Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), Tuesday 4 February 1873, page 2

S J IRP1P N G N1 _-V. " 2NIT4RDS. : Feb. 1-Brigantidn Strangr,. 249.tone, J. Brown, 6 from Melbourneo 8. Tulloch, agent. In ballas. Fob. O-Steamship Tamar, 808 tons. W. H. Saunders, commander. from Molbourno; G. Fisher, agent. Pascngerse--MlaMes Drysdale, RIgtall, French (2), Brown, Mrs Stoker, Mlrs Mornre, Mrs Wright. blrs Kaeo. Mrs Outhwaite, nurse. infant, and child, Mr and bMrs BIgot. Mr and Mrs Drummond and f child, Mr and Mrs Clark, Mr and Mrs Sinleton. 1 Mr and Mrs Jones, M)nor and Mrs Hood, COptain -'sd Mrs Robinson, Dr. Richardson, Mesers. Bibby. Dalrymplq.,D okson, Chamberlain, Featherstono Cox Tbnhom offelr l ht 2), Sdieri,Poreafcea,- soiefEvans, Allen. Coker, rvine, Tnlloch, Brown (8); 62 steersee, incluoding 34 men for Main Line Railway, ox IMPORTS. SteiamshlipTamar, frem-Motbonrne. I pkg sille, ''R. A.- Motht j1ib bales bgd. 1 case corks, i con clay, W JohnstoninT'1 pkg apjarel, Keen i 10 boals cornsacks, 10 cases champagne, Peters, Barnard, and Co ; .t1 pkg apparel, Hadflld.-.I ditto,.Peppor add Perrdn t' 430' mWare saga-r,, W. W. White !I osase Y.'todadairei;'W Abbott; 1 casene slbon. 8 r.-tlercds Stob?cco, dgart'and Son ; 5 trunks bootesP. B. Duoaq I 4, 1 balpaper,bags,%- Icasebiscnts,J . M'Loughlin i 2 srduirk boots,i pkg hats, Hopkins and Murphy, 3 vkgs.bocts, R. Bnoik I cask yeast,.pean 9 pkhls - batdware, Thos: Corbott; I sase drogs,2 cases sarsan cpanili4H.aston and!Laws';t lpkg grlitdery, W: Chickl't a cases orinted books, Welch Bros. and Birchall ; 'I pkg apprel, MO ephy.; 2 casesc;rks, I crate bottles, W; Harris & Sobn I "pkg woollenn, Donning. 1 ,'dito,;i'pkg' blkdkets,' Smllh' and 'Poole ; 48 pkga merchandise, P. O. Fysh and Co. i cases wine, H. ,.Dowling; I pkg boots, 3 colistrope," 8pkge ship chandlery, I pkg boots, 3 empty tanks, ordeo., 'I.'ý %L.COAST fli-INNIARDS." sFib~9Cn-tchite Psearl,h9 tone; Jarmad, from Port Sorell Cargo-600 post and rails, 2 tones potatoes, 1 bdl sheepsknes,. hide, rder. " ! Feh:'8-Steamer Annie, 27 tons, W. Holyman, from N.W. Coast' F. C. H. Dean, agent. Cargo '2-3000 feet blackhood'timber, 400 palings, 600 spokes. 20 bollock'hides, 6 bales wool, 3 tubs butter, 6 cotes bottles, 20 empty casks, 10 pkgs sandries, order, , - t SFeb. 3-Steamer Pioneert tone, . tn, Phillipn, =fiboit-W.-CirFr T81 j S - lalh;7i ag ent., Cargo -50no0 palings, :n0 bullock hider, 10 caes sondrdi, 200 shepskins, 7 beepop, order.. Feb., R?.-Cittr Teoeer. 20 tons, J. Taylor, from Piper's River. Cargo--i1 tons bark, order. Feb. 8-Cotter Alice Maud, W. Gardiner, from Piper's River. . Cargo-9.tona bark, order. Feb: 8-COtttr Ripp, 20 tits, C. Manser, from Brldport. Cargo-Palings and potatoes, order. .: :: . COASTERS.-O OTIVARDS. Feb. 8-Cotter Pearl, 9 tons, Jarman, for Port BoreelLr Cargo-2 cases ale, Scott and Co ; 2 bgad ,,floour, bag sugar, Sterne ; 2 bags salt, t box soap1 "MLoughlion.