Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Monday 22 February 1909, page 8




The express from Melbourne on Sunday morning arrived at the Adelaide station about 65 minutes late On reaching Balla- at a box on, one of the brake vans had run hot,->and a fresh brake was attached, but the latter also became overheated on passing the border, and could not be taken beyond Cooke's Plains. Conse-quently the luggage had to be removed, and some was placed in a first-class carriage as far as Murray Bridge, where matters were put right. The train would have been later still but for the fact that a good deal of lost time was made up.


A special meeting of the Glenelg branch

of the United Labor Party was held on Friday evening' at the residence of the hon. secretary (Mr B. W. Robertson), Nile-

street. Mr. C. W. Priest, sen, has pre-sented to the party a block of land situated on the Bay road for the purpose of the erection of a Democratic Hall for the use of the local branch of the party. The mat-ter was fully discussed by those present, and in accepting the offer on behalf 0f the

Labor Party Mr Wilton Hack (vice-presi-dent) spoke in the highest terms of the liberality of Mr. Priest and the great amount of good that would accrue to the

party through actions such as the one

under consideration. Mr. Hack's remarks were warmly supported by Messrs C. Vaughan, M.P., G. Dankel M.P. , James McEntee, B. W. Robertson, and A. A. Jackson., Mr Priest stated his reasons for making the gift, and supplemented his al-ready generous offer by promising to give the branch the contents of his library, com prising about 3,000 volumes to be placed on the shelves of the new building on its com pletion. Mr. Priest subsequently made an

additional offer of land which is slightly encumbered. This will be considered at the next meeting of the executive of the

Labor Party. Mr. Priest was assured of

the gratitude, not only of the Glenelg branch, but of every member of the Labor Party of South Australia. Three trustees were appointed, namely, Messrs C.W. Priest, T. H Smeaton, MP., and B.

W. Robertson. On the completion of neces-sary details a further meeting will be held to take into consideration the necessary

things for the erection of a suitable building.


&&& tun of Mr. D. Campbell, MJP, r^penenced at least one -incident m ".¿tteJife. that will leave bim something |«Älli in.¡after years He is a bright ?^chap, with a reflective turn, of, mind,

l^eTotner day his eyes fell upon a deep F-*£hiB'father's residence. The hd had

ia^carelesslv removed from the aperture, MxbS youngster tried to make a name r^himielf <bv placing- matters as iho ~Ígbt»ihey should be. The consequences Minore favorable to his objective than

poped for, and he found himself»- with lunatic suddenness standing up uto/bia ^ifti* in ice-cold water. The well is be

?a?-20*and 30*,fts* deep, but the boy's e"áfc'was altogether too hurried to allow Ito^rjudge the distance to a nicety, al

h/iapart from this omission, the at^ofjdetaQ crowded into,, his narra.jf--. the/adventure ia amazing. > How

¡»m^iSra^typical Australian. * Before

Ting au active mind over the dan,. " i'»*iiatnrev of 1 hisv predicanienl» his oughts busied themselves with maternal kâungs about what happens to httle boys BoiCei then"» clothes wet After'.a''while aainaged'-'to scramble into a tiny cave vSbjé.wall. just above the AY-a^rlme and ?ß-p^lr-aünlyvdivested * hiníself of the " - 'ittië1*4fcirrnents which clothed his

»litaba and held them up to dry. I'-in'this phght an anxious mother-found Waif *h hour later, when, in resjïohsej " peated ^caffings, a faint, utile Voice J^njp fcom. the gloomy depths, j With, Hrouble the boy waa broughtiinto?ihe

at'opce more, holding in Eis^arms the

at which convention intended for his *

Panli quite at ease with himself and the äd^i%»general. In* fact, the youngsler Sssu> rather to »-relish the memories of iîçemarkable experience. Ask ed-what be-tte,of the" spectacles he bad .been/wcar.Jbefcre'the mishap, he remarked (says tagiMlBiee&t, paper) cthat he was "in too ij^ofc**1 htrrry; going] down^ to Tmember,


rjj^^^tiiàpatedonlSatur (ia ^'morning; ¡«rw^lherta'e^vViJongsEde, jttej,'; wharf m$am^'i.tüü*£ffi'Vtá8 »low* ï. water É^sT&Méntéred vthèj.'chahnël? butr'this *-â;MVinc»hvenjence.:^e .was handled

l^^ékL9bñ::in^he;'Ame* nmnner>as if 0B«îe^ffi^,«iWater; ;,?Thé voyage ,;bf «»,j|wdá^ríwaa^'.ntóvdeiroid, of ¿incident; r\^e¡wel'-^^éroepliedi'ai native; ^pïr jon ^uE^iSÍ Colombo,*;?? aid reMéréd'assiafc' feîfciV-ai'o^éïf;M'fivéjnèn and a chfld^whó r* IjjiftiBTsort^^

iasäae^ pÇtbèsë-'43I were; frômTFreBÍ^Át; théíhafboí ?' toï^a^rigéïôVéïri.. t_, _ _ AÏtë >eaÉt«áA'*S&tés.^ The^niaila M^î^i^-i'fflii^^ Adelaide r-T^Ae:i«ftenroon:vañd {the! steamer'; re*

_ J^,At;-PortrAdelaide,, met; with an/.aceir pifedji^atiiMay^jnôrnin«l.whilç; ¿engaged a^^èidii^:timbêr;ir'om''tthe barque .Kin-,


ÍSPaS?. Vii .^i.i'inL^-j. T«r:«;^_--_t-r_^_»'"'j'

!áb'i5utithé,"iead«;áad right leg, * and" ^";.^óMhé lbcali*3asúáity.' Hospital.

-i---i- satisfactorily,-.v';'.'". '/ ' V"

... »lpiíor; a scarcity-of rain water at iWnwastinfn )thatWalr¿oW? borders \'on a í$iiü¡mífe--?íThfr

#»hoBé^bouses! haye; b^n.Çcbrnplëtëa - since: i^^tolier^á^ they hàvè had;tobuy;ihe preÄ^wi^yJiqüid for domestic purposes. - They $WaUte^ail'.anxiously, looking" forra good rain to Íív»6líeves;the.necessity. Onp':oi the chief i«*a,mpB'of the shortage is the fact that two E^htheKlaigeit 'underground tanks have

'sprung á'lealf, and so ä large reserve, which ij.,,is Ta variable in'other dry, seasons, has unJ&fi^«mâttly ¡'jfnri '- to waste; .- Hardly more fâtnan'ÇbteXohd; -a"half inchra , of rain has ^jS^Uea^sinc« Ojjtober .kst, and un

>0&:Ja¿-accident.'in which a boy named Clark î<ÎJ»««'plucluljr rescued from a perilous posifïÇfâbnï byjMr.;.E.¡ J. Honan, of Compton Ko3>Jwns, Voccnrred ion- : Tuesday.: afternoon.

^?iNeár'itki». Gambier¿West ¿Cheese . Factory j'é¿ÍU^Ía'*;hc«itóifihíedt atía*' piece of paper SS&d'got.&yölndeoatrplii- Clark lost his seat. giaùdVini^&iÛin» got one 1^-caught in the ^Bth^ruplirbn.'Mr.- Honan, who was proceed;VJ&¡5Íto^íMóuhtr: Gambier on horseback, ill'^mcklyv realised;.the : position . and ; galloped ç^npyitongsidéîthehorse,, whichihadldragged k^thejbby> winedistance along, the road. ' He Äi managed' fcb {get his pony under the chest (.{ f«£iíthe -ixiiriawáyi. and ¿with some difficulty ^rànçcéèdédiin'pnliinç.the'stirrup out of its ij'ïtioatet^ian^Vrelèaiéti young Clark from Eil ^;*dimgért)Tia,.p^tion. JAs hedid.sp the.boy'i


^ftöfSel'ßlnnged^into Hónan'a\"pony- ajñd ^knbckM her to the ground» Beyond being /jrBtnnned and-receiving a few bruises (says K^the-îSpùth-East^m : Star") Clark escaped i-J'injuiy,'althcmgh, his horse was kicking ^v*V:agêlr^hnetcareerinç along.., Mr. Honan's

y-.y.-v ?-:?? v.. :? ? ?? -???-? ?.? ? ?- '


7;;. DRAIJA. v .7 ,<-~¿r« ¿- " v'ii^ ..the' perversity of '.things animate ?the M linly1 character in'"Thfe'Scarlei/Pimperriel" S^jthbutian. nnderstudy waa missing at Wed^'ajeiBdajfSi' matinee in Sydney ten minutes #É«¿toré he was due on the stage. Without itjiirbWiSsÇ' JuliusYKnight could, not pass yVthrbiighi the western gate of Paris with his ¡?,:¿Joajd of: "aristos." Tlie call-boy was at his v^witir^ end, and deserted his post to race up i S"«he ;righWi)'-wàjr "to ¡C^Uéreagh-etreet and -?3w>k atong that thbrou^hfare" for â flea?-? bitten grey.pony. Nothing answering the ^idc-wription was in sight,.,out at the enÏ; trance to the arcade opposite was a marine vàrnerohant'fl cart; with, a Pickwickian horse £?Ín¿théXshafts. In.'lerä;time than; it takes ^ to ;,tell the call-boy was unharnessing the

-^¿¿ruine: derelict, and was leading him in the ííCirecübn of the Theatre Royal stage door. ¿-í¿ only want ¿the fiery nntamed for five Ijjñttutes,":^ owner of. '"'cibeVlröra^gatherrrig -outfit, who appeared Soh'ifbe "scene at this moment, "ana you're r;bn"five bob." With that he woke the anirK«iàl'ù5,.and nrgéd him.into a walk. Three Síiiiinrtes'láterie was mforaing Mr; Knight Mithat he* tódn't. been able to get a hbwej f¿fcnt'he';há one as near approaching íiithit'.OTáanrped as the time would allow. ^liröeTrorse platyed the part without a hitch, vnbtwjthstandinff the lack of rehearsal. Its S'-fibllow-eyèd and generally gaunt appearance 'i?(says the ÍTJaflyTelcgráph") prompted the

açÉor who-'drove him^to remark -to the ¡ Sard bf?theiwestern;Sate that? the,horse j


the cart, and this seemed to supply the touch of verisimilitude to a bald and un-convincing narrative needed to allow the Scarlet Pimpernel io get through without a



The_ bad state of the roadway between the citv and Pert Adelaide has been re-sponsible for a serious bicycle accident. Miss Klein, who recently arrived from

Western Australia to continue her musical studies under Mr. G. T. Griffiths, was rid-ing along the road to Port Adelaide, when her bicycle capsized, and she sustained such severe injuries to her left shoulder that she has gone to Melbourne to receive medical




No sturdier or more intelligent band of colonists has left Seottisti soil than that which sailed from London for Brisbane by the steamshii*-» Carpentaria and Oroya on December 24 and 25. A picked company of young Scottish farm-hands has gone to new

homes in Queensland. They have been in-dentured 'to farmers in different parts of tha't State, and embarked with the eager desire to succeed. They are drawn from the foremost farming districts of Scotland, and were chosen with great care by the weE-known firm of colonisation agents,

J. & H. Lindsay, Edinburgh, who were* specially commissioned by the Queensland

. Government to make the selection. The i party, which will be succeeded by others,

was accompanied from Edinburgh to Lon-don and was seen off upon its voyage by Mr. William Lindsay. FMSXi.b., managing director of J. & H. Lindsay.


The half-mile bridge to convey the electric tramcars over the swampy land at the reedbeds is slowly assuming shape, as the greater portion on the western side of the Riverv Torrens'has been completed, the jarrah cross-heads having been fixed to the, pdes, and the massive longitudinal timbers to carry the iron rails secured to these. It was anticipated that this, por-tion of the bridge would have been'finished before now, and the eastern part started, but^ delay was caused in the first place through the hauling engine proving un-suitable for the work. A moreipowerful one had to be procured from Hobart, and it is giving more satisfaction. A "loop" for cars to pass each other on the bridge is being constructed on the western side of the river, necessitating double the num-ber of piles being driven, and making the building more intricate. It is pointed out by residents, who know the flood water levels well, that the eastern portion of the bridge should, have been done first, as this part is affected by even a small üood. r


The "People's! Weekly" writes;-With the exception of a "lick and a (promise" given the Moonta- Courthouse about 17 years ago, the building »"has had-^mt'little

done "to it for 40-years. "Now, however, it" has' undergone' thorough repair\in'd Re-novation. Some time ago a portion of the walls on* one side fell down, but these were rebuilf.iand the cause -was'ascertamed. The down pipes from the roof were choked, and the water running around the foundations

caused them to sink and fall- This has now been remedied., and the erstwhile dirty, dingy, court hall,» offices, and 'furni-ture, which' haver-been painted ' and var-nished, are as sweet and clean as the most fastidious could (wish.. Foreman .Dockrell has had the supervision of the work, i He ia also supervising improvements at' ¡the; local police-station and residences..' Amen substantial galvanized iron fence'has-been erected around'the chief officer's 'residence', but a lot of ' alterations and additions.' are to be completed before, the Government workmen leave < the j town. »Additional rooms are to be erected ^ at'thei sergeant's resi-dence. Nçw colls y will ,he,bupt-away from the station, and the rooms now doing ser-vice ,in that capacity will be fitted up ¿or Irving rooms. Several'alterations are. also to lie made to the" Moonta post-office, and also at the town' and .Mines' public schools.


_ Yesterday the members of the vaudeville profession in Adelaide.' with their friends; bad a» respite ?'from', their duties -as, public entertainers,, and spent'an enjoyable day at Long Gully, National j Park. At-10 a.m. three well-laden -sdrags -left , the-1 Tivoli Theatre filled^with their burden of holiday making professionals.-. A'cricket match and .various round'games were'indulged in, after whichthe party were in excellent tnin for the luncheon laid» in the pavilioni y In * the afternoon a programme» of sports was gone through, the'results being as under:--*

. Children's Race-i-LHtle'MKS Kean. .Ladies' Race -Albs Elsie»Batea. ?Geatlemen's HanrUcap-ä<j. SL Icon. Manafrcrs'- nace-í-Stanley Cherry.- Old Bul-lers* Race-Wr-BoyleV )' *.

Among those present were representatives of all the leading places of amusement in Adelaide»-Mr. M. Marcus) representing Mi. Rickards' Tivoli Company; Mr. Stanley Cherry, the Theatre Royal; Messrs. Finklestein, »Saunders, and Meyers, the- Conti-nental Picture x Gardens; and Mr. Fisher,' the Globe"Pictures. Gredit is due,to Mr. M. Fmklcstein, promoter and organiser ox the picnic; andto the. committee appointed to assist him, consisting of Messrs. Arthur Morley, George Bentley, JT. Kaiman, John Cherry, and Slade Murray. After a plea-surable drive\homë in the cool of the even-ing the "party »concluded an enjoyable out-ing at the Continental Picture Gardens' en-tertainment, to which they,were invited hy-the management : /< i > , \ '


At 6.33 p.m. on Sunday the Hindmarsh

Volunteer Fire Brigade'was called'"out by k the sounding of the Gasworks hooter to ap fire, in a pughole at the rear of the Ade-laide Glass Works, Croydon. It'is supposed that some of the rubbish, in the pughole was ignited by live cinders throwm ¡ The flames extended to a quantity of old crates and barrels, which caused a big blaze. The brigade soon extinguished the fire.


The winners' of 'tlie two scholarshins in

singing offered b'y Madame H. Kugélberg are Miss Muriel E. Starling. ' Balhannah, and Miss Elsie Grant, Frederick-street, Parkside. Miss Meta Buring acted as ad-judicator. There were l8 entries,