Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), Wednesday 29 January 1958, page 2


# .Ww« Henrietta Tiarks, who teas named deb of the year in the 1957 London season, attended the International Debs Ball in Neu

York. (See color pictures on page» 8 and 9.)


Glamorous Peking-ese," presumably a ref-

erence to her somewhat

snubnosed type of beauty. Miss Tiarks is the daugh-ter of a banker, and is now embarked on a social round in American society.

This year will see the last of the Court presentations of debutantes in Britain, and there has been an exception-ally large number of appli-

cations for inclusion at the final ceremonies.

However, for those debs who are rich enough there will still be gay social seasons on both sides of the Atlantic.

? ? ?

Pat Sobey, now working in our London office, was on our head-office staff, it never occurred to us that she resembled the Queen. Now, after receiving her story on page 17, of how she "sat-in" for a portrait sculpture

of the Queen, we can see the points of likeness.

Pat, an Adelaide girl, went abroad about a year ago. She and a girl companion disem-barked in Italy and bought a motor-scooter which they learned to ride as they went along. Afterwards they

travelled to Greece and to Is-tanbul. Pat plans next year to learn what a peasant's life is like. She's going to Poland to plant potatoes.

? ? *

think that the late Henry Lawson would have liked the Wep illus-tration for "Grandfather's

Courtship" on pages 24 and 25. Wep used for background the Nepean district of New South Wales, where grand-father wooed his love. On page 12 is the story of the revival of interest in this and other little-known Lawson stories. "Grandfather's Court-ship" was first published in the Australian magazine "The Lone Hand" in 1913.


o rah Kerr will come tc

Australia later this year to stai in a film of the Jon Cleary novel "The Sundowners," tc be produced and directed by

Fred Zinneman. Zinnemani choice of "The Sundowners for his first independent pro duction stems originally fr0" Mrs. Oscar Hammersteif Australian wife of the com poser.

Mrs. Hammerstein (whos two American homes are p"

hired in color on pages 32 an 33 of this issue), told our Ne' York correspondent that sk

had intended to send Zinn<

man a copy of "The Shiraleif fbv D'Arcy Nilandï, to reaf for possible filming. "By mi' take I sent him 'The Sue

downers,' " she said "He *J

most enthusiastic about it- " both think it will make a gr«

film. He was so pleased tl"

he sent me a lovely s*1

black Wedgwood as a than!

you present." 1,

"The Shiralee" meanwh' ¡« was filmed by Ealing, and k ¡f already been seen in Austral'