Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), Friday 3 May 1878, page 2



BY thc s.s. Victoria wc have nies of Northern

paper« to thc 27th April.


Thc sagacious (Telcstiala who pursue hidden

treasure, in thc bosom Jo mother earth, find an honest living vcryj loubtful, and the unearthing of nuggets la ipears like angels'

visits, "few and far betv eon." Wc had an opportunity of inspecting ionic manufactured gold, and so closely rose nilling thc genuine article that without very :areful examination reputed judges might bc t ken in. By thc aid of a magnifying glass, tl 5 imposture cnn bc detected, lt speaks volui íes for the ingenuity of John ; we decline to saj anything about his honesty. The police are in possession of a sample of the yellow fraud.-Palmer Chronicle.

Late on Saturday nightjfsays the Cooktown Courier) Dr. Clarke was r. immoned to attend Mr. Geo. Tough, butcher who was stated to bc in a dying state at a ca np on thc top of tho range, Byerstown road. The doctor started about one o'clock on Sund ty morning, but we regret to say that, alt! ough he made all possible speed, he found Mr. Tough dead apparently from dyscntci,'-on his arrival. The deceased was well ki iwn and respected through thc North, and li 3 death, especially under such distressing cir umstanccs, will bc deeply regretted.

We have to record v ry favourable and encouraging news respecti ig tho development of the tin deposits at Stoney Creek. On Wednesday, M r. O'Neill brought 24 cwt of stream tin ore into town, m account of Mr. Tracey, and reports that. bout twenty tons more are on the way down, and a contract has been let for thc convoyan ic of one hundred and fifty tuns, from Stoney Jreckto Cooktown. The ore is packed from Stoney Creek to Byerstown, and brought ti to this town in drays. The cost of can iago is very con-siderable, but we learn tin t| between twenty and thirty men arc earniii' good wages work-ing thc stream tin. Tho 01 ; is very rich, and ie expected to yield seventy-five percent of pure metal. A very fine lofle of tin has been discovered in the same locality.-lierait.

A splendid nugget wciglijng 2ti ons. was un-earthed during thc week, al a point below thc Better Luck claim. The lucky finders were a party of Chinese. Some lime ago thc same ground was w.orked by a jiirty of Europeans, who failed to strike a patch. Thc Chinese have taken everything in thc face, and Wve picked up several picea» of coarse MaM. There is every indicationlof a rich lcaÄr. Chronirt.'. J **

The latest Palmer crJshiiigs are :-Better Luck, C tone, 13 o/j>./3 dut.; Welcome Stranger, 5 tons, 18 ozs. 2dwt.; Chance, 131 tons, 30 ozs.; surface lot 2ozs. lOdwt.


The Cairns Advertiser says :- The escort, in charge of Mr. Inspector Isley, arrived in town from from Thornborough at 1 o'clock on Wednesday, the 24th instant, bringing ; 9512 ounces of gold, consigned to the Queensland National Bank. About 4000 ounces, belonging to the Bank of New South Wales, are still at Thornborough, and the Inspector has left to take that quantity and whatever more may be ready for


Wc (Ailniiivr) hav it upon authority that one of our energetic csidents contemplates cultivating coffee bc c. This in a move ill the right dircctio 1, and deserves every assistance that can possibly bc rendered towards it. Onco a ci Iee plantation is estab-lished, the Cairns dil .riet will not lack fol-lowers in thc same Iii i, and, like everything else, it requires but on : spirited person to set thc example.

Between 150 and 2 IO pack-horses, loaded with general incrchani iso for Thornborough, left Cairns during tin week, besides a large

number from Sniithfiel I. 1

Thc brig Maggie, J. '.Cronin, master, met I

with an accident in t ie Daintree River, on |

18th instant. From ini innation received from the master wc can give iur readers the follow-ing :-Whilst thc shiplwas hciug worked out of thc river with thc" firkt of thc ebb tide and light S.U. wind and filie weather, she took the ground inside the li*. The stream anchor was then run out and chivas furled to await the return tide. At 7 p.m., thc weather then being equally, and a strong breeze blowing,

the brig was afloat and bumping heavily, the hands being employed to heave the vessel off the bank. Their ci bria, however, were of no avail, thc strong f E. wind and sea driving her further on. I ram Tuesday morning until Thursday night thc weather continued squally, the wind bl wing with thc force of a strong gale at ti ncs, and a heavy sea breaking alongside tl ; vessel and beating lier further up on thc north spit. Unfortunately nearly all the scamci were sick with fever, and only a few cou! I be employed in thc attempt to get thc ves el in thc channel. On Friday, the 19th (thcr being neap tides), thc vessel was hard ngri und, thc sea breaking around it with considi rablc force. On sound-

ing the pump it was f( and there was five feet of water in the hold. \ On the following day the brig lay on thc north spit high water of neap tide showing six Beet all round her. It

was found necessary tojdischargc her cargo to get lier off into deep walter.

According to the Nfl*, tho latest crushings

on tho Hodgkinson arc :-Commodore 35 tons, 78 ozs.; Britannia No. 1 W. 2G tons, 26 OÍS.; Marseillaise 19 tons, 37 ozs.; Providence 45 tons, 88 ozs.; Monarch 1)0 tons, 287 ozs.; Company's stone going through : Onward 17 tons, 52 ozs.; Warrior going through : Ijady Frances 51) tons, CG ozs. 10 dwts.; Little Wonder 27 tons, 2G ozs.


Wc f* Standard) have boen credibly informell that thc discovery of a lotte of antimony has been made on the Charten Towera road, about forty miles from Townsville. Two of the dis-

coverers arrived in town yesterday, and after

interviewing several of i ur principal mer-chants, have made uvrangci lents to proceed to the site of tile discovery, vith a horse and dray for the purpose of brill ling in a sufficient quantity to test its value.

lt will bc remembered th it some time ago a bonus was subscribed andViflcrcd to thc first four teams anil waggons that would load up and start for the Diamantiiti. Thc challenge was accepted, and we have jnow the satisfac-tion of hearing that these pilinccrs of the road

have succeeded in their task, and are on their way hack with a full freight of wool. There seems to bc every probability that this pro-lific country «ill shortly be opened up for regular traffic, and the day that witnesses a complete linc of communication with that dis-trict will be n red letter dal' for Townsville. There is already considerable commercial activity here because of tl is prospect, and teams are now loading up foi that place. We learn that all thc back count y to the west is looking well, grass and wate being abundant. - Tomimlk Herald.


We have the following a ithcntic alligator story from Strathmole, Anil 15:-A few days ago the Strathmore pei ile had occasion to cross tho Bowen Hiver o muster cattle. Whilst in the act of crossing a huge alligator suddenly made his appears icc, but after a great deal of shouting was p rsuaded to move on. lt took a few hours tn muster the other side, and then they return ul to the same crossing. They had airead] crossed ' half of the large mob, when au allig .tor arose in tho midst of the stream and caught a large bullock by thc thigh ; tl ; beast made a desperate plunge at thc tim and managed to escape, as the alligator's li ld was not firm. Finding himself baulked it his prey the saurian turned his attention further down thc stream, where a powerfully framed cow was leading thc second mob. it took a few seconds to glide down tl : rapid current, when he jumped out of thc wntcr and seized her by the neck. At this lisis the cow had footing, being in about f< ur or five feet of water. A terrible struggl : then ensued, thc alligator to pull the cow HI der and the cow to reach the other bank. Fo a few seconds thc contest was doubtful, \m the cow having

gained some footing the wi ight of the alligator instead of pulling her uni er, seemed to give

lier extra force to stem the current. She

struggled bravely on, gaining additional strength as the water i ot shallower, and dragged her enemy right up on tho opposite bank, til« cow jumping a A bellowing all the time. Thu saurian fiudii g himself out of bis clement released his hr d, leaving wounds that arc vcrv likely to ca isc thc cow's death,

JJ. Timv*.


The Köster meeting of the parishioners of Trinity Church was held last evening in the Oddfellows Hall. Then was a largo atten-dance present. A great Jeal of business was gone through in a mann :r marked with the utmost harmony. Mr. C C. Innes was elected the people's Clmrchw irdcn, Mr. E. P. Ashdown the Clergyman' Churchwarden, and Mr. E. S. Hawson th s Trustees' Church-warden. The salary ol the clergyman was fixed at £300 per anim i, subscription lists opened, and the sum of i 1S2 was subscribed at the meeting.-Mercury.

The new lighthouse, which commenced erection on the 3rd of Dc cetnber lost, is now almost completed. The i tructure is of a com-posite description-woo and iron. It is situated upon a proinin nt part of Flat-top Island, and thc light will lommand a reflection and observation at dis anees varying from seventeen to twenty mil :s. The structure is well built, and has a wei designed appearance

from the Uiver. The fo indation is of stone

and well prepared coner te, 4 feet deep and 17 feet in breadth. T ie lighthouse at the base measures 11 feet 3 j iches in diameter, 20 feet iu height to thc bah my, and 31 feet high to thc to]) of the lantern mpola ; the diameter at tho top of tho stair ase is 7 feet. Thc light itself will bc pla cd 23 feet G inches from thc ground, or 200 feet above the level of tho sea. It is unforti nate that Round-top Island obscures the light from the south-east. Ships coming in from thc Beverley groin) direction, Btccring a di c west course, will sight thc light and clear Round-top. Vessels

about to enter the River from the north

should steer duo south, In order to clear the Slade rocks and reefs. /Thc light «ill be of great service to mariners along thc coast and vessels steering for theJPioneer River. It is expected that tho work) will bc finished next week.-Mercury.

The Nebo correspondent of the Mackay

Standard under dale April 22nd says:—A meeting has been held at Fort Cooper Hotel,

Nebo, to consider what course should be pur-sued to obtain proper police protection for the district in consequence of the recent with-drawal of the Native Police from the Fort Cooper barracks. It was unanimously re-solved that a petition should be drawn up and

forwarded to the Hon. the Colonial Secre-

cretary [sic] praying that a detachment of Native Police should be again stationed in the neigh-bourhood of Nebo. The petition is now in course of signature by the residents of the district, and we sincerely trust the Colonial Secretary will cause inquiry to be made through some other/channel than the Com-

missioner of Police as to the necessity which really does exist for replacing the detachment. Complaints reach us from all quarters about

the changed demeanour of the blacks con-sequent on the removal of the police, and if the idea is not "quite too dreadful" for Mr. Seymour or calculated to encroach too far on the dignity of his office, perhaps that august personage might be asked as a favour to come up and see for himself whether such necessity really exists or not and whether it is at all reasonable to suppose that the officer in charge of the detachment stationed at Bloomsbury can possibly perform the duties now imposed on him, either with credit to himself or satis-faction to the public. To know the nature of the country this officer is supposed to patrol, is to know how utterly unreasonable is the supposition. To read Mr. Seymour's reply to the Mackay District Association on the sub-ject, is to understand the perfect simplicity of the system of which he is so able to exponent.

REITOU : Those pits of yours are in fine condition, Jarvis."-Jarvis : "Ves, sur, they be. Ah sur, if wc waa all on us onl'y as fit to die as them are, we'dido.''

TliEFt'T<°iiEANi)TiiV:PiiuNni:i!Al'ii.-Ardent lover: " Vou ask for some proof of i affection,my devotion What proof can oiler you t Stay ! 1 have il ! 1 am ready

breathe my vows into thc Young Lady's Bert Companion, or Brcach-of-Promise-SeIf-l!c gistcriug-Evidcnce-Pliouograph ! There i"