Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), Tuesday 21 January 1879, page 2



THE great want of confidence debate, as ? published incur Hansard supplement, will perhaps riot be read with much interest ¿low' that "the question of questions is "finally settled. The so-called Liberal Ministry, which we have felt it bur duty £a consistently oppose, is now dead and gone. Originally under Mr. Macalister it was ra < Government of questionable trustworthiness, but after the re-construc-tion under trié Hon. George Thorn, its existence was wholly unjustifiable. The rRailway Reserves Bill, under which were smuggled through Parliament the six railway lines in' a'block,1 was the first fruits of the collective incompetency which composed .and^ supported the 'miserable Thorn .Gpyciqnient. Some improvement was <? poäibwSss effected when Mr. Thorn'--^-fe way to Mr. : Dolf glas,; but. the shock to public confidence, and the party demoralisation " 'resulting from the railway "swindle/' Were fio damaging ',that the late Premier .never, had a fair opportunity to carry on th^ Government of the country satisfactorily. It was because the Ministry .was; deemed inherently bad that -the difficulty was experienced - in < procuring a capable colleague' when :.Mn Triot'n's ï-Âignatiôn , took place. The advent .'of.^ «ally abjp land trusted politician at that time would have been of immense advantage to the Mfoistry, But no such assistance could.

be obtained. .The :best men in the House saw that the reputation of. the Liberal Ministry was hopelessly .damaged,, and thal its existence would not only be limited, but also that the individual reputations of ,ftè. rnembérs would be seriously impaired at hs fall. This ap 'prehension wasthoroughly justifiedby the routíé bjf eyents lástsession. According to parliamentary practice and constitutional.

' rule, the Ministry were bound to appeal ,

to the country ort then-Electoral Districts '

Biti.oí la¿t ^fcssió^ A majority in the . House'iimprppçrly;yp.tied for ! the | second

reading to escape-this .result, but they afterwards hot only altered the distribu-tion proposed rby the Government, but ' also. cdt out .all ' the 'permanent portion : of

th^'i^^surti.^^'Als'fa bait to induce 'the apposition to.pass thé bill, .the,' tempo-rary redistribution clause was founded i upon the adult, male basis, while the

GcfâtffoêafiiIpr'ejferidéd'^t it |was ' the nearest pra¿$c¿bVé.á^ |thé " ttiean^^pppiJatjon basis/'wjii'ch, indeed, ithe* s'epaaj^ng , classes' would' have ' fixed,¿pri¿arjení!y lijpípñ thç. colony. As - the bill passed it was strictly in accord-

ance 'with'- Mr. Palmer's 'redistribution

in1' 1872Í: áfttí' it .wäs ' diamerri'cally op-posed^, to the ' doctrihés consistently a(fvocated."by the " Liberal Party " from the first dày of its establishment But there i was another cogent reason fqr a , dissolution at the time mentioned. The Assembly had completed its fourth year ' and was confessedly incapable of

beneficial législation. The Ministerial ' majority "bad dwindled down to an unworkable limit, ,and the House was, practically moribund. ' Had the Ministry of the day been composed of men possessing, the qualifications of states-; manship they would have seen that the time for an appeal had come, and that the Electoral Districts Bill was the fittest

conceivable measure on which they couldtestthefeelingsofthecbnstituencies. The population basis of representation

was a fundamental doctrine of the

Liberal party, and when the Government corisënted to abandon that basis they were false to the principles

thej¡ had so loudly professed. Had they advised the; Governor to dissolve on that important question last May, the appeal might not have been successful, but Ministers would have retired with honour. As it is they have had a few months'extended lease of office, andJhave now been ignominiously dismissed by a representative chamber of their own creation.

The late debate was characterised by Mr. Douglas' usual fatuity. No one \ knew better than he that his Ministry

was doomed to extinction. The metro-politan journals stated and reiterated what to everyone who had watched the course qf the elections was an pbvious fact, namely, that the Opposition could count upon a certain majority of at least eight members. Yet, knowing this, Ministers presented a Governor's Speech promising a programme of legis-lation ample for two or three sessions instead of one. They had two very plain courses open to them-either to resign before the meeting of Parliament, or to bring in a short Speech for the pur-pose of complying with the conventional practice. But not only did they present a programme ridiculous in its length and comprehensiveness ; they also carried on the debate hopelessly through two entire days, knowing that it could only

end in a vote of want of confidence. The Attorney-General's speech was not only a disingenuous defence but a posi-tively vicious attack upon the Opposition party. Like a savage animal in its death-throes he bit at everybody within reach, and- indulged in attacks while speaking as a responsible Minister of the Crown which would have been barely

«cuBable^bm disposition free lance.

JTrie way in.-wltfch, at the close of the i Rebate,-tíie junipïïpember for Enoggera, peiso, w^,,pnfí'ü^>,.to impeach the motives and maligriX the characters \ of Opposition Vncröbcre was wholly

indefensible. There was not the smallest _ hope of gaining votes by this course, and it justified beyond alt- doubt .trie I verdict that was about to be pronounced

both by the House'''and1 the country.

The conduct of Ministers was.anpther,

illustration of the old heathen .proverb- i " Whom the gods -wish to destroy they first deprive of reason." The public may be congratulated on the destruction, of a Ministry which has already done great mischief to the colony, and which showed at the very last a capacity for mischief that afforded a marked contrast; to such of its effprts as we're apparency directed in the public interest. How-' ever, we have no wish to further con-demn public men who have already paid* the penalty for their sins with their offi-

cial lives.

The new Ministry will probably, be sworn in to-day, and if its members be as stated, it will collectively command respect. That it will hâve fair trial may be safely predicted.' With one exception it is composed of men who have fought a'1 succession of losing battles side by side:; whose sus-tained efforts against a common foe have been carried on- with a loyalty to each other, and to the principles they profess, which ultimately produced a powerful moral effect upon the colony ; and which must have engendered among them feelings of mutual respect and esteem. On Bome public questions the members of the' new Cabinet will no doubt be found to differ. , Men who think for themselves are certain to teach j different conclusions on some points. But on the whole, judging by their published utterances, the members of the new Cabinet are heartily united on all essen-tial questions. Their speeches, when compared, afforded no such startling contrast and contradictions as were displayed by the addresses of the Douglas Ministry; who were bound both by custom and honour to fight the battleofthegencralelectionson a common platform. The Opposition were not bound, to exhibit similar harmony, for -they had.,no collective responsibilities. Yet. submitting the addresses and speeches of Messrs. M'llwraith, Palmer, Thompson, Macrossan, and Buzacott to the most searching criticism, it would be impossible to find a difference on any material issue; 1 .,,

There is one thing in favour of the !new. Ministry. Every part of the colony is represented by its' members. 1 Mr. Peridns* selection is possibly due as much to the fact that he is a Darling Downs member as to his claims ot assumed fitness for office. The metro-polis is influentially' represented, though not by a'politician of the1 harrow Queen .'street order. The Maryborough district ;is perhaps the only one which is appa-rently left out in the cold, but that is the penalty of clamour for public money. Politicians of all shades hold that the costly Maryborough and Gyinpic Railway is the ruinous price paid by the colony for the seat of the late Premier, and the extent to which the prosperity .of .Maryborough is depen-dent 1 upon Government contracts has become a serious danger to the colony, i Ipswich cannot complain of neglect with so staunch a friend as Mr. Thompson in the Cabinet^''while 'the central pnd north-ern districts may find , á guarantee jrj-lhe inclusion of a {ried and trusted repre-

sentative from each.- Mr. Macrossan, although' beaten Tebently, will easily secure a seat, and if Mr. Buzacott does not represent his old constituency, he perhaps may find some compensation on having been set free from the trammels of local-ism. The fact that his interests are still in Rockhampton is a sufficient warranty that the interests of our district will nol be neglected by the new Ministry. The new Premier's interests are so large all . over the colony, and he is so well known

to be cosmopolitan in sympathy, that hp will not be suspected of pampering Bun-daberg at thc cost of the general tax-

payer. . , .

Mr. M'llwraith has shown sound Sis. cretion in giving so prominent a place in the Ministry to Mr. Palmer, while re-taining for himself the responsibilities and anxieties as well as the honours ol

the Premiership, it has been popularlj

believed that Mr. Palmer could not take office under Mr. M'llwraith without loss of prestige. But as vice-President 01 the Executive Council he holds a position of very great honour, and we have nc doubt that while Mr. M'llwraith will be the actual Premier, Mr. Palmer in th« charge of two departments will fine ample scope for his exceptional adminis-trative capacity. : Another recommenda tion to the new Ministry is the circumstance that only one-third of it! members are connected with the pastoral interest, and they are men of well knowr liberal opinions and sympathies.

AroLOOY.-In our telegraphic intelligence published on the 13th instant, it was stated that a telegram had been received fron Sydney to tho effect that Lieutenant Connor, R.N., was about being arrested for embezzle ment, and had committed suicide. Wo nov learn that the gentleman referred to ha! arrived in this colony, and that our tele graphic correspondent has boen hoaxed in common with the geucral publii in Brisbane, the story being wholly withou foundation. Its [authors richly deserví punishment, and we deeply regret having un wittingly assisted to give publicity to a repori as false aa it is cruel and wicked. We hav< not heard from Lieutenant Connor on the sub ject, but we take tho first opportunity o making reparation and tendering that gentle man our apology for the injury wc uninten tionally have done him.

THE Alexandra, s.s., on her trip fran Brisbane, was delayed on thc passage hy th steamer Bronzewing, which she bad in tow breaking away twice during thc passage, ant Borne little time was spont on each occasioi in recovering her. The Alexandra arrived ii Keppel Bay yesterday morning at eight, am the Bunyip having transhipped tbc mails an< passengers, returned to town about t\v o'clock. A postal delivery took place durin, the af tomoon,

now! pMWatry, p6|mefpion wÄrnado of the; pdr^IiMfpr Pablic instructional Tba,; how

et"W-,'it^w beliaftè, bk? becn-gn|raBte4j¿-to the .

tf|e Cpjonial Secretary, Mr. Palmer, who will alsdXprobably bold tho position of vice

President of the Executive Council. The

"new Ministry will probably be sworn

ib/tó-day,j >Cnd |the *^^alatjp* I ÄiSJimbly^

will meet at 'three o'clock this afternoon, when (as the now.Miniaters h^yo vacated their seats by accepting office) some private member bf the Assembly, probably Mr. Archer, will announce the names of the new Ministry. An Appropriation Bill will then be submitted for the second moiety of the year's Supplies,

voted in detail ' lost session. Our tele-

graphic correspondent mentions the rumour \ that Mr. Griffith intends to oppose' the bill, insisting on the necessity of thc

new House hrst placing the items in de-., .tail-going over the work, in fact, .'whioh was done last.session. Hew .the matter-will be settled remains to be seen, but it will in any case bo disposed of in the coursé of a few days, after which there will be .an adjourn-ment for tho Ministerial elections and |tq give Ministers time to prepare. their measures:for

Submission' to Parliament. It will then be

evident that the real business'will not begin,

much before the usual time for the annual' ; meeting of Parliament,

. IT will be seen by advertisement in another column that tenders are invited for additions

to. thc Bonded Store, Rockhampton.' ; Fail

particulars, may be seen in the -Government' Gazelle ot the llth instant, «nd the date to which tenders can be received ÍB 7th February.

AT tho Police Court 1 yesterday, before Messrs. C. E. Wodehouse and T. 8. Hall,

JJ.P., an ! aboriginal named "Ellen" was, fined five shillings for being drunk and two pounds for making use of indecent language in East-street on Saturday night, with the usual alternative of imprisonment in default of liquidating the' fines. John Beid was charged, upon the information of C. A. Malstedt, with the fraudulent conversion of certain goods. Mr. H. Milford, who appeared for the prosecution, applied for a remand uptil to-morrow, and thc case was accordingly adjourned. The prisoner, for whom Mr.

.Melbourne acted, was granted bail in tho sum |

of £40.

A RESIDENT of St. Lawrence has written to

ns desiring to give publioity to'S disgraceful proceeding which he reports as having taken place nt that township', and we publish his' letter in thc ho¡io that the aiders and abettors of the affair will take warning by the narrow escape which they have had from the, punish-. . ment which their heartless , conduct richly merits. The letter is as (follows " Sir, A rather novel kind of a feat was performed

At St. Lawrence on Saturday .night last by a, young tod hamed Joues, who was backed to Vlrink three half-pints of strong brandy within a certain time. The liquor was procured and the task accomplished within half-a-minutc. I need hardly say that the lad became insen-sible, and lay in that state' for about fifteen hours, and the agony' he. endured during most'of the time was something horrible, and it was a miracle that he was' not suffocated. Had he.died whilo in that state, I fancy the pcrsonB who induced him to drink the brandy would have found out that they had placed themselves in a rather awkward positiom Yours, &c."

A VIGOROUS effort is being made by tho residents of Raglan to oBtablish a provisional school at that diggings ; and Messrs. D. M'Donald, and Holmes, who are now in tow?, have been making a canvass for subscriptions with a fair amount of success, considering the prevailing tightness pf money. We believe that they have in hand about £60 out of £60 required for the building. It is stated that the number of children of school age living in the neighbourhood is scarcely sufficient'to enable the promoters of tho undertaking to secure the immediate establishment of a State school, but they are confident of being in a position .to do so about six months hence, and the building now in contemplation will be erected in accordance with plans and conditions that will ensure its being accepted by thc Minister for Public Instruction for the purposes of a State school when the time has arrived foi'

handing it over ' to the full control of the Départaient.' , ",. ''.',.

Tat half-yearly general meeting of the sub-,, ambers of the Sahool of Arte, Clermont, Was held in that town on Thursday evening last, Mr. E.' Mullins occupying the chair. The report of the Committee for the six months' showed that certain improvements had been. effected in the building ? belonging to the. institution; and the town clock has been placed in the building. About 160 books had' beeu sent for from Melbourne, and a book will in - future be kept in the reading room

in Which' subscribers can write the names of any books they may consider it ad-: visable to add to thc library. The state-ment of receipts to December 31, showed that

£102 8s. had been received from the Govern-, ment, and that subscriptions amounted to £20 11s. Gd., making a total of £122 19s. Cd. Tho disbursements to the same date wer« for sundry accounts, £62 Os. 8d., leaving a balance to the credit of the institution of £00 18s. 10d.' From statistics the Secretary prepared to forward to thc Registrar-General, it appears that there were in the library 380 books and 60 subscribers on the roll. ? The report and statement of accounts having been passed, it was agreed to that for the future all subscribers be allowed to take out two books instead of ono. Ungratifying that the Clermont School of Arts is in the flourishing condition represented by the above facts and figures.

THE Peak Downs papers to hand by yester-day's mail, contain reports of destitution said to be prevalent in Copperfield owing to the temporary closing of the Mine. We reproduce

in another column an article from the Telegram on the subject. Tho conclu-sion wc come to from the statements before us is that some destitution prevails, or is immediately threatened, owing to the fact that many of the miners live from haiid-to-mouth, and consequently the moment a stoppage of supplies occurs they are thrown into a state of helplessness. However, the stoppage of the mine ought not yet have occasioned much real distress, for tho month's wages due to the miners on the 9th instant have been paid, in accordance with the arrange-ment explained in our leader on the subject last Saturday, and the miners have only been a week without work and pay. But thc prospect for the men thrown out of work is rather gloomy, and wc trust that when the Company hold their half-yearly meeting of shareholders on tho lltli proximo, they will sec their way to re-commence operations on a satisfactory basis. Meanwhile, however, the output of ore will bo suspended, ond the miners will have to shift for themselves as beBt they can. The alluvial gold deposits on Peak Downs may doubtless bc worked to advantage by a limited number of men, and probably others will find employment in other


- ^If^irönj^e^ther^refijjä' Mr|

Mesjonfjlhe meiilfeer í&jltosewood, baserai)' nat«»! luijoonncojâop tub the fpe^ich'.àl*irverf: of whioV paper'*lîa«î^sfôr#»i»ii' mr*. theil

editor. " v " \

A CORRESPONDENT, writing from Nogoa Uiver, Peak Downs road, says that a great many teams are now coming in with tsopper

fn)djw<}oly, yGfofesVnná/ Wjifer are abundant, particularly upon tlie Nogoa.

TUE exhibits aÇ ¿he ¿jito^flowCT pw were removed from thie School of Arts..yesterday,. Mr. E.(l^..p|bdinJ)eIda(BaJe|of artichjs.ttieir owners wished to'disposë of, chiefly brnarndn tal foliage plants in pots,; and, the bidding was pretty brisk. , |

MEMBERS of tho Debating Club will Bee that the next meeting will be held to-morrow leven-;

lng, tho VquésUpn^/fór'. Discussion,'b^rngj'1 '* Would, the éftéhaioh,é, .giving increased voting, landed proprietors,, be beneficial to the polpuy.T " The [Subject is a broad one, . land, should evoke a capital

debate. .' n-..-.-"M ..'¡i -,.ill., in,-,'-: ..,",.,

Trnt E. and A. Company's R.MiS. Somerset1 from Hongkong and Singaporo,. with the mails' ' from England to . the date of pcpember 0, via Brindisi and,the usual Eastern advises, is due off Cooktown to-day, -contract -date, ? and in Keppel BajfcVoW Saturday. The R.M.S. Australia, with the' mails from Erigland by the Pacific route to '(¡he ;date of December 6; ÍB due at Sydney' to-day, " but ' owing to breaking her crank pin on the . voyagé from San Francisco to' Auckland, she may pro-bably have been detained at tho latter port

to undergo tile repairs necessary for the- oom-/ pletion of her passage 'under steam.

FIFTY-EIGHT South Sea Islanders, whose

term of service in this neighbourhood has expired, were to proceed yesterday afternoon by the steamer Bunyip to the schooner Mystery, in which they were to be taken to their native homes. It appears that on Saturday, while the Bunyip was in the Bay transacting business connected with the

sailing of the Scottish Bard, certain passen-

gers from the Bunyip went on board the

Mystery, and it is stated that they saw several of the crew in a state of intoxication from the

too free indulgence in the rum of Mackay

from which port the schooner last sailed.

One of the party, it is said, also saw a white woman in a like state of intoxication and the facts were in due time reported to Mr. Kilner, Sub-Collector of Customs at this port. That gentleman at once communicated with Dr. Salmond, Protector of Polynesianas,

and the Doctor under the circumstances con-sidered that it waw his duty to stop the

shipping of the Islanders in the meantime. Mr. Kilner telegraphed the particulars to the

Colonial Treasurer, and is now awaiting instructions to hold an investigation, pending, which it is unnecessary to say more on the


TB«. -.ppfEji ,'. HOTS^!.,^.,^^!'^^

Council met at about twenty minutes past lom*, o'clook yesterday afternoon (saya ¡the Courter of the 18th jinatant). ..Immediately, after the President had taken hts Boat, the hon. C. Si Mein rose and made;* statement; to .thc House acquainting hon. rnemlfers' with| the;.jteaigna,'-' tion.of tbe7uiniatry'.of whick he .was a mem-ber, and the ,iapt that'.fiis Excellepc^,,%äd aocepte4.i Sicír ¡resígnatjion' and .'fiaken steps towards t^itorn^tapnj.ó^ahotljé^. t^lstnÇ Ho concluded by thinking lion. renUemen'ior tho kindness and cpqrtesy he had' received during his tenure of office ss representative <>f

the Government in; voe'House. Several mem-

bers, took the opportunity of thanking Mr.

Mein for the'manner in Which lié had always! conducted thc business entrusted to him, and* for the courtesy they had: reoeived from him.' On the motion of Mr. F. T, Gregory, tho hon. D. P. Roberta was elected'Chairman of Com-mittees of the -whole HOUBO for tho present session. The House adjourned, after a sitting of about a 'quarter'bf ?an ¡hbur,'.' until1 four

o'clock on Tnesday next» ?

TBS ySUSPENDED ANIMATION" HOAX.-., Thc excitement" caused by "our (Courter) publishing an accouht''of,: a''new process, purporting Mn .1M . the' (discovery qt; an italian naturalist named Rotura, has caused us to sift this matter very closely," and our investiga-

tions ttüre lea'tta'to the unwelcomefconcluffictoJ that wehnve been'noaxed." That burBcientifii column'stíbülA'be'deed as-lb vehicle for .the. waggery 'of any meniber of oureWI isla liberty at which we are very justly incensed. We oannot understand any gentleman)' 'connected with journalism, at a time iwheni |t)ie disposal of surplus fat stock is ensaang such anxious attention, exhibiting such a7nippahcy of mind as to desire to impose on .tho orédulity of a generous public by a plausible narrative that we now find entirely fictitious. We believe we1 aré on his track!, though a mistaken esprit de corps amongst tho members of onr staff makes absolute identification a matter of extreme difficulty.' . If,V<s should 'be'right' in our Buspicions, the ' offender, at his next interview with pur accountant! will .probably be furnished'with areumeiits for the suppres-' sion of this volatile exuberance of spirits that may be.expectod .to have a very convincing effect. ' For Our, part , in the ' transaction, we humbly, crave the pardon pf any on whom this abominable dation may have imposed.


[FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] ' TUE opening of Parliament has been the event of tho week. On 'Tuesday the1 proceedings were almost entirely of acerembnial character. Forty-seven members were sworn in on that day, and thé Speaker was re-appointed without; a dissentient ; voice. Thus , a olean, start was mado for the following day's pro-ceedings, which proved of an exciting character. The Speech read by his Excellency must bc awarded the palm for length over nH -preceding deliverances of a like kind, and it certainly foreshadowed à comprehensive pro-

gramme. It was really a party manifesto, and, a document intended'for future use historically.,

It BIIONVS what the.Liberal Government of Mri Douglas thought ought to be done, and when their «üeoBBsorg have a far more modest account tp show, it will afford the opportunity for invidious comparison. The country willie constantly informed of what the Liberal Government pf 1876-9 would have done hadit been granted a pro-longed lease of office, and of what thé publie has lost by thc formation of a Ministry supported by, if not composed chiefly ol, mouopolising squatters. Tile assemblage to hear thc Speech was very large, and the fifty two or fifty-three people s representatives had to be very closely packed to get into the seats appointed for them in thc Legislative Council. In other respects there was nothing uncommon about thc ceremony, yet it was unfortunately attended by one of thc saddest accidents tlmt ever occurred in tho colony. As you will have learnt by telegram two mon ' lost their lives in firing the vice regal salute, and a third received a serious injury to the hand. This cast a gloom over the celebration, and thc Assembly flag was hung at half mast during the remainder of thc day. All sorts of reports ns to the. cause of the accident were in circulation yesterday, but the accompanying facts from the Courhr havo been industriously compiled, and furnish thc host explanation yet given of ' the catas-trophe.

In the afternoon tooth Houses mot at half past three, principally to debate the address in reply to thc Speech. In thc Council there was some filiarp criticism, which drew forth a iieppery reply from the l'ostmaster-G encrai, n thu Assembly, however, the1 battle was far

more serious and prolonged. After seven j

! aoMitional members bad been snfforó, brinjfrj %ts> tbo total number in attendance fig to fiftjrt, four, .some formal business was bariBacte^,

, Mr. Douglas then rose and made a Ministerial

:¿0>laAaJion, stating that durink\Ae,sinti&

Hregnnml Mr. Miles hod resigned, thatrç Mr. SPLean had joined tho Ministry, and thatrother changcB had been mode of which the publio_jare .now _ well_ aware. Mr. Miles i next rose, and denied that he hô3 resigned,

but was dismissed because he refused to tako thc Lands Department, and because the Pre-mier had a minia" ipr, reppnatffictjons. Mr. Miles spoke for 4'Vorralaertbte tlirle, and aid

not improve his^position,as, a. public;, map, . ' although in damaging that of 'Mr: Garrick lié ' elicitedspme boisterous ant) sarcastic .cheering,

from several Opposition1 members who ¡appré . dated the fun ot Ministers' ivasbihg their dirty

lineri ^npublip. Mr.' Douglas haicfngl said; a .few worà ¡ri reply,' and these more than Were

necessary, the subject dropped, ! ' i . At the time .the, wpearancc pf thc Souse; was most '.animated. ..There was, as Mr.

Douglas admitted, à." formidable array" of , thirty-two members on the Opposition benches, and twejay on ¿he Ministerial side, including the five Ministers. I believe fifty-two was the largest (number iof'membens wh».were|seated: at any one time. Most of the Ministerial party, too; were on the cross-benches, Messrs."

Mile«; Rea,' and Kingsford being the only;' occupants of the long bock bench which,; during thc greater pprtipn of ,tíia last. Parlia-ment, gave undeviating' support to the Ministry of thc day. ft was evident that thé doom of the Government' was sealed, and that if they prolonged/.the ¿struggle thc ;on!y objeçts,couid be self-vindication and the con-servation of political capital wherewith to meet the constituencies.'A remarkable change strikes the., old : parliamentarian as having occurred.inithe:appearance of the chamber.

.The increased;wmW'Ot.members and the' very large proportion of unknown faces, gives

tho placé an hnf ámiliar look, andthe oldistâgers, showed unmistakeable signs of discomfort. .Ministers'looked exceedingly desolate,: and their Contortions of countenance in the effort to assume nonchalance was often ludicrous.

I Such a close-packed, auditory, io{; hostile faces

it1 was never, fief ore'their lot to encounter, and theV Way be well lelx'cuW^or'ilioif "wce-begone

?fook. The 'àùdiènce 'of atMtnfiérsy'too¡' 'was'1

[very larga,. and «tended to. invest .'the proceeds;

dngs,,wjpi.jadditipnfll imijortanco. Mr,,Ilea,, as already 'stated, took his place ' behind Ministers, but Mr. Paterson assumed a seat ;pn the front' Ministerial i.eross bench, only

ldivided,by¡tbe gangway from that successively locoupied by ,your, former,: members. . !Mr<j ¡Airohor, in fact, occupied their old seat, but

found^omedifficulty is refining gowing to,/ the crush of members on the Opposition side. ¡It would,take- aUtjie.time .for .each member to .nnj}| n>8 "pernmpimi. place, ..but it is/ '¡pretty clear thai; the third ' back cross-, .benches, recently added, will not be popular.' ilt is probably t6o: 'far'sway- 'for comfortable [hearing,, »nd members find ¡the'constant strain

of attentive I jhstening ,*o:i scarcely, .articulate: sounds unendurable, . AU, tbe iÇtjÇtral .mem-bers, save Messrs; Paterson and Rea, seated

, .themselves wi the Opposition side,' Iii. Fowles '

,nbt having yet arrived, and being consequently

denied the pppprtun^y of giving his vote in

the critiosTdivision.. The Northern men, save , ohe, aré átáoM'.thb' Opposition side, so that . out of nmet^h^(WrM ahd!Nohhfern members ! Mr. MHwraith can.rely upon fifteen,.. This ! . is satisfactory TO 'those ?members' who in the ,last Parliament fought a steady and discourag-

ing bitClé ausrast, jthe p^brrií^oé pf #ueén-/

. Ií'W'nrmé.ces^ry ^..oh'è'^.'Âc'çmpy 'mach ' .spáÜfe. -with^n'otíHfní 'the debate.' . Mr. Hes- ' :tónV:the'W#,4tië,mber, forr'Bosewoóll!''rnoved

.the'linaressin'reply'-ío the'Sjpeecli. ','fhu M-''

,lemán waa formerly a'school tcaotior, btrebas' for Bomé^Vrs 'étfrteflibte íViWc'i Observer. Heish'refhferkàblyfiiiënt and. clear speaker,

. and addresaedUmv Housë-with more confidence

than perhaps any old member has acquired,

saving. )'»nly. /Oin ¡ redoubtable: 'Mr,' I PabW-/ Should Mr. Meston's fluency not be fatal as it

usuauyiM,I >«STOW,ne:<ißTOlopliiicapacity tory

wank?,' and ahonld hcdisplay sound - judgment

'os Well as blevenkess, be Will Isopn make ihis

mark. . .Birt [the probability is. Ébat, he will 1 soon find his .level. Hising-at a dater periods of the evaning, Ire ¡was icptnsidarably sat upon by the House, and lite imt bas already christ-

ened him tliai:"fio)wood pump.", ítr.iEat^ j ersoa saoondai tint motiVn, «nd marin a grind ' impression. As your readers will know, he has. an engaging manner arid'easy 'delivery, which are great aids to a parliamentary debater j1' törV thejt will ' not 'eupply . the place of more, solid qualities, and it is surprising' IfoW ;sàbb1 the -Honae estimates a man by, the matter of his speeches and seems tofttrdoet énttrely'ovërlookitho m«nn*r. 1 Hf.? Hoa';olsU tepíikíe at Wiste' feiobr;*ut failed to

score. :> He did1 muèh better in 'his: second ? School of . Arts 'speech daring the 1 election '1 a.t Rockhampton. .. . -«I

I The mover and seconder of the ''reilly,'"' however, only did *thé ornamental portion ot the day's work. The débate 'began' with the!' rising of Mr/ M'Uwralth, Whose Hard Scotch' accent, and difficult mode of expression,1 were ' in marked .contrast . Ito the glib .phrases of the preceding speakers. Yet Mr., Mcilwraith '9 one of our, foremost debaters, and appears to havel spent his, life, in collecting a mass of information, which. want of time has never permitted hjm toi classify! or arrange.. His speech was principally a review of the past five years' parliamentary , hjstpry,. and, it did not ^eontaini much; iitiewi.j chatter. Yet it was full ol' points, 'and supplied abun-dant materials to suceessive .speakers. He

concluded by moving an amendment T>y' Which' I the House, decided to epter:^pon .the, con-sideration bf o^ueBtipns referred to 'in'the Speech, until his' Excellency obtained new advisers possessing r,tte confidence ,qf, the J House. , This déclaration of war was'warmly

cheered Oppos'itiyh,¡plulagk,' and,every,, one appeared to, feel that ,the, division Wquhl

bring the career1 of Ministers to!an, abrnpt",

close. '"' - " ' "

Mr. Donglas followed with a chaxacteristio reply in defence of the Government. Ho yraa obliged tp admit that the Hpiiso as pow con-stituted bad not confidence in tUe Çoyiernmont, but demanded to know where Mr. M'llwraith would get an acceptable Ministry. He boasted the majorities polled by members of

the Government, and pointed triumphantly i to the .disappearance of. certain prominent leaders o£. the v Opposition. Ultimately

he admitted that thc lines of demarcation between .parties bad .been to a great extent obliterated,'and he urged that in the present circumstances of: the, oolony. Mr. M'llwraith should -choose the , bast men without much regard ito party. Altogether Mr. Douglas!

speech was exceptionally weak,,and it was. generally regarded as a "feeler " towards. the

formation of a coalition Government, in which ;

case the aebior member, for Maryborough., would of-course be allotted a prominent place. ; I believe it is a matter of history that Mr, Douglas never has sat, except for a very brief period occasionally, rn opposition to the Government of the day.

Mr. Palmer next rose, and dealt ont such a succession of. cutting blows as he1 alone is capable of delivering. His com-mentary , on the Speech1 and ' his criti-cism of 'Ministers caused much amusement and excitement throughout the House. Ho

was in his! best form as the Vulcan of our parliamentarians, and made Ministers look very small, indeed,. Mr, Griffith next rose, and made a bold defence nevertheless, and after the Premier's Submission, au opponent

conld not but respect his colleague's attrhidr

of defiance, however much his utterances might be Jisapprpvcd of. ? He did not conceal -his astonishment at being confronted by such au array of squatters, but warned them that both they and the Liberal renegades associated with Hiern . would have a short time of it if

they got into power. It is evideut that " Our Sam" it preparing to load the "Liberal" Opposition on the anti-cormorant squatter

ticket. Mr. Groom followed with a few hard hits, biit his speech was almost confined: to local and personal topics and did not exalt thc tone of thc debate. At bis concluding there seemed a desire to go to division, but Messrs. Kellett, Rea, and Bailey successively addressed the House, after

tMr. TiTjiMiniiiWli.il1 '"I lim ndjniii numil

debato) HrfcbjHj&agreed to.

nifjted fa^HenHMii an incident in tito eirW ParW|f UjUmk when Mr, Meston Âfc-notic^»ÎjnoUÂÎo exclude intoxicating uqpors frora-^JlBÏSÏfÎUmentary refreshment rita, This intimation was met by peals of laughter from all sides, and I fear the motion will meet with little support when it comes on for discussion a month or two hence; r


as desired to speak, but some-of -th« old -ones - ? -also tobkWvABtAg'tf.df t^ft>»p4rttrtty. ,v.TOW. V.I talking, however, did-not shange-a vote. No member on either side ,freinqen the slightest

.doubt as to his Hn tentions, «nd sa iduring:,the ; K Afternoon thereyttf a1 'dèpressing'qbsètiae of ' '

vivacity:-Mr. Miujfartauu uumimf thu debate, but his,«pMCb\idocg/notc»ilt.lor ootice,'\WP, Mackay followed with an impeachment of the Railway] DerartrrifirA^in>lt)à[frfe1wjth -which most' ' reade* 'of y Q6éedstodf iouitoÍL'»»

familial-'. - - Bik speech .Wai» nbt'B^i^5!»nir/., ?without merit, but waB.-riotlrmit»-S-pTies during a want of confidence debate. This

Ï;eutlèmaji: ii attempting theiFO^ bf «/MiMtfri ..'I'

io will weed 'to^eftisearaebWare inaofeevsnW riding his hobby or be will esfeDdisU jiritnseU'j-.

as a .bore.,[ M^ B»ul,,lo|^ed;.pW weAiba^ ,.T -«peaks,»?t)j:a.Mng»d« .^fm^^.yM^^ii^,, the effect of his observations. He^made^, ^mistake also in dragging forward magisterial

and- local mat^^^icV W I1'1

cares to listen to unless the accusationr'Are df '

sufficient importance /td Affect' the position »f . ,T tGovernment.: iWithlpT«tiBe,-howírfcr,-j

. Paul ought-to mtfkevan isfCefltjife debater*. [

for bc is an ¡educated man and has a,good -v . eommand of language.'' Mr. Xdmley Hin, " alffKtt^'sfcffermgftota'^ ?

erólas welk[i^d¿^e;S!omw ,-¡ He will. hs. able, ta hp]R.Ji#,o^,.OTthom>j doubt, for J learn, thaii, he. ^ex:at^mptej, ¿. public speech' before- i^.,,H«r^en1,^nay ibo,,, passed over. Mc. faites, hi representing the Darling' Downs '. fagfrnnrrarfsTsY ie in abject

-terror of the scatters,'and"« ?hèy áhdthe 1 ^northern menjesigu.iefvffljia^^

Government could be formed withou^ some, member of the present Government, ' and ne , (believed ¡mest pf ^hejmeirjbe« M the Opposi-tion eip'^waqMie.o^ oopjfi' lo the mdstejgal

. pno agarBfr jaB^^Beryaüou jn-(^Iij|AjBttSoMita merrily concurred. The TreasurS5***»^W"3.'' 'bf Iiis big speeches, but did not makemucfi

impression, and one^/f tne'étóef faints he did

make: wsw ímmtfinMfrafterwwds jspoiled, jby, ¡ '// Mr..: :OVJiilttvan..v>Mtv:i Bpll,.,, iB-"fais "in-:, variably,, goodsatcred: ..rpanssr, ^(irised,, both Sinister ' ter. l Woçtw.. a$a> .Treasurer, < giving both some good advices. : /Mr.'. Miles explained why lie. had not settled . Mr. Ballard's : «hu roi and was pf opinion | that ?.

he was: an. extravagant ¿ngáñeer; cather-than I Lan economical one. :. On ÜÄ.whple, howsyer/ ; 'he spoke sensibly and to. the point. Mr. John Scpttdefended,Mr< Ballard. Mr. Archer .made, a, masterly speech, which I sm sure your,,çeatteo |W|li peiiose, Wffn, sa^tsctjan,,

although the report does not pourtfljjr,,huj , M admirable manner, _and Jt does scant justice ' :to hM Uugoa^ : Itj-prodded >he ;Hpn<nS/;i W. Griffith mtbjjóijne.vOT, aseM

advice, milch' to the amdseiheni of rafe'House.

Mr.^B^e^ge^was, ^P^r^^^^^^^^ spoft|f[heíÍ!oW dptng

I wlrfeT'hé'^ni ,^*' ^aW^'áeVOMé

iremarnï''1 bi- ..proved,- foT-'lfttóc'y 'is'-too commonly fatal to parhamefiraiy ,:6rstors. ¡¡Mr.--?' í<órkins>: foUbwe4.,)/*lth'iX*Hviryl

Jhot^t^k6pynl'b«tb(Mr/lttdUe4g4iVit1a: the : Premier,: I in »»Ich Ahb/ lihpited aome'rvery ' naughty proceedinra%o.theiilalW'gTOtMrhan. The division then followed,- and from it only twP^mtsnbers of ttefflonB»Tire»*bBentii«bey

were'Mri Fowles/: whd>nad.n'dt #etb>tp61aiti " appearance, in*JMr. fMils*,' wtonconrlemnedv i the Ministry,T hnt ^hairefused t^'^te against i-» his' fortuir'i'obllBaödB».' !The,!'«itfest wai'ia:-'' crushing one, and for the first time since Mrli'-I

Palmer left bffiee every1 '? bemtier^M'the Oppo-

sition was at his post. Thirty-two will be a

' strong party, if only they can beheld together. -- This rnprningf Itbe'-i Assembly; Met tcKXKH >

sent the amended aAftpess' tal tho Governor. Honourable members, on the motion of Hr. M'Hwraitb, lett'for Government House, nre ? ceded . by Ithe Speaker,: jtfet b«foW_Tui}£

past ; eleven,. -.. Returning I ult >.f!^ifè2mùiaak formals matter«: ,reç*ivBdZ(attention,Î after

which Mr. Douglas -announced Î th** ) Ministers bad resigned, and only retained office by his Excellency's wish pending the appointment ofthehrBuooossore. Mr.- M'H , wraith intimated that he had been sent for

and entrusted with the task of forming a Ministry. It was then resolved that the

House'adjourn1 till Tuesday, wher/ft'is'ex-" pected that, ,|Kbe . newrjMtaiqfry will, be. an- IA nonhced, Supply provided, and an adjourn-ment for some two months 'agr/êedto, ro order that arrangements for the annnal session, may

be made.

Brisbane, January 17, 1879.

i.e. Ill ' munni III III.IIIW.O ..."n