Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), Saturday 21 June 1873, page 2

PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF FIJI. Juno 14. In tile House of Commons Mr Macarthitr, member for Lambeth, moved a resolution having for its object thie protectorate and annexation of Fiji. Sir Charles Wingfield, whilst' denouncing tlio existing Government of Fiji,; insisted upon anneioxation its the only means of preventing the slave trade. Mr Gladstone defended the 'Fiji authorities, and spokeo approvingly of ox-Consul March. B declared that England did not require any extension of territory, but admitted the necessity of some forward astep Captain Goodenoughl R.N., the new commodore On the Australian station, acting as Consul Layard's deputy, had been ordered to institute in'quries on the spot. Thei motion, on being put to the House was 'lost by 80 votes to 50. Mr March, ex-consu l at Fiji, has been appointed consul at Pera, in South Aumerica. MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. Juno 14.' The rate of discount' is 0 per cent. Money is easier.. Stocks are recovering. The following are the latest stqck quotatiois :-Victoriani sixes, April and Desomber, 112; Victorian fives, 108k: Neow South, Wales fives, 160; Queensland sixes, 111j; Uniom Bank, £40 Gs.; London Chartered Bank, £23. '1 SConsiderable business is doing in wool, at full rates, and affurthor advance lis anticipated at the opening of next sales. ' 'The o corn market ise quiet.. Adelaide 1 wheat is in full supply. Prices easier. S. Tin-is firmer; Straita at £120. A sale of 352 tons Auntraliasn ore has bena made at from £15 to £82, according to produce. Tnrdware is dealining. . : '; Tallow is inactive... utton 41s. to43s. beef, 40s. to 44s. H' lides and bark are dull. Leather, heavy sides, ,d. declineo, light sides dearer. Anrrived.-Quec of the Colonies, from Meolbournq (sailed March 12.) FRANCE. Pnra, June 11. In the Assembly, M. Gasmbetta read a seoret ininisterial circular, aiming at subaidising the provinlcial press. ' The announcemoent caused a' great sensation, but, noyevertholess, at vote supporting the r Government was 'passed by 380 votes to I 318. The statement that Prince Napoleon Shad visite.d Marshal M'Mahon is contradicted.