Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), Wednesday 19 February 1964, page 16


FOUR plays by Australian authors are am

the latest batch bought for Australian tek vision. Two of them are by award-winner P

Yeldham, both with Aussie backgrounds. f

"East of Christmas," with Guy Dolcman, is aDo

pearl-fishing expedition in north-western Australia '

"Stell" is the story of a fading beauty in a small

back town. Reg Lye and Charles Tingwell lead the mT side of the cast, but Stella herself is played by Engl I actress Katharine Blake, of whom Peter Yeldham -J "It's thc best performance of any part I've ever witt »

Neither of the other two plays is set in Australia. One'

Alan Seymour's "Thirty-one Backyards." It is set in u* don, where a young Australian writer (played by ft" Barrett) works out his love affair with a rich and rebellious

English girl.

The fourth play, "Beachhead." by Australian ex.«,.

correspondent George Johnston, \¡ about part of the forgotten army still fighting in Burma in 1945 who provide a strange experience for the Australian war corres-pondent on the spot (John



'JWE B.B.C.'s newest Dickens

serial, "Martin Chuizlewit" which will be offered for sale over-seas soon, comes from a largely feminine workshop. The story is adapted by Constance Cox, uko did the TV version of "Oliver Twist." It is directed by joan Craft, who was responsible for "The Old Curiosity Shop" (likely to be shown in Australia later), and designed by Susan Spence. The only male in the team is producer Campbell Logan, who is also in charge of "Dr. Finlay's Casebook."


T^R/r/SH members of the Broadway

revue "Beyond the Fringe" ail preparing a one-hour comedy version of Jules Verne's "A Trip to the Moon" in Columbia's "Chronicle" series. Tn« space vehicle will contain such Wu* benefits as Victorian furniture oui . soaring' wine cellar.


Kern has had to shelve p for his first starring role in a '

series because of stage comm ments. The series, specially writ for him by Australian Ra Peterson, was to have gone i production with Associated Rei

fusion early this year. But > present Leo is too fully tied up a the newly opened Civic Theat

in Nottingham, where he is wot! ing with Tyrone Guthrie and Pet


So the scripts have had to

put on the shelf in the hope th

Leo will be free to work on tho" later in the year.

* *

WHEN Ed Sullivan filmed "the

singing nun," Soeur Sourire singing "Dominique" for his show, a cheque offered to a con-vent charity was declined.

The eventual fee: a jeep. The faP

now on its way to missionaries in the Congo.

NEGRO ballad singer Josh W

will soon make o "Hooteomml appearance with son, Josh, ¡u*; * daughter, Beverly. lt will bi "* first time out as a trio.

* *

POR the American Civil Wtr

Centennial, it was oripnw planned the war would I* /j fought before the TV cameras, W1 in fact few memorial program** have been seen. Ne»' "or educational TV channel has P

pared a two-hour program^ "The Civil War: A ?e0K¡¡ I Tragedy." The programme ^

usc sketches and paintings by "jM low Homer, who was a war f l respondent, and special "'"^¡^B

at Appomattox, Gettysburg,

bu re. and other battle sites. \ I