Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1871), Tuesday 14 September 1869, page 2


Monday, September IS. I

Tim Whiffler won the Randwick Plate. The¡Goveraor ia "at Brisbane.

The schooner " Bebecos " struck the North Head und foundered in the harbour.

WE hare been shown by Ur. Brodnitz some flue specimens of sugar from the Alexandra plantation, at Mackay. There are two samples, one valued at SM, and the other at £35. This sugar bas been manufactured from the cane cut

this season. Seventeen acres of oane hare been

out down, yielding over two tons of sugar per acre, besides the rum. It is expected that 300 acres of cann will bs cut down this year OD this plantation.

A MEETING, of the Rockhampton Permanent Building Society will be held to-morrow evening, at balf-past seven o'clook, in the Municipal Chambers, tor the purpose of considering and adopting the rules prepared by the Provisional


A TSLsaaiK from the Colonial Secretary was read at the last meeting of the Gladstone Municipal Council, announcing the Governor's

intention to visit Gladstone on or shout the 20th instant, "accompanied by his Aide-de camp and some members of tho ministry."

THE entertainment this evening, in the Theatre Boyal, is for the benefit of the Volun-teer Band. Tho play of "Don Cauar de Bazan " will bc produced for tho oocasion. The theatre, under its present management, has secured for itself a recognised placo in public favour. Owing to its rather rowdy antecedents, the elite of Bockbampton have been, unfortu-nately, scared away except on those rare occa-sions when under proper guardianship they con-descend to witness draiuatio representations of no mediocre standard. 'This is to be regrette! ¡ but it would be as reasonable to think of chang-ing the site of chignons before the hour which the fates have Axed for the scissors of Lachesis, or to ourtail the length of mud-embracing trains, or to enlarge the dimensions of Tom Thumb three-straw bonnets into covers for the bead, as to curtail the eccentricities of the Rockhampton fashionable world. We can only look and wonder at its perplexing gyrations. This evening, however, the DU majora and tho Diva also may descend and mingle with mortals. The object is a good one. The Volunteer Band is getting on very well, and in a short time will bo able to play very creditably. There ought to be a good muster at the theatre this evening, and we hope a handsome eum will

be received.

We heard, shortly after the edict against the goats was promulgated, a strong-minded fencer expressing his disgust against the aldermen, and consigning them body and soul to Hades. We do not think that individual's feelings would be in any degree mollified if he learned that the goats were not only banished, but that they were exposed to unnecessary privation and suffering. It would have been a more merciful cruelty to have slaughtered the lot than to send them to a barren island without any water on it. Many of those animals were pets, and their owners would rather see them cut up even with "a carving knife." We are informed that the goats never reached Mackenzie Island; that

most of them were landed on an island near the

Heifer Station, on which there is not a drop of

water. Others have been landed on the river

bank, and there are two mobs of goats in pos-session of parties down the river. Had the goats been landed at Mackenzie Island they would have had plenty feed and water, and would have multiplied to somebody's profit. The Corporation authorities should either de-stroy the goats, or transport them where they

would have a chance of getting feed and water. It does not appear to be exactly fair that they should be left where they hare no chance of living, or be transferred to a spot where others Cdn put their brands on them, and claim them as their property. This is only removing the nuisance to the o'her aide of the river. It costs monoy to get rid of the nuisance, and care should be taken that the money is spent in the most judicious manner.

Two steamers have arrived in Rockhampton, from Sydney, since the English mail left tho latter port en route for Rockhampton. Had we a capable Government, or one tbat had the slightest regard for tbe interest and convenience of the northern people, such a bungling system would long ago have been scouted. We had some hopes that »fr. Douglas would bave remedied matters, but the old groove suited him best. There is not the shadow of any good reason for sending the northern maila up to Brisbane. An ugly stamp is put on the English letters, and they are delayed a full week or fortnight. We have repeatedly urged the prac-ticability of sending one or two sorters to Mel-bourne to meet the mail steamer. They could sort the mail» in trantilu, and have the nor-thern portion ready, on arrival of the mail steamer, for the first boat to Rockhampton, to Gladstone and to Bowen. Sydney is clearly our mail centre, and the service to Queensland ehould be directed to the main centres on its seaboard. The present arrangement [is a dis-graos to our post offios authorities and to the

Government. News from Brisbane comes to us

from another colony, and is to be found in the Sydney Herald of the 6th.

CONBIDEBABLK anxiety was felt yesterday re-garding the safety of the "James Paterson," which left here yesterday week. The arrival of the " Egmont" yesterday allayed appprehen sion, ss she sighted the "Paterson" off Smoky Cape. Telegrams were received yesterday even-ing, stating that abe arrived safely in Sydney on Sunday. She must have had a severe passage, aa there was a heavy sea on and a gals of wind in ber teeth. But the " Paterson " is an ex-

cellent ssa boat, and with plenty sea room theie wera no grounds for alarm for her safety.

A TXLEGEAM received in town yesterday from Gympie, states that the robbers who cleared-out Mr. Paterson's harness room some time ago, were arrested at Gympie after a fierce resiatanoe. The property was found in their possession.

Owih'O ta the non-arrival of the Brisbane boat, the sittings of the District Court «ere adjourned yesterday by the Registrar of the Court, Mr, Beddek, until this morning.

MR. CHARLES HALBED ARTHUR BARWELL, was sworn in yesterday before Mr. W. H. Wiseman, P.M., as a magistrate of the territory.

TnE sheop arrived here lately from the Barcoo hare excited the admiration of all who hare assn them. They are far superior to the sheep on the coast, and are equal in every respect to prime Victorian sheep. Mr. W. Pattison bought some last week from Mr. Stevenion, of Ravensbourne Station, Barcoo. They were the pick of the flock. Yesterday he bought 1000 head out of a mob of over 8000 mixed wethers, belonging to Mr. Hill, who owns a station lower down on the Barcoo. The price was 6s. per head, 60 lbs. guaranteed, and a penalty of 2d. on every lb. over that weight, and same penalty on the BBller on every lb. under that weight. The rest of the sheep from those stations are to be consigned to the pots at Laurel Bank. It seems a shame to see such fins sheep boiled down, whilst there are so many hungry nnuths in Great Britain. It I would be impossible to Hud consumption here

for all the sheep pouring down from the interior. Therv are several mobs in the vicinity of the Nice-Mile Waterhole.