Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), Tuesday 17 June 1890, page 4



7.4D lull., Xuonlo Hal], Enst-Btmt, Douglas Masonic


Huokinghnm Downs, a station aliout fifty milos from Moulin, noys tho Winton Herald, is ahout to ho restocked, and Mr. Sheehan, -with a party of woll-sinkors anti horses, passed through Boulia for that purpose (luring tho' month, Buckingham Downs was dcseitotl hy thu Q.C.P. Company two awl tr-hnlf years


Tho foUowfctfc felpoka pf land aili bo thrown open to oocupadmUloease on Wednesday, the 6th of July:-St. lawrence : Bogus Ko. 2 block, containing »bout forty square miles, at anannualrontalof 15s. pet-mile. Springsure: Ludwig A block, containing twelve mues, at £1 per mlle.

The Government Gaiellc of Saturday notifies that the Rov. A. O, Perkins, lately of Rock-hampton, hu been daly authorised to cele-brate marriages, and Mr. X. Gibney, formerly of this town, registered as a pharmaceutical chemist. A block of 105 acres of land, ot Winton, has been set apart os a reserve for water supply purposes.

Captain East, Murine Superintendent of tho Colonial Union Steamship Company, is in re-ceipt of a letter from the company's coloaial manager, advising him of the total loss of thc s.s. Ashleigh Brooke off Bassen Island. Xxe s.s. Star of Victoria will toke her place in tl» Rockhampton frozen meat ivado, arriving heit on the 30tb of July, and the latter will lt& followed hy tile Balmoral Castle about a mouth


Mr. J. F. Thallon, General Tratfi'e Manager, who went to Rockhampton last Monday in connection with the working of tho traffic on the Central line, nay» The (Cecil of Saturday, returned to Brisbane by the Maroona last Sunday. Mr. Thalle» will make a » sport to the Railway Commissioners, in which lie will reeonuncud several enrages in the tiiMvtablr in use ou thc line, aiut which it is bdieverl will, when carried out, effect considerable .saving in the working expenses.

Te Kowai Plantation, Mackay, conimetfted. crushing on thc Otb instant, thc density of ifliejuice standing at 9' Beaumr- Thc cane ere»).»in that district, says the MirtvTy of Thurs-day, now look splendid, am! the density ofthc julee, Btnuding as it docs atUut 9° Bcaume,

fully iusiitie» tho milla starting crushing with-out delny. The bad state of the roads is u considerable drawback, hut wu believe 'that thc crop» we so heavy tluvt an aiAj start will bc maile ia spite of everything. The Home-bush Mill wits expected to start yesterday, the Pain» and River Estate w0 probably commence next week, Habana, 4di{ch will crush night and day, starts on thc 23rd, and Nindaroo will get under weigh thc sane week.' ¡The Eton Central Mill expects to iegin its jseason on thc let July, by which Aite-pro[bably all th« mills in the district wilt be in full swing. Should fairly fine wcaUiet con-tinue during Ute- remainder of thc yaw it is almost certain that thc estimated orttpot of 20,000 tons wilt be reached.

The Bpccinl cable message giving theuemlt ol the English Derby, says thc Metliaurnc Ayr, came through frau London ut the remarkably quick time of I hr. Omin. 33««., 'which takes a prominent place among the records of quick transmission. Even allowing for favourable eruditions, the cable and leesX telegraph authorities are to bc congratúlete» on achieving suth rapid despatch. Ta«

'fastest telegram en- record was the one sent ' by. tMe Marquis of liorruaiAj to the Quera in. 1880,,announcing she opouicfi of the Exlj'lii

tioth. That message, which contained 8eve¿^v_^ eight words, occupied twenty-threo min«/ > iu transit, includuig. répétitions, the tiri** being-Melbourne, 1K.50 ; Port Darwin, 12.52« Madras, 1*2.55; Bombay,. 1 ; London, 1.91:

Balmoral, 1.13. for that official message; very elaborate preparations were made tu. expedite its transmission, the thies being keiÄ clean and everything, in noadiness ; but tho; Derby telegram referred to esme throup|i< in tko ordinary wav, nf businoiw, and in ti»-. rccondi of Press tcíegrams takes a foremost pi*T" V.

?J \Ve aro indebted to Mr. H. Bycrs, President

.ortliniSyducy Journeyman Butchers' Union., for- the im"on»ntioni that a largely-attended '. mceüug was held last evening at Lake'c Creek, by thc bachelors euiplnyed by the Lulu's- Creek Meat. Company. Thero were alxnit íorty present; in fact,, ali thc butchers -in t^ic sen-ice of the. company.. In thc course of tlie proceedings it was remarked that the me» bad licen suffering* under several grievances for som* time past, and hail failed to get them remedial: They hod now determused to take steva. to form a union, and it waa, for that purpose they liad met that evening. Tho meeting was addressed by Mr. Bycis, and also \vf Mr.. T. Tancred, who is ulsoa member of Hie Sydney Union, and it wai. unanimously agreed a union should be formed. All present enrolled themselves asmembers, and appointed tiiefoür.vingorBeera-. -President, Mr. (J. Boyd ; ^ice-President,

Mr. T. Dunbar ; Secretary, 3In. C. Harford ;. Ti insurer, Mr E. Monusel).;. Committee of Management, Messrs. \V. ËmiUt, T. Mulaney,. J. Harris, and li". Baur. Messrs. Byers and Harford were elccbad to wait, au thc manage-. -of the works to-day, and loy before him thu frivalices undo-, which they are labouring,

n connection with tho above movement we leam, also from Mr. Byers, that a meeting of thc butchers employed in Rockhampton- will', be held in the course of the week, also with die intention of establishing an union.

A correspondfent writes r- " As I have beet* ! engaged for thc last fifteen "months on Saltern

¡Creek run drolling for artesian water, X .

.thought it ui¡t¡ht he. interesting lo some vf ¡your readers todearnthe uuitass attending tb * operations, atwell as to give a rough outline ot formation?.passed through before reachbg the water bearing strata* Commencing with No. 1 bore, situated twelve miles from Bar-caldine township. We arrived there oe. din 27th February, 1880, with necessary p!anr"iii extremely lint weather for us Caiia-fiati* newly arrived from n cold climate. Oh. the 12th Mulch we commenced boring with twelve inch augur, bored 40 ft. of yellow clay free of stones. In that boro had 40 ff. moro yellow day, which we punched or drHlod' ia the usual way,, thom formation chased to lilue slvalo. Put in 00ft. of loin. taeiottall the casing in that bore-reduced tho-hore to 7AÍT-, had the-oamo blue shale tu. 330 ft. from the Furfnce, tben changed to blnek shale .with occasional hard streaks in it. AuúOQJt,

we reduced the bore to fijin. As .170 ftstruck first flow cf water in a loone band fot

mnt»n, had K^i ft. af soft sand rock, tlicVwnter flow reached about 10,000 ¡rallóos per twenty-four boars ; then we got white cement or pipe clay with streaks of «.uni tack varying fro« IP ft. to 20 ft. in thickness. Kext"had about lOOft. of grey slate, or- as we call it sucker soap stone, v«ry sticky and tough. At 1098 ft. water bogga to increase: duillcd to I ISO ft., flow teated at 173,00» gallons per twenty-four hcratu. Finished on 120th April, having been brid up with wet weather for three weeks. Moved to Ko. 5Ï bore, fourteen miles from No. I ; found ti» surface or yellow clay lout, being only SO ti.,, ami full of small Btoxe*. Put in J 20 ft, of

8 in. casing. The bluo shale was deeper here, "~ reaching 800 ft. from surface ; got black thain then. At 1050ft. struck thu first water; thu

formation was BÍUIÍIM- to No. 1. Atl5Siii. thc water began to increase. Finished at 1605 ft., tho How lacing estimated-toi tested -nt 350.000 gallon» per twenty-four boure. Moving from lhere niue miles further to Ko. 3 bore we found tho surface or yellow clay to go down (Kl ft.,,-then bluo shale to 1150ft., and black shale nguiu to 1400 ft. Wlieu wc struck thc first water thu formation was tho same ns on thc other two bores ; owing tn thc forma-tion caving in badly wc 1-nd to put in 1221 ft. of Gin. casing, thc casing resting on a good solid bottom. This hore is in good condition to restrain flow if rcquirul. At 1800ft. thc water began to incrcaio. Drilled to 1070 ft., when thc How was tated at 700,OUtl gallons per twenty-four tours. This made In «ll 4705ft. drill-id lu the fifteen months, Includ-ing tho wet season of 1890, which has been very imVn against boring operations, licsides tho usual driller's luck r.i breaks and getting fact with tools. As abler )>e»3 than mine have .'ascasscd tho origin and probable supply of this water I will «ot oxprcss any opinion, on the subject."

Thc revenue collected by the Rockliampti Municipal Council from tho wharves durit the fortnight eudod on Saturday amounted i £201 OB. lOd. The month will vory likely 1 the heit experienced thia year.

A telegram to the Sydney representativo i the Federal Artesian Well and Mineral llorin Company, reports the striking of a supply < artesian water on Murweh Station, in til Warrego District, The flow is equal t 200,01)1) gallons per day, and thc water . described as pure und fresh.

Messrs. J. Macfarlane and Co., of this cit) report that thc export trade in slice]) fri» this port is steadily increasing. They alli regularly every month between 400 and SO each to Mackay and Bundaberg, and 250 t Gladstone. A large business is also dolt with Maryborough, Inst month's total bein


The Department of Public Works hav accepted tho tender of Hans ThoinBonamount i'47ii, lime four months-for thc con ht ruction of n post nm! telegraph office u Avon Downs, The following tenders wer received on Friday for thc erection of

station-master's residence at Gladstone :-W Chaplin, Overeud and Paterson, J. Stcwurl Do vic and Gilbert, E. aud J. Headland, am

?I. L. Sande.

In connection with thc recent cases of al; grog-selling at Skeleton Creek, and thc prose cutinn arising therefrom, says thc liri*bnti Cnurlrr, the Clerk of Petty .Sessions at Mlack all lias forwarded to thc llrisbanc Hospital , clieijuc for the Binn of dL3 12s. 10d., represent ing one-third of moiety of the fines and cost awarded to Mr. J. W. M'Donald, prosccutin; witness. Mr. M'Donald has requested th Clerk of Petty .Sessions to divide the remain ing two-thirds between two other charitabl


Those persons who were present in th Central District Court yesterday liad th opportunity of witnessing an unusual sight -u prisoner convicted and sentenced to im prisoninent, and the sentence carried out ii Court. The prisoner was a man namoi Kdward Plum, and having pleaded guilty ti attempted suicide. His Houour sentence! bini to one minute's imprisonment. This wa at a quarter-past eleven, mid ns thc term o imprisonment to which a prisoner is sen tenced commences from tlie time thc Cour

begins to sit, thc ptisoner was discharged a

Since last report» says thc BridiaM Covr'm of Saturday, thc Colonial Botanist has udibi no less than twenty-one more new Bpccimeni to the Bellendcn-Iier collection. This make u splendid total of sixty-two plauts entire); new to science, besides a large number o others found for the first time in Australia

The sixty-two now species comprise twenty nine flowering plants, eight liverworts, niu< ferns, and fifteen mosses. Mr. Bailey antic! pates that when his classification is finished and the lichens all examined, tho Bellenden Ker expedition will have added at leas! eighty new species to thc flora of Australia,

At the Police Court yesterday, before tin I'olice Magistrate, James Coates, lately i resident of Mount Morgan, was charged witl vagrancy, and rcmauded to that place. Tin Police Magistrate will go out to tho Mount to-morrow, sud further investigate thc case, Two boys named George and John Worral, aced nine and seveu years respectively, wh< wei« arrested at the same time os Coates were handed over to thc cn re of their father who ls a miner living nt Mount Morgan Alfred Couratto and John Wicks, charged with drunkenness, pied guilty, aud were let

»ff with a caution.

A correspondent, writing from Morinish, says:-"The mines hore are looking well. Mouut Morinish is crushing this week, and raising stone in large quantities. No. 1 is workiug on a large Ixxty of stone showing free gold. Mount Fox is also raising very (toed stone. Thc Morinish Surprise Company ure still pinkiim, and arc now flown a depth ol 43 ft. Waler lias made its appearance, bul not to a very, great extent ; the shareholder! expect to cut the reef in about 1.1 ft. or 18 ft. lucre. Messrs. Heffernan and Brown ar< shiting an underlay on very rich stone, about a mile and a-half t'rain Mount Morinish.-Wc have now a concert hall herc, built by sub-scription from thc inhabitants, and un opening bull was given last week. Invitations weil issued to about thirty Indies, ail of whom .attended, and dancing was kept up till day-light, all linuils enjoying themselves. Thc imiabitauts herc appear to he very happy and comfortable ; but tue want of a Post Olncc is very much felt.

Thc rain that began to fall herc shortly after midnight on Sunday has continued steadily ever since, and at thc time we went to press there were no sigiiä of it clearing. Thc rainfall hus been general, especially in thc Central Division, as will be cecil by the following reports posted at the Telegraph Office nt lt a.m. yesterday:-Rockhampton, (1-80in.; Emu Park, 1 .:«>in.; Gladstone, 0-ij in.; Bustard Head, 0'12 in,; Pine Hill, Ovid in.; Capella, 0-52in.; Emerald, 0*24 iii.; Alice, 0*50 in.; St. Lawrence, 1*10 il).; Bloomsbury, 0*09 in.; Malborough, 2 in. ; Nebo, 0-S3in. ; Mackay, 0-20in.; Gracemere, Blackwater, Walton, Dingo, Stanwell, Fernlees; Comet, and Mount Morgan steady rain during the night ; Sea Hill, Duaringa, Comet, Miriam Vale, Raglan, Gatcombe Head, Bogantungan, Saltern Creek, Flat-top Island, Eton, and Walkerston, ruining during the night; Cape Capricorn uud Yeppoon, heavy rain; Drummond, heavy showers, lt was still raining at most of these stations at the time of telegraphing. Thc following tele-grams were received yesterday by Mr. U. S. Curtis, local agent for Mcs?is. Cobb aud Co, : -"Barcaldine.-Raining here and Isisford. Book no passengers any line." "Blackall.Traffic blocked. Boole no passengers or par-cels until further notice." A private telegram received in town last evening tjtatod there hud beou very heavy rabis in the direction of St. Lawrence, Marlborough, and Princhester. Princhester, Marlborough, and Copper Mine Creeks wera all bankers. Heavy ram was still falling.

The winter sittings of the Central District Court were opened yesterday morning.beforc His Honour Judge; Miller, Mr. P. Beal acting as Crown Prosecutor. There were four prisoners for trial and sentence, and thc criminal business was eonelinled by midday, lt was expected the civil business would bc finished during the afternoon, ns there waa only on« cose set down for trial, without a jurv. The proceedings, however, spun ont, anil nt live o'clock it became to «lark that His Honour directed the gas lo be lit. About a quarter of un hour was «pent in a muddled imdoavour on the Trt of thc official« to light two gas jets, mut when this was done the work proceeded again. After thc lapse ol uaother ten minutes thc gus was found to bc escaping from the large chandelier in thc centre of thc building, which hail not been lit, and in a few momenta- much to thc relief of those who wei« gradually being stifled by thc fumes-the Court was adJ jiiurncd. As soon as the business is finished

His Honour mid the Crown Prosecutor will leave for Springsure by special train. Au error was iñude the other »lay when it was Hated there were no eases for trial nt that lil'iec. There is an action for libel to come

liefere thc Court, thc damages being laid at t20». Thc plaintill'is William M'Hugh, thc Postmaster nt Rolleston, and the defendant is .lames Archibald, nf May Downs. Thc libel is staled to have been contained in it letter, ascribed tn the défendant, and nildressed to thc Postmaster-General, ill which the plaintiff wan charged with having ab-stracted money from u letter passing through tho post. Mr. lt. Lyons appears fur thc plain, lill', and Mr. P. Real for the defendant.

The European Mail say« Captain Comeilai O'Callaghan, late West India Regiment, haa boen appointed Chief of the Police in the Sey-chelles Island. Many old friends will be pleased to hear of the re-employment of this officor, in his young days a very popular figaro as aide-de-camp to thc late Sir Arthur Ken-nedy, hi Queensland, nt Hongkong, and on

thc West Coast of Africa.

Tho following lands will shortly he thrown open to selection:-On Monday, the 7th of July : Aramac-Two grazing areas, portions Iv and 4v, containing 10,<X)0 acres each, in the parish of Longway, on thc resumed part of Bowen Down» run, at an annual rental of 2d. an aero. On Monday, thu 4th of August : Aramac-A surveyed grazing farm, No. 18, portion 2v, containing <I47(J acres on the resumed part of Logan Downs Station.

In Saturday's Gormime.nt Gazelle it is

notified that tho Govcruor-in-Couucil has ordered that in regard to the constituting of n portion of the division of Diamantina a separate division under the name of thc division of Barcoo, which took pince on 24th December, 18S7, the assets and liabilities of these divisions shall bc apportioned as fol-lows:-Thc Diamantina Divisional Hoard to pay the Barcoo Divisional Hoard thc sum of £020 (li. Td. in full SL'ttlement of »ll claims and matters of account between the said divi-sions.

Tiic employees of Marchant mid Co., hop beer malters, Bowen-strect, were ogreeably surprised on Tuesday last to receive a chc-pic representing a bonus of live per cent on their wages for the post year, and an explanatory circular signed by their employer, says the JJrifbaue. Courier of Thursday, Mr. tîeorgc Marchant, Ul this circular, stated that when like themselves he was a worker for wages under an employer, be hold views concerning tile more equal distribution of wealth resulting

from labour which hail not in any way been j changed since then. Ho was glad that thc [ present time was favourable for him to. carry out his views in practical form. His finn had paid in wages for the twelve months ending 31st May last, over £4000, and he now gave a bonus of five per cent on that amount, cijiial to £200, to he distributed amongst thc employees in proportion to thc wages received by each. Thc state of trade and thc weather had been much against their business, and thus ho was able to give only this bonus to those at present in thu employ of the firm. He asked that they should " use this money in advancing themselves intellectually, and thereby hasten the time to which we ull aspire and which is so glawiugly depicted in Bellamy's 'Looking backward.' It is my intention shortly to place the whole of my business on thc co-operative system, and I ask overyonc of you to have no fear that, in work-ing for thu best interest of the firm, your own uliare in profit resulting therefrom will he overlooked."

The Bishop of Brisbane, Dr. Webber, in his i opening address at thc annual meeting of thu Queensland Anglican Synod, bl Brisbane, on Thursday last, said :-" Our chief loss is the Rev. Ocorgo Lester-Lester, whose uncon-

ventional methods and manly type of religion ! will not easily bc forgotten by those who liad experience of his ministrations. Having put in four yeats of good work, first temporarily at Milton, then in thc Muttaburra district, and subsequently for a few months on thc Burnett, he has carried with him hack to the

old country the good wishes of all who knew I hun. If after u needful change, he should j

find himself drawn to resume work in Queensland he would find no lack of cordial welcome in any part of the diocese. In addition to those already indicated a few other changes during thc past eleven months have to bc mentioned. Springsure was made a separate parish, and placed under thc care of thc Rev. J. Hunt, who certainly does not sparc himself in his efforts to reach thc outlying portions of bis widely extended district. The urgency with which the lost session of Synod, on the motion of Mr. Drew, pressed thc Rockhampton bishopric scheme on the attention of the diocese, has for thc moment given it precedence of the cathedral scheme, not indued that tho latter bas buen in abeyance, As soon ns thc bishopric is founded, which, I trust, will be a matter of but a few mouths, wc must set to work in earnest with tho cathedral scheme, and wc will not believe that Queensland churchmen will allow themselves to be outpaced by

churchmen in thc southern colonies. Con-

siderable' efforts have boen made during thc past year to secure the founding of thc bishopric. Of tho minimum sum (£10,000) needed for its formation, about £7,200 is ulready promised or paid, leaving £2,800 still

to bc collected. lint for the severe Hood

diverting alike attention and money to pressing necessities, thc scheine ere this might luve liecn nearing its completion, lt

will interest thc diocese to learn that I have recently received two very hind letters from Bishop Hale on this subject, evincing his keen interest in thc movement, which lie is endeavouring to further to the best of Iiis power amongst Queenslander in England."

Thc hyclaws for thc control of dairies in thc municipality, presented nt thc meeting o' thc Rockhampton Council on Thursday last, differ very materially from thc draft sent up by thc Central Board of Health, Brisbane. They provide that every person carrying on tho trade or business of a cow-keeper, dairy-man, or seller of milk in the town shall register his name with the Council, and pay a fee of fis. In thc declaration he will bc re-quired to sign, he must state that thc cows belonging to him are in good health ; that thc grazing ground in his occujiation is not, with regard to thc water supply or otherwise, likely to lie prejudicial to the whole-someness of tho milk ; that every house, dairy*, or cowshed in Iiis occupation is in good condition with regard tn lighting, ventilation, cleanliness, drainage, and water supply ; and that every place for keeping the milk is clean, well ventilated, ami properly supplied with utensils. Thc hyclaws themselves provide that all paddocks, grazing lands, and enclo-sures used as grazing ground for dairy cattle Bhall, when nccossaiy, lie inspected by thc Inspector of Nuisances or the Health Officer, and that the dairies shall lie frequently examined hy tho same officials. All nouses, dairies, cowsheds, milk stores, milk shops, or other buildings or structures iiBed in carrying on thc tr.ulo or business of a cowkecper or

dairyman must ho kept in such a state with I rcBpcct to cleanliness as not tn bc a nuisance, j or injurions to health, anil thoroughly and

ellcL'lively lighted and ventilated. Thc drain- j agc nf all such buildings must bc so arranged ' that no stagnant water or refuse matter of any I kind shall remain, or bc in any way in, or I upon, ar contiguous tn, any such premises, j

Thc yards, sheds, or otbi-r places used for holding or keeping dairy cows must be regu-larly swept and kept perfectly clean ; and within twenty-four hours of thu receipt nf an order from thu Health Officer or Inspector of Nuisances to such effect, must he fumigated, disinfected, or lime-washed, as may bu directed. Pigs anil other animals ure not to bo kept in any slieil, building, or milking yard, in which dairy cows uro kept or skoltered, and water declared by the Council to be unfit fur such purposes, is not to be used cither by tile cows about thu dairy, orjor any purpose whatever about the premises. Any neglect, breach, or offence of or against the hyclaw will make the oll'endor liable to n line , not exceeding £20. Tho glossary clause reads

us follows:-"In llie^o hyclaws, unless thc context ollicrwiso rei] nil es, thu torin dairy sholl includo any milking linuse, milkingnliud, or other placo where milk intended for ; the food of man, obtained from cows or other i animals, or any product nf such milk, ns prc. pared, collected, deposited, hold, or oxpnsed

for sale, alni also any dairy flinn, stockyard, inilking-yard, meadow, paddock, shed, stable, ? stall, or any pince where cows or other i animals from which milk intended for thc food

. 1 of man is obtained, and ure depastured or

I kept."

The Hon. \V. Pattison, writing to the Mayor from Brisbane, under date the 12th instant, with reference to thc request for the immediate repair of tho Fitzroy Bridge, says : -" I had an interview with tho Mildster for Works yesterday, and found that the plans will be ready by Monday first. The Govern-ment are willing to carry out tho work, and will do so in accordance with the understand-ing arrived at-they contribute one-half the coBt of thc repairs, and the local authorities the other half. Mr. Pattison telegraphed as follow* to His Worship at four o'clock yester-day afternoon:-"Have received the follow-ing reply from Minister for Works: 'Tem-porary staging is included in contract for restoration of bridge, and when completed to allow light traffic. Plans are now ready, and tenders will be invited in next Saturdays Gazette. The whole work is included in one contract. ' "