Rockhampton Bulletin (Qld. : 1871 - 1878), Tuesday 22 December 1874, page 2



MININO affaira are very dull at present ou Calliope. There are no crushings to report. Tho Company are not raising stone just now, hut I believe a party of tributare ga on next week. Thc general prospects of the minc arc encouraging. The last crushing of ¡>0 tons from thc lowest level worked gave 00 ozs. 2 dwts. of gold, a little over 24 dwts. per ton, thc reef being seven feet thick between the walls, and "making." More steam is required, and to meet this want another boiler of 10 h.p. is about to bc added to those already in use, A hricknmkcr is-already on thc ground preparing bricks for tho purpose. The boiler has been herc for some time, so this want, will soon be supplied. A crosscut from thc main shaft will soon intersect the reef at * 22 fathoms when "the root of all evil" will

be dug out in considerable quantities.

Stone from Gooder's claim, ia Pancake Gully, is awaiting an opportuuity for crash-ing at tho Endeavour machine, but there is no water ; they had (lammed it in various ways, but cannot keep cuough water to put

them over a season.

A perfect deluge descended on Calliope in the neighbourhood of the diggings on Satur-day last, while here but little rain fell. Wo have had, however, some fine showers during thc week, and everything looks green again.

A good deal of land is being taken up by selectors in this neighbourhood, and many others arc talking of settling down, but thc

best portions of land are still reserved from

selection, and thc little that is open is of a poor character.

I visited our Primary School yosterday, and was favourably impressed by all I saw and heard there. The aptness of some of thc scholars and thc ready manner in which some quite difficult questions were answered, speaks highly of the method adopted by the master in their tuition. The school appears well found in books, &c, but is far too small for thc requirements of thc place ; tho attendance frequently exceeds 70, and the school itself is capable of accommodating about 40 ; as it is, even thc verandahs have to bc utilised.

December 16, 1874.

OFTOBRK 13 saw the race of thc Cesarcwitch Stakes, Lord Ailesbury's Aventurière winning by a head ; Mr. F. Swindell's Truth, gelding, coming in second, and Count Nadasdy's Gamecock third. There were twenty-five starters. The race naturally sugÎosts thc late reprimand which the Bishop of

lincoln has deemed it his episcopal duty to administer to thc lie v. Mr. King, incumbent I of Ashby-dc-Ia-Launde, au aged clergyman,

assuredly of the very oldest school, who insists, not only on In-ceding racehorses, but ¡ in running them, and whose beautiful " bit of

blond," Apology, recently won the St. Leger,

j Thc Bishop seems to think that Mr. King

i ought either to give up horse-racing or to

resign his living ; tho reverend gentleman I refers thc Bishop to bis solicitor ; but an i "apology" has been made for the owner ot ! Apology by a mutual friend, who points out

that Mr. King is not only thc incumbent but thc Squire of Ashby; that he is a large lauded proprietor ; that his next neighbour is that shining light of thc turf, Mr. Chaplin ; and that he can no more belp breeding thorough-breds than breeding pheasants, shorthorns, and fat sheep. It is altogether a case of con-science. Let us put a case. Herc is, say, His Holiness the Patriarch of Antioch. Some-body makes His Holiness a present of a foal ; and that thc foal turns out to bc as fleet a racer as Eclipse or Flying Childers. And now, let us ask thc Dacier Dubilantivm, should thc Patriarch sell thc wonderful racer

for ten thousand guineas? should be enter lum for the Derby and declare to win on him? or, should he have bim shot and so obviate any possible scandal ?

Kui,I.MANN, thc presumable insane scamp who tried to assasinatc Prince Bismarck, will be tried ou October 2!), at Wur-burg. Fora length of time the unhappy JifrN T' ' not lind a barrister to defend liim ; av^^^ftic advocate Gerhard was assigned as nïffîouuscl by thc authorities. Wolzburg is said to be a

very Ultramontane town ; but if Hei r Kuli- « mann be not condemned to spend a considerable number of years in thc strictest seclusion, with thc hardest of labour and thc lightest of diet, we shall be considerably surprised. Mean-while Prince Bismarck, determined to astonish mankind by an uiiiiitcrruptcij^ " "cession of " startling effects," has coudcscemK^o indite a letter to thc foolish ami impcrmfciit Paul Pry of politics (recently condemned to death in cnittuinacinm by a French court-martial), iu which he compliments M. Ilcgnicr on thc courage and devotion ho displayed in conducting at Metz- the "negotia-tions " between the Empress Eugenic, Prince Frederick Charles, and ex-Marshal Bazaine. Thc German Chancellor likewise athnns, "on his honor, that M. Régnier asked for nothing of a nature which could bc per-sonally advantageous to him front thc Prussian Government, and that be was allowed tc enter Metz because Prince Bismarck thought that he was thereby facilitating an action at once patriotic and useful in thc interests of peace." J'his is very delicious. Nobody- save the French, who arc not incompetent to argue calmly on thc subject- has ever accused M. Régnier of having been a spy. 11 is obvious that ho was a perfectly honest, well-meaning, good-natured, and meddlesome simpleton. But where is thc new political Kanlbach, to illustrate with new and incisive satirical drawings, a new edition of thc very old legend oT " Rcyn.-ird, the Fox?'' If the "Reinecke Fuchs "'«it ISÎ4 happened to bo remarkably like M. Uegnicr's latest correspondent, why wc think the pictorial satirist would not bc very much «mt in his reckoning.