Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Saturday 5 September 1908, page 14




A meeting was held at the National Mu-tual Chambers, Victoria-souare, on Thurs-day evening of persons who are in sympathy Avi'tli the movement for the abolition of the death penalty. After the aims and objects of the British Society for the Abolition of Capital Punishment had. been explained, it was unanimously decided to form a branch of the society in South Australia, and a sub-committee Avas appointed to arrange matters of detail in connection with a public meeting to lie called at an early date.

The British society, which meets under the presidency of Dr. Josiah Oldfield, and has for treasurer Sir Edmund Verney, num-bers on its council some of the foremost men in England, among the names being those of Dr. Clifford. Dr. John Glasse, Mr. F. W. Aveling, and Mr. L. A. Atherley Jones, M.P. The hon. secretary is Mr. Carl Heath. The Rev. Dr. Strong, of Melbourne, and Mrs. Evelyn Goode Vaughan are Aus-tralian corresponding members. The aims of the society, as set out in the annual re-port for 1907-1908 are to obtain:

1. A more rational treatment of crimes of murder by the immediate adoption o£ a graelation of such crimes, as proposed by "lie Royal Commission of 1SG4.

2. The conscement exclusion of .various forms of homicide from the category to which the death penalty is applied.

3. The ultimate complete abolition of capi-tal punishment. ,