laden witlh gunpowder from Hobart Town, did not get away from Robbin's Passage until Sunday last, 24th Oct., in whichl ricer she had taken shelter, appears to have bee n on slre and. lost her anclhors. It is not likely site can have sustained any daomage, however. Peacave a been entertained for hier safety, for bshe sailedfrom Circular Head on 30th dept., having been windbound here for several days. On MIondaylot Mr John Phelp launnhed a fie ketch built byhim at the Franklin. She was named the hawthorn, and her dimensions e as fllows :-Length. 02 ft., beam 16 ft., dept , lt. in-. She will reister about 42 tons .d will carry over t5 ons of cargo in a draughI of ift. Gin. Tie vessel built of gum wth Huoa pine topsides. POnT o HOART TtOW.- Nor. 2, passengers podaeie lh Tesma, far Sydney- Mtsa Sally, Mrtl, Ir Plon and childu Messs IV. Tye, Bumney ; 7l steerage. Po?T PHILLIP HlDA.n Arrived--Oet. 211 schooner Dove, WySnyarl; ship Andaman Mfauritius. Sailed-Oct. 2 ship Udsto La d?on; bark Haddington, Caleutt a , L The eutterVenus, which arrived on Thursday Oct. 28, from Hobart Town, hasl had a trying time of it since she left for thlis port. Off th north-west coast of Tasmamia she met wilth, exceptlonally heavy weather, and lost her holding gear in the shape of rnchera and chains. Shs came into port without these, and had to have ler wants supplied from the Government Marane-yard beifore the powder which was on board could be transhipped. -Argus. Twno dditions to the localtrading craft of the port have just been made by M.ssrs. White, of Williamstown The vessels are intended for screw steamers, and both are very neat models, indst l'e inshsld t their construction. The

first is for Mr J. Niool, of Qurensellif, and measures tft. in length, with 12ft, boeam, and rit. tin, depth of hold. bShe is to le fitted wlth engines of ?0.borse power, end will ibeo ongaged alltely in runnnlg to QueEnsotllt and other places inidd Poort 'hillp IRendls. The other vessel is of nearly the sonm dimensions. ler length boing rlft., beon l2ft., nnd depth of hoeld Ofti. iing ilntendel chiefly for tonlw lln lrponses, sho i to bo supplied with iowerfu machinery. Thisi steamer his boon built to the Oader of Mr Ileur tan, of Villlinistown. Those 'stemeors leing now off tiho stocks, Mosers. WYhlto re about to Ily down a miling vessel, whldolh is to be eoliooner-rigged, and of 100 tons bunlon.-Ibid. The schooner Tommy comes fromt the wreck of to Clebridgeshlire, amlnd brings n quantity of cargo, chiotly bradly, wino, rum, oil, hnrdnlwo, &o. All tho wreckage which bad Ibeen strewn at the dllfreont islands in the vicnlity of Night Island had booeen colleoted together, and four vessels were loading np with this recovered cargo when the Tommy left Preservation Island on thle 20th in.t. Moorings have been laid down at the wreck, and the diver lwho has boon scurvoying it reports that the fore part of tihe vessel lhns broken up entirely, and the aftor lnrtion loils turned over on its able. Several pieces of tihe wreck, here and there, ore only from 3ft. to 4ft. below the surface at low tide, The schooner P'enguin was at the wreck loading, the Royal Charlio arrived on tihe 2od inst., tile Secret on the 7th, and the Malidon Lowis on the 0th, but the weather had beeoon exceedingly unfavorable since the beginimlng of the month, andolratlonn hail consequontly been rnardel. A good doel? of work, Iowerver, wes done dluring tihe few fine days there wcre.-Aryun, 28th niUt.