Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), Monday 28 December 1896, page 5





Ko better proof could be Adduced of tb pleasing recollections left behind of Mr. Irv Hayman and his Criterion Dramatic Con pany of their last visit to Rockhampton som years ago, than the wonderful attendanc which assembled at the Theatre Boyal o Saturday night last to greet their return The building was filled to overflowing bot! upstairs and down, there being barel standing room in any part. It is true it wa the night of a pleasant holiday when moa people were inclined for a few hours' enjoy ment, but againBt that the warmth of th night had to be reckoned, and therefore sud an enormous attendance was all the mor remarkable. For a firat appearance th entertainment was carried through ver; capably, and the audience entering into th spirit of the performance, were profus with their applause, helping to make tbi affair a marked success. The drama stagei for the occasion was a sensational semi nautical piece entitled "Harbour Lights.' Without possessing anything special in thi way of either dialogue or plot, the play pre seated many stirring and exciting situations which were brought out with a sharpness anc skill which greatly pleased the spectators The story is one of love, hatred, and revenge A gambling squire, in sore need of money, endeavours to force an heiress, who ii affianced to another, into marrying him bj enticing her to his house, and compromising her character, The outcome of the affair ii that the squire is shot by the lover ol another girl whom be bad previouBl) ruined, and the suspicion of his death is fixed on the lover of the heiress. Ol course all is set right in tbe end, and happi neaa follows for the deserving, and ignominy and disgrace for the wicked and treacherous. The hero of the piece, "Lieutenant David Kingsley," was entrusted to that clever and versatile actor Mr. Bert. Bailey, who has long been a favourite with Rockhampton audiences. Mr. Bailey bad an excellent conception of the character he pourtrayed, infusing a good deal of the rollicking free-and-easy style of the sailor, while at the same time remembering that the lieutenant was a gentleman entrusted with u commission from Her Majesty. The manly sentiments he expressed were voiced with a heartiness that awoke loud responses from the audience. Mrs. Marshall, as " Dora Vane," the heiress, and sweetheart of " Lieu-tenant Kingsley," not only looked handsome and charming, but dressed the part with taste. She spoke her linea distinct, and enjoyed with her lover the repeated approval of the audience. The part was not one calling for any special dramatic skill, but she made every point tell, and gave promise of still greater excellence should occasion afford ber the opportunity. Mr. Hayman, as the able seaman " Tom I lossiter," divided with Mr. Bailey and Mrs. Marshall the honours ot the evening. He kept the spectators in rare good humour by his comical style and expressions, whilst his love scenes with " Peggy Chudleigh" were amusing. During tbe play Mr. Hayman sang, " E dunno where 'e ar," in capital style, and for an encore gave " I aint a-going to tell," with Buch success that he waB brought back a second time, singing " The verdict was." Judging by the success of these songs the management will meet the public taste by introducing singing when it is possible to do BO in harmony with the play produced. Of the remaining characters Miss I Fannie Evelyn, as " Peggy Chudleigh," a lass who loved a sailor, represented the part in a very engaging manner ; and Miss May Gran-ville was a very painstaking and capable " Lina Nelson. " Of the remaining male characters, Mr. A. Linden, as " Frank Morland," and Mr. J. B. North, as " Nicholas Morland," were the principal villains, whilst Mr. H. Goodall personated the jealous and disapÍiointed "Mark Helstone." The others call or no epeoial mention. This evening thc company make their second appearance, when the four-act comedy " True till Death " will be presented.