Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Thursday 31 March 1910, page 12


is a native of South Australia, and a son of the late Mr. E. Cooke. He is 43 years of age; was educated at Glenelg Grammar School, Norwood Commercial College, and St. Peter's College (where he was Science 1883),. and is a practical en-gineer with both land and sea experience,

Having made a study of patent law, he was

in the early- nineties licensed to practise as a consulting engineer and patent attorney. He has always taken a deep interest in literary and friendly societies, and has done much useful municipal work. Thrice he

has been elected Mayor of Unley, and for 30 years he sat in the council. He is a sturdy supporter of the Government.

:v -m¿, h. S. HUDD.

' Though only 29 years of age, he has proved himself a powerful speaker and camble debater. He was born at Adelaide is 1881. and is at present manager of a eonfectionery business of Mesárs'. W. Hudd EídlSonfí H.e"baa always taken a deep

terest in .uterary and debating societies,


.ȇd- .hair ^served . the ^ Literarv Societies' USioV on,the-executive committee, and as Assistant-Secretarv. Treasurer, and Vice .Preadent.- He, has also Bled' Ministerial '-positions:in the Union Parliament, and is > thc-bolder of many awards for oratory and debating.

'" MB. H: BISCHOF. 1

Íít«ne<Eon of a Sprinp: Gully octogenarian,

who-came to Au tral.a, in 1847., Mr. Efochofi is a ^native of the district, sndThas taken a prominent ptrt in con ec tion,with various athletic bodies, particu-larly cricket, at which be was adept; while he baa' also. interested himse f in- the doings of ; the Gawtt* Agrcultural Soci-tv aid the work/ôf? the' district council." At the by tíection in .1006,he was a .candidate,' but

.^aSerl tq get in by a c-mparatively sunll margin. His pra tie 1 kn w'edge of agri .fcultn-e should,sttnd h m in g od s e d in ran erving the interests of tne pr ducers. Bei-ha» served'many years as a district -»uncillQr, antUor a time acted as Chair


feas, with the exception of one break of I three years, occupied a seat in the Legis- > btivô Assembly since 1875, and since 1890 bas carried out the duties of Speaker with tact < and dignity. He was bom at Syd-ney, in 1842, and was sent to London to the Bluecoat School to be educated. He j Was-' Commissioner of Crown Landr - and

tr-«T.-<T!-«Hon in the Colton Administration' SA. 183*. to February,, 1885 .an 1

Va* A;it date till June, cnrried tut t e

£°?~Uif Commissioner of Pubic Work*.. 4°tie^r two yea's from June, 1887, he i For r^mmiM?OP-r of Crown Lands in the 3&Von?O He has been an ex»

temely useful member. I


r ME. G. B. LAFFER !

I has done as much as any individual to fur» . ther the interests of fruitgrowers and pro-ducers generally. He is one of the founders .of the Fruitgrowers' Association, . and a past Chairman of the Advisory Board--of ; Agriculture. In these official capacities he ; did much to place the export trade of ' perishable products on a satisfactory basis.

The appointment of a London Commercial I Agent and the institution of the Sea Car» ' riage of Goods Act are directly due to his

agitation, as also is the existence of louvred trucks for the carriage of perishable goods on the railways.


íb best known to the general public for his work as Councillor for East Adelaide Ward in the Adelaide Council, which he repre-sented in 1900, and as Mayor of St. Peters ¡for three years from 1902. ^.e is 54 years I of age, and began his public life as Sec»

i retary of the Builders and Contractors', Association-a position he filled for eight

years> He was afterwards President of tht organization for two years. As a contrac tor he bears a high reputation, and is ex ceedingly popular with his employes. Ht is a Past Master and Trustee of St. Peter»

Masonic Lodge, and is cn ardent supporter of manly sports. He is a man of pro-nounced Liberal views.


[ Hon. B. BUTLER I

is 60 years of age, a colonist of 56 years, (

and a Parliamentarian of 20 years' staud- ' ing. He was Government Whip to the ¡ Kingston Administration, succeeded Dr. j

Cockburn as Minister of Education And

Agriculture in 1898. and remainel in office ! until the defeat of the Government. Hi did not go into office when the late Sir Frederick Holder came into power, but was appointed Treasurer and Minister of Eda

j cation ' in the Jenkins , Ministry. ' On the

resignation of the Hon. J. G. Jenkins in

March. 1905, Mr. Butler formed a Ministry I with himself as Premier, Treasurer, and '

Commissioner of Crown Lands. ' But

shortly'after the meeting of Parliament in the same year he was> ousted hy the par-ties led by Messrs. Price and Peake. He

was appointed Treasurer in the Peake Go- ' vernment on December 21 last. As a Trea- : surer he has won. general appreciati n for ' his, able management of the State's j

finances. - t



has represented Wooroora since the elec-torate was enlarged in 1902, and is well known in mining and sporting clubs. After successful mining ventures at the Barrier, Mr. James settled at Kapunda, and took upon-himself the management of Coat

brook Stud Farm, a few mdes from the township. As a townsman he has proved liberal and stanch, and idled the position

i of Mayor with credit. He is a firm be-, Iliever in the local mines, favours mining

development and liberal legislation for

promoting the best interests of the State. <


is a prominent member of the legal pro-

fession, and was admitted to the Bar in 1888. He is 45 years of age, and a colo-

nist of 40 years. His active interest in public affairs, in literature, and all healthy outdoor sports is well known. He is a Vice-President of the River Murray League and of the Royal Geographical Society

(South Australian branch) ; and was Chair-man of the committee which established the Norwood Oval. Two years ago he was

president of the South Australian Literary Societies' Union. He is a fluent speaker and capable debater.


is 35 years of age and a native of the State, having been born at Glenelg. He is a son of ex-Mayor Dring, of Unley, and served five years as Councillor in Hind-marsh Corporation prior to being returned as Mayor. He is now in the third year of his occupancy of that chair. He has al-lied himself to all the local progressive movements, and is President of the Bowl-ing Club and Institute, and a member of the local School Board of Advice. He has also filled positions of trust and honour

a connection' with local friendly societies, nd is one of the representatives on the ounty Board and Abattoirs Board. For he last 10 years he has been the represen-tative of Messrs. E." S. Wigg & Sons' Edu-cation Department/ He is actively in-terested in the general wellbeing ot the

State. "


was »returned for Barossa in 1906. after! havine fai.ed to get a seat in 1905. HJ

Wis born at G-iwler on March 7. 185Ï,! _ and took np ' the legal profession, being j articled to nis father, the ' late Mr. J. j Rudall, and then to Messrs. G. & J., ; Downer. In 1881 he assumed control of i ' his father's business and the clerkship of <

I ; r-j

' the Gawler Council, the lastnamed position ! having -been held by his father from tho , incorporation of the town in 1857. Ever i since be left school he has taken a keen J , interest in all matters tending to the wel- ;

fare, of his'native town, and has identified j : himself with the various literary, friendly, I I agricultural, and other important socie-1 | ties. He is a firm believer in Liberal poli-:

Itics. j.


is a son of the late Mr. John Young, the well-known ifiheepfarmer, of Mount Temple» ton, and is 34 years of age. having been born at Blyth on January 5, 1876. He finished his education at Prince Alfred Col-lege and the Adelaide University, where he had a brilliant career. He graduated

LUE. in 1897, was admitted to the Bar in ,

1808, and is the senior partner in the firm of Young & Newland. He was re-turned a member for Stanley in 1902. but was defeated in 1905. He apain entered Parliament in 1909. having won a seat at the Wooroora by-election in February of that ve». He is a tbonchtful and judicious .debater, and a keen politician.



MB. J. ANDERSON < is a Scotchman, and a son of a Crimean veteran. He was bom at Edinburgh in 1SG2, and, gained his early business ex-perience in Edinburgh and London. After a period of travel through Victoria, New South Wales, New Zealand, and Tasmania, he finaly settled in Melbourne. In 1888 he went for an extended trip to Europe, ,

and on his return to Australia settled in Adelaide, and haB since carried on a large dairyinc business. He has had two years' experience in the'City Council,' of which he is stjU a member, while his travels have opened his eyes to measures .most beneficial for a State like South Australia.


is known to most people fr'm'bis long con-nection with the Beaumont vineyards and olive (troves. He cunmtnced work there in 1869. and assisted hi- u cle. the late Sir Samuel Davenport, for 14 years before e te inç into a p;opreta y int Test. F.r the last thre . years 1 e ha? been Chairnun of ihe "Caamb.r of Manufactures, and it


I is due in no small measure to his efforts

that the present magnificent exhibition is ! now being heM in the city. He' is a mern bei of ti.e executive c muiit ee of the

Royal Ag-icutural ¡society, anl f r many , yé.rs w s Chaunun,of tie Burnside Ds i tpct I duncil, and President of the District , CeuneOs' /Association. .



first entered Parliament as one of the members for Noarlunga in 1892, and he re-presented that constituency contmuosuly until it was merged into the larger electo-rate of Alexandra, of which he has ever since been a representative. He was born

at Radstock, Somersetshire, in May, 1843,1

and arrived in the State in 1855. He has been engaged in farming and auctioneering, and has taken an active part in municipal government and agricultural matters. For many years he has been a prominent mem-ber of friendly societies.


' was born at Middleton, and is the third

son of one of the best-known residents of the south. Since completing his education at Whinham College he has identified him-self with farming and dairying pursuits. In 1900 he established the Hindmarsh Is-

land Produce Company, of which he is.

the managing director. He. is also as-sociated with several other southern enter-prises, and has been connected with the District Council of Port Elliott for ten years, and is still a member of it. He is | thoroughly alive to the necessity for-safe-guarding the interests of primary producers land of furthering settlement.


Is not an orator, but a "doer." . He is one of the b-st soldiers in the vo'unteer forces.

He joi' ed the rar.ks of the eava ry in 1877, ; and was in command of tne Australian con tingent at the lite Quern Victor a s Da mond Jubile.- Ce' batins. At the time of the B er war he wen" to S u h Afrca in command of the Bushman's Corps,

drawn from the three p-ineipa1 States. Fir1 16 yeai-j (12 as Caa -mau) h has baen con-

nected with tae West Torrens Di tricti Council, and for several year« Tas Presi-1 d nt of t' e Di t''ct G ticI ' As ocation,' and ViePe»dnt of the Loca G vera-1 nunt As* ci t' n He is tLe p esen Pre-1 side'-t -f the Royal Agrcul ur 1 and Hor-ticultor 1 Poc-'-ty, and ato ugh believer in th' i i tiati n of liberal measures for the benefit of all classes.


followed the calling of, baker and confec- ' tim r ur'til he was 24, when he ''oi^ed the rai way ~ervce. rnd'r m ined n it for 14 yp r . the w oIp f which ti ev e w s an .ffi r of the Rilways and Tramways Mn tuil .As ocia.ion. Afterwards he again ente.ed co.umévci.l pursuits, and in conse-1

quence of Ms cTroiaJ knowledge sat for l8 m >. ths on th^ P bl c S -ivice Cla fict i' n B ard ' He s a, pr m ne R c ab te ' nd 1-ore tir, a me ber of the St. John Atnbu 1 ne ¿>ea elation &sd<a btout champion of manly rec ea ions.', He is a got-d speaker,

witn-brtad «Las. .

MB. a. mcdonald

represented the old Assembly District of Noarlunga from, 1887 until its incorporation with two other districts in the bigger-elec-torate of Alexandra,- of which he has ever since been a representative. He was bora at Kirkwall. Orkney,Islands, in 1849, but arrived in the colony with bis parents two

years later. At the age of 15 he went farm-ing, and followed that pursuit for five or six years. Then he gained experience in a grocery establishment in Adelaide, and finally opened a store at Blackwood. He it> now out of business. '


entered Parliament as one of the members I for Alexandra in 1902, and has represented ! that con^ituency ever since. _ He is a I stanch advocate for conservation of the

Murray waters for irrigation and naviga-1 tion purposes, and is a recognised authority on the question. The name of Ritchie has

been associated with the river from its earliest history. It was he whb moved in 1DU1 to empower the Government to move in the High Court for an iniunction against Victoria restricting that State from til'" appropriation of water for further irri-gation schemes. He was Mayor of Goolwa for three years.



ia Attorney-General in the present Govern-ment, and is a capable politician and a forceful speaker. He is 36 years of age, and in 1891 was articled to his father (Mr. Justice Homburg). Six years later he was admitted as a practitioner of the Su

preme Court. He was elected a represen-tative for Murray on the death of Mr. Dun-can in 1906, and has proved an ardent worker. He takes considerable interest in literary societies, and for two years was President of the Literary Societies' Union.


has represented Murray since the crea-tion of the electorate, and was prior to that one of the members for the old Gumeracha constituency. He is a native of the State, having been born at North Gumeracha in. 1861, is a champion plough-man, and" an old member of the District Council of Talunga. Few are keener over

educational matters, and he is also a faith-ful worker in behalf of rural residents

for a long while he was associated with the Gumeracha branch of the Agricultural Bureau. Popularly known as "the farmers* friend," he is regarded as one of the best agriculturists' representatives who ever sat in the House. -


The senior member for Murray was born at I z hoe,' Ge mi ny, on July 17, l8 6, and hnded at P> rt Ad laide in S ptembsr, 186T. Soon aft'rw,.rds be entered' into bu i les^ at Blumb rg, nnd'Hi'S'-qu-ntry tcok'his brother "into partnership, develop

inc t' e ert rpr se in o an impo-t nt local indu-tiy, d >nng witi chaff, br'i, and other products He has travelled a good deal, rnd hjs h d consideiabl¿ experience of di«'net cou eil work. He ha-t served the district in the House of Assembly since





has been Premier since the death of the Hon. T. Pnce, and has won universal esteem for the capable manner in which

he circumvented the move of the Labour

Party, and carried on the government of |

He was born in London- in 1859, arrived in the State in the face of great difficulties.

South Australia in 1866, and after long I .»ervice as clerk of the District Council of

Narracoorte won a seat in the Assembly at I j a bi-eieetion in May, 1897. He was un- j

seated by a Court of Disputed Returns,

bat regained the position in July. In 1902 I

the electors of Victoria and Albert re-turned him as one of their representatives, and he has remained in Parliament ever since. For some time he was Chairman of the Country Party, in 1904 was Leader of the Opposition, and in 1905 became as-sociated with Mr. Price and took the portfolios of Treasurer and Attorney

General. Mr. Peake's colleagues are Col. i Findlater and Mr. George Bodey, two well 1 known south-eastern identities.







was Honorary Minister in the original Peake Ministry, formed in June last, put retired from it when the portfolios were

rearranged last December. He entered j the Legislative Council as a member for ¡ the Northern District on the resignation ' of the late Mr. W. Wadham in 1888, and for upwards of 20 years has watched over the interests of that big electorate. He was born in Adelaide in 1842, educated at St. Peter's College, and was trained in the National Bank, afterwards transferring to


the South Australian Bank and becoming manager of the Port Elliot branch. ., Sub-sequent to his marriage he »joined his father-in-law iMr. W. Bowman) in the mil-ling business, and took a keen interest in municipal work'in the southern township. Over 30 years ago he went to Orroroo, wbere be became associated with Mr. True love in the milling industry. ' He has been a warden of St. Paul's. Orroroo, since its inception, is a son of the late Mr. T. P. Addison (Deputy Collector of Customs), and an enthusiastic rifle shot and' keen Liberal politician.


With the exception of a break of one year he has represented northern constituencies in the House of Assembly or Legislative Council continuously since 1881. Born at Forfar 70 years ago, he has been identified with the State for about 53 years, and has had a varied experience in the course of his avocations as police officer, farmer, grazier, licensed victualler and politician. He en-tered the Assembly for Stanley in 1881, represented the newly arranged District of Gladstone from 1881 until 1896. when Mr.

Roberts displaced him. and the following year took Mr. Darling's place in the Coun-cil as a member for the Northern District. Mr. Howe was Commissioner of Crown Lands in the first and second Downer Go-vernments, and'fulfilled the dual position of Commissioner of Crown Lands and Pub-lic Works in the Cockburn \Administration. On July 15. 1890, he waa made a permanent "Honourable" under the Newcastle des-patch.




has been President of the Legislative Coun-cil Bince 1901, when he succeeded Sir Richard Baker in that capacity. He was first returned to Parliament as one of the Assembly representatives for Mount Bar-ker, and sat in that capacity until 1887, when he was defeated by Dr. Cockburn. In May of the following year he was back again as a member for Gumeracha, but at


the general elections in 1890 he failed to hold the seat. A year later he entered the Council as a representative for tKe south-ern district, and has been one of its mem-bers ever since. He is a son of the-late Hon. E. Stirling, was born in 1849; and was educated at St. Peter's College, and afterwards at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. and LL.B. in 1871, and was admitted to the bar at the Inner Temple in 1872. He is one of' the strongest members the Legislative Council has ever possessed.

ME. 3. COV. AN.

is 44 years of age. and the third son of the

late Mr. T. Cowan, who represented the j District of Yatala in the Assembly in 1875. He has been engaged in agricultural and pastoral pursuits all his life, and for 22 [ years has occupied Glen Lossie Station,

near Murray Bridge. He has taken a | keen interest in the Murray waters quea-1

tion, and for 15 years has identified him-self with the Mobilong District Council. He is President of the Murray Bridge Institute, fills a like capacity in connection with the agricultural society, and has taken a keen interest in educational matters.

It is is due largely to his efforts that the annual seaside picnics of southern hills school children have been bo successful.


ME. E. ir-ilNSDOEF

is a South Australian by birth, and, a prominent worker in connection with municipal affairs. He served t-ix years in the Glenelg Corporation (half as Chairman of Finance) and has been Chairman of the Market and Parks Committee in the Ade-laide Council since 1904. He was main'y instrumental in securing the Torrens

dredge, and bas done good work in errt neclion with the beautifying of the Ade-

laide i parks. He is the City Coan H'b re- ! presentative on the Fire Brigades Boa d, ' and is Chairman of that 'body.' - He is a ' keen patron of sport-particularly football, and cricket-a good speaker, and an ardent enthusiast for progressive legislation.


is one of Adelaide's most respected -mer-chants, and his finn is well known all ever the State. He has been connected with commercial and mercantile pursuits for over 50 years. He is also a director of the Bank of Adelaide, Adelaide Steamship Company, and Broken Hill Propriety y

Company, and a past President of the Chamber of Commerce, of which he is st 11 an active member. For the .last six years he has been one of,the représentâ of the Central District, and has displayed earnestness and capacity in dealing with important progressive legislation.


received his education and early business graining in England, but has 'spent a good many\ years in the State since be attained his majority. He was several years in the north'before settling in Adelaide, and after three years' business in the city went for a world tour, during which he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Geographi-cal Society of London. For six years from 1895 financial matters again required his

attendance in the world's metropolis, bnt| ever since he has been engaged in financial pursuits in Adelaide. He is now Presi-dent of the South Australian branch of. the Royal Geographical Society, a member of the City Council, an ex-President of the General Employers' Union, and ex-Ch dr-inan of the Council of St. John's Ambu-lance. He has taken a live interest ia metropolitan matters.



ti i CU, ?*



HON. D. M. CHARLESTON has. in his capacity of engineer, travelled in many lands, and the insight into laws and conditions elsewhere has been of im-mense service to him in his capacity of legislator. He was elected to the Legisla* trve Council in 1891. was eleventh on the bat -»hen the election took place for 10 men to represent the State m the Federal Convention, but was afterwards returned as

a member of the Senates and tooVaníjaq^ . tive part ni the important dehberationk.^

....... -. ... ^»"".»,.^.-^.,1. JSà jT,

only to pohfrcaLand social unrçst./^Oi his i organizing ability is due the strong .posi-

tion'the Farmers and« Producers' cPol&calc Union now lolds in Stale politics. ""£ ; 'j, *?

mR.iB. j. gobionn;^

is best known in his journalistic capacity» but» in addition be has hadrconsiderable^ agricultural, commerçai, and political, expe-rience, and is a fine, forceful speaker.- For" many years he was leader of The Register^, hterary staff, and for some time was aga-, cultural editor of The Observer. He atten-1

ded the Commonwealth celebrations; 'hi": 1601, and was m the tpresslgallery durang« tiie early portion of the Federal Parliameife.

[tary session in 1904. He ia-t_e*anthcJKofcaÄ several important works on_gncuItur_%uuE|á pastoral subjects, and ia the compOet'ci-,-!© recowLof the resources, history^-nd^&psl. greas of 'Üae-'C^tT-l^S-ateHwbjírm^h-OSáVK wide circulation),,and of an uñícial^Wtitóif book of South Australia." Heds áaefcSfjtít^ stoutest "champions of^theíRiyefí:_í^ra5^¿ ' and a. strong exponent of ' progressrye.,^ measures for the benefit' of _:nir_l< workèrB&V

me.,jvw; sjw&tftö^^

was borniat Angaston, and^^l_s-lifel_as â been engaged in rural pursuite.-íclnjt1898v_aíf¡ was returned at the hea4iofth"e,;T^for^ho"# old Yorke- Peninstda,'electorate,1 _nd^ha# continued to 6erve°^nntil^t^w_siînérge4^ into Wallaroo.0 He tlien^repreeented.-aaa

_:_'*' *-'>'*;£%

larger constituency for threeiyears.- Hei'is 1> an experienced municipalist,,. having in tura!.! been associated with tne(Yorlae'B Peninsula ': and Mattiend»District Counrils¿ and-to-day -he is a Councillor for Uñey. As.a director" of the'Farmers' Co-operativelUnion,and »ï. Government assessor for the Northern" Ter-, ritory under, the < Pastoral/ *Act/'he hw gained a thorough insight, into .the needs of the "country.^ *, " ,/



SIDE ISSUES,. VOTE on <-< fi



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