Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), Saturday 31 May 1884, page 2


No. I6 of I884.



NOTICE is hereby given, that on or «bout

tho 31st instant, the Light-ship will ho removed from her present position off thc Bar of the Brisbane River, and that the Light and the Tidal sieaatswiU after that time be shewn from thc Pile Lighthouse.

Thc Lighthouse stands tn IC feet at low water, ana 450 feet eastward from tho linc of leading lights through the outer Cutting.

Thc Lights exhibited from tho Central Lan-tern will bo Dioptric of the 4th Order, occult-ing during the flood tide, and fixed during the ebb. It will be seen as a red light by vessels pasaingthrough the outer Cutting, and between the bearings of N. by Vf. i W. and 8. by E. J E. From S. by E. J E. to Vf. S. W. wes-terly it will appear as a white light. Between tho bealing* of W. S. \Y. westerly, and Vf. by N. J N. northerly, it will lie seen aB a ' red liflit. From a VY. by N. J N. northerly to N. W. by W. J \V. bearing it will bo again seen aa a white light, and from the southward of tho Utter bearing thc light will be obscured.

In the direction of Cowan Cowan, tho white light will he intensified by a sccto r of 45° of light-not otherwise required-condensed into

a ueam of 10°.

Tho red sector facing to tho eastward covers Mud Island and the reefs, and the shoal ground to thc northward, so that when passing in the white sectors, North or South of thc Island, vessels will bc io deep water.

While within tho white sector to thc south-ward of the red light, vessels will bc in thc fairway between St. Helena and Mud Islands, and clear of the foul ground on either hand.

The occulting light will be obscured for 2

seconds at intervals of 10 seconds.

The Tidal signals by day, will be made from the W.N.W. and E.S.E. corners of thc Light-house, and at night by lights from 6th Order Dioptric apparatus sn«wn from similar posi-tions, thc code used being as follows :

Flag Knut Flag Weat Ball Eaat Bull Wost Cone Kant One Wem

Inverted Cono F.ant.. Inverted rjone Weat

Ball Eaat, Gone Wentl Ball Weat, Cone Unat Ball Eaat, Invert«t|

Cene WeBt .

Ball WM. Inverted]

Cnne Rn»t .. .. [ Cone Ka*t, Inverted

Cone Weat

Cone Weat Inverto«l|

Cuno Knat ..

Cone East, Cone Weat Inverted Che Eaat,

Inverted C-ne Weat Ball lîaet, Ball Weat Fing Coat, Flag We.t

White Fjist White Weat lied ( .nat

¡Ked Wost

lumen Knat

treen Wont

iVhlte Kant, lied Weat Willie Weat. lied E.nt lied liant, Orran Weat llitl Weat. Oreen Kant

lOrenn Eut, White


Irwin Wost, White East While Knit, White West

Red linet. Red Wont

renn ICaet. Orcun , Weat

Two White vertical,


White over Heil. Weat White over Oreen, Wost

During tbe flood tide a red flag will bo kept flying from a staff on the lantern platform.

The depths given represent the draft at which a vessel may safely enter the river.

Vessels entering the River are to bring into line the leading Lighthouses for crossing thc Bar, before reaching the Pile Lighthouse, and vessels outward bound aro not to leave tho line until the Pile Lighthouse is passed.

G. P. HEATH, Commander R N.,


Department of Ports and Harbours,

Brisbane, 21et May, 1831.