Rockhampton Bulletin (Qld. : 1871 - 1878), Thursday 10 July 1873, page 3


THE TWO Thousand Guineas Stakes, a subsciption of 100 soys, each, h.f., for three-year-olds ; colts, 8 st. IO lbs. ; fillies, 8 st 7 lbs. ; the owner of the second horse to reccire 200 sovs. out of the stakes, and the third to save his stake. U.M. Cl milo 17 yards). Mr. W. S. Craw/brjl'B Gang,. Forward-by Stockwell -Lady Mary, by Orlando,

8 et. IO lbs., ridden by T. Chnlloner.bcaVj

Kaiser, Sulcimen, Somerset, Lord Mayo, Boiard, Andrcd, Trombone, Flagelot, and Doncaster. Betting: 75 to 40 against Kaiser, 100 to 30 against Flageolet, S lo 1 each against Somer-set and Gang Forward, 10 to 1 each agst. Suleiman and Boiard, 20 to 1 .igst Doncaster, 40 to J. agst. Andrcd, and 1000 to 8 agst. Lord Mayo. The lot reached the post in good time, and the immense crowd which mustered to seo Mr. M'Gcorgo despatch them having with some difficulty been cleared, the ten competitors wera marshalled in linc, and after a braco of insignificant breaks away the flag fell to a good start. Trom-bone, on tho left, was first away, and made play, followed by Kaiser, Gang Forward, and Doncaster in the centre, Suleiman and Flageolet lying behind those, while extending towards the right were Boiard, Somerset, and Andrcd, Lord Mayo, being quickly out paced,

and (niling; .off. Those positions were! maintained until reaching tho Bushes, when Trombone gave way, and Somersot and Andrea also showed signs of distress.

Simultaneously with, this Kaiser took up ? the running, being succeeded by Gang Forward, while Flagoolet immediately improved his position and drew up to Suleiman,' the pair going on third and

fourth, with Doncaster about a ueck behind them. Half way down the Bushes Hill, Flageolet and Doncaster compounded, end Gang Forward join-ing Kaiser in the dip, the pair drew away, followed by. Suleiman and Boiard. Taking tho ascent Gang Forward, ou tho whip hand, deprived Kairer of the lead, and although the favourite struggled gamely on to the end, he could never recover his old position, and Gang Forward won a good race by a head. Suletnan was beaten three lengths from Kaiser, Boiard was a moderato fourth, Flageolet fifth, Don-caster sixth, Andred so von th, Somerset eighth, land Trombone <,riext, with Lord Mayo beaten off. Time by Benson's chronograph, 1 rain. 40} sec. After tho

race 4000 to 2000 was offered against j Gang Forward "for the Derby, and 5000 to 1001) against Hoclwtaplorofferod after 1000 to 200,f aken.

. iMKMrKiuxciï.-íiir Henry Thompson, ono of thc must eminent medical «nen lu Loudon,

with twenty years' hospital .practice has ad. dressed a letter to thc Archbishop of Canter-bury on thc usc, or rather abuse af alcoholic hoverages. His letter has attracted groat at-tention. It is as follows :-"I have long had tlie conviction that there is un greater cause of evil, moral and physical, in this country, than the use of alcoholic beverages. - 1 do not mean by this that extreme indulgence which produces drunkenness. The habitual use of, fermented liquors to au extent far short of what is necessary to produce that condition, and such as is quite common in all ranks of societp, injures tho body and diminishes thc mcntoVpowcr to ah extent which I think few people'are aware of." Such, at all events, ls the result of observation during more than twenty years of professional life devoted to hospital practice, and tn private practice in every rank above it. Thus, I have no hesita-tion in attributing a very large proportion of sonic of thc most painful and dangerous maladies which come under my notice, as well os those which every medical man has to treat, tn thc ordinary and daily usc nf fermented drink taken in thc quantity which is conven-tionally deemed moderate. Whatever may be said in regard to its evil influence on the

montai and moral tactilities os to the fact above

skited, I fuel that I have a right to speak with authority ; and 1 do so solely because it ap-pears to me a duty, especially at this moment, not to be silent on a matter of such extreme importance. 1 know full well how unpalat-able is such truth, and how such a declaration brings ms into painful conflict, 1 bad almost said, with tim national sentiments and the time-honoured and prescriptive usages of our race. Cherishing such convictions, I rejoice to observe an endeavour to organise on a large scale in tho national Church a special and systematic plan for promoting temperance, and 1 cannot but regard this as au event of thc highest signmcaiiec. 1 believe that no associa-tion in this country lias means to influence society in a favourable -direction at all com-parable to that existing in the English Church, ami thc example and teaching of ito clergy woy do more that any of the other associations which have long laboured with thc same object to ilimiuisli th» national ignorance on this sub-ject, and thc consequent national vice. My main object is to express my opinions as a pro-fessional mau iu relation to thc habitual enrploynient or fermented liquor as a beverage. But if 1 ventured one «top further it would bc to express a belier that there is no single habit in this cou utiy which so much tonis to dete-riorate the qualities of tho race, .iud so much disqualifies it for cudurnucc in thal competition which in thc nature of things must exist, and in which strugglo the prize of superiority must i fall to thc best and to thc strongest."