Rockhampton Bulletin (Qld. : 1871 - 1878), Tuesday 6 April 1875, page 2


April 4.-Balclutha, s.a., from Sydney : 1 pArcel, J. Beattie, care of Wood ami Wood ; fl bolos wool bagging, I case raddle, 10 drouin oil, 2 drama tar, I bundle buckets, 2 casca kerosene, 2 caaes, 2 chests tea, 1 case wine, I koo; butter, 1 case onions, 14 bags potatoes. Wood and Wood ; 1 barral herrings, J. Marshall ; 3 baca meal, 1 cask cheeses, S «uses tinned fish, fi kegs apples, 3 Imxcs pom, 120 mats rice, 1 cane, 24 half-chests tea, 3!) bags potatoes, 25 cases kerosene, 2 casks treacle, 2 casos opium, 1 case honey, 3 bags bacon, 20 boxes candles, ll bags 1 case salt, 4 casks soda, 3 casks currante, li packages raisins, ] case cream of tartar, 1 case acid, 8 cases oil, 1 case cocoa, 4 oases fruit, fi casca herrings, 1 bale hops, 2 cases pepper. Wing Wah and Co. ¡ 2 tanks, 1 package bows,1 7 packages (a wool press), 25 boxes pipes, 1 case sun-dries, 5 cases, -1 case, saddlery, 1 barrel pitch, 39 cases galvanized iron, 2 barrels apples, 1 case herrings, 2 casca lime-juice, 2 cases fruits, 3 cases oilmen's stores, 50 boxes candles, I parcel taps, 4 cásea pickles. 4 cases jams, 2 eases sardines, I cask currants, 4 boxes raisins, 1 package tobacco, ,riS cases brandy,, 1 parcel strychnine, W. Bcid and Co. ; 1 package, 2 bales paper. Arg«*; 1 waggon, 2 coses, 1 case drapery, 1 case (a pianoforte), 2 coses saddlery, 1 caso china, 2 horses, 2 buggies, 1 carriage, J. Macfarlane: 1 case toys, 3 bags meal, 1 cask limejuice, 4 cases sundries, 3 cases pipes, 1 package gan caps, SO cases kerosene, 3 packages tobacco, 30 cases jams, 1 case capers, 2 cases groats, 1 parcel almonds, ß casks salmon, H. Bead ; 11 COSCB Ault, 2 cases sundries, J. Hart; 1 case sundries, 1 package pipes, C. M. John ; 1 case sundries, 4. cases, 3 bundles buckets, 1 cask, 1 buudle spades, 1 case chicory, 12 half-chests tea, F. F. Budden; 2 cases merchandise, 0 coils rope, W, Pearse; 3 trunks boots, G. Bletcber ; 23 bars iron, H. Ballard ; 4 cases, 2 parcels, W. Hopkins ; I case saddlery, I case (pianoforte), A. Feez ; 1 parcel, Mrs. Beddek ; 1 parcel, 10 chests tea, 6 bags rice, 1 cask currants, 1 case sardines, 4 barrels raisins, 2 cases oil, 2 casks vinegar, 2 cases pickles, >1 case sance, 6 boxes snap, 1 case, 2 trusses drapery, 2 drums turps, I case axes, ] keg, 3 oases sundries, I case boots, I case peas, 1 case jams, 2 kegs apples, 4 tins potatoes, 4 cases kerosene, 1 box starch, 1 case vestas, 1 cnae drugs, 1 case acid, I case salmon, 1 case coffee, 1 case shoep-slioars, 1 truss canvas, 1 package tobacco, W. and M, C. Thomson ; 1 case, 1 case sundries, J. W. Face and Co. ; 2 coses sundries, 6 bars steel, 1 cask ironmongery, 3 plates iron, 12 dray brees, J. Mnlveua and Co.: 1 cask, 1 dram oil, 8 coses drags, 1 case sundries, E. B. Row ; 9 coses drapery, 1 ? case, L. Sandel ; 1 «ase sundries, I case vestas, A. Buch ; 2 cases sundries, 2 bags, 1 parcel seeds, I parcel, I case cheeses. I package bacon, 20 cases fruit, W. H. Wright ; IO kegs white lead, 1 case sundries, 1 cask pumice stone, 200 cases jams, 1 case skins, I coil rope, R. M. Hunter and Co.; 30 cases jams, 2 bags meal, 1 cask limejuice, IO packnges tobacco, 5 casi» vinegar, 3 cases mustard, 15 casks 80 cases brandy, 7 socks peas, IO casos wine, 10 oases sardines, I case chocolate, 41 coses geneva, 2 COSCB herrings, 10 cases starch, 10 coses pickles, W. F. Walton; 1 oase biscuits, A. E. Alexander and Co. ; 1 case, 0, Fisher ; 2 cases acid, 2 cases sundries, C. F. Cripps -, 2 cases salmon, 12 cases fruit, D. Hawk ; 80 mots rice, 2 chests sundries, 12 cases fruit, I ease boots, 2 baskets, 1 case opium, Sue Yek and Co.; 3 coses, 1 truss, Stewart and Lucas ; 2 cases glass, 4 coils 2 bundles pipes, J. Wakefield ; 2 coses, W. Munro ; GO esses beer, fi casks 07 cases wine, 40 cases brandy, 2 parcel corks, 25 ess geneva, W. G. Caporn; 1 box, G. W. Smith; 1 cask horse shoes. 8 nxlo arms, 1 bundlo cots, 1 case, Bell and Gardner ; 2 cases galvanised iron, 115 bags potatoes. 19 cases fruit, 39 bags maize, Order ; 1 parcel, J. M. O'Rcgan ; 1 case sundries, 1 case pictures, J. M'M'Kean ; 2 cases clocks, 1 case guns, T. H. Slater and Co.; 4 bags wheat, 4 bags barley, 4 bogs corn, 4 bags oats, 3 baj»s pol-lard, 5 bags bran, Archer and Co.; 1 sack peas, 1 bag 1 case seeds, O. M. Leigh ; 1 box samples, S. Wolff ; 30 bags potatoes, J. W. Power ; 1 keg butter, H. L. Dibdin ; 20 coses fruit, J. Walters ; IC oases fruit, Joe Rey ; 45 cases fruit, L. Yck ; 4 bags oats, 6 cases onions, 1 case cheeses, 1 bag bacon, 15 cases fruit, Acheson and Irvin ; lb cases fruit, J. Perryman ; 8 cases fruit, T. Morrey j 12 coses fruit, W. Bartlem ; 7 cases fruit, Highatt; 1 parcel, H. Jones, TEANsmrMENTs for Broadsonnd :-5 cases merchandise, I case turps, 1 case matches, 1 bundle washing-boards, 1 bnndle buckets, 2 boxes pegs, 2 cases clothing, Fox and Adair ; 3 cases merchandise, 2 cases axes and handles, 1 bundle buckets ; 2 cases camp ovens, 10 cases kerosene, Armstrong ; G cases, 3 casks Thompson and Casbion ; G chests 15 half-chests 2 packages, 2 boxes tea, 1 case Hue, 1 case peel, 20 coses jams, T. Hatfield ; 3 bores, 1 bale, 3 drums honey, Jessop ; and 20 packages for Mackay.

April 5.-Lady Young, e.. for Brisbane : 1 horse, 10 cases boer, W. F. Walton. For Maryborough : I cask oil, A.R.N. Co. For CJUdstono ; 2 cases fruit, Silo Yek and Co. ;

hage sugar, v: F. Walton ; 2 axle blocks and I

boxes. Bell and Gardner.

April 5,-Isabelle, schooner, for ''i.wktnwn :

10,000 feet timber, 20 bogs bran, 5ÍW0 palings, C cows and calves, 22 goats, 12 bales hay, 2 drays. 5 horses, 2 bags harness, H. Deed and Co.; 1 bug, 1 box, 31 cases fruit, 2 coops poul try,¡200sheep, R. 'J. Hartley ; I cusedrapery, 1 case cigars, 20 bollocks, W. Pattison ; 2 cases, W. Jackson and Co. ; 1 horse, H. Vcs

mi ann ? J.Jinraf* 1? Af ifiuiíür ...>.î

Messrs. Wood jind Wood, tho agents of the A.S.N. Co., state that the Queensland, s., viii leave Brisbane for this port to-morrow even-ing, via the ports, and that thc Black Swan, S.s., will leave for Mackay via Rockhampton this {Tuesday) morning. It is understood that the Queensland will relieve tho Lady Bowen on the line, which vessel goes down to Sydney for overhaul and repairs.

The fine schooner Isabelle was towed to

the Bay on Sunday evening by the Mary, steamer. While shipping cattle at Broad-mount, three of the number were so seriously hurt that they died before the vessel started. These accidents occurred through the shippers not having proper appliances for putting the cattle on board. The schooner, thanks to the recent nows from Cooktown, was obliged to shut out a considerable quantity of cargo, which will doubtless be taken on by some

other boat.

It will be remembered that at the time

Captain Goodall died at Rockhampton, the May Queen was at Cape Capricorn discharging Government stores. On receipt of the news, the mate, William Inman, took command, but having to go to Rockhampton, was, owing to the floods, unable to return to the vessel. In the meantime, a Captain Weaver was ap-pointed by the owners, and taking charge, proceeded to sea. After being about a day and a half out, the captain became insane, and

fears were entertained for his safety. Alex ander Goodall, aged 18, and a son of the late Captain Goodall, was then chosen by the crew for the safety of the vessel and themselves, and having proceeded to Gladstone, and handed the late captain over to the authorities, the vessel was brought down in safety, and anchored in the river yesterday morning. The May Queen left Gladstone on Thursday last, and experienced some very heavy weather during the passage.-Telegraph, March 25

Tho fact of tho Cifctlogonjieing a French vessel of war, and the first of her nationality to visit Rrisbane, induced a considerable number of people to accept the invitation of Commander Kerumbosquer to the public to inspect her yesterday. Sho is a wooden screw-steamer, 710 tons burden, and is driven by well-finished engines of ISO horse-power, so that her speed is very considerable. She was liuilt by M, Vesijpiic, at Rochefort, in 1857, for the French Government. Since that time she has seen much of the colonial service for which she was intended, and thorefore cannot bc considered a fair representative of the present French navy. As a war ship she would appear defective, from her unprotected flush docks, upon which her armament of two brass and two iron guns of light calibre are placed, behind bulwarks too low to protect her crew of oigbty-scven men and six officers, Her mission to lirisbana has not been made public, but it is understood to bc connected with the ponai settlement of New Caledonia and thc recent escape of prisoners therefrom. -Courier, March 24.

ANOTHER Ar.i.TiriEn SIIIPWRKCK OS KINII'K .THUN».-A person, giving his name as Wil-liam Martin, who states that ho arrived in Launceston on Saturday evening in tho s. Pioneer, reports that thc barque Colina, of 650 tons, Captain Brown, was wrecked on King's leland on the 4th instant. His story is as follows :? -Thc Colina, with a general cargo, left Gravesend bound to Sydney on 2lst .fanuary, and struck somewhere on the south cud of King's Island at ten minutes to seven o'clock on thc evening of 4th March, during thick weather and rain. She first struck on a rocf from a quarter of a mile to a mila from tho land, with the wind from N. to N.E. She forged over tho rock, but quickly pot jammed in amongst other rocks, when the captain, finding it impossible to extricate her, cut away thc mosts, which fell over the side. Tho boats wore stove in, but tho crew managed to reach thc shore in them safely by niue o'clock, one man, however, getting a leg broken. Next morning a boat returned to the wreck and succeeded in getting a barrel of biscuit and a cask of water, which was conveyed on shore ; but as the weather was hod and a heavy sea running, the vessel quickly broke up, and the crew were not able to go off to her again. All hands camped on the beach, and Martin having been to these colonies before, ' and knowing that the island was inhabited, on thc 12th started by himself for the purpose of endeavouring to obtain assistance. He took a southerly direction, and after walking about twenty-five miles on tho morning of tho 15th was seen and picked up hy the brigantine Elizabeth, the master of which, having heard his tale, proceeded to tho site of the wreck to take off the officers and crew. They reached the spot the following morning (IGth), but found only a small portion of the wreck above water ; all the men had disappeared. Thc Elisabeth then proceeded on hor voyage to Duck Biver, from wbenca Martin walked to Circular Head, Captain Phillips, of thc s. Pioneer, kindly bringing him on to Launceston as a shipwrecked sailor free of charge. Martin states that ho waa cook and steward of the ill-fated vessel. We have given his story, but, as previously stated, it seems very im probable, for in the first pince, if his dates arc correct, tho Colina must have made tho passage from Gravesend to King's Island in the unparalleled period nf sixty days; and again, it is very remarkable that thc wreck occurring on the 4th, and in thc vicinity of thc other recent wrecks, where several men and vessels arc continually at work recovering cargo, that no tidings should have been heard

of it except in this somewhat roundabout way.-Launceston Examiner, March 23.