Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Wednesday 28 November 1906, page 7




In the presence of a huge crowd, which overflowed into Flinders-street on the one side and into Franklin-street on the other, the statue of Colonel Light, situated near the Post-office corner, King William-street, was unveiled by his Excellency the Gover-nor on Tuesday morning. The occasion was one of singular interest, and led to the foregathering of a large number of pioneers, who assembled to do honor to the memory of the distinguished founder of the citv. 'lhere were nonagenarians, and octogenarians, whose presence lent to the gathering a flavoring of the past Several of them remembered Colonel Light in the flesh, and brought with them memories rich "with the spoils of the last three gene-rations. In strong contrast to these vete-rans there was a large attendance of chil-dren, who have learned in their school text-books to revere the name of him whom it was sought to commemorate in a manner worthy of his august-services to the State, and the Empire. All classes and all inte-rests were represínted, and the proceedings in connection with the unveiling ceremony, were followed with the closest attention, A temporary platform was erected on the north side of the monument for the accom-modation of those who were officially asso-ciated with the ceremony, and seats were found here for the Mayor of Adelaide, (Mr. Theodore Bruce), who presided, his Excellency the Governor, the Chief Justice, the Premier (Hon T. Price), the Treasurer (Hon A. H. Peake), the Commis-sioner of Crown Lands (Hon L O'Lough-lin), the Chief Secretary (Hon. A. Kirk-patrick), the following members of the Colonel Light monument committee -Sir Edwin Smith, Hon J Lewis, Aldermen Downs, Johnson, and Wells, CounciIlors Baker, Bonython, Myers, Pullin, and! Sel-lar, M P, Messrs R. Kyffin Thomas; C E. Owen Smyth, L H Shell, and H P. GilL Others on the dais were the town clerk

(Mr T G Ellery), the Commissipner of Police (Colonel Madley), Colonel Rowell,

C.B., Lieutenant Colonel Reade, C.B, Cap-tam Ryder (ADC), Commissioner Russell, Alderman Simpson, Councillors Glover, Sketheway, Clucas, Frinsdorf, and Isaacs, Mr F W. Bullock. Dr Richards, Mr. Wil-

ham Finniss, Mr J. C. Morphett, Mr. Lay-cock (the contractor). Messrs. Wooldridge and Sibley (the architects), Mr. Vicars (the city surveyor), and others. Around the platform there was an enclosure, with rows of chairs on three sides.. These were occupied by pioneers and a number of influential citizens The Mayoress (Mrs Bruce) and Lady Way were among those m the front. Barriers were erected outside this enclosure to pre-vent a crush, and. the approach from King Wilham street on the north was guarded by a double file of men of the 10th A.I.R., under the command of Captain Medlyn, and boys belonging; to the cadets corps, under the command of Major Neale.The infantry and the cadets formed a guard of honor for his Excellency The, Governor arrived with his aide-de-camp (Captain Ryder) at 11 o'clock, and was preceded, by some ten minutes, by the Chief Justice and Lady Way The "Song of Australia." was played by the Military Band on the arrival of his Honor, and the National Anthem followed when his Excelency arrived.

The scene was not un worthy of the great Englishman who was uppermost in every-body's thoughts at that hour. The Aus-tralian States have parted with somewhat of the pomp and circumstances that are so muchh

in evidence at these gatherings jn.older lands, but the decorum, approaching al-most to [...ity], which marked the un-veiling [...] that the people of South Australia are by no means deficient in re-verence for the mighty dead. The pro-ceedings had the dignity of simplicity and earnestness. Silence, as was befitting pervaded the throng, and although notes of jubilation were uttered by the Military Band and the Town Hall bells, the domi-nant tone was one of sober reflection, such as comes... [....] amid the

hallowed association of some ancient

cathedral. In the presence of the truly great, silence is indeed golden, .... the most eloquent homage that can be paid

to a man's intrinsic worth. There are

times when applause is.... it strikes a dissonant chord... foun-der of Adelaide has long..... that title to lasting fame, which... the possessor of it independent.... plause.

The Speeches

The Mayor.said he regretted extremely that they were not to have the benefit of an oration from the Chief Justice. Un-fortunately his Honor's time was so much taken up with the official duties' that*, he

found it impossible to accede to the wishes . of the committee. During the year 1891 the fact was brought very forcibly-before

the public of Adelaide that the old monu-ment erected in Light-square was showing signs of decay, and many were the sugges-tions as to how Colonel Light's memory should be perpetuated^ in something more substantial and enduring than 'sándstone, The first meeting was held in theTown Hall, Adelaide, on Friday. January 15, .1892.

and was presided over by Mr. F.W. Bul-lock, who was appointed chairman of the committee, the late Sir Henry Ayers being appointed hon. treasurer, and the town

clerk of Adelaide, the late Mr. Worsnop, hon. secretary. He was pleased to note that three members of the first committee. Messrs. Aldermen Johnson and Wells, and

Councillor Sellar, were in the City Council ' at the present time. At that meeting are solution was carried:-"That the meeting

considers it is desirable to perpetuate the -memory of the late Colonel Light, founder

of the City of Adelaide, by the erection of , some substantial monument in the?ity for that purpose." During the'ensuing twelve months twelve meetings were held, and the

question was brought before "the City^Toun^.; eil, with a request that they, should contri- " bute to the fund, and they at once pro-

mised to donate £500. The citizens re-

sponded to tlie extent of £363,' and a de- ' putation was arranged to wait on. ina then Chief Secretary. Sir John Downer, on

November 7, 1892, and Sir John Downer ' generously promised that the Government would subscribe to the extent of,. £1,000. During 1892 the committee received various

designs for the statue, and at a meeting held on November 25, 1892, they passed resolution as follows:-"That the commit-tee are not satisfied with any of the de-signs sent in, and that new designs be in-vited." During the year 1893 eight meet-ings were held, with Mr C Willcox (the Mayor) as chairman. On April 7. 23 new designs and three models were received, and at a meeting held on April 14 Mr. E. J. Woods, architect, and Mr. H. P. Gil director of the School of Arts, were ap-pointed judges of the designs and models sent in. On April 20 the judges reported That they were of opinion none of the de-signs could be executed for the amount Stipulated by the committee; also that the best statue was sent in by Mr Percival Hall, and they expressed regret that this gentleman's work was entered "not for competition." The Government at this time seemed to have regretted the promise they made to place the sum of £1,000 on the Estimates tor that year, as they in-formed the chairman they could not hand it over. Interest in the movement seemed then to have languished, and during 1894 only one meeting was held. No further meetings of the committee were held until July 20, 1897, when the appointment of Messrs. F. W. Bullock, and J. Fisher as joint trea-surers was made in place of the tate Sir Henry Ayers. At the same meeting it was resolved "that the Mayor be requested to bring under the notice of the City Council the desirableness of renewing the promise of a

£500 donation, and that in the event of the council agreeing to the proposition ac-tive .steps be at once taken by the committ-tee in order to carry out the original de-sign." It was also decided that the Govern

ment should be urged to add pound fo pound to the subscription raised. No fur-ther meetings were recorded from 1897 unti June 8, 1900, when Mr. Bullock, the joint treasurer, asked that he might be relieved of his duties, but the committee prevailed

upon him to remain in office. On July 30, 1901, the committee decided to wait as a deputation on the Premier and request the Government to place an amount on the Estimates for the purpose of erecting a suitable monument to Colonel Light. The .deputation waited on the Government on August 9, and the Premier promised to place the matter before his colleagues. No-thing further was done in the movement

until September 18, 1903, when a deputa-tion, consisting of the members of the Ade-

laide Citv Council waited on the Chief Sec-retary, with a request that the Government would renew the promise made by a pre-vious Ministry to contribute £1,000 towards

the fund. This the Government subse-quently promised to do, and the contribu-tion was paid into the fund in January

1905, and at the.same time the City Coun-cil paid in their contribution of £500. At a meeting of the committee held on February 24, 1904, the funds in the hands

. of the treasurers were handed over to the

corporation on the understanding that they should be, ear-marked for the purpose of the erection of a monument to Colonel Light, and that two nominees from the subscribers and two from the Government should, be

selected to co-operate with the committee appointed by the council. At a meeting of the" subscribers held on March 9. 1904

Sir E. T. Smith and Mr. R. K. Thomas were appointed to represent the subscribers and the Government appointed Messrs L. H. Sholl and C.E. Owen Smyth, while the City Council appointed the Mayor, Alder

men Vardon and Wells and Councillors Baker, Bonython, Cox, Myers, Ponder, and Pullin. On April 12, 1904, this committee

appointed a sub-committee, consisting ol the Mavor, Aldermen Vardon and Wells, Sir E. T. Smith, Messrs. K. K. Thomas, C. . E. Owen Smyth, and L. H. Sholl, and the

town clerk (Mr. Ellery) to take the whole matter into consideration and arrange for calling for designs. At the meeting of the sub-committee on April 26, 1904, the site for the statue of Colonel Light was' fixed in Kong William-street at its present position, and it was also directed that a monument be erected to mark the resting place of Colonel Light in Light-square. The City Council agreed to this on May 9, 1904, and designs for the monument were ex-amined by the committee, and that submit-ted by Mr. Jackman selected. This monu-ment was erected in Light-square, and un-veiled on June 21, 1905. At a meetmg of the general committee on December 23, 1904, Mr. Birnie Rhind's model was selected for the statue, and Messrs. Garlick, Sibtey, and Wooldridge were commissioned to pre-pare the pedestal. The sub-committee which had previously earned out the ar-rangements for the memorial in Light-square was reappointed to arrange .details in connection with the erection of

the statue, the cost of which was £1,000, whilst the pedestal cost £510. In February last an appeal was made by himself (Mr Bruce, as chairman of the committee, for additional subscriptions to she fund, with

the result that £258 13/- was received by 'the committee. Turning to discuss the career of Colonel Light, Mr Bruce re-marked that during the nineteenth century there were many prominent names con-nected wit empire-building by the British nationa in all parts of the world. There were the names of Clive, Hastings, Sir John McDonald, Cecil Rhodes, and others, but few names stood higher, at any rate in South Australia, than the

revered and respected name of Colonel Light. His Worship proceeded to give an outline of Colonel Light's life, and said he considered the people of South Australia ought to be very grateful to Colonel Light for his determination to locate the citv on the site it now occupied In his opinion Adelaide was better laid out than any city in Australasia, and better, perhaps," than any city in the world. To work so admirably begun by Colonel Light and his colleagues had been worthily car-ried on through the efforts and persever-ance of a noble band of pioneers, some of whom they were pleased to welcome at that ceremony. It might_not be generally known, but it was nevertheless a fact, that Adelaide was the first city in Australasia to have a corporation. On October 31, in 1840, the first election for the first City Council of Adelaide took place. Its first mayor was the late Sir James Hurtle Fisher, whose sons might be worthily looked upon as pioneer pastoralists, not only in this State, but in. northern Queensland land-. Sir J. H. Pisher had with him as aldermen Mr. A. H. Davis, Mr. Matthew Smily, and Mr. George Stephenson. Those were the days of small things, and the salaries paid were not such as would find acceptance with the official staff of the Cit Council at the present day. The first city treasurer was the late respected Sir John Morphett, for many years the.Presi-dent of the Legislative Council, whose son, Mr. J. C. Morphett, was with them that day. It was rather amusing to notice from the historian of that time that Sir John deposited as security for the due ful-filment of his duties grants of town acre Nos. 630, 660, and 663, which to-day had an approximate value of £5,000. That was not bad security for a gentleman who was re-ceiving the munificent salary of £52 10/ 'per annum. The late Sir George Strickland Kingston, many years Speaker of the House of Assembly, was appointed surveyor and collector, and he was sure that had his health permitted Mr. C.C. Kingston, his son, would have attended the unveiling ceremony. Having secured an Englishman as treasurer and an Irishman as surveyor, he supposed the council thought it would be a wise thing to introduce among its officers one possessing a little of that caution which wis said to be a strong characteristic of tiic Scot. Therefore they elected to the posi-tion of town clerk the late Mr David Spence, to whom they were indebted, not only for the careful manner in which he watched over the interests of the young municipality, but for the fact that he left behind him in the person of Miss Catherine Spence, a lady who for many years had

worked in the interests of common humanity, and had given an immense amount of time to the unravelling of social problems for the benefit and uplifting of the poorer sec-tion of the community. In concluding, the Mayor asked the Governor, on behalf of the citizens of Adelaide and the public of South Australia, to unveil tne statue of him who, under the ogis of the Southern Cross, founded a city in which, as loyal subjects of King Edward and members oí the great British Empire, they had found happy, contented, and peaceful homes.


The Governor's Address.

His Excellency said:-On the-last occa-sion when I was asked to perform the cere-mony of unveiling a statue it was in memory of those who had carried the honor of Australia, and who carried their lives also, and laid them down in a distant land in defence of the Empire. (Cheers.) On the present occasion we are met here to do

honor to one who brought honor to South Australia, and found his last home with us. The speech of the Mayor and the beau-tifully written articles which you have read in the newspapers of to-day have left me very little to say. It would only be taking up your time unnecessarily if I were to say much on the subject of Colonel Light's life.

It struck me that he possessed in a re-markable way the grandest combination of professions that England or any other part of the Empire can produce-he was .a sailor, a soldier and a civil servant. {Cheers!) He was a man of courage, with acknow-ledge of his .profession to the smallest de-

tail. He had courage as a sailor, courage

as a soldier, and courage as a civil servant. When he knew he was right nothing could make him waver. It is due only to Colonle Light's great strength of principle that we are met here to-day, and'not''somewhere else less suitable. Colonel Light only wavered once, when pressure was brought to bear upon him by those in the highest authority. His judgment' was questioned, and for once he wavered, and went down with the Goverrior to select a site for the City of Adelaide nearer the sea. But his unerring use knowledge of engineering told him that it was not suitable, because, in case of flood, the Torrens would over-flow and inundate the city. ' He, therefore went back to the site he had at first selected. (Cheers.) It was an unfortunate thing that he was not al-lowed to carry out his first wish, and this only illustrates a lesson which England has never Iearned, and which I do not think she ever will. I hope, however, that Aus-tralia will learn it by force of example. To interfere with the man on the spot is a most fatal blunder. (Cheers.) Colonel Light was a man above all others to be

trused, and he should never have been interfered with. It was an unfortunate moment when it was decided to staid Sir George Kingston to England in connec-tion with the survey. He came back with the instructions that they were to be done in a certain way, and thal if Coluni Light did not obey the instructions Si George Kingston should supersede him. And that killed Colonel Light. But we do no wish to recollect the unhappy features to-day. I wish Colonel Light were here to day and could contrast the present posi-tion of Adelaide with what it was in his day, thanks to the Mayor and

the corporation, and their predecessors in office. (Cheers.) They have all done much, to add to the natural beauties of the city and have carried out works which I

believe would bave been in accordance with Colonel Light's wishes. Adelaide's first Surveyor-General could have drawn them a picture of the city as it was 70 years ago. There were 50 houses, a hun-dred huts, and a population of 250 people. To-day I believe the population is 40,000 In cannot tell you the number of houses, but I believe the assessed value i close upon half a million sterling, exclud ing the suburbs. Our municipal treasury is an overflowing one. There was a time in the earliest days of the city, however when the treasurer had to keep his safe 'in a tent, watched over at night by a drunken marine. (Laughter.) The first treasurer remarked once that it would not be of much consequence if the safe was robbed because it only contained eighteen pence. (Renewed laughter.) .What a. con-trast to the present position! A beautiful healthy city - healthy because if its being laid out by that splendid surveyor, Colonel Light. (Cheers.) The parklands, which separate the city from its pretty suburbs all make for health and wealth. If Colonel Light could see all this I know he would pronounce that it is good. (Cheers.) I am greatly pleased to see so many of the old pioneers here. Many of them, I be-lieve, were contemporaries of Colonel Light (A voice-"I have seen him, sir.") Well we envy you. sir.- (Cheers.) We are ali sorry - and particularly the old pioneers - because of the absence of one who would have been a most honored member of our audience. I refer to our late beloved Dean Marryat-(hear, hear)-who passed away a short time ago. I feel proud of the dis-tinction that has been accorded me by be-ing asked to unveil this statue to-day, and I feel honored because of the position I hold among you. Were it not for the accident that the appointment was already given away to that gallant sailor, Captain Hindmarsh-after wards Governor Hindmarsh-the ceremony

to-day would b*e the unveiling^ of a statue

of Colonel Light, the first Governor of South Australia. (Cheers.) As founder of Adelaide, his name wDl live from géné-ration to generation, and never be forgot-ten. (Lcud cheers.)

« The Statue- Unveiled.

The large assemblage then rose and uncovered their heads.

HisExcellency, removing the veil from the statue, said-"In the name.of the King and on behalf of the State of South ,Aus tralia, I unveil this statue of the founder of Adelaide."

The Governor called for cheers for the King, Colonel Light, and Adelaide, and the response was loud an'd enthusiastic.

At the instance of Sir Samuel Way cheers were also given for the Governor. .

His Excellency, addressing the Mayor, concluded by saying-"I ask you to accept this statue, and keep it in the safe care of the Corporation of the city of A«ielaide for ever." (Cheers.)

The Mayor, on behalf of the citizens, ac-cepted the statue. ,

Thanking the Committee.

The Premier moved a vote of thanks to the Colonel Light Memorial Committee for having tarried out the work entrusted t£them. He understood the executive com-mittee consisted of the Mayor, Councillor Bonython, the Superintendent of Public Buildings (Mr. C. Owen Smyth), Mr. R. K. Thomas, and Mr. H. P. Gill, and that the other members of the committee were Sir E. T. Smith /Aldermen Downs, Johnson, and Wells, Councillors Baker, Myers, Pul-len, and Sellar, the Under-Secretary (Mr. L. H. Sholl), the Hon. J. Lewis, and the town clerk (Mr. T. G. Ellery), who acted as secretary. Their warmest thanks were

due to the committee for the admirable. manner m which they had carried out their

onerous duties. They "bad done splendidly ¡ with the money* at their disposal-an amount of £2,000, half of which was a sub-sidy from the Government, £500 from the

City Corporation, an'd the balance from pri- [ vate subscriptions. With that the cbm-1 mittee first erected a monument in Light square, and with the balance of the money tbey had erected the statue in the centre of

the city. They had pleasure in expressing I to the committee their appreciation of their labors and entire satisfaction with their work. They w«îre there that day to de-

clare without a dissentient voice Jill honor '.

to Colonel Light. , That he deserved all the j honor they could give him was clearly mani-fest from the history of the city. The letter of instructions from the Commis-

sioners, dated March 9, 1836, showed how ' I completely the responsibility of selecting the site for the city was left to .Colonel Light.

Paragraph 15 read-"Although the Commis-sioners leave the deci^on of this important question entirely, in your hands, it is Uicir desire that should his Excellency the Go vemor arrive sufficiently early in Uic colonr you will rnnfer willi him on the .subject, an,| pay duo regard to his opinion and sug-gestion«, without however yielding to any influence -which will have the ..iïc'ct of divcsLitig you in any wjy of the whole ic sponsibility of the decision. 'Hie Commis-

sioners think they; may also assist you In-stating the grounds on which they eoncuivo your decision ought lo rest. The Commissioners ¡ire of opinion that the best site for the first town will be that which combines in ihc highest dcgic« the following advantages:-'1. A commodious harbor, safe and accessible at all seasons of the year. 2. A considerable tract of fer-tile rand immediately adjoining. 3. An abundant supply of fresh ««ter. 4. Facili-ties for internal communication. 5. Facili-ties »for communication with other parts. 6. Distance from the limits of the colony QB a means of avoiding interference frpm % itb out in the* principle of colonisation. 7. The neighborhood ol' extensive sheep-wulks.' The above are of primary importance. '8. A supply of building materials, a.s timber, stone, or brick, earth, and lime. 9. Facili-ties for drainage. 10. Coal.' " How fully and completely the city of Adelaide com-bined all these advantages, except coal, everyone there was prepared to testify. To use Colonel Light's own words, "The geo-graphical, position of the present site tan not be disputed, except by those who arc determined to find fault and raise clamor from motives too contemptible to tk'nk of. The greater quantity of good land, good sheep-walks, good fresh water, a good harbor, best line of communication with the Murray, and the frequent s h owen we saw on the Mount Lofty Range, even in the months of November and December, gave me certain proof that here we stood in no fear of these droughts so much complained of in New Holland-these wÄe my reasons for selecting this spot~as the best that could be found. This will, I am sure, be one of the finest plains in the world." Colonel Light went on to, say: -"Deeply feeling the importance of the trust imposed upon me by the Commis-sioners when they confided solely to me the task of selecting a site for the capital of this province; and feeling yet more the fact that the well-being of thousands Io now connected with, and may, in a great measure, depend, upon the correctness of the decision I then made, I am anxious, if possible, to convince the Commissioners and the public that; I endeavored scrupu-lously to do my duty, and that my ' exer-tions have been conscientiously directed to the. good of the colony." Colonel Light was a brave soldier who won distinction under Wellington. They would, he was sure, agree with him that "Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war,", and that his selection of the site of the City of Adelaide was a brilliant victory of genius; its development into beautiful Adelaide a victory of peace, which conferred as much-if not more-honor than his dis-tinguished military services ,on. the Penin-sula. The correspondence of the time wis generally very adverse to Colonel Light's selection of the site for Adelaide. The dis-

tance from the sea was urged as a fatal ob-jection. The cry was raised, "Bring the ship to our doors." One letter, emanating from high quarters, said, "Adelaide may be chosen, we may erect houses, and commence canals to'connect it with the sea, and some fine morning may bring us the news that al Encounter Bay, or Boston Bay, or at Point Drummond, or in Spencer's Gulf a splendid haibor, with abundance of fine land, has been discovered. What then becomes of Adelaide?" Colonel Light's reply was: "In my opinion, neither the fineness of the morning, nor such a discovery, would affect the increase and prosperity of the present site." And in reply to the further ques-tion-"Will its being the seat of Govern-ment save it?"-the gallant colonel's answer was, "Most certainly, with the ad-vantages it possesses, and provided the Go-vernment is good." If Colonel Light could rise from his grave he would say that Ade-laide was now certainly the success he fore-saw, as every aspiration of his -even that referring to the Government - was abundantly satisfied. There could be no more fitting date tor the unveiling of this statue than November 27, for it was exactly 70 years ago that Colonel Light practically decided-notwith-standing all opposition-to adopt the pre 'sent site for the City of Adelaide. On November 24,1836, Colonel Light went from the Port River to Holdfast Bay, and there received a most favorable report from Mr. Kingston on the country on the Adelaide Plains,' and having already, from his own personal examination, almost made up his mind to fix the site where it now was, "b4 came to the definite conclusion on NoVeih1 ber 25, 70 years ago, that "this shouIdybe the capital town of South Australian It was only right that they should remember that he received yeoman- service from Mr. Kingston, the assistant Surveyor-General, afterwards Sir George Kingston, the father of the Right Honorable C. C. Kingston, from Mr. B. T. Knniss, who was Assistant Surveyor, and whose son he was pleased to see there that day. Colonel Light also mentioned the names of Mr. Neale, an as-sistant surveyor, as assisting in the city survey, and there were two other

assistant surveyors, Mc««T. Hardy anr Cannan. Novemlicr should «rvcr be re incmbcrcd ae "'i rcd-lcttcr «lay in the Iris tory'ii South Aunírali.i. It was in almost liiccibclv .such a Novetubcr at. they had hail tliiH year Uuit Cnlonet Light, by s stroke of genius, pik-hol upon uboolntelj the best upai in South Australia for its capital. Singularly enough, he was some what guided in his «.'lection by the fact that from November 11 to Ntwcmber 2C there WHS a siicecsskm of galios and thun-derstorms, fuul he recorded in his diary hif Kurprfce and delight, at finding such wintrj weather at this time of the y«?ar. The actual pegging-out of the street* and allot-ments wa« commenced on January 11, was completed on March 10, and on Mareil 93, 1837. the pureliascrs took possession of theil block.»-. There were no doubt present with them that day many old colonists and their cons and daughters, who could readily feel the greatest pri«lc and satisfaction at this recognition, tardy though it had been, of Colonel Light, and his splendid service to South Australia, in the honor of which, in a secondary degree, perhaps, PO many of them deserved to filiare. He had much pleasure in moving "That our very hearty and best thanks arc given to the committee for so successfully and so satisfactorily carrying out the work entrusted to them."

Mr. Joseph Fiehm- bad great pleasure in seconding the motion. It was fitting that he should take part in the proceedings, be-cause he had seen Colonel Light. (Voices -"»So have I.") He was one of the few left who saw {he funeral of the colonel in the middle of the scpaare that bore Colonel Light', and he was also present at the laying of the foundation-stone and the unveiling of the old monument. Another reason why it was appropriate that he should be there was that he served on the first committee formed, to bring about the present statue, and he had acted as joint treasurer with Mr. F. W. Bullock after the death of Sir Henry Ayers. The committee tried for years to get the Goviîrnment and the City Council to produce their promised contributions to enable them to secure the statue. Year after year they tried with-out result, and then with Mr. Bullock he threw up the sponge and handel over the affaire to the committee who had brought the scheme to a successful issue. The site selected by Colonel Light was a wonderful instance of foresight, almost amounting to inspiration, because the work was performed under great difficulties, as the plains were all covered with' trees, at that time. . If Colonel Light could now see th°. fine city, with its magnificent streets and buildings, he would be lost in admiration. He would like to remind them that there were other colonists whose eminent services were de-serving of recognition, and in the forefront of these ranks were the names of the late Sir E. R. .Torrens, the originator of the Beal Property Act, and Mr. Ridley, the in-ventor of the reaping machine, whose work had been of inretimable value to the State.

Sir S: J. Way said Adelaide was nowin possession of a statue of its founder, which those present who knew him in the flesh could testify was a lifelike presentment of the man, and it was equally successful as a work of art. He thought they ought to carry a vote of thanks to the Mayor and members of the committee for the good work they had done.

The suggestion was given effect to with


Mr. R. Kyffin Thomas, in acknowledging the vote of thanks on behalf of the execu-tive committee, said he and his colleagues felt amply rewarded for their labors by the knowledge that they had been the means of enabling the city to possess such a noble monument. The present committee could not take the whole- of the credit, as they bad been preceded by others, who had worked hard and collijcted a large amount

of money.

At the instance of the Governor, cheers were given for the King, the sculptor (Mr. Birnie Rhind), and the Mayor, and at the suggestion of the Chief Justice cheers were given for the Governor.

His Excellency returned thanks and asked for a half-holiday for the boys who had formed the guard of honor. »

The proceedings then terminated.

The Pioneers Invited.

The following is a list of the pioneers who arrived in the State before the year 1845 who were invited, and most of them were present:— Mr. Witherick, Waymouth-street, in State prior to 1845; Mrs. Greer, 71, Hurtle-square, born in State prior to 1845; Mr. Richard Parkyn, 138, Wright street, arrived in 1839 in Cleveland; Mrs. H. Mantegani, Archer-street, North Ade-laide, arrived in 1836 in Africaine; Richard Martin, Payneham, arrived in 1840 in Lysander; Mrs. Millicent Rone, Payneham, arrived in 1844 in Canton; Mrs. J. Smith, Fulham, arrived in 1840; Mr. W. J. S. Stacy, Mount Lofty station post-office, ar-rived in 1839 in Anna Robinson; Mrs. W. J. S. Stacy, Mount Lofty station post-office, arrived in 1840; Thomas Peirce, 18, Blackburn-street, arrived in 1839 in Singapore; Mr. Thomas Neill, Fitzroy, arrived in 1839 in Recovery; Mrs. Thomas Neill, Fitzroy, arrived in 1840 in Charles Kerr; David Nock, Glenelg, arrived in 1841; Mr. George Goldsack, Hutt-street, arrived in 1844; Mr. W. Douglas, Salisbury, Mrs. McNicol, sen., Salisbury, and Mrs. Grant, Buxton-street, North Adelaide, arrived in

1838 in Pestongee Bomangee; Mrs. George Goldsack, Hutt-streef, born in State in 1841; Mrs. Lydia Cross, Parkside South, arrived in 1838 in Royal Admiral; Mr. J. Chittleborough, Hindmarsh, arrived in 1836; Thomas Day, Keswick, arrived in 1840; Mrs. Emma Brown, Hindmarsh, ar-rived in 1837; James Beames, arrived in 1840 in Fairlie; Henry Edwards, Unley road, arrived in 1839 in Delhi; Mr. W. M. Edge, Norwood, arrived in 1839 in Duchess of Northumberland; John R. Chapman, sen., Prospect, arrived in 1838 in Pharsee; Mr. George R. Hughes, North Unley, arrived in 1840; Mrs. Susan Andrews, Norwood, arrived in 1845 in Canton; John Shepherd, Goodwood, arrived in 1843 in Francis Spaight; Mr. R. H. H. Brown, Kent Town, arrived in 1841; Mr. S. J. Swann, Salisbury, arrived in 1844 in Joseph Albino; Mr. and Mrs. William Burford, Glenelg, born in South Australia prior to 1845; Mr. William Biggs, Bowden, arrived in 1839 in Resource; Mrs. J. V. Backhouse, Fitzroy, arrived in 1840 in Fairfield; Mr. Henry Hamp, Semaphore, arrived in 1838 in Duke Roxburgh; Mr. J. J. Earle, Payneham, born in South Australia prior to 1845; Mrs. R. Norman, New Thebarton, arrived in 1837 in Navarino; Mrs. Phoebe Greig, Crystal Brook, born in South Australia in 1841; Mr. H. Burford, Yacka, born in South Australia in 1843; Mr. W. Pedler, Salisbury, arrived in 1838 in Royal Admiral; Mr. W. A. Du Rieu, Semaphore, arrived in 1839 in Planter; Mr. T. G. Haddrick. Glenelg, arrived in 1839 in Resource; Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, North-East-road, in State in 1845; Mrs. S. E. Graham, Pennington-terrace, in State in 1845; Mrs. C. Stace, Finniss-street, in State in 1845; Mrs. E. Barlow, Parkside, arrived in 1840 in Eliza; Mr. William Latta, sen., Norwood, arrived in 1839; Mrs. Wil-liam Latta, Norwood, arrived in 1840; Mr. Robert Forrester, James-street, arrived in 1840 in Dauntless; Mrs. Margaret Patterson Graham, Strathalbyn, arrived in 1840 in Dauntless; Mrs. S. J. Walton, Walkerville, arrived in 1838 in Henry Porcher; Mr. Robert Tomkins, Bowden, arrived in 1838 in Eden; Mrs. Martha Kingsley, Nails-worth, arrived in 1839 in Bucking-hamshire; Mr. H. Wilkins, Parkside, born in South Australia in 1837; Mrs. Hyde, Port Adelaide, in State in 1840; Mr. Arthur Hardy, Glenelg, arrived in 1839; Mrs. S. H. Stephens, Norwood, arrived in 1840 in Java; Mr. G. F. Sparshott, Welling-ton-square, born in South Australia, 1840; Mr. George E. Roberts, Grote-street, born in South Australia, 1843; Mrs. George E. Roberts, Grote-street, born in South Aus-tralia, 1842; Mrs. M. A. Stratton, North Unley, arrived in 1839; Mrs. John Hill, Prospect, arrived in 1840 in Lysander; Miss Hancock, Prospect, arriyed in 1840 in Lysander; Mrs. George Cooper, Plympton, born in Smith Australia in 1842; Mrs. Joan Kernot, Magill, arrived in 1841 in the Siam; Mrs. Hosken, Clarence Park, arrived in 1836 in Buffalo; Mr. Hugh McCallum, Ful-larton, born in South Australia in 1841; Mr. D. Wickham, Parkside, arrived in 1836 in African; D. H. H. Weir, Adelaide, ar-rived in 1839 in Prince Regent; Mrs. E. Wadmore, Marryatville, arrived in 1840 in Fairfield; Mr. B. Chaston, Southwark, ar-rived in 1838 in Eden; Mr. G. W. Hill, Salisbury, arrived in 1839; Mr. Johnson Jeffries, Salisbury, arrived in 1840; Mrs. Mary Nimmo, Carrington-street, born in State prior to 1845; Mrs. E. Lazar, Wright-street, arrived in 1839 in Buckinghamshire; Misses Mary and Elizabeth Peirce, Elgin, arrived in 1839 in Singapore: Mrs. W. Hewish, Field-street, born in State in 1844; Mr. A. M. Wooldridge, Hyde Park, born in State prior to 1845; Mr. J. N. Perry, Pirie-street, arrived in 1839 in Asia; Mr. R. Perry St Peters, born in State in 1842; Mr. C. Pratt, Flinders-street, arrived in 1838 in D'Auvern; Mrs. E. Putland, Nor-wood, arrived in 1840 in Eliza; Mr. H. Crabb, O'Connell-strest, North Ade-laide, arrived in 1840 in Java; Mr. John Burgess, Magill, arrived in 1840 in Fairleay; Mr. N. T. Morris, Kapunda, arrived in 1836 in Buffalo; Mr. T. Wiggins, Salisbury, ar-rived in 1837; Mr. Joseph Smith, Stockport, arrived in 1839 in Singapore; Mrs. Joseph Smith, Stockport, arrived in 1839 in Duchess of Northumberland; Mrs. G. Vincent, Nor-wood, arrived in 1840 in Royal Admiral; Mrs. E. Winzer, Norwood, arrived in 1840 in Royal Admiral; Mr. J. Austin, Sturt-street, arrived in 1839 in Buckinghamshire; Mr. J. Battersby, West Hindmarsh, ar-rived in 1838 in Prince George; Mr. J. B. Stodart, New Parkside, arrived in 1839 in Palmarra; Mr. C. F. Folland, sen., Enfield, in State prior to 1845; Mrs. Ellen Williams, Enfield, born in South Australia in 1840; Mrs. S. L. Phillips, Melbourne-street, arrived in 1839 in Singapore; Mr. J. S. Anthony, Malvern, bom in State in 1841; Mr. W. H. Holmes, Henley Beach, arrived in 1839; Mr. George Fishlock, Oak-bank, arrived in 1839 in Hoogley; Mr. John Yeates, Oakbank, arrived in 1854 in Lord Raglan; Mr. Charles Smith, Oakbank, ar-rived in 1843 in The Mariner; Mr. H. B. Wickham, Woodville, arrived in 1840; Mrs. Margaret Aughey, Hutt-street, arrived in 1837 in Navarino; Edward Macklin, Darlington, arrived in 1840 in Lysander; J. P. Swann, Salisbury, arrived in 1844 in Joseph Albino; Mrs. G. Ragless, sen., Edwardstown, arrived in 1844 in Joseph Albino; Mrs. D. Kekwick, sen., North-Adelaide, arrived in 1841 in Cygnet; William D. Bottomley, Croydon, in State

prior to 1845; Mrs. Alice Bottomley, Croy-don, in State prior to 1845; Thomas Cragen,

Grange, in State prior to 1845; T. J. S. O'Halloran, Childers-street, North Ade-laide; arrived in 1838 in Ragasthan; John Ottaway, sen., Birkenhead, arrived in 1838; William Hay, Frederick-place, North Ade-laide, arrived in 1838; Mrs. G. T. Eardley, Hindmarsh, arrived in 1839 in Moffat; W. L. Beare, Glenelg, arrived in 1838 in Duke of York; George Scrymgour, Adelaide, ar-rived in 1838 in Ganges; P. F. Laffer, Black-wood, arrived in 1840 in Morley; Peter Whitington, Audit Office, in State in 1845; G. G. Breaker, Unley, arrived in 1836 in Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. J. Fox Mellor, Ful-lam, born in South Australia in 1841; Henry Marpas, Willunga, arrived in 1840 in Lysander; W. H. Ayliffe, Brighton, born in 1844; Mrs. George Foreman, man, Southwark, arrived in 1839; Mrs. G. Mugg, Goodwood, arrived in 1837 in John Renwick; Miss Rogers, Magill, ar-rived in 1839 in Platina; Robert Hall, Ade-laide, born in 1842; Edward Hall, Adelaide, arrived in 1840 in Baboo; Mrs. E. M. Edwards, Wayville, born in 1842; Mrs. M. A. Childs, Parkside, arrived in 1840 in Fairlie; Charles Drummond, Kent Town, arrived in 1839 in Sir Charles Forbes; J. B. Adamson, Unley, arrived in 1839 in Recovery; C. P. Stow, Prospect, arrived in 1837 in Hartley; Mrs. F. E. Abbott, Kensington, arrived in 1840 in Rajahstan; Mrs. E. S. Green, North Adelaide, arrived in 1845; T. Cornish, St. Peters, arrived in 1840 in Brightman; Mrs. J. W. Wilder, Franklin-street, arrived in 1839 in Ganges; F. Frost, Adelaide, arrived in 1839 in Asia; Mrs. McLachlan, Port Ade-laide, arrived in 1842; W. Newland, Wood-ville, arrived in 1839 in Sir Charles Forbes; Mrs. C. Opie, Little Adelaide, arrived in 1839 in Surge; Mr. W. G. C. Cole, Grange, arrived in 1839 in Lysander; H. Shearing, Marion, arrived in 1839 in Buckingham-shire; John Minchin, Eastwood, born in 1840; Mr. and Mrs. James Fox Mellor, North Adelaide, born in 1841; Mrs. Grif-fiths and Mrs. Smith, Adelaide; ar-rived in 1839; Charles B. Powell, Coromandel Valley, born in 1840; Mrs. B. Sanders, Mount Barker, arrived in 1845; Mr. B. Sanders, Mount Barker, arrived in 1844; W. S. C. Collins, Maylands, arrived in 1837; Mrs. S. A. Willoughby, Churchill-street, born in 1836.