Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), Saturday 6 May 1916, page 8

AMUSEMENTS Mhe star programsme at the Pr?incess 'Theatre will be subsuitted at the mnatinec to-day at 2.30, and lisally this evening at S o'clock Not Guilty," thie principal feature, in five acts, is 'by the Equitable Film Co., and canl be .id to eclipse their previous bast for emotiouala, pathetic, and at times tlhrilling scenes;. The 33rd episode of this wonderful and popular serial, "The Clutching Inmd," or "fomance .of Elaine," ranks with the best chapters to date. "Pathe's Gazette" amdl dr. Harry Julius' Cartoous, and two 1000ft. comedies, fill the 'bill. The Monday's change will scsaeu another triangle programume, the drama Lting 50011ft., entitled "Daphne and thle Pirate," and the comedy 3000ft., "M1y Valet." The remarkable 5000ft. occult photo. play "The Cowardly Way," produced with such success by the Equitable Coin. paony, is the feature of the 9000ft. programme to be screened at the luatinee and evening performances at the Aca. demy of Music to-day. An exceptional collection embraces also the Selig west. ern drama, "The Lucky Deal," "Pathe's Gazette," Harry Julius Cartoons, the war feature "Territorials at the Front," the comedy "Patent Pranks," and the diverting Billy Reeves farce-comedy "'Billy's Lucky Day." The present Nationaal Theatre programume, which will 'be shown at the matinee this afternoon, and again tonight, contains two superb attractions. These are "The Girl of the Golden Webt," a 5000ft. Lasky production of the famous opera, and "Get Ricll Quick Waoling. ford," an Australian 400ift. picture produced by the J. C. Willanmson moanage. ment. The cast, which is headed by Freod ,Niblo and Josephine Collins, is the same one which took Melbourne and Sydney by storm when Ohester's remarkalble comedy drama was first staged hi these cities. In "Get Rich Quick Wallingford" is told the story of thle rise and dall of a chernful American business buccaneer. "The Girl of the Golden West" is' a La-ky. O500 ft. version of the 'amnous opera, and the story is reproduced with wonderful fidelity and realism. The series, which will be finally shown to-night, contains over 11,000ft. of splendid pictures. Patrons are recom. ofended to renenber the matinee in order to avoid possible disappointment for to-night's screening. The Black and White Comedy Company xwill give its farewell performance this evening at the Mechanics' Hall. An attractive programme will be presented. The St. Joseph's Band nill commence their series of Sunday afternoon concerts in the City Park to-morrow at 3.30. The following programme will be rendered:--marcbh, "Light Cavalry;" selection, "Lucrezia Borgia;" cornet solo, "Until;" intermezzo, "Dream Thoughts;" selection, "Sullivan's Operas;" barcarolle, "The Tales of Hoffman;" march, '"The Veterans."