Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Saturday 28 September 1907, page 8


; At the meeting of^ the'..Glenelg'To' Conned on Fnday evening the Mayp^J H, ¡W. Varley) i «poke-feelingly oñ,ü}e,mc position of the Premier. /Whihvhe 1; held the position of,maypr he had feeeii from Mr. Pnce great assistance and c< sideration m all mattera concerning the w fare of Glenelg < It becoming the part of the council to'pass'a résolut! regretting Mr. Price's jllness, and hopi that he would speeo-ty* be restored

health, f A motion jto the effect, waa ¡ corehngly pasáed un_iUmou8ly_'^ y ,/*

The Bishop of Ckrpemtariâ* (Dr. Gilbe White) arrivôd-on Fnday by the Melbour express. ¿*He*wa_ met» at tie stationl the Rev. W. S. ThomaspW behalTo-t Bishop of^delâîde^ana|tK_ Kev. W.

M Murphy.^ DrwJVnitè, who, ia -trying Bishop's Court, ir-feuffering" .rom a tseve

***' \ __L .JM "L. Sttiu'î-Và

Mr. A. Williams, the Director of- Edut -tion, is still' m Auîenca] but it is undi stood that he* contem.latc.1 returning'

lägl&id^ before coming -tófc-to Adelai instead .f;traveIlmg^home from thev Unit Stateà by the Faeafit. _oute. ^-Wj[Affêt *".l Education -Conference far--Loddon Mr.SW barns' investigations Were touch1 interferí with by the school* balidAys, ¡atídafros éo nuscd. that he is* going back"to' ^compte bia .enquiñes, and W-D therefore return 1 the Sjies. Canal toute. ?*> **. - - * * ¡^ > '<

The announcement of the death of Mr. Joseph Fisher, which occurred at his resi-dence, Fullarton on Thursday evening Ti. 'receivedwith general regret? Mr^iM« w'ho was one^of tho best-kljown and moe wridély-íespected Tmsiness men ifa. Adejaid was o_e of the old pioneers .f South*Au traba ^ In 1857'the deceased marrie^TM* Farrar,^ a daughter1 io. a 3íelt)oúnie"^me éhant, afcd m that year he ôettled'doWn^ "Woodfield," Fullarton, where ie had sim resided, j Ile was born at Brighouse, Yor ahire/'on September 14,1834, and came 1 this State as a child with his parents, G vernor* Gawler travelling in* the saino ve sel Mr. Fisher remembered the time whe Adelaide was covered with trees and serul He received most of his education" at ti Oddfellows' School, over^which «the lai Mr. Jt W. Disher presided, 4 and in 1$

ho commenced work m the "mercantile o fice of the late Mr. Anthony Forster.1 I 1852 he made a abort trip to the Bendig goldfields /About that time Mr. Fish« joined the commercial department of ti "Register," and in/1853 that ¡journal wa purchased by a propnetary, m which Mi Fisher secured an interest. In 1865, whe he was head^of the commercial deparl ment,J he sold his interest to"" jMi John Howard Clark, afterwards editor c -the pa^er The deceased had visited Eng land on five occasions. He won a seat _ the House of Assembly as a repräsentativ of Sturt m 186? and ni 1872 became ; member of the Legislative Council, where hç remained for nine years He was i director pf the Bank of Adelaide for about 20" years and dunng some of that time was chairman. He had also been chairman ol the Port Adelaide Dry Dock Company, and of the Adelaide Manne Insurance Com-pany, while he-had «jccupied seats on4hc board of eiirectora of other large institu-tions. For nearly 25 years he was a'vicepresident of the S-A. Cricketing Associa-tion As a philanthropist Mr Fisher wag in the front rank, and one of his most re-cent acts of chanty was a donation j of

£3,315 to vanoufl institiitions/^jaohiding the University of Adekudf-, ,i]_e Public Library Board, the hospital^ and benevo-

lent homes The body was cremated at the West-terrace Crematonum. on Fnday after-noon, and the bunal of the ashes will be conducted pnvately today. The coffin was made of solid oak. Dr. Jeffens conducted the service It was resolved at the meet-ing of the Sturt Cncket Club on Fnday to send a letter of condolence to Mrs Fisher. Mr Fisher was one of the trustees of the club. (

Mrs O'Loughbn, wife of the Commit sioner of Crown Lands (Hon. L. O'Lough-bn) is at presetat on a visit to' her sons, who are farming in the Pinnaroo' dtstnet.

, At the annual meeting of the South Aus-tralian Female Refuge on Fnday Mr. G. W. Hawkes mentioned that lie was present at the first meeting, "'which was held 51 years ago. Few over 16'-years, MrJ Hawkes said, he waa hon. secretary, trea-surer, anil collector of the institution, and

he was afterwards chairman of the com mittee /

The funeral of Lady Morgan .was con-ducted on Fnday . morning and in-accord-ance with the wishes of the deceased her remains "were cremated. ¿The-^furnace waa lighted at _ o'clock in the monung and be-tween that hour and[lL45, when the coffin passed mto the crematonum, a.ton of'coko a*d half * ton oisstfi had "been consumed.

so that even the firebrick* of tha chamber had attained white heat. Th« result was that m 12 minutes nothing bntí ashes remained of tho solid oak casket and the body. The Rev. E. H. Jose, of Christ Church, read the burial service in th« chapel. » _ . ^

The Governor has been invited to attend the military ball m Moonta next Friday, evening. " ' >

Councillor Auld, of Norwood, v»ho íbi»

September 20 sustained a dislocation of tha ^ shoulder as the result of a collision between!^ his buggy and a tramcar in Rundlû-atretetji ^ 13 rapidly recovering from the injury,'and

hopes to be at business again on Monday. *

Mr. E. W. van Senden, Adelaid<v manager for Messrs. Dalgety & Co'/wo has for many years been'a ..buyer at tho wool sales, wielded the'hammer for bis firm

at the Wool Exchange-on sWednesoay^ifr# r van Senden proved himself as^capable^ * seller as he was a buyer,* and .was beartils } congratulated by Mr. ltv4BÍ ííf^amxC^an /, behalf of the buyers. 4 * *"" ». .? f}\'

Sir Lancelot Stirling, who presided r^ot^\ the half-yearly meeting of the South>*ATW«*

traban Brewing Company oniFriday/ó^rev^

ferred to the absence of'the/udiainnaárof/s directors (Mr. S. J. Jacobs). 'Ho^said^ that Mr. Jacob« was taking a holiday in? » Melboumo-for the sake of his health,'und. "< atthe request of the other members- of the board, had decided not to, returns to yAflei laide in. order to be present at that meeting. They all wished" him,» pleasant' holidayr

and hoped-the resfr LwouH''be«beneflciai^i*:4, Mr. Ri'B.^ Cuinúg7'accoinp«meaíb¿>jUxr/>K-. Cuming, was ar passenger by the Melbournaíyv

express on Fnday>aftéáu> ,Hà **tl£,rtíg£ tend the conference ^of^thé^Jfeder!ite^s| Chamber of Coimnerce''in-Melbourne xnexif^

month. 7 ; }. rs^^4

The Bey. J. Tait returned to Melbourne bjj^ the- express-on ^Fraáay, rit^^n.ti&i^Üaiijy bçen. attending the Presbyterian vfiâSfi^K Assembly., % > , , > _Z_&

>Mf. TV. H.'Campbell, secretary ïol'ïl$ùp Booyoolie Agricultural "Soeioty,'->í_ntígÍ^p amongst the oldest agricu]t_ral''_oci^yX'_cqi''i; relaries .nUhè _tatc£ _s*he]liM"atté¿aedtí<3QÍ tfic érjcretarial duties of tW'society toi^hë^) past 24'years. ^Hé ja ,alscí. trim^raéS-Co^A Laura, Clerk to theJDistne-iCóWeül'of^Rpo^

-n#ti;_ ___*_*«__ *» i-__'x>~.Jiü:- -___:"..**-&

. ¿Messrs. Gibber Bright, j* tCjívag^Jje^r. the Anglo-Australâiaan S Ni Company,' haye .îr been jiotified-that Cajptajn S(V.M. Orr^thcf^? maateç, of the steamer jPorfr-' Qhatoeip.^A died suddenly * of heart -disease^ re^entlfc ii l,whilst_tho vessel was Tying at .Flpabing^ a/á seaportiin the Netherlands^' Capfam^tOr^^' was held in hiiíhiesteemtby Jíessrs^^Mi|%í

burn &,Co. He W««e^o_ -»/ÏA most popular commanders and/-hadf,l>ecU;i"ft| with tbem,v'excëptf.or'a ver^éhW&éií&¿t

for over-,30yçars. .Heralso waa1 w& __¡pw&T¿ in slnpping,circlcs m Australia^ Hid, natne j$ wast prominently*" before the South ¿AuiKjy trakany_-ubjhc a .fefw montfaa?iigo,p.fieipj-}^p^ Port (^lme»^collided^witb1ithe/i^^4£S? the'Norma, at^ the", Sez|uphoK^finchojRige%ä and sustained 'm^omjuSm^t^SMb^^^r

gcneh-al opuamÄ W^dfctót, w»*[,t

should have beat., bet_atyïaarkedBfeihsr.«

aujhqrítes.4w ^ ;;" *7Jf<$£täT.%

_. ... .. ...._ Stirlingïwai^f4 has7epteredibiSiOöth'year. -iHTe.luu.iiilev.ty^ -used spectacles and^ never--'catehca!>eio|difX which« ho -.-attributes > io .-the "* fact thár^ in'.early riifc^ae.^hád to ttou&'fat^Wjk esplcmng ,c_mpai«r_!., îlr. ( G_tí Mis¿pVeredf ??. tb& Welcome Spnngs-on an'oceasio'n^wíi^t^ he üiad been witftopt- wate*1 f or ^tjirce days^.

Mr. William Jose died at his residence, / Moseley street, Glenelg, on Friday. The

deceased, who was in his eightieth year, was born in Cornwall, and arrived in South Australia in 1848. He engaged in agricul-tural pursuits till 1897, from which time he had lived a retired life at Glenelg. Mr.

Jose left a widow, six sons (Messrs W. H, and W. Jose of Western Australia; Messrs. G. and R. H. Jose, of Koolunga; Mr. T. Jose, of Port Pirie; and Mr. A. Jose, of Broken Hill) and four daughter (Mrs. Sandow, of Koolunga, and the thre

Misses Jose).

- ?" - ' - -Ç_s_f;ft?.

Mr.^ Jaraetf "rvlIli-msoíC a» "old c-tonï«i*£t eliedat Bowden on'Thursdayc'at thepago,^ of 83 years, -tfter \i í&gííl£_eai. ,* Mr.* Witfjhi liam*on^ad^emdedrini'I_ri-at-e.ti Bow^ ; den-on-t^^ P^Ä3W^Ä%^ "

lyearç be,.wa_aa the,_hçr^m^tBem^iga*

« __* "* ?* _L <__r__^"hrv_. ___-_-_______* ______ __..___N

K^tiôn^Churdi, ^o-left'a'widejWiMji%

»and a~S%öf^^dclül_feÄ|

Mr.rJtuítíce'0',06nn<«; intends;.^ pAy^g brief visit vto"England aMort-mmeaiateljjrí, 3 At a meeting of the Commoiiwe-lth^JExecu^V

iHfgh_. ..