Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Saturday 6 March 1909, page 7



In the open, on the werftern side of the Northern »annexe interesting exhibits are being »bown by Elder, Smith. & Co. There are now* over 5.500 of Fortescue'!; I.XJJ. poison carts distributed in the Conunonr v\ ealth1 States. An ordinary cart is shown in working order, illtist.ra.ting cutting off and laying the pollard baits, and it is ako fitted with a seedsower, showing the simple manner in which gram, can be distribute/1 There is- also a special sulky cart designed for the use ol' a station manager for tinveiling over large areas of country, with 'which poisoned baits can be laid asdesired. A sample wheel is exhibited showing the easy manner in which a tire ran be quickly tightened with Fortescue'» adjustable Chan-nel tires), thus avoiding the usual practice of cutting and shutting. "King Loc" steel droppers are shown on a section of a fence. They are fixed'to the wires after the fence is erected, and as the top and bottom, slots form a lock on the fence the use of -ties and wedges is unnecessary. A large number are being used in this. State, and a regular di>niand is experienced. The "Suddeth" funi.gators are useful machines for destroying rabbits in their burrows by pumping in fumes of carbon bisulphide. Attached to them is, an ingenious smoker contrivance, which is shown in operation, and is'for the purpose of detecting outlets and escapes in burrows before pumping in the carbon fumes, thereby saving the waste of the poi-son and rendering the work of destruction more effective. The easy and rapid way in which wool can be pressed with Donald's wool press, is effectively shown by the press in operation» and an i important feature is that the pressed bale

is run from the bottom box on a roller car-riage, enabling the workers to sew quickly on the top cap. A number of these presses are now being used op. several important stations. Donald's wire strainer, which i~ an ingenious tool, called the 'lung of wire strainers," is again shown in operation, and commands remarkable attention by th¿ rapid, and effective way that broken wires in fences can be mended or slack wires tightened, cut. and joined. The sale in the Commonwealtli States and New Zealand has reached many thousands, and a large de-mand has been experienced for them in South Australia.


Messrs. J. & D. Shearer, of Mannum and Kilkenny, have an exhibit situated in their usual position near the Frome-road en-trance. A great number of farmers in-terested in agricultural machinery of an up-to-date" character inspected the exten-sive display of this firm. Extensive addi-tions and improvements have been made at their Mannum and Kilkenny works on ac

count of largely increased demand for theil« implements. Their damp-weather stripper is tilted with a new patent device that en-ables tlie driver to throw the damp-weather appliances ont of gear very rapidly. . The spiked «lamp-weather roller revolves in the

mine direction as the wheat as it leaves the beaters, and therefore does not knock tlie grain back into the drum. This is a distinct improvement, and the flying grain assists the damp-weather in Ha workingArtillery wheeis arc- fitted to these strippva-s, but if wood naves» arc preferred these will lie supplied. Another improvement is that the belts are so, arrasgeel that the machines can be driven through the heaviest crops with the belts very slack, which, arrangement of course reduces the draught materially. The ordinary, stripper, as well as the patent damp-weather stripl>er. is fitted with a patent rock draft at-tachment, and a patent device by which the wheat is loaded on the near side and the chaff on the off-side of the machine.

This puts, the load on the near (driving) whecd, directly behind the horses, render-ing these machines extremely light in draught- Owing to the extra weight ein j the driving wheel they are* most cifieient in ]

threshing. Shearer's ploughs, fitted with new patent foot piece and shares, patent lifting device, and concave mould boards, have been pronounced by the thousands of farmers using them a pleasure to work with, on account of the ease experienced in handling and the good work they do.

Whilst every attention has been given to stability in construction by using the very best quality spring steel and other mate-rials in these ploughs, the object has been to secure good ploughing by thoroughly pul-verising the soil. This, with the extreme lightness of draught, has made Shearer's ploughs famous throughout the Common-

wealth. Three different shares can lie fitted

to the Taring ploughs. There is the Paring share, with clip and one bolt. Short land side shares, which are cheaper than the former, are fitted on with two' bolts, and have a short land side, which strengthens the shares, and is a distinct improvement ?on the ordinary plate share. Plate share» '.can also be fitted on the same foot by those who have very soft and comparatively clear land. This finn also showed soft centre

mould boards (with hardened surface),of different patterns, which arc fitted to Ídoughs if ordered with such. These mould

loaras are a great improvement for sticky bind, and Will be found to last much longer than the ordinary boards where the laai is gravelly.

Messrs. J. & D. Shearer claim to be the largest manufacturing firm of steel plough-shares in the States. These are now stocked by all merchants and storekeepers, thus giving farmers who use Shearer» ploughs the certainty of always being able to get shares easily when required. ? The shares, winch neither break nor bend and fit well, are. made of the very best steel procurable. This is carefully treated in the cours3 of manufacture, and great care is taken not to overheat it, thus ensuring the vesry best article. Plough and cultivator snares are made by the firm to fit almost every class of implement in use throughout Australia.


Mr. J. W. G. Alford is showing his ven-tilating patents in the northern annexe and has secured first prize for the '"Alford shade adjuster and ventilator for windows." This device can be attached to any window, and the blind or shade lowered to nliow free ingress or egre&s of air without a draught pr flopping of the blind. Light and shade

in a room is also controlled at will. The Alford window lift and lock is also on view. With this article windows may be left open and still be locked as burlar-proof. The top sash can be opened by it without reach-ing, and the rattling of windows stopped. Like the shade adjuster it fits and can be attached to any window without the aid of a mechanic.



The Gas »Company occupy their usual .position at the main entrance of the build-ing, and slidw a great variety of incandes-cent.gas lights, oi which the inverted- bur-

ner is now tlie most efficient. The "Jaco-

bus" inverted burner, the latest type of its class, of which tlie company have secured the South .Australian agency, will give an actual eandlepovver of 120 candles for 31 ft. p¿r hour, or four horns' lighting for one penny. Two Wclsbach upright burners will give the same result in candlepower, but will use 4 ft. each per hour. For the light-ing of smaller areas the inverted burners are made in 90 and GO candle-power, and a "Bijou" burner is shown, which-gives an actual 26 candle-power light for 1 ft. of gis per hour, or 14 bouts' lighting for one ]>enny. Tliis result proves how much has been accomplished in raising the efficiency of gas lighting during the past, few months. Outside lamps, with inverted mantles, can now be had from 400 to 1,000 candle-power. In gas fires for the coming winter numer-ous designs for use, -with or without^ilues,' are now made- One especially which at-tracted attention is a four-tube gas radia-tor, costing Jd. per hour full on, which vviil heat a room l8 ft. square, and the cost can be reduced to ^d. per hour after the first hour's use. The asbestos log fires give a yery natural effect when burning, resem-bling an ordinary wood fire very closely. In water heater» there is a good selection fitted with or without safety taps, and one desi'gn ha.« an automatic valve, by which, when the water is turned off, the gas is also turned out. For restaurvnts or tea-rooms Ewart's ""Ever-ready" boiler will pro-duce a continuous supply of boiling water at any time. The heater is connected to the water service, and one tap turns on both the gas and the water. Gas cooking stoves manufactured by Mains, Parkinsons, and Wilsons, arc seen in sizes to suit all families, and the increase in sales of these articles proves how efficient they are for general use, the company having sold 300, during the last six months. Gas irons, boiling burners, breakfast cookers, and workshop appliances complete an interest-ing exhibit.


Mr T J Richards w is aga n to the fore with an aitstic and attiactivc disp»i.j of vehicle* which weie prominently located on the Cont*nental ground where the tuan elected i huge marquee, which was bul hantlv illuminated it night The magmfi cent cxlubit undoubtedly lormed one or the giandest and mo-t unique displavs of veh cíe» evci shown in the Common wealth The exhibit wa* a marked success, and ita popularity was evidenced bj, the Large nain bet of persons seen viewing the col eot on ot .eludes On previous oceisions tlu enter puling hrm s exhibit has been a ieature of the show and this j ear was unquestionably no exception to the rule The displav ot vehicles, even su pi»sed the efforts ot Air Richards m previous vears When viewing the extensive displav of b_autifullv designed

oikmonship, with the fane blending of colors, it could cas lv be understood bj spec titois vv'ij this firm holds a reputation for high ckiss cainage and buggy building Ihinughoiit the Commoiiweoltn Mr Riehirds does not trj how cheaplj but how well he can d6 work and he is satisfied v ith «mall profit» and quick returns He ('?Csircs that when a person deals with him the buver shill not onlv get good quality, but also obt un it at a low figure As*a -c u't 1 a-, fo'lovved the wonderful progress which Mi Richards has made m his busi-


In 1887 the firm first exhibited at the Adel tide show Mi Richards then showed one vehicle Since then his display has increased j Kir bv vear milli now he is one of the Lirgest exhibitors of carnages in the w «rid it in agricultural -how AL Richards' vehitles ire not onlv in great de ni ind in every State of the Commonwealth but there ire a \er> lirge number ot his verne! s in u»e in mmv other parts of the world One of his latest exports was one of the îetloubrable 'Richard-" sulkies which wai sent to London to the order of a former îesxlent of South Austrabi To g*ve i description of cadi of the velucles, shown woaM IK« impossible ni the nccebïiralv luuitexl space avai able It might be mentaoncel that Mr Richards is a grtnt ad vocale ot the u-c of Anatrahan material whercvct advi.s-i.ble in the minufachire of h s v chicle- Tlie firm's e-rfubit fornictl t striking illustration of Aiistrabin otigmihfv ir«' ti ercughnesf, of which Air Rich irds and his sons, have cwery reason to be pi omi


Messrs. J.H. Horwood & Co, engineers well borers, and machinery merchants of Franklin street Adelaide have an interest- ing exhibit at the western end of the Show grounds, consisting of the Newway Motor Companys air-cooled petrol engines, of 3½ and 7 h p respectively, one of each being fixed and the others mounted on light transports for being conveniently moved about. When these engines were intro- duced at the last Spring Show, doubts were expressed bv many that this novel "new wav" of cooling the cylinders wonld not be found practical during the hot summer months in this state but subsequent ex-erience in working them in the hottest weather (some days during which the ther- mometer stood at 162 deg in the sun) has now proved conclusively that the engines can be worked satisfactorly all day during the hottest days of the year without the application of water-cooling as used on all other engines exhibited on the ground, with all the attendant objectionable water tank, circulating pumps, pipes and connections.

The engines are reported by local users to have fullv maintained the company's motto as stamped on every engine, "Goes, and goes right" with little attention and at an exceedingly small cost for fuel. An- other feature to their advantage is the ease with which they can be fixed, one customer having written to say respecting a 3½ -h.p. vertical New Way engine that "he started io open the case at 8 a m one morning, and had the engine fixed and working and a ton of chaff cut in less than four hours." The single-cylinder Newway air-cooled en- gines are specially adapted for working garden pumps and fruit sprayers. No 3 and 4 chaff cutters, corncrushers, and workshop machinery. The twin-cylinder engines are suited for driving larger pumps, chaffcut-ters, wood-sawing machines, and others. The compactness of the design and particu-lorly high finish of the worknianship, make the engines not only attractive in appear-ance, but good, strong, and serviceable, for any use within the range of their reputed power. Messrs Horwood & Co also show a collection of steam pumps of various sizes and sorts, also boring casing, with steel

shoes, and caps, from 3 in to 6 in diame-ter, as used in connection with their exten-sive well-boring operations.


Mr. li. Fisher, of Tarlee, wak again to tlie fore with some? of his famous ploughs, w Inch are so wclí known throughout the Com-monwealth He also exhibited a stumpjump cultivator, a new idea just com-pleted withm this last few months Trials of this implement were given m the Burra and »Viilabj district just recently, and it proved a gieat success Owing to the de-mand at present existing an enormous num-ber will be turned out. Mr. Fisher's new factor}1- at Tarlee is quite a model, and ranks with the best in the countr}.


Mr. E. P. Dignan, Wilmington, was as usual represented in the machinery hall by a pair of his "Challenge" strippers, which are commanding . well-deserved poularity throughout the whole of Australia, as among the most reliable of all machines of their kind, whether imported or of Com-monwealth construction. A most impor-tant innovation in the construction of the ''Challenge" is the bringing of the greater part of the. body and load of grain well to the near side. By this improvement the greater part of the weight is directly be-hind the horses, and the side draft is re-moved. . The damp-weather thresher re-volves in the same direction as the grain takes when thrown from the beaters, and therefore is assisted by the impetus, only the heads and not the already-threshetl grain being treated by this apparatus. The combs are made adjustable to any variety of crop, and in the construction of the road and belt wheels and their bearings valuable improvements have been added. »All bear-ings are self-aligning, and a number of ad-ditional time, labor, and wear savers have been introduced; and altogether the mechanism and building of this grain-strip-ping machine showed a vast improvement on that of the majority' on the market. During the Show its many features at-tracted the attention they deserved. Dur-ing 1900-7-8 the "Challenge" damp-weather stripper was exhibited at 35 shows in South Australia (one entry at each show), and at-tained the unparalleled record of securing 32 first and 1 second awards. The patentee and maker continues to receive flattering

testimonials from' all Quarters.


The space on which Mr. Clarence H. Smith, of »Ardrossan, usually displays, his noted stump-jumping ploughs, cultivators, and other tilling appliances, was unoccu-pied, and as the trophy of this leading agri-cultural implement manufacturer is. as a rule, one of the leading attractions at both the March and September shows, much speculation was indulged in by the fanning community as to the reason for his non-re

presentation on this occa-nn Afr Smith wis i elliot intly obliged to refrain irom e\ hihitmg hi- manufactures owing to the exigencies of an abnormall} bus} season *-o populir have the *<-mith" implements be come throughout the length ind breadth ol the Commonvveilth that be is at present exceeding1} busih engaged in treating with the largest budget ot oiders ever leceivtd, during the biston of the firm I he largest, stiff t'uit his wot! - can pos»iblv accom modate 1» turning out more implements per week than ever before ind yet the supply is bardi} equal to the enormous demand lo have exhibited it the Autumn Miow would have eans"d a break in the continuity of woik at high pressure wh.cli must ncce--sanly have meant tue prevention ot de liverv of manv orders up to due time In a word either the idev of exhibiting it the Show had to be tb indoned, or the ui gent clnms of some of Ali Smith s many dients had to be neglected Ile wisely decided upon keeping faith with hi» customers