Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Tuesday 25 August 1908, page 9



The Parliamentary and hy-laws commit?tee of the Adelaide "City Council had nnder ?consideration at their last meeting a draft -amendment of by-law XXV;, submitted hy-the town clerk, in respect of the conduct of motor car drivers. The amendment to the by-law read as under:-"Whereas it is desirable to amend 'by-law XXV. of the municipal corporation of the City of Ade-laide in respect to motor cars plying for hire,' be it therefore ordered and "directed by the council of the municipal corporation of the City of Adelaide, and it is hereby ordered and directed, that the said by-law shall be amended by adding to section 7 .-.he following sub-section, namely:-(g) He «shall not, while driving or plying for hire, he drunk, or conduct himself noisily, or use -any indecent, threatening, abusive, or in-sulting language to any other driver, or to any person hiring or applying to hire the motor car or motor cab, or being conveyed in or on the same." The committee re.»mmended the City Council at their nieetang on Monday afternoon to adopt the amendment, and this was done.


At the Police Court cn Monday, before Air. J. Gordon, S.M. and justices, Harry .Mcpherson was charged on the in-formation of Duncan Fraser, of Minyip, Vletona, with imposing on Robert Hether-ington With a view to obtaining monev on .November 5, 1907. Inspector Burchell apF-i'1 j t0 Prosccute- Constable Kerin. of Wiidsrtone. said he arrested the accused at liiadstone on August 22 on a provisional vrarrant. When told the charge and cau-tioned the accused made no statement. In-spector Burchell asked for a remand until to-morrow to enable an escort to arrive Vom Victoria, The application was granted.


The electric light poles along the Henley ?ßeach-road, used to convey current to the surrounding district, have been the cause of severe,! accidente of a somewhat serious "nat'jre, two tram conductors^ baying had "thair. heads split open by coming into contAct with the poles whilst leaning from the top of the car to affix the destination ¡ooards and lamps. On Saturday evening 'the list of accidents waa added to. Henry Hilton, of Louis-fitreet, Adelaide, aged l8, "who wag the conductor on a car which left Henley Beach at 8 p.m., was struck on the ade of the head whilst changing the destination board near Ebor-avenue. by a pole which was only 15 inches distant from the top rail of the car. The lad was ren-dered unconscious, and but for the prompt action of two passengers who seized his legs and pulled him back he would have fallen

off the car on to the roadway. The injured ;

lad vvas taken to Mr. C. Moore's chemist's j shop close by, and did not regain conscious-ness for an nour. After being attended by a doctor the lad was taken Io his home, and when seen on Monday morning was progressing satisfactorily.


The medical officer of health ("Dr. T. ßörtbwick' reported to the Adelaide Local Board of Health on Monday:-"No local cases of typhoid fever or scarlet fever were reported during the fortnight, and no case

of typhoid fever exists in the city outside ¡ of the hospitals. One local case oi diph- j theria was reported during the fortnight,, and this is the only case of diphtheria in j the cify outside of the hospitals. At the ! present time there are in the hospitals of

the city (public and private) no cases of. scariet fever or of erysipelas, three cases of i typhoid fever, of which two were imported,

for treatment, and three cases of diphtheria, j of which two were imported for treat- j



'At the meeting of the City Council on ' «ttonday afternoon Coundllor Myers asked the Mayor why a notice of motion which he had sought to have placed on the noticepaper had not appeared. The Miyor said tho reason it did not appear ivas that ho re-garder] it as frivolous, and apt to bring the council into disrepute if it carried. The atter impossibility of that motion «arried must be apparent to Coun-cillor Myers and to other members of the council. "Would you like to have 5t read?" asked the Mayor, and Councillor Myers replied "Yes." Alderman Isaacs sought to speak on the subject, but the Mayor ruled that there was nothing before the meet-ing. Alderman Baker contended the Mayor

had full power to rule a motion out of order | if he considered it frivolous or likely to ¡ " bring contempt on the coundl. The matter i

then dropped. The motion referred read \

is follows:-"That this council vote £750 ¡ lo defray the expenses of members and their ladies to Melbourne during the v.sit of the American fleet to that State; and that the Government be approached with a view to , tupnlying a spedal train for the City Coun


The town clerk of Adelaide laid before the last meeting of the works and highways committee of the council the matter of

trees interfering with the laying

down of water mains on the roadsides He submitted a letter from the hydraulic cngi seer offering to nltci the portion of main"!new ones to a distance ef eight feet from the watertables, without cost, and old ones at a cost to the corporation for extra uxcavation necessitated The committee directed thit

the quest on of coH be considered when the necessity, for anv alter ition an es


The secretary of the Adelaide Local Board of Health submitted to the last health com inittee met»tmg of that board a draft re-gulation under the Health Act fer dealing with the cleansing of drinking vessels m terms of the ollicer of health s report Ihe committee recommended the board to adopt the regulation and submit it to the Cuntral Board of Health for* approval It read as under - r

The local Board of Health of the municipal corporation of the City of Adelaide by virtue of the Health Act 1S0S hereby maltes the folio v ng regulation -1 In the construction of this regu lation unless repugnant to or mcon»istcn v it i the context the words importing the singular number shall include the plural number the woia "person" shall include corporations, and the ex pression ' licensed premises shall mean all pre mises in the City of Adelaide licensed under th Licensed V lctuillers Acts for the t me be ng in force under anv by law of the municipal corpora tlon of the City of Vdelalde 2. No person sha 1 sell lieruid food or liquid rcfrcshm=nts o caí s<the same to he served m any glass, tumbler, or other vessel to any person at or in anv I icen el premi «es, or bar or counter or -ef eshment »rill cr booth, or other rlacc where tumblers or drink

ing vessels are used m common unlc-s spell tuinb

1er or vessel has bc_ thoroughly cleansed rince the last occasion of its use. In any licensed prermscs where clean water under pressure is avail?_ ' ,or wu=re it can readily be made available, tne cleansing shall be made by means of clean running water. 3. Every person who shall offc-nd against any of the provisions of the- above- regu-lation shall, on conviction, for «rve-rv such o&Vncc be liable to a penalty of not execs'ding £20, anl in case of a continuing oflVnce. to a further pen-alty of £2 for «_ich dav that the offence ia con-


The board, at its meeting on Monday, adopted the regulation, and agreed to send it to the Central Board of Health for ap-



. At the Adelaide Police Court on Moni «lay afternoon the City Coroner (Dr. Ram¡.say Smith) conducted an enquiry into

the death of Alexander McDonald. Early on Sunday morning the licensee of the Bushman's Hotel telephoned to the policethat a man was lying ill in the street, and | Constable Curnow proeeedetl to Brown

street and took McDonald to the Ade

| laide Hospital. Elizabeth Waters, re-

siding at Wright-court, sahl she had iden-tified the body in the morgue as that of Alexander McDonald, who had been board, ing with her. The deceased was between 70 and £0 year.« of age, and was a gardener. She did not know where he carne from. Dr. A. F. Lynch said he had made an examina-tion of the body, and found that death was due to natural muses. Henry George Hannam, bootmaker. Wright-street, ¡-aid he saw the deceased on Sunday in Brownstreet, lie; was walking slowly towards Whitmore-.-quare, and fell on to his left knee and then on to lois side. Witness lifted him up, and he appeared to be dead. The Coroner returned a verdict tliat deceased came to his death from

natural causes.


On Monday the members for the district introduced to the Commissioner of Crown Lands (Hon. L. O'Loughlin) a deputation from the Stockport. Mudla Wirra North, and Nuriootpa district ooundls to ask that a new bridge be erected at Ayliffe'*« "Cross-ing over the River Light, at Stockport. It wa« pointed out that the old bridge, which

had been erected about l8 years ago, at a cost of £1,000, was now in such a dangerous condition that a notice had been posted warning travellers of the danger of crossing the structure. The councils interested were not in a position to build a new bridge, and had come to the conclusion that it would be simply a Waste of money to attempt repairs. The Commissioner, in reply, said he fully understood their difficulty. The Engineer of Roads and Bridges na¿ in-formed him of the condition of the bridge, and he believed the outy- course open was to put up a new one.' Unfortunately he was not in a position to spend money there, because the bridge was not on a main road, but probablv if the councils would agree to provide half the cost of a new bridge the Government would be able to as-sist them. This course had been adopted on former occasions with regard to other new bridges on private roads. If the councils would un-dertake to raise half the money he would place the-matter before his colleagues for consideration, and agree to allow the local 'bodies three years in which to find the




The new headquarters of the Women's Christian Temperance Union are at St. Andrew's Church. Wakeficld-street. The property has a frontage of 124 ft., with a depth of about 210 it. The manse is rented to a doctor, and the church is also rented, but it is the intention of the W.C.T.U. to erect a large building at an early date as the headquarters for South Australia. The hall, which will accommo-date about 300, has been recently reno-vated, and now presents a neat and attrac-tive appearance. In a prominent position on the wall of the hall are photographs of Bliss Willard, the founder, and Lady Henry Somerset, ex-president of thtworld's W.C.T.U., as well as a number of ex-presidents and members of the union in South Australia. Over the platform and encircled by white ribbon, is the motto. "For God, and home, and humanity." The offices are commodious and heatly arranged, and preparations are now being made by. Miss Lockwood {sec-retary) and her staff for the annual con-ference, which will be opened on September




A remarkable story of a woman's heroism onus told at an inquest the other day (writes, our- London correspondent under date «lïily 24). Two engines coupled to-gether were seen approaching the level crossing at Cherry Hinton, near Cam-bridge. The gates were open, for the keeper of the crossing, an old man of 71, nnnied West, knew nothing of thc-ngim's' approach. His daughter, a woman of 31, saw them, however, and rushed to close the gates to prevent an accident and to save her father from censure. The driver and fireman of the first engine both fran-tically signalled, but it was too late. _he managed to shut one gate, but before she could swing the other round it was smashed to pieces, and she was killed m sight 'of her father. The old man, in heartbroken tones, told the coroner that there was no ring whatever of his electric bell to signal the approach of the engines. The bell had only clicked faintly before when trains had approached. He added that for the last three weeks he liaul be«-» on diitv from 4 o'clock in the morning until half-past 10 at "night. The jury, in return-ing a verdict of "Accidental death," added a rider calling the attention of the direc-tors, of the railway to the public danger arising from such long hours.


Farrier-Sergeant Alfred Cecil Headley, oE the 2nd Dragoon Guards shot himself at Brighton, England, on July l8 in the house of the young woman whom he was to have " married that afternoon. Head-ley went to Brighton from Hounslow on Friday and slept that night at his sweetheart'« house. She ia Miss Alice White-, of Lincoln-street, Brighton. Herose early on Saturday and told his sweet-heart that be was going out to buy some flowers. A few minutes later a shot was heard., and Headley was found lying' on a sofa fn one of the rooms with n service revolver in his hand. Headley had been attached to the 2nd Dragoon Guards since 1S02. Before that he hail served in the 17th Lanor?, and had gone through several campaigns with thom, reaching the rank of farner-sergcant. When that regiment re-turned to England from India in 1892 he disappeared and it was not until ten years later that it was learned that FarricrScrgeant "Hyde," of the 2nd Dragoon Guards, was the missing Sergeant Headley,

ot the 17th Lancers He had obtained pe^nn sion to mirrv on the» strength ot Hi** regiment but had not announced the date of the wedding



The Cnnati n Pio»heis College spo»-tcommittee hive li cn ncgoti iting tor h nie time with the "uliLtidc City Council for i portion of th' puk hud-- on winch to li, out i sintible s iori- riound ind ni rangements aie app o tching conn letion Hie town eleik ubmitted to the ii t meetin" o the pirks nul h gliwav-, com mittee p irticul irs ot the in nigement irrived it l>> tie nprctn itivcs ot the liiutlun (ntl t (lui) md tile coileg

wherebj sub clent -nilli d loi leiicLet p titi would be rt ervtd for tu duli ind the balance oi tile Und I>e leveled in tcim» ef hi cb nip ¡ icv ion- v subiiuttc 1 it i coil el L ii) to lu iianl bv the Chi Mi in BrotiniCol! _," Tin committ- e endorsed the oi r lilburn nt mi le ind directed that the pro po-viK hi siibm tted to tue Christian Bro euer-. Col'e0e for approval


Ihe Bend \<-ecntion of "south \UJ trihi his, offcied to provide 13 band con certs in Adelnde during the coming "11111 mr for the sum of -i-jl» U the m eting of the \del udc Cirv Coi nell on Monihj the iccoumicnihtion of the firance crm mittee tliat tint amount be rlactd on the estimates for 10U9 wa» adopted


\Aork 11 connection with the Pioduce F-tport Depot it Port \dehide 1- proceed ing «at »factonlj MthoiiL,h «onie week» will elapse belore the additions are com pleted the -laughtcrhou-e is practicailv readv for Ui-e beveral consignments of limbs hive been trc ited in the depot and within a lew weeks it is expected tint lull ing and freezing operations will be in full

b« ing



The Waterworl s Department is provid ing twelve pillar hjdrmts in the chiet tho roughfares of Port Adelaide for the use of the fire brigade


Recently the Officer of Hc-ilth (Dr Borth wick)Reported to the Adelaide City Council on the Citj Baths and suggested certain im piovements Hie report was referred to the city engineer (.Mr J \ lcar») for his csti mate of the co'-t of the woik, and this was laid before the Lest meeting of the works md highwjvfc comnuttet, who after considera tion recommended the council to place ¿1 000 on the estimates for 10J9 Ihis was ipi cid to at the meeting oi the council on Alonday


The adelaide City Council, at their meet-ing a lortnight ago recived seven tenders for the erection of a tar tank in brick or concrete, and they were referred to the citv engineer for a report to be made on them to the works and highwijs commit tee lhis was ¿one at the kit mee ing of the committee The city engineer (Mr J Vicars) reported in favor of mer osing the capacitj^of the tank and accepting the offer

of the South Australian Kemtoreed Con crete Companv at £258 minus the excava tion» and roofing to be earned out depar»mentall> at an estimited cost 01 £100 lhe committee, therefore, recommended to the Citv Council on Monday that cue citv engi neer s report be adopted and the work pro-ceeded with The lecommeudation was agreed to


On Mondaj evening a deputation of 35 gentlemen waited ».n Councillor A A\ Stv le-, at his residence, Henley Beach road Mile End to request that he should con test the Thebarton nnj orally at the nasv municipal elect on» » ouncillor Mcnhcn nett pi evented a requisition bearing nearly 550 signatures Tnosc who knew Council

lor Stv les he said were «uie le would fill the positon with credit to lum elf and the town He had shown himself to be pro gressive during his tetm of office is coun cilior for lorrtns ward, and would he 11 e!v successfully to grapple with momentous questieiis that would shortly be beiore the council Other speakers were Councillers Bmnstrom and Klauer and Messrs J Rjm A T Ewart F ltiltv L Leaver and Mr J McDonou»,h Councillor btv les, in acced ng to the request a-sured the dep 1 tat on that if he wire returned he vvou'd do hi- best to see that manj needed sm provenants n the town were effected At the instance of Ccunc llor Bianstrom Coun cilior Stv les was thanked for his reply, and those present were constituted a commit-tee to secure his return


At the last meeting of the students of the School of Mines and Industries veterinary class an interesting diy w13 spent it Harvevs hverj stables, forwood, vi 1ère Vetennary burgeon Desmond super intended several operations on disea ed aid otherwise affected animals An aged cow, suffering irom pneumonia and pentoniti, and bevond recoverj, was destroyed for post mortem e»tamination It was found

that both lungs were affected w th pneu monia and that abdominal tioubles were caused by a sharp piece of wne wnich she hid swallowed A horse «uffenng fiom a diseased condition ot the hoofs, wis ope riled on succe-siullv and there ire now hopes that the an mai will be restored to his original usefulness in aged horse hi 1 two loose molar teeth removed The animal had got into a noor condition throjgn being unible propeily to masticate his feed Vn old Börse, bevond the age of usefulnecs wis given a -udden and punie s death bj an in ice' on of air into his jugular vem The bodj wes then dissected lor demonstration purpose« \ fiding horse with a peculnr swelling on his rumn for Uhicli the own 1 was tr iting him with blisters and liniments of v inou- kind- w is subjected to a rigid cximmiton It was found that the bones forming the pelvis were fractured about 12 inches from the place show ng the outwitd swelling The uniortunate horse bad suf fcrcd consideribh from the treatment of his owner who was at a lo s to account for the trouble During the week another ela s will be held and more interesting cis»s will be brought m for examination The 6tu dents are doing good work


The Mavor (Air \ S Lewis) at the meeting of the Unlev Citj Council on Mon dav night stated with reterence to the Central Board of Health taking control ot the milk supnlv that the matter had come to naught 4s far as he could learn it hid been the desire of the chairman of the Ccn tnl Board of Health but it had not been brought before that body officiallv Ti oin answers given in Parliament he under tood ""he Government would not countenmce ¿uch a step Councillor Pcar-on rem irked ' It is a good job the metropolit in board wis in existence, though and the Major replied, "I agree vv ith v ou "



A meeting of gentlemen interested in the inauguration of a benevolent society at Glenelg, was held at the residence of Mr Wilton Hack Jetty road on Monday even-ing. Mr W Burford occupied the chair. It was resolved that a society be formed under the title of the Glenelg Benevolent Association for the relief of necessitous

persons resident in the town. Mr C. W. Priest offered to pay all the legal expenses

incurred in registering the society. The following officers were appointed --Direc-tors Messrs W Burford, W Hack, J. P. Morice, C.W.Priest, J.E.Gibson and W Patterson trustee, Mr. W. Burford; sec-retary, Mr W Patterson.


The town clerk (Air J B Aliller) re

ported to the Unlev Citv Council on Alon «lav evening with regard to the licensing of restaurants within the municipihtv under In hw w11 His rr-pcrt which it was le solved to act upon stated- lhe mten tion ot the byliw de ding with restau rants is to provide for inspection is to cleanliness md good eondition ot ill sh in-est il lishmerts md prenu-ses »omitonlv 1 nowrn 01 used a* rest lunnt- dso to is. that the preparation stoi so or cale jt food is conclue ted 111 such 1 mer IT to be 111 a lit ind proper st 1 1 te 1 li lmm consumption The In law provides tint the council 1 IV from tine to time licence premises to be u ed is r"=t uirin's and tish shop- is it 111 iv see fit I «u" gc<=t that the inspectot =er\e notices up ni the occupiers ot ill "-neu pienuscs is lu mav detm to be within tie scope and intention of the b» hw requnipg them to mike apnlicition for a licence atter which the council -nould tt-t a few cn cm the Police Court re peeting thoce who fail to comph with the notice

THE PO-» T. VL A-OCI \TIO\ ' Since ti e rciirerm nt of Mr AY J Hir rib irom trie p t jn if secretdrj to the South \u trill m Po-t and Telegraph \s o ditton tile Idling ot the vicincv haoccasioned the committee cons dcrablc anxiea, much gratificition Ins bt-en iv

pressed at the announcement tnat Mr Al

bert McDonald, ot '"ho Adelaide

hoe! consented o fill the vacancy The committee («ni t^c Iransmtter ) ar

o lie congi tuLi eel on ihen good lol ira-ní s«emin- i ¿.ciUl mon ol Mr Me Donald e [til nee ind capat lillies lue en i"i di ii ve 1 tiy nun ni other matt *» at,-ui weil jr lu u e s in tie m ii iyt mtnt ot i sa i it ion In i Ihe appo i t mint is t el lix _ri iving ravi vi ot th ajpie it ii- vis t ot ttiu lubimen i j 1 óy il t omi! i ion

Mr li J 1 i ne ot le Vde'aidc oj u a* in-, re um iii is eil li lv ill

Mi iles etli c 1^1 eleclii ii engineer f ir the Limmoni uiltl hi lien utting Vde

li le Mt Ucsk«th Ivy ho a few montis luu ht M in en i uy into certain ilkgatons " mist Ad 1 u 'e ol icei-s in eonnecti n vita ihe inti iduetnn «>i th VA heals on au omití M tem tt tdegririi) ra reí K to i c ue non fat ite 1 tint lu had no athel ii inform men ti impart in re furenue to tie M heal toiu enq i i-v Olheis gerenllv (sais tne Ti msinitt r } vvoul I be glad ot an eaa-'v icport is to the suost mtiation or otnenvisu ot thu a'lcgations made agamât

l hem



A han 1 mi'- fr imed p cture of the open rag of thu Commonvve 1th Parliament b» tne Pr neu of W iles t! e c > t of wh ch w m ub cubed bl citizens was accepte-d bv the I nlcv City Council at its meeting cn Mon diy evening It w is d ided tint the pc aire should be bung in the eounel chun ber and the donors were heartily thanked


\ beautiful gum turo ra Wattle-streetprob iblv one of the best grown and «.otra lc-t in the munieipili*v-his beu i i nu b iii rd and cannot 1 e expected to sur vive Recently in apphciticn vv is mile to tie council for j ennis, ion o remove the tree but thu. nutter was lefurcd ti th councillor« for the wa id Betöre anv

thing hid be n decided information of the vanailistn caine to lund Lhe matter has

j leen pi iced 11 the hands of the police for



The Hindmarsh Board of Health re eenlly condemned =oroe houses as unhl for hum in habit ition but difficulty is bung exterienced in mduc-ng the tun rat* to lemove ihen contention is that it thev go they wdl not be able to gut other tenements In ono case it is probable that measure» will bo taken to enioiee the order of the board


The floodwaters at the Reudbeds ara now draining off rapidly in all direction«», md the m tin road to Henley Beach IM onie more dear of natur lue lorrun»

Ins buen icii high sine- the recent runs Staited, but the iuhevmg meeks and chin nels wl luh nave been opened up are cairv rag aw n the floods well so tint the fcej ra the hi-hui «.razing paddocl s will sut fer but little iroin the lates deluge lhe i large bieilawajs in thu binks of th ' main un îniiel in Mi G ti W lute s pad I docks wl lull were caused some time ago,

have considerably altered the couise ot the waters, and stream0 are still pouring tluough these vet and keeping thu land vieil under water


Tor «onie time there has been a move ment ra connection with the City Council foi ridding tne treeU of unregistered dogs and definite steps to tins end iru now being taken by the eounc I Vt the 1 ist meeting of tne Parliamentary and by laws comnfit tee the town clerk (Mr T G Ellen) ub mitted a report and est mate of the cost oi employing two men and a vehicle in tue work oi seizing dogs The committee re commended to the council on Monday afternoon that a vehicle and driver bu en gagud for one month, together with a man

irom thu labor stdli This course was agieed



A re olutior dealing with the ineffective ness of application ot the Land Values Assessment Act carried by thu Unley City Council some time ago and for waided to the Commissioner ot C-ovvn Lands, elicited the fo low ing query - In what respect does the corporat on rcgird the pre cut law as to the rit ng values in suflicient corporations having full power to adopt that «istem of rating' Ihis was read it the meeting of thu council a fort night ago and in the ibsuncu of A der man Coole, the movet of thu re-olui on its considérât on was dufencd until the next council night the members of the council showing a disinclination to elect a committee to frame a reply On Mondiy night the counu 1 met aga n ? lderman Cooke moved and Councillor Tomlra-son seconded that the consideration of the matter temoin ra obey mu. untd the foi lowing meuting -Vldermin Dollmon said that he considurcd the mot on is fnvolous as the one condemned th_t day by the Aloyor of Adulaide in the Citv Council

The lettur a«ked whit a certain motion i meant and vet the council, who camud

the re olution by 9 votes io 1 was not pre I pared to say At the time the motion was

cirred he had pointed out thit it was ? ambiguous futther to defer cons delation of

the letter winch seemed to him thu he g it of absurdity He moved as an amuod i ment- lint the committee be supplied with a copy of thu original motion and the amendment of Alderman Cooke s wh ch wis subsequently earned" Vldci

! man Macklin ra econding said thoi at

the list council meeting thev hid ti ted to appoint o committee but Aldenn m Cool e w is aw iv Now he was pie ent he thought they should formulate a reply statm_ why the Act tri« not worlable Vldcrmon

I Cool u said he would persuvere with h s i motion Hu was ibsunt it the prev ous I meeting and now the subject was ratro

ducud at a moments notice and he hld not the hgurcs upon which he based his statements He had prev ouslv pointed out

that the bass of assessment, while suit able m some places, would not produce sufiicient revenue in othirs. He thought ' that the fact that slight amendments were

proposed for the con ulcration of I'm na i ment at the present ti ne showed that the i Act was not altogether workable The

amendment was lost, and Aldeiniin Cook ? withdrew his motion in fivoi of an amend-ment mov ed bv Councillor Eicke- "I hat a committee of three be formed to foi mu-íate a reply foi subnn-sion to the coun-cil " This wa-5 caiT ed, and Alderman Cooke, and Councillors Pearson and Crompton were appointed.


At the meeting of the Hindmarsh Town Council on Mondiv even ng the Major re ported tint it was gratifying to the c un eil ind to other corjiora»e bodies ihat the appeal ci-e Deven\ vcr-us llindmirsh Corporation had been di miss d The case had reference to the move on' bj hw He hid heard that a viglmc» com mittee hid been formed to ittcnd the councü meetings, and he hoped thej vvoind do their dutj


The Hindmarsh Institute committee for a. long time have been agitating to havei better accommodition or a new building | preferablv the litter Vlderman Brown who i- one of tue representative, ot thi council on the institute committee, askel for patticulu, m reference to pro[ o-al

and it the council meetina on Mont'aj evening he vv is told th it i conference vv es

held on Al ireh 10 la t of the ns ltu e com i mittee and t''<- count li in rtgird to new building- md it wies resolved that no-

thing could be done until after the vciri 1910 It w u, also resolved- fhit upon I receipt of legal o[ inion the council confer

vv th the in-ticu»e committee on the qu s ' tion of voting an amount for institute purpc-cs "


Samples of the new cement concret» blocks 1 irgelj us°d tor build ng purpo-"»s in 'he old (oiinirv and Ameuca c in now be been in the window oi Alcs-rs Park''

and Co kn- \\ ilium stiect next door to the Impend Hotel aid at the offices ot Ale-si I*re-fo d tie Alonce Pine t h tniber- It i c' inned for t1 c blockd tint own.» to t'itii i/ ind rcguhritv of si i] e tluv ire eueajier to bulli with t li in buck u -tone md tint tueir ho' low construction render- hou-es co ihr m summti w inn r m vvintti ind fie» fioin d minne - I he be t m ic' in - foi m îkni-! tie iilrcks He. s mpl ni coi »uitti ii, i ipi ii otmi uni mechanic ilh perte lht-e i- no bikinc oi hvdiieic pre-u ' enip'rvei \nv -hapc or tle-ic,a me lud ii», -ill- hnte s water tables cornee-, s»,) i5»e ein be pioduccd in fict t i v inelv i- onlv limite i bv tue mgtnu tv ot the o iel i*oi who bv hvmg in wooden mould n: 1 loeks »Ve cm v irj the "hapcs a ni putern- i- reqund \ eipif mv Ib ing t< lined bv Mos r- Pcre-tord and Alonce *) e~ec won u Prig'itJli vv nero nni'ei arran,; ment vv i h tin v \ P rtlinl Cement f on i inv -tjii" ccnurt mJ -uJ c-in be ob'-i ned it l1 e Inve t po--ible» cost whil-t a vahnble bv \ reduel in the -hipe of not sjpenoi road metil tor wine i there is a lirge demand in the immednte neighborhood, vnll bf» available at pract callj no cou. ^ - JQ